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Charles W. Sanders mausoleum, Cortland Rural Cemetery. |
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Elocution poses, School Speaker, Charles Walton Sanders, 1857. |
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, July 12,
Death of Charles W. Sanders.
W. Sanders, author of the well known series of school books bearing his name,
died at his home in New York city, July 5th, 1889, at the age of nearly 85 years.
He was born in Newport, Herkimer county, March 24th, 1805, and moved with his
parents to Homer, N. Y. in 1814. Two years later he commenced teaching school
[at age 11?—CC editor], which occupation he followed mainly for about seventeen
years, when he began the work which resulted in the publication of his system
of readers and spellers. Although the series was vastly superior to any then in
use, it was some time before they were adopted in all the schools of the State.
The writer remembers very well the first time he ever saw the subject of this sketch. It was away back in the forties and Mr. Sanders called at the district school where the writer was learning his letters, and explained his system. They were soon after adopted and in a very short time became the standard, successfully withstanding the efforts of all subsequent publications to dislodge them. The books have been published in nearly every part of the globe, and Mr. Sanders, in his later years, is said to have received a very large annual income from their sale.
The writer remembers very well the first time he ever saw the subject of this sketch. It was away back in the forties and Mr. Sanders called at the district school where the writer was learning his letters, and explained his system. They were soon after adopted and in a very short time became the standard, successfully withstanding the efforts of all subsequent publications to dislodge them. The books have been published in nearly every part of the globe, and Mr. Sanders, in his later years, is said to have received a very large annual income from their sale.
Sanders was a pleasant speaker and a very graceful writer. He possessed a very
cheerful and sunny disposition, and, in consequence, made many warm friends who
were sincerely attached to him. In 1842 he married Miss Elizabeth Barker, of
New York, who, with two sons, Rev. Henry M. Sanders and Dr. Charles W. Sanders,
survive him. He has two brothers yet living, Joshua C. Sanders, a lawyer of New
York, and Martin Sanders, of this place. The latter is 88 years of age, and
still quite hale and hearty.
funeral services were held In the Baptist church in this place, on Tuesday last
at 11 A. M., Dr. Thos. H.
Armitage, of New York, preaching the sermon from Mark iv :29. The remains were deposited in the
family vault in Cortland Rural cemetery. Rev. Henry M. Sanders is now in Europe.
Family Reunion.
At a
reunion and picnic of the Jesse Bosworth family and relatives, held at the home
of Romanzo Bosworth on the Fitzgerald farm at East River, July 4, 1889, the
following persons were present:—Orin Radway and wife, J. F. Bosworth and wife,
Judson Bosworth, wife and two children; Romanzo Bosworth and wife, H. J. Bosworth and wife, Mrs. Clarissa Kenney, Mrs. Mina
Dalzell and daughter, of Iowa; John H. Buell, A. G. Bosworth and wife, Charles
J. Bosworth, wife and two children; H. D. Call, wife and daughter; H. A. Bosworth
and wife, Joel Call, Jesse Bosworth, M. L. Kenny, wife and son; Edward Perry and
wife, Mrs. Freeman Schermerhorn and two children, Mrs. Nora Stevens and daughter,
Miss Alice E. Graham; and many were unable to attend on account of sickness.
The day
was delightful and while the young people were playing ball and pitching quoits
the older ones were at the house visiting the ladies and telling fish stories.
A bountiful repast was provided at 1 o'clock P. M,, and when the time came for
leave-taking, all felt well repaid for their trouble and left, hoping to meet a
larger number next year.
COM. [pen
Johnstown Suffers Again—Great Damage Done
at Other Places.
JOHNSTOWN, Pa., July 3.—The heavy rains of
yesterday and last night flooded out five families in Cambria City. The water
came pouring down the mountain and filled the first floors of the houses, destroying
all the furniture that had been saved from the big flood. There is great alarm
among the people over the condition of the Conemaugh river. The water rose five
feet this morning and carried away the foot bridge. There was danger of the
temporary bridge erected by the Baltimore & Ohio railroad going out. Six Pennsylvania
freight cars were run on the bridge to save it. At 10 o'clock the abutments
began to sink. The temporary bridge at the lower end of the Gautier offices is
almost a wreck. Orders were given at Gen. Hastings' headquarters at 10 o'clock
to get everything in shape for quick removal, as it is feared that the tents
will be washed away. The portable bridges over the Stony creek were saved after
very hard work by the engineers. At 11 o'clock it was thought that all danger
had passed, when a fresh storm broke over the valley. The rain is coming down
in torrents and people fear that the Conemaugh will yet sweep over its banks and
flood the town.
