Saturday, April 16, 2016


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, January 8, 1892.

Feeling Runs High Over a Brutal Murder In Florida.
   LEESBURG, Fla., Dec. 27.—Nearly 1,000 armed men in Lake county are scouring the woods between the Florida Central and Peninsular railroad track and the shores of Lake Haines in search of a fugitive negro murderer, and about as many negroes with Winchesters are scattered about this city and suburbs proclaiming that they will protect him from lynching if brought in here.
   Just before daylight this morning, J. K. Parramore, conductor on the Florida Central and Peninsular railroad, was shot and killed while on his train, not far from here, by Thomas E. Mike, a negro, who keeps a colored barber shop in this city. It was one of the most unprovoked, brutal and cowardly murders ever committed in this State. Mike got on that train here, with a, ticket for Orlando, and took a seat in the white passengers coach. When Conductor Parramore came through the car to take up tickets and collect fares, he approached Mike, asked him for his ticket, took it and then politely requested him to go into the colored car. Mike was surly, and refused, growling out some insulting language, half under his breath. Then the conductor ordered him out of the car peremptorily, and the negro obeyed.
   Five minutes later Parramore entered the colored coach, and when he was about five feet in front of the negro's seat Mike suddenly jumped to his feet, pulled a revolver from his pocket, took deliberate aim and fired at Parramore. The ball entered Parramore's head, just behind the right ear, and he fell forward in the aisle dead. Mike rushed to the platform, jumped from the train and disappeared in the woods. The train was stopped and run back to this station with the body of the murdered man. An inquest was held and then Sheriff Galloway organized a posse to search for the fugitive. They have six blood hounds with them and it is the general opinion here that Mike cannot escape.
   The people still in town feel that the murderer will be caught and be lynched before midnight, unless the negroes succeed in taking him from the sheriff, when a bloody race conflict would be sure to follow. The Leesburg rifles, about sixty in number, have been ordered out to preserve peace in the town, as the negroes threaten it.

Helen Barry.
   The snow storm of Wednesday made good sleighing.
   The Governor's Message will be found in full on another page.
   A sprightly bull pup guards the delivery wagon of the National Express Company.
   About 20 members of Cortland Commandery, K. T., visited Binghamton Commandery last Tuesday evening.
   The Second National Bank of Cortland has declared a semi-annual dividend of 8 percent, and 2 per cent was carried to undivided profits.
   A large audience greeted Miss Helen Barry at the Opera House, Wednesday evening. The entertainment was first-class in all respects.
   Mrs. C. O. Smith, who resides on North, Main street, slipped and fell from the back steps of her residence one day last week, and broke her left arm near the shoulder. Dr. F. W. Higgins reduced the fracture.
   The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held at the rooms (over Collins' store) Saturday, Jan. 9th, at 1:30 P. M. Consecration service from 2:30 to 3 P. M. A cordial invitation is extended to all ladies to come to this meeting, the first one of the New Year.
   Thanks to the Cortland DEMOCRAT for a magnificent calendar for 1892. It is printed in large, plain characters, and is the best we have seen. Our old friend never did things half way, as is evidenced by the continued success of the DEMOCRAT.—Earlville Standard.
   Sheriff Miller took possession of the Court House and jail Jan. 1st. He has appointed Adam Hilsinger, of Marathon, to be Under Sheriff, and the following deputies have been appointed: Waller Angel, Cortland; John Rogers, Cincinnatus; William A. Shirley, Homer; C. E. Shephard, Preble.
   The rates of telephone service between Cortland and the adjoining stations have been raised recently. The changes are: Virgil from 20 to 25 cents, McGrawville from 15 to 20; Syracuse from 25 to 35; Auburn from 25 to 30; Oswego from 25 to 40. The stations at Solon and Little York have been discontinued.
   The meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Congregational church will be held in the church parlors on Friday, Jan. 8th, at 8 P. M. A full attendance is desired, as there is to be election of officers. The regular social ten cent tea will be served from 5:30 to 7 P. M. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Strangers are always welcome.
   The members of John L. Lewis Lodge, I. O. O. F., of this place, give their first annual party in Odd Follows' