Tuesday, March 31, 2015


S. S. Knox
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, October 4, 1889.

The County Ticket.
   The Democratic County Convention held in this village last Saturday, unanimously re-nominated Hon. Stratton S. Knox, for the office of County Judge. There was not a dissenting voice or a murmur of dissatisfaction with the action of the convention. If the people are allowed to express their real sentiments at the polls in November, they will ratify the nomination of a deserving officer by an election, and in so doing they will show that they appreciate the services of honest officials.
   Judge Knox has made the best Surrogate the county of Cortland has ever had. He has discharged his duties without fear or favor, and to the entire satisfaction of all. His integrity of purpose has never been, and could not be successfully assailed. He has never allowed the question of politics to swerve him in the least in the discharge of his duties, but all have been treated alike.
   The office should be entirely free from politics and it has been for the past six years. Of course politicians might and probably would prefer to have the Surrogate's office managed by a politician, but that which benefits the politician, as a rule, does not help the common people. Their interests do not run in the same channel and Judge Knox is entitled to the support of the tax-payers and laboring men because he has discharged the duties of his office with economy and fidelity.
    A prominent lawyer of this village said only a few days since, that he was opposed to the re-election of Judge Knox for the reason that "at least $10,000 in fees had been lost to the lawyers of this village within the past six years, because Judge Knox had drawn all the papers in his court himself." If Judge Knox has saved the people this large sum of money during the past six years, the people who have had business before him must have reaped the benefit. The lawyers live upon the misfortunes of the people, and prosperity comes to them when adversity comes to their neighbors.
   The lawyers as a rule are anxious for a change and to this end they have nominated Mr. Eggleston. They will vote where they think their interests lie, and if the farmers desire to be protected they will vote in the opposite direction. There ought to be no question about Judge Knox's election.
   The convention made an excellent selection for the office of Member of Assembly. Mr. Wright is an active, thoroughgoing business man, and if elected would make a good representative. He has represented the town of Preble in the board of supervisors two terms and gave excellent satisfaction. He declined a re-nomination on account of business which required his attention. He has been the efficient station agent at Preble for several years.
   Mr. Blodgett, the candidate for Justice of Sessions, is a well known and highly respected magistrate of the town of Lapeer, and has held the place before.
   Dr. Smart is a young and promising physician of Marathon. He has the confidence of all his acquaintances both as a man and a physician and would make an excellent official.
   The ticket is an exceptionally good one and should be elected.

   Francis Hendricks of Syracuse was re-nominated for State Senator by the republican Senatorial convention held in Syracuse last Saturday. Editor Clark of the Cortland Standard presided over the deliberations of the convention.

   It is said that Jim Belden's forces cleaned out the Hiscock party in the local nominating conventions in Syracuse last week. It is claimed that Belden is after Hiscock's scalp and that he proposes to be the next United States Senator from the Empire State.

Thrifty Emigrants.
   Twenty years ago writers on political economy tried to demonstrate that every immigrant was worth $1,000 to this country, counting the value of his labor and the money he brought with him. And their demonstration was generally accepted as a correct one. But the same figures do not hold good to-day, as immigration now is a drain on the country.
   It is claimed by competent authorities that sixty per cent of the immigrants coming here, come on money sent over to them by relatives and friends on this side. A ton of money is sent back by them to support families in Europe, or in the shape of Christmas presents, etc., while great numbers only stay over here until they have hoarded up $1,000 or $1,500, when they go back to live like fighting cocks all the rest of their days where they were born. Especially is this true of the Italians.
   Twenty years ago there was scarcely such a thing known as an emigrant draft, and they were sold in only two places; now New York city is full of banks where their side is a special and profitable feature. They are sent over to bring out other immigrants or support families in Europe. Then the sale of steamship steerage tickets to Europe is enormous. Thousands of them are sold by street peddlers along with shoe strings or suspenders. They sell them like furniture, on the installment plan, with blank spaces for the name and date of sailing. All this is the work of the steamship companies, who in their keen rivalry for this business do not neglect to work up this side of the water while having agents in every hamlet in Europe.—Rhinebeck Gazette.