TITUSVILLE, Pa., July 3.—A terrific thunder
storm passed over this city last evening. It was followed by two cloud bursts
that caused a furious overflow of Church
Run, which traverses and winds through the city. From an insignificant stream
the Run turned into a furious torrent in a few minutes, coursing through the
streets, filling the cellars and rising in some cases to the first stories of
houses. During the excitement several fire alarms were turned in, and the
utmost confusion reigned. Fully three miles of streets were flooded, and there
were two feet of water on the sidewalks. The families along the line became
frantic, and a number of rafts were built, on which women and children were
taken to places of safety. The damage to residents in the city is estimated at $150,000.
The force of the water ripped up hundreds of feel of sewer. The roads in the
surrounding country are badly washed out.
BATAVIA, N. Y., July 3.—Rain began falling here
yesterday afternoon, and from that time until 5 o'clock continued as severe a storm
as has been seen in this vicinity for years. The German church, the convent
building and many others were struck by lightning, and a number of persons
received severe shocks, some quite severe. Johnsonburg and Varysburg, south of
here, were visited by a rain storm of great violence about the same time, which
did considerable damage to property and stock. Tonawanda creek rose rapidly and
carried away bridges and flooded the low farming lands along its banks.
ATTICA, N. Y., July 3.—The small towns of Johnsonburg
and Varysburg, eight miles south of here, were visited by the worst storm of
the season yesterday afternoon, doing a great amount of damage, the extent of
which cannot be yet ascertained. The raising of the Tonawanda creek washed
away a temporary bridge and piled it into the river two miles south of here.
ALTOONA, Pa., July 2.—The reports in circulation
about the storm here were greatly exaggerated. The heavy rain has cause no
damage to any extent, and trains east and west are running. No fears are
entertained about the Kittananing reservoir.
The Salt
Trust Re-Formed.
Negotiations for the combination of all the
salt works in the country into one corporation or trust are nearly completed
and the New York Tribune states that this
trust is soon to be incorporated under the laws of the State of New York. When organized,
it proposes to stop operations at some salt works, to control the production in
this country and to fix prices to suit itself. The Federal tariff taxes are
relied on to shut out salt from other countries and consumers will be compelled
to buy of the trust at its own prices. The [Albany] Argus shows that,
while the farmers of this State must buy of the trust, or pay a big tax on the salt
they may secure from abroad, the Republican party has taken care of the big pork
and beef-packers of Cincinnati and Chicago, who contribute to Republican
corruption funds. Here is the tax law of the United States concerning salt:
Salt in bags, sacks, barrels or other
packages twelve cents per one hundred pounds; in bulk eight cents per one
hundred pounds; provided that exporters of meats, whether packed
or smoked, which have been cured in the United States with imported salt, shall, upon satisfactory proof, under
such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe, that such
meats have been cured with imported salt, have
refunded to them from the Treasury the
duties paid on the salt so used in curing such imported meats in amounts not
less than one hundred dollars.
farmer in New York State, says the Argus,
"will observe how this tax scheme in the matter of salt, for example,
works. First he is compelled to buy salt at home under penalty of paying eight
or twelve cents tax a hundred pounds if he buys elsewhere. Then the salt
manufacturers, having been given by this tax law exclusive control of 'the home
market,' form a combine and charge the farmer whatever prices they choose. But
the Western pork-packers who subscribe to Republican funds, object to this kind
of a law. They think it may be good enough for the farmers of New York State,
but it will not do for them.
The Republican party accordingly fixes the
law so that the big pork-packers need not buy of the trust at all, but may buy
salt abroad, and the taxes they pay at the custom house upon it are ''refunded
to them from the treasury." Those who make money out of the scheme are the
salt trust and the pork-packers of the West. Those who pay the taxes or who pay
big prices to keep this scheme going are the dairy farmers of the State of New
Variety Company.
Mr. Ed. Robbins, formerly one of the managers
of the Cortland Opera House, has leased the place for Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday evenings next, when he will present an excellent variety entertainment.
All the new jokes, songs, music, dancing, etc., will be produced. The company
are playing the entire week in Syracuse to crowded houses, and are giving the
very best of satisfaction. Change of programme every night. Prices of admission
25, 35 and 50 cents. Tickets on sale at Hollenbeck's Saturday morning.
Speaker by Charles W. Sanders, 1858: https://archive.org/stream/sandersschoolspe00sand#page/n7/mode/2up
School Reader by
Charles W. Sanders, 1858: http://digital.library.pitt.edu/cgi-bin/t/text/text-idx?idno=00ACH2366m;view=toc;c=nietz
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