The Cortland Democrat, Friday, August
23, 1889.
Democratic State Convention.
The Democratic Electors of the State of New
York and all other citizens who favor the principles of taxation, economy and
retrenchment advocated by the Democratic party, and who are opposed to
inequitable and oppressive sumptuary legislation are invited to elect three
delegates and three alternates from each Assembly district to attend a state
convention, to be held at Syracuse on Tuesday, the first day of October, 1889,
at 12 o'clock noon, for the purpose of nominating candidates for State offices
to be voted for at the coming election, and for the transaction of much other
business as may property come before the convention.
CORD MEYER, Secretary.
The Republican State Convention will be held
in Saratoga, September 25.
Syracuse politicians feel very much put out because that city was not
selected and they charge that Senator Frank Hiscock did not exert himself in
favor of Syracuse.
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Postmaster John Wanamaker |
Assistant Secretary Bussey now
decides that "a dishonorable discharge" does not operate as a bar to
obtaining a pension. This will be good news to the shyster soldiers who were driven
from every camp on the tented field. Mr. Bussey and Corporal Tanner are yoke
fellows and it would be a pity to see them separated.
A rumor comes by way of a Saratoga dispatch to the New York Herald that
A rumor comes by way of a Saratoga dispatch to the New York Herald that
State Senator Hendricks will not be a candidate for re-election this
fall. It is hinted that Hon. Carroll E. Smith, editor of the Syracuse
Journal is anxious
for the place. Why not give Cortland county some show? For years she has had
neither Congressman nor State Senator. Now is her time.—Skaneateles Free
It is
understood in Republican circles that a political combination has been formed to
fill the offices in this county this fall and for all time to come. The parties
to the combination are said to be Abe Smith, Rufus Peck and Floyd Stillman. The
two former are to look after the interests of the boys while the latter will
have charge of the moral element of the party. The result will be anxiously
watched by everybody.
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John L. Sullivan |
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Lyman-Haskell Multicharge Dynamite Gun |
A dispatch from Washington announces
that the government has ordered one eight-inch Haskell multicharge dynamite
gun, to be paid for upon delivery of the finished gun at the Sandy Hook proving
ground. "The Multicharge Gun Company" is composed of Thos. C. Platt,
A. B. Cornell, John F. Smythe, Arthur B. Johnson, Jas. R. Haskell, Levi P.
Morton and Charles P. Young. The company was organized Feb. 17, 1882. In 1883,
the company persuaded the war department, under President Arthurs'
administration, to try one of the guns. The result of the first test according
to the report of Capt. Rogers Birnie, Jr., ordinance department U. S. A., was
as follows: "The firing was then continued with varying charges of powder
and projectiles, up to the thirty-third round, when the tube was cracked over a
length of nine feet from the muzzle to a point near the foremost pocket."
The gun was then strengthened and a second test brought forth the following
report from Capt. Birnie: "The gun was then strengthened by shrinking
several steel bands over the chase—the only part where the form of the gun
admitted the employment of this strengthening process. The proof was then
continued up to the fifty-third round, when the cast iron body was cracked and
the piece permanently disabled." The official report in full of the last
appearance of the Platt multicharge gun, when loaded for other than
political purposes, is to be found in the report of the secretary of war
for 1885, vol. 3, pp. 145-152, with plate.
It is a significant fact that
no attempt was made by the company to sell a gun to the government or to have
it tested during President Cleveland's administration. The company seems to
have remained quiet during an honest administration of affairs, and has become
active and aggressive only when a republican administration comes into power.
It is a little singular that the war department should conclude to purchase and
pay for a gun on delivery that has been proved to be worthless on every
occasion when it has been tested. A business man would have required a severe
test of the ordinance before purchase and payment and if this administration
was to be conducted on business principles such a course would have been
adopted in the present case. The secretary of war has $500,000 to spend for
guns this year if he chooses to do so, but this is no reason why he should
spend the people's money in purchasing worthless guns simply because by so
doing he will put money in the pockets of his political friends.
A Young Balloonist.
Carried Out Over Lake Michigan by a Bunch of
Toy Balloons.