   Teachers' Institutes are in session this week in Homer and Marathon.
   After May 1st, 1890, constables will be entitled to 50 cents for every unregistered dog they kill.
   Read Reynolds & Perry's rhymes under the heading of "The Coming Carnival," in another column.
   The John L. Sullivan combination will appear at the Alhambra rink in Syracuse, Saturday evening.
   Chas. A. Brooks, Esq., has been appointed post master at Marathon, in place of Corwin Burgess, the present incumbent.
   The steam saw mill owned by Leman Calkins, located in Haight's Gulf, burned to the ground last Saturday, together with 10,000 feet of sawed lumber.
   The Prohibitionists held their county convention in Taylor Hall, last Tuesday, and nominated Jerome J. Woodruff, of Homer, for Member of Assembly, and Dr. E. B. Nash, of Cortland, for Coroner.
   The Norwich News is the name of a bright little daily that made its first appearance in that place last Saturday. It is newsy and clean, and the DEMOCRAT sincerely hopes it may live long and prosper.
   An eight year old boy was sent to the House of Refuge, recently, for stealing newspapers. He was no more guilty than the man who takes a newspaper from the post office for several years and then refuses to pay for it.
   In addition to the attractions mentioned last week, the Till family will introduce Edison's wonderful talking machine, the phonograph, at the concert in the Methodist church on Wednesday evening, Oct. 9th. The entertainment cannot fail to be very pleasing. Do not miss it. Admission 35 cents. Children 25 cents.
   Ex-Judge A. P. Smith and Henry A. Dickinson have formed a partnership for the practice of law under the firm name of Smith & Dickinson, with offices in Second National Bank building. Judge Smith has an excellent reputation as a lawyer, and has been employed in many very important cases. Mr. Dickinson is a well educated and well read young lawyer of conceded ability. The new firm will prove lo be a strong one.
   The village trustees, in response to a petition numerously signed, have ordered the pine trees on the south side of Port Watson street to be cut down and removed within fifteen days from the time of serving notice. This is a move is the right direction, as the trees keep this handsome street in a damp and muddy condition the year round. The order does not go far enough, however. It should have required the trees on the north side of the street to be removed as well as those on the south side.

Monday, March 30, 2015


John Wanamaker

The Cortland Democrat, Friday, September 27, 1889.

"Common Sense Views of Mr. Wanamaker."
   Under the above heading the Cortland Standard of last week gives, with editorial commendation, a reported interview with Postmaster General Wanamaker, which is rather remarkable for its misrepresentations, Pharisaic assumptions and bold defense of doing evil for righteous purposes.
   The interview makes Mr. Wanamaker say "We can't turn out more office –holders than the Democrats did. When we turn out as many Democrats as Cleveland did Republicans, we will have to stop." The plain meaning of which is that Cleveland made a clean sweep of it and turned out every Republican office holder. But Mr. Wanamaker, the editor of the Standard, and every one who knows anything about the matter, knows such a statement to be false. But the boldness of its admission and the hypocrisy of its pretences come out more plainly in another part of the interview. Speaking of money used in the campaign, Mr. Wanamaker said:
   "Our party believed that fair protection was best for the Republic, and that a low tariff would hurt our prosperity. We did not want the Republic harmed. We were honest in our belief. To prevent this harm of low tariff some made speeches, some wrote editorials, and some gave money to carry on the campaign against a foe of our country. I gave what I had. Vanderbilt gave a ship to save the Republic in the late war. History commends him for it."
   The plain meaning of the whole passage is a frank admission that the Republican party freely gave their money to purchase themselves into power, and that Mr. Wanamaker himself gave all that he had, or at least all that he could for this purpose, and that any amount of the corrupt use of money in this way is justifiable upon the old, but corrupt and corrupting plea which has often been exposed and condemned, that "it is right to do evil that good may come of it."
   "Vanderbilt gave a ship to save the Republic in the late war, and history commends him for it," therefore it is right and commendable that we, the honest and pious Republicans, should give our money to purchase votes and carry our party into power, and secure our own party measures.
   Is that the "common sense view of the political?"  If the "common sense" of the people accepts that view of the matter they must be prepared to admit that any party or set of men who are "honest in their belief," have a perfect right to resort to any amount of fraud and corruption in order to secure the triumph of their party and its measures.
   The plain and common sense understanding of Mr. Wanamaker's admission and argument would be that some of our richest manufacturers thought a high war tariff would be advantageous to themselves, and therefore they gave largely of their money to purchase votes for the continuance of such a tariff, feeling sure that they could compel the people to pay it all back to them, and Mr. Wanamaker "gave what he had" as the purchase price of an important and lucrative office.
   COM. [pen name]

   Brother Wanamaker is advertising for designs for the new two cent stamp which he proposes to issue. It is a little strange that it has not occurred to him that a portrait of himself, as he appeared on his way from Philadelphia to New York last fall, carrying a carpet bag containing $400,000 of boodle to corrupt the voters of this State would be about the thing. We would have the Hon. John's portrait and his method of corrupting elections constantly before us.

   Was Judge Smith a candidate for [Cortland] County Judge simply for the purpose of dividing the opposition to Eggleston? The Judge obtained the delegates in several towns where Eggleston couldn't get them, but it was a noticeable fact that they were all for Eggleston when the convention met. Those parties who expected to see Smith's and Bouton's forces combine were sadly disappointed. It turned out quite the other way. The forces of Smith and Eggleston combined against Bouton, and the result was disastrous to the latter. The old ring hasn't forgotten how to play the game of politics. Joe was Smith's candidate for Judge six years ago and time has not changed their relations in the least.

   The member of the Republican Committee for this district for the ensuing year is Mr. John C. Barry of this place. We can see no especial reason for the retirement of the old Committeeman Joseph E. Eggleston Esq. He will undoubtedly be at liberty to attend to the duties of the place.

A Large Purchase.
   M. L. Alexander and C. T. Stringham have recently purchased the Nelson Rowe estate on Homer avenue, opposite the Fair Grounds, having a fronting of 350 feet extending back to the D. L. & W. R. R. They expect soon to extend Miller street through this plat [a plot of land—CC editor] to Wm. Smith's and Morris avenue, from Homer avenue to D. L. & W. R. R. This with the plat they bought of C. S. and J. S. Bull, last spring, will make them about 100 good building lots, which is called Waverly place, and as Cortland and Homer are bound to come together and be a city they will help make it so by building a few good residences and selling lots for other parties to put up buildings on. We soon expect to see Waverly place covered with residences and it being in the centre of the city of Cortland and on the street railway, it will be the finest part of the town.

William L. Wilson
The Tariff the Great Mother of Trusts.
   The existing tariff imposes a tax averaging nearly fifty per cent on the value of all the dutiable goods brought into this Country, which in many cases, as in refined sugar and cotton bagging, we have already seen is entirely prohibitory. Indeed, it is avowedly an extreme protective tariff; that is to say, its duties are not laid to bring money into the treasury, but for the very purpose of keeping out foreign products that might compete with like products made at home. It is, therefore, the nursing mother of trusts. Almost any high-protected article where production may be centralized, like that of refined sugar, in a moderate number of establishments, can be made the basis of a trust as readily as sugar. Now the hard condition of the consumer is that the very purposes for which these tariff taxes are laid requires that they shall be laid on the plain necessaries of life.
   It is a familiar maxim that "Protection, to be available, must be got out of the belly and the back of the great masses of the people." It is, therefore, chiefly in the highly-taxed commodities that supply his primary wants, and which he cannot, therefore, forego, that the citizen is finding himself to-day levied upon by the trusts.
   The theory of the protective tariff of Alexander Hamilton, and afterwards of Mr. Clay, was that it gave a premature and temporary assistance to young industries to get them on their feet earlier than they could of their own strength if subjected to foreign competition. And Mr. Hamilton expressly opposed excessive rates as tending to monopoly, and said that if after a reasonable time any industry still needed protection, it was proof that there were natural impediments to its building up in the country, and it should be abandoned.
   In our centennial year, tariff rates are six or seven times higher than Mr. Hamilton first arranged them in the infancy of the country and in the beginning of manufactures. Moreover, there is not an instance in all that hundred years of any industry once admitted into the government hospital that has not at once become a professional "old soldier," and forever afterward whined with terror or shrieked with rage at the suggestion that it should again face active competition in the ranks. And by both Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Clay protection was granted on the fundamental condition that those engaged in the fostered industries would honestly compete among themselves, so as to give the consumer, whose taxes supported them, the benefit of their cheapest production, provided he might be relieved as soon as possible of the burden of carrying them.
   But the theory of those who defend the existing rates is not that of Hamilton or Clay, but of Henry Carey, to whom protection meant not a temporary aid to home industries until they could get firmly on their feet, but a permanent and complete prohibition of foreign products the like of which could be produced in this country. He believed and taught that it would be beneficial to us to have the oceans, which encompass us, turned into a sea of fire.
   If my venerable friend. Judge Kelley, who has done me the honor to write me that he is reading these papers, happens to peruse this paragraph, he will not object, I believe, to my saying that both his teaching as a statesman, and his practical work as a lawmaker in framing our tariffs since 1861 have been in accord with the doctrines of Mr. Carey.
   But the tariff is otherwise responsible for trusts. The high bounties it offers in many industries cause an extraordinary rush into them on the part of those who are tempted by the promise of greater profits than can be made in industries pursued under normal conditions. This rush leads sooner or later to excessive production, and then, to escape the loss threatened by an overstocked market, resort is had to some kind of combination to maintain prices to control supply.
   This circle is, first, excessive stimulation; next, excessive production; and lastly, combinations against the consumer. I know it is strenuously denied by defenders of our tariff that it is chargeable with the great movement in the United States in recent months toward the formation of trusts, and we are told that we are not the only people who are victims of these combinations. I have already said there may be natural monopolies, as when a single country or region produces the entire supply. In such a case—whether that region be one of our states, or England, Holland or even the petty republic of San Marino— it is perfectly feasible for producers to form a trust if consumers must and will still buy their products at artificial prices.
   Combinations of some kind or attempts to form them are as old as the history of trade. I do not deny that a trust such as the Standard Oil or the whiskey trust might arise in any country under the same conditions, tariff or no tariff. But such combinations as our trusts in the prime necessaries of life, in food and clothing, which are produced by no one people, but freely in many countries, can he formed only in a country that surrounds its producers with a wall of protecting duties against supplies from without. The impracticability of forming an international combination among producers of an article found in many countries is shown by the collapse of the recent copper pool, carrying with it the second strongest bank in France, but, as I suspect, not affecting the power of the owners of the great Michigan copper mines to continue exacting from American consumers the excessive prices made possible by the high tariff rates they secured from Congress over the vote of Andrew Johnson.
   The recent movement of the paper manufacturers in England to form a "ring" was met by publishers with the threat that they would get their paper from other countries if their own mills attempted to combine to squeeze them. As the government does not shut off the outside supply it is clear that consumers were in no danger of having to pay monopoly prices.

   The Prohibitionists hold their County Convention and Mass Meeting in this village Oct. 1.
   Capt. John W. Strowbridge has been appointed constable in place of Wm. W. Swartz, resigned.
   A nearly new 15 horse power steam boiler with complete fixtures, for sale cheap, by J. S. Bull & Co.
   The Screen Door and Window shops commenced work last Monday, after a two months' vacation.
   The smoke stack on the desk factory fell Monday night, and the shops have shut down until it is put in place.
   A meeting of the King's Daughters will be held at Mrs. W. W. Brown's, 15 Reynolds Ave., Saturday, Sept. 28th, at 3 P. M.
   The Patriarchs militant went to Binghamton yesterday. The Hitchcock Manufacturing Company's band went with them.
   The Gormans, a first-class minstrel organization, will appear in Cortland Opera House on Tuesday evening, October 8th.
   Jas. I. Spencer, Esq., of this town, left a pumpkin at this office last Saturday that weighs 35 pounds, and measures four feet and five inches in circumference.
   M. Bickford, of the Telephone company, has caused a telephone wire tower to be erected on the corner of the Welch block, which rises ten feet above the [roof] of the block.
   The Regents of the University have issued a circular which sets forth that hereafter there will be but two instead of three regular Regents' examinations each year, excepting in case where for the best interests three are required.
   Persons who have served as firemen and are desirous of being exempt of jury duty are compelled to file a certificate to that effect with the Clerk of their respective counties in order to make it effective. The Clerk must then at once hunt up and destroy the ballot containing the name of the applicant. This law was passed by the Legislature last winter.

Saturday, March 28, 2015


E. C. & N. track and roundhouse near Owego Street, Cortland. (1894 map)

The Cortland Democrat, Friday, September 27, 1889.

Killed by the Cars.
   At about 6 o'clock last Saturday afternoon, Daniel McBrearty, for the past five years night watchman at the E. C. & N. car shops, boarded engine No. 8 at or near the round house just west of Owego street, intending to ride down to the car shops between Owego and South Main streets. He was not seen alive again by any one after the train passed Owego street, but was picked up on the track near the car shops dead and horribly mangled. It is supposed that he undertook to jump from the engine and fell under the wheels of the tender which passed over him.
   He was carried to his late residence, No. 18 Squires street, and Coroner Moore was notified.
   The following named persons were summoned as a Coroner's Jury and an inquest was held at Firemen's Hall on Monday morning, after viewing the body: A. W. Keeler, A. Gordenier, J. Tuttle, John Conway, W. M. Turner, N. H. Winter, A. Terrell, Wm. Donnegan, J. C. Thompson. Mr. Keeler was sworn as foreman. The post-mortem examination was made by Dr. Dana.
   After hearing the evidence the jury rendered the following verdict:—
   "That Daniel McBrearty came to his death by being struck by the tender of engine No. 8, in the yard of the E. C. & N. railroad, Saturday, Sept. 2lst. 1889, and that his death was purely accidental."
   Mr. McBrearty was an industrious and respected citizen, forty-five years of age, and leaves a wife and two children. By his industry and economy he had paid for a comfortable home since he came to this place from Marathon, some six or seven years since. The funeral was held on Monday last.

Robert W. Griswold Shoots Dennis O'Shea in a Quarrel Tuesday Morning.
   Last Tuesday morning the citizens of Preble were somewhat startled to learn that Robert W. Griswold, who resides with his son on a farm about three miles east of Preble Corners, had shot his neighbor, Dennis O'Shea. For some months past there has been some feeling between the parties over the fact that O'Shea's cows were frequently found on Griswold's premises.
   Although the farm is owned by Griswold's son Robert, the old gentleman has taken it upon himself to do the faultfinding and quarrelling with O'Shea. Griswold's farm adjoins the Truxton town line and lies on both sides of the road running east and west in the direction of Truxton village. Another road runs parallel with this highway and about a mile south. A few rods west of Griswold's house is a cross road leading to the last mentioned road and O'Shea and family, consisting of a wife and five or six children, lived on this cross road about midway between the two roads running east and west. There is a piece of woods between Griswold's house and O'Shea's.
   A warrant was issued by Justice Frank Daley, soon after the news of the shooting reached Preble and the same was placed in the hands of Constables A. W. Morgan and Henry Currie, who started for the home of Griswold. He could not be found but Mrs. Griswold was seen driving towards Homer and she was followed. On arriving at the latter place she drove about on several streets and finally stopped at the residence of Geo. Stebbins where she stayed to dinner; after which she resumed her journey and drove straight to the jail in this place, where the officers found Griswold, who had given himself up to the Sheriff. The officers took him to Preble on the 3:08 accommodation train. The examination was adjourned until Wednesday at 10 A. M., and the prisoner was brought to Cortland for safe keeping and returned in the morning.
   The People were represented by District Attorney Bronson, and Frank Pierce of Homer appeared for the prisoner.
   The first and only witness summoned was Daniel O'Shea, second son of the deceased and who is about 19 or 20 years of age. His evidence was substantially as follows: "I had just got up and dressed and was at the top of the stairs when Griswold appeared on his own premises and said to father 'Your cattle are in my lot.' Father said, 'Whose fence did they get over?' Griswold answered, 'Not mine.' Father then said, 'I will go and get them out and see whose fence they got over.' As they were walking away across the lot, father said, 'What are you doing with that gun? Griswold answered, 'I'm hunting.' They then disappeared between the two barns and had been gone about eight minutes when I heard father yell, 'Put down that gun.' I ran and stood upon the line fence between Griswold's farm and ours and saw father about 10 rods on Griswold's land and about ten feet from Griswold himself, dodging back and forth trying to confuse Griswold's aim. Finally Griswold fired and father fell after walking two or three steps. Griswold said, 'There G—d d—n you,' and then turned and ran towards his own home. I returned and went after a doctor and made a complaint against Griswold. Before the warrant for his arrest could be served however, Griswold had walked the entire 14 miles to Cortland and given himself up to Sheriff Borthwick. Father was shot between 7 and 8 o'clock in the morning and died at 3:33 in the afternoon."
   Griswold was held to await the action of the Grand Jury and was brought to Cortland and landed in jail.
   The line fence between the two farms is near O'Shea's house. It is claimed by parties who talked with the witness after the occurrence that his first story does not agree in scarcely any particular with the story be told on the stand. It is also claimed that Mrs. O'Shea, who was standing in the door of her house at the time of the shooting, does not agree with her son.
   Coroner Bradford of Homer, summoned the following jury on Wednesday morning: John H. Gay, John Manchester, Richard Egbertson, Edwin Wilbur, Seth Hobart and Frank J. Collier. After viewing the remains, the evidence of Justice Perry Haynes, who produced an ante-mortem statement, and the evidence of Mrs. O'Shea was taken and the inquest was adjourned until Monday at 10 A. M.
   The gun used was a shot gun and the charge struck O'Shea in the left side just below the heart, making a hole as large as a silver dollar and a much larger one on the opposite side where it came out. The charge passed through the diaphragm, kidneys and spleen. The funeral was held Thursday morning.
   O'Shea was about 53 years of age, and is said to have been of a quarrelsome disposition and disposed to fight on rather slight provocation.
   Somewhere about 1868 or 1869, Griswold turned up in Homer and opened a watch repairing shop. He traveled about the country on foot a good part of the time calling at farm houses to repair watches and clocks. About 1870 or 1871, he moved to Cortland and after a while located in the rooms now occupied by the Gas Company's office on Court street, where he hung out a sign as a watch repairer. Business in his line not being very good he added bill posting, and frequently traveled about the county posting and distributing bills. He invariably wore a stove-pipe hat, with an open faced silver watch fastened about midway between the crown and rim in front, and was known everywhere as "the man with a watch in his hat."
   After several years of unsuccessful effort in business here he left town and the next we heard of him he was running a small farm in McLean and was trying, with some prospects of success, to revolutionize the potato growing industry. For one season at least he astonished everybody with the size and yield of his "bulbous roots" and sold his large crop at high prices. A year ago last spring he went to live on the farm where the killing was done, with his son Jay, who had rented it. Last spring his son Robert bought the place. Jay moving to East River, and the old man remained with Robert.
   Griswold is about 63 years of age, very slim and about five feet nine inches in height. His health has always been good and he is an excellent pedestrian. He has always been considered a sort of harmless crank, and no one who knew him would have imagined he could muster up spunk enough to kill anybody.

