Sunday, March 8, 2015


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, July 19, 1889.

Justice Will Prevail.
   The Daily Message is seriously disturbed because the Board of Village Trustees chose to award the publishing of a legal notice to the DEMOCRAT at legal rates, without first calling upon the Message and obtaining its rates for publishing the notice. The Message seems to feel especially grieved because it was entirely ignored. It is possible and indeed, quite probable, that the trustees, in common with many other citizens, were not aware of its existence.
   But in all sincerity the Message must be aware of the following facts: The intention of the law-makers in requiring the publication of notices is to bring the subject matter to the attention of all the people interested as near as may be. To accomplish this, the parties whose duty it is to contract for the publication, must if they do their duty, publish the notice in the paper having the largest circulation in the vicinity where the subject matter is located. The trustees in the case complained of, exercised their best judgment and awarded the job to the DEMOCRAT, believing as the facts fully warrant them in believing, that the DEMOCRAT has the largest circulation and is read by more people than any other paper circulated in the county.
   The Message has filed an offer with the clerk of the Board agreeing to publish all legal notices that the Board may hereafter have, for half price. We insist that the price is altogether too high. The Message is only a few weeks old and was rather diminutive when born. It hasn't grown perceptibly since its birth. To compare its circulation with that of the DEMOCRAT would be like comparing a mole hill to a mountain. Everybody either buys, begs, borrows or steals the DEMOCRAT every week, and it is consequently more thoroughly and carefully read than any journal published in the county. This makes it the best advertising medium and advertisers are not slow to take advantage of the fact. The publication of a notice in a paper having a circulation of not more than 250 copies all told, might possibly answer the strict letter of the law, but it certainly would not fulfill the intention of the law-makers, when a paper having a circulation amounting to seven or eight times that number is published in the same town.
   If the circulation of the Message is worth half the legal rates, the circulation of the DEMOCRAT is worth seven or eight times as much. The New York Weekly World and Weekly Tribune charge $12.65 cents for one insertion of an advertisement that the DEMOCRAT publishes for seventy cents. The large circulation of those journals warrant them in charging the price they do, and they have no difficulty in obtaining it.
   The value of the advertising columns of a paper are measured by its circulation and by its standing in the community. An old established journal with a large circulation is always a valuable advertising medium as every business man well knows. A new paper, with a circulation to gain, is practically worthless as an advertising medium and the advertising columns of the Message exhibit a practical illustration of this fact. The business men of the place would advertise in it, if its circulation and standing promised any return for the investment.
   The Board of Trustees would have been entitled to censure if they had put the notice in the Message. Although the members of the board are republicans, they are not narrow partisans. They are endeavoring to transact the business they were elected to transact on business principles and for the best interests of the village and its inhabitants. They ought not to be criticized for doing their duty in a thankless position.
   The Message seems to have taken upon itself the job of directing the affairs of the village. The village got along comfortably well before the stripling was born and possibly could have run for some time longer. When our little neighbor can convince people that it is worthy of patronage, business will come to it; but if it continues to grumble and find fault unnecessarily, it will have to wait for a long season.
   Success does not come by trying to pull down others that you may get up. Take all the plum[s] that fall on your side of the line fence, and be thankful that some of the branches leaned over your way. Don't quarrel with your neighbor because the largest limbs are on his side, for who knows but that he planted the tree himself and meant to have it grow that way. Don't stop to quarrel with your neighbor about small things for some one else will be gobbling the big things up while you tarry.  
   Unsought advice does not always relish, but that does not prove that it ought not to be heeded.
[Both the Monitor and the Daily Message were published at the Hitchcock Mfg. Co.--CC editor.]

Co-operative Insurance.
   The semi-annual meeting of the Board of Directors of the Cayuga, Cortland and Tompkins County Cooperative Fire Insurance Co. occurred at the company's office in Ithaca, on Tuesday, the 9th inst. A full attendance of members of the Board were present.
   The marvelous growth of this company (now in its third year) may be attributed to the able management of its officers.
   It is now well along in its third year without a loss requiring an assessment. This remarkable fact may be attributed to its large proportion of good dwellings in place of farm barns, which are considered the most hazardous of any kind of property taken by this company. There is no Insurance Co. doing business in this State that can show so large a proportion of good dwellings in its risks.
   During the six months ending June 30, 1889, this company increased its risks more than $1,000,000, making a grand total of insurance now carried by it on above date of $3,130,000.
   The Pennsylvania plan of Cooperative insurance is the one adopted by this company. Of its 195 companies of this kind, reporting the last time, some of whom have had 50 years experience, more than 150 of them have abandoned the exclusive farm buildings and their contents besides, because of the too great risk in farm barns and their contents.
   This company has now 2,500 members. While the general business of the company is done at the treasurer's office, 41 East State street, Ithaca, a branch office is located in this village [Cortland] over the Second National bank with Henry A. Dickenson, Local Treasurer. The details of its now stupendous work is managed for Tompkins and Cayuga, by General Secretary Otis E. Wood, and for Cortland county by Local Secretary W. W. Salisbury, both gentle men of energy and business experience.
   VERITAS. [pen name]

A Handsome Barn.
   Mr. C. B. Hitchcock, president of the Hitchcock Mfg. Company has just had a very handsome barn erected in the rear of his residence on [corner of Court and] Church street. The outside appearance is very handsome but not more so than the inside. A little over one-half of the building is to be used for carriages and this is done off on the inside in oak. There are handsome harness closets on one side and an office near the door. The stables for horses are separated from the carriage part by large sliding doors. There an four large, commodious, well lighted and well ventilated box stalls and many other conveniences in this part of the barn. The stables are done off with chestnut. The building is lighted by numerous windows of stained glass that produce a pleasing effect. Mr. R. H. Finn, the well known contractor of this village, was the architect and builder and the entire job is a credit to him.

Progressive Euchre Party.
   Last Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Gray gave a progressive euchre party at their pleasant home in Argyle Place. A large number of their friends were present, and the occasion was a most enjoyable one. Mr. S. M. Ballard secured the gold pen, which was the first prize for gentlemen; the first prize for ladies, a silver ear of corn containing the months [sic], was awarded to Mrs. M. M. Maybury.
   Mr. Frank Brogden won, with the greatest ease, the gents' booby prize, a silver match box, and Mrs. S. M. Ballard carried off the ladies' booby prize, a basket of candy. Attached to each of the latter prizes was a complimentary ticket for a ride on the merry-go-round. Delicious refreshments were served and the party broke up at a rather late hour.
   On Wednesday evening last Miss Lilian Smith gave a party at her home on Argyle Place. A large number of invited guests were present and the long hours of the evening seemed but minutes to the guests. Elegant refreshments were served, and the young people reluctantly departed for their homes after several hours of real, solid enjoyment.
   Last Friday afternoon and evening Miss Maude Bligh gave a birthday party at her home on South Main street. About fifty of her little friends were invited and a right merry time resulted. An elegant supper was served from 5 to 9 o'clock, which was heartily enjoyed by the little ones. The usual formalities in vogue with older children were waived and all enlisted for a right merry time, which was had.

   Last Saturday a bass was caught in the lake, which weighed four and three fourths pounds. We failed to learn the name of the party.
   There have been two camps on the lake shore the past week. Their quiet, gentlemanly behavior has won the esteem of all, it being in such contrast with some camps in former years.
   The Raymond House is becoming a very popular resort for Sunday dinners. Over fifty transients partook of "a square meal" of spring chickens last Sunday, at every day rates. The latest arrivals were Ex-Sheriff Van Hoesen and Joe Arnold, of Cortland, for a week's sojourn.
   The project of laying out a new road along Cold Brook from near John Gillett's, is still agitating the people of East Scott and Spafford. They are tired of drawing loads up a heavy hill that two families may see them pass. In the winter the snow drifts are horrible, and many days impassable. We suggest that hill, drifts and bridges could be avoided by following the east bank of the creek. Beginning near Chapman Van Denburg's house and thence through the saw mill yard east of the barn, it could then run on or near the line of lots and along the high bank of the creek until it came into the main road near Selover's. If this route should be selected S. D. Perkins offers to give the right of way across his farm. We presume no one would charge anything unless it might be Van Denburg.
   ULI SLICK. [pen name]

   The funeral services of Mr. Wellington P. Mynard were held at the M. E. church, Sunday, Rev. Mr. Mitchell of Cortland, officiating. His text was 2, Corinthians, 1 Chapter, third and fourth verses. Mr. Mynard has always lived in Virgil and was known for his honest and upright dealings. He never was married, but leaves a brother and two sisters to mourn besides a large circle of relatives and friends. He was 49 years old.
   Mr. Nathan Spencer, who has been in poor health for some time, is falling.
   We noticed upon our streets Sunday the familiar faces of Sheriff Borthwick, Hon. O. U. Kellogg and Hon. L. J. Fitzgerald.

   MADISON.—Hop Growers' picnic at Sylvan Beach, July 27th.
   Victory Lane, of Lincklaen, was relieved of a gold watch at DeRuyter, the 4th.
   L. Maxson, of South Brookfield, fed two fingers to a buzz saw the other day.
   Arthur Eddy fell through a store window at Hamilton, severing an artery in his arm.
   Sixty car loads of live stock passed Earlville station on the Ontario & Western Thursday. The cattle were bound for New York, where they will be shipped to England.
   TOMPKINS.—Keep in mind the fact that the dates for the County Fair are September 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th.
   There are twenty five employees in the Ithaca Hotel, and the payroll foots up to $400 per month.
   Floyd Johnson, aged 12, of Peruville, had his face filled with powder and his eyes almost, and, perhaps, one of them entirely put out, while firing off a small cannon the day of the Fourth. Joe Mount, a young son of W. E. Mount, of Groton, also had his right hand and forearm badly burned by shooting off a fire cracker in the end of a small cannon which proved to be partly loaded.

Grand Union Tea Store.
   Will close at seven o'clock P. M., sharp, excepting Mondays and Saturdays, commencing with July 30, 1889, until further notice. Customers wishing us to call for orders, or those desiring goods delivered, will confer a favor by giving us notice if possible early in the day. Goods delivered to any part of Cortland promptly. Come one, come all upon Saturday, July 20, 1889. Special.
   C. W. Sheerer, Manager.

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