CHICAGO, Ill., Aug . 19.—Sophia
Schwab, two years old, involuntarily became a balloonist yesterday, and was
wafted high up over the broad bosom of Lake Michigan. A rifleman saved the
child's life. The incident took place at Sheffield Park, and was witnessed by
1,500 picnickers.
An Italian peddler of toy
balloons attempted to serve two purchasers at once, and let go his string of
bright colored globes. The cord got twisted about Sophia's left arm and also in
her hair, and the buoyant rubber bubbles started heavenward, taking the child
with them. The mother shrieked and fainted. The bystanders stood horror
stricken, scarcely breathing as the balloons swept close to a large oak tree
and the infant grasped a handful of twigs and checked her flight. A muscular
young German ascended the tree in an instant and then crept out on the branch
nearest the child.
At this moment Sophia's puny strength gave
out, and the balloons suddenly released went again upward at least 100 feet,
drifting then out over the lake.
Gust Koch, a sharpshooter who
was attending the picnic with his repeating rifle, hurriedly jumped into a
skiff with two companions pulled out into range. Koch succeeded in piercing
several of the balloons, each successful shot helping the bunch to descend.
Before it finally reached the water, the boat was at the spot and Sophia did not
even get her feet wet.
The village schools open Tuesday,
Sept. 3rd.
D. T. Bowdish has been
appointed postmaster at Little York, in place of S. D. Perkins.
Mr. E W. Tripp of Homer has
purchased the hardware business of Paddock & Brown, in that place.
William Jones, who had his
foot smashed by the [train] cars last week, has been removed to the County
[Alms] House.
Last Wednesday Barnum's
employees purchased money orders at the post office in this place amounting to
Cortland Union Bee Keepers'
Association will hold their annual picnic at Floral Trout Park, Tuesday, Aug. 30.
The subject of the evening
discourse in All Souls Church next Sunday will be "The man who thinks he has outgrown the Church." Seats free.
All are invited.
Architect H. W. Beardsley, is
drawing plans for the Cortland Wagon Company's new buildings. The company
expect to commence work on the same as soon as the plans are completed.
The Cortland Cart &
Carriage Company will have a full line of their manufacture at the
International Fair to be held in Buffalo. The Hitchcock Mfg. Company will also
be represented there.
Mr. Benjamin Chapman of this
place has several Shetland ponies in the lot, corner Orchard St. and Monroe
Heights, which he is training for the young people to ride at the fairs this
The E. C. & N. R. R. will
run an excursion to the Thousand Islands by way of Camden, Friday, Aug. 30. The
fare for round trip will be $4.00. Tickets are good for going that day and
returning Monday, Sept. 2. Coaches will go through without a change. The Gen'l
Agent, Mr. Palen, will accompany the party to take care of any ladies who may
be without escort, and to give general information.
Last week an attempt was made
to settle the muddle over the appointment of postmaster at Marathon. Messrs. E.
Clark Carley and C. A. Brooks are the candidates. Three citizens were appointed
to decide the question. Mr. Pinckney, one of the referees whose decision would
decide the question very naturally declined to take the responsibility. Such
performances, over a matter in which the public has an interest, savors too
much of boys play.
Broome County Fair begins at
Whitney Point Sept. 3.
The State Fair will be held at
Albany this year, Sept. 12-19.
Negotiations have just been
completed by which the entire breweries of Chicago have been sold to a
syndicate of English capitalists. The transaction involves millions of dollars.
A special envoy of King
Humbert of Italy yesterday presented Thomas A. Edison, the American
electrician, with the Insignia of a grand officer of the Crown of Italy. Mr.
Edison thus becomes a Count and his wife a Countess.
Toledo, Ohio, recently bonded
herself for $750,000 to provide natural gas to knock out the Standard Oil
monopoly. The city got land at Van Buren and drilled a well. Last week a gusher
was struck which will yield 20,000,000 feet of gas per day.
Chauncey Hart, of the town of
Summer hill, on Sunday last, found four fine grade Durham yearling heifers dead
in his pasture, poisoned with Paris green. It is the meanest kind of meanness
that seeks to do a man a private injury, and the guilty miscreant should be
hunted out and punished to the fullest extent of the law.
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