The County Ticket.
Democratic County Convention held in this village last Saturday, unanimously re-nominated
Hon. Stratton S. Knox, for the office of County Judge. There was not a
dissenting voice or a murmur of dissatisfaction with the action of the
convention. If the people are allowed to express their real sentiments at the
polls in November, they will ratify the nomination of a deserving officer by an
election, and in so doing they will show that they appreciate the services of
honest officials.
Judge Knox
has made the best Surrogate the county of Cortland has ever had. He has discharged
his duties without fear or favor, and to the entire satisfaction of all. His integrity
of purpose has never been, and could not be successfully assailed. He has never
allowed the question of politics to swerve him in the least in the discharge of
his duties, but all have been treated alike.
office should be entirely free from politics and it has been for the past six
years. Of course politicians might and probably would prefer to have the
Surrogate's office managed by a politician, but that which benefits the
politician, as a rule, does not help the common people. Their interests do not
run in the same channel and Judge Knox is entitled to the support of the
tax-payers and laboring men because he has discharged the duties of his office
with economy and fidelity.
prominent lawyer of this village said only a few days since, that he was
opposed to the re-election of Judge Knox for the reason that "at least
$10,000 in fees had been lost to the lawyers of this village within the past
six years, because Judge Knox had drawn all the papers in his court himself."
If Judge Knox has saved the people this large sum of money during the past six
years, the people who have had business before him must have reaped the benefit.
The lawyers live upon the misfortunes of the people, and prosperity comes to
them when adversity comes to their neighbors.
lawyers as a rule are anxious for a change and to this end they have nominated
Mr. Eggleston. They will vote where they think their interests lie, and if the
farmers desire to be protected they will vote in the opposite direction. There
ought to be no question about Judge Knox's election.
convention made an excellent selection for the office of Member of Assembly. Mr.
Wright is an active, thoroughgoing business man, and if elected would make a
good representative. He has represented the town of Preble in the board of
supervisors two terms and gave excellent satisfaction. He declined a re-nomination
on account of business which required his attention. He has been the efficient
station agent at Preble for several years.
Blodgett, the candidate for Justice of Sessions, is a well known and highly respected
magistrate of the town of Lapeer, and has held the place before.
Dr. Smart
is a young and promising physician of Marathon. He has the confidence of all
his acquaintances both as a man and a physician and would make an excellent
ticket is an exceptionally good one and should be elected.
Hendricks of Syracuse was re-nominated for State Senator by the republican Senatorial
convention held in Syracuse last Saturday. Editor Clark of the Cortland Standard
presided over the deliberations of the convention.
It is
said that Jim Belden's forces cleaned out the Hiscock party in the local nominating
conventions in Syracuse last week. It is claimed that Belden is after Hiscock's
scalp and that he proposes to be the next United States Senator from the Empire
Thrifty Emigrants.
years ago writers on political economy tried to demonstrate that every immigrant
was worth $1,000 to this country, counting the value of his labor and the money
he brought with him. And their demonstration was generally accepted as a
correct one. But the same figures do not hold good to-day, as immigration now is
a drain on the country.
It is
claimed by competent authorities that sixty per cent of the immigrants coming here,
come on money sent over to them by relatives and friends on this side. A ton of
money is sent back by them to support families in Europe, or in the shape of Christmas
presents, etc., while great numbers only stay over here until they have hoarded
up $1,000 or $1,500, when they go back to live like fighting cocks all the rest
of their days where they were born. Especially is this true of the Italians.
years ago there was scarcely such a thing known as an emigrant draft, and they
were sold in only two places; now New York city is full of banks where their
side is a special and profitable feature. They are sent over to bring out other
immigrants or support families in Europe. Then the sale of steamship steerage
tickets to Europe is enormous. Thousands of them are sold by street peddlers
along with shoe strings or suspenders. They sell them like furniture, on the
installment plan, with blank spaces for the name and date of sailing. All this
is the work of the steamship companies, who in their keen rivalry for this
business do not neglect to work up this side of the water while having agents
in every hamlet in Europe.—Rhinebeck Gazette.
Teachers' Institutes are in session this
week in Homer and Marathon.
After May 1st, 1890, constables will be
entitled to 50 cents for every unregistered dog they kill.
Read Reynolds & Perry's rhymes under the
heading of "The Coming Carnival," in another column.
The John L. Sullivan combination will appear
at the Alhambra rink in Syracuse, Saturday
Chas. A. Brooks, Esq., has been appointed post
master at Marathon, in place of Corwin
Burgess, the present incumbent.
The steam saw mill owned by Leman Calkins, located
in Haight's Gulf, burned to the ground last Saturday, together with 10,000 feet
of sawed lumber.
The Prohibitionists held their county
convention in Taylor Hall, last Tuesday, and nominated Jerome J. Woodruff, of
Homer, for Member of Assembly, and Dr. E. B. Nash, of Cortland, for Coroner.
The Norwich News is the name of a
bright little daily that made its first appearance in that place last Saturday.
It is newsy and clean, and the DEMOCRAT sincerely hopes it may live long and
An eight year old boy was sent to the House of
Refuge, recently, for stealing newspapers. He was no more guilty than the man
who takes a newspaper from the post office for several years and then refuses
to pay for it.
addition to the attractions mentioned last week, the Till family will introduce
Edison's wonderful talking machine, the phonograph, at the concert in the Methodist
church on Wednesday evening, Oct. 9th. The entertainment cannot fail to be very
pleasing. Do not miss it. Admission 35 cents. Children 25 cents.
Ex-Judge A. P. Smith and Henry A. Dickinson
have formed a partnership for the practice of law under the firm name of Smith
& Dickinson, with offices in Second National Bank building. Judge Smith has
an excellent reputation as a lawyer, and has been employed in many very
important cases. Mr. Dickinson is a well educated and well read young lawyer of
conceded ability. The new firm will prove lo be a strong one.
The village trustees, in response to a
petition numerously signed, have ordered the pine trees on the south side of
Port Watson street to be cut down and removed within fifteen days from the time
of serving notice. This is a move is the right direction, as the trees keep
this handsome street in a damp and muddy condition the year round. The order
does not go far enough, however. It should have required the trees on the north
side of the street to be removed as well as those on the south side.