A Fine Horse.
   Racine, the fine stallion owned by B. B. Terry & Co., of this place was exhibited at the Greene fair last week and attracted much attention from breeders of fine horses. During his stay there he gave an exhibition half mile heat which he made in 1:18 without a skip and without training. Several noted horsemen from Orange county, the acknowledged home of fine horses, were in attendance and they unhesitatingly pronounced him to be the finest horse known to them. They valued him at $25,000, which is a pretty good price for a stock horse, but Racine is a very fine animal and besides being very fast he is as well bred as the best of them. Cortland people ought to be, and are, justly proud of this fine bred horse.

Additional Mail Facilities.
   Postmaster Maybury has brought about a change or rather an addition to the mail service here, which will be highly appreciated by the business men and citizens generally of this place. Commencing Wednesday of this week, a mail pouch for Homer will be forwarded on the 9:58 A. M. train every day except Sunday. A still greater convenience will prove to be the pouch which will be dispatched for Syracuse on the 7:30 P. M. train. Mails will close 30 minutes before leaving time of trains. Postmaster Maybury is entitled to the thanks of all for his efforts in improving the mail service for the benefit of the people of this town.

Election of Officers.
   At a meeting of the Executive Board of the W. C. T. U., held Sept. 17th, the following officers were elected as superintendents of departments:
   Scientific Instruction—Mrs. Julia W. Stoppard.
   Heredity—Mrs. Lydia Strowbridge.
   L. M. S. S. and Freedmen—Kate Greenman.
   S. S. Work—Miss Libbie Robertson.
   Law—Mrs. Kate E. Sanders.
   Press—Miss Amanda Chamberlin.
   Evangelistic—Mrs. Alma Walker, Mrs. M. R. Head, Mrs. Robert Colver.
   Coffee Brigade—Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Decker.
   Temperance Literature—Mrs. Levi S. Lewis.
   Fair—Mrs. J. L. Gillett.
   Finance—Mrs. Helen Beard, Miss Alice G. Purvis, Mrs. S. A. Tanner, Miss Sara Hare, Miss H. C. Henry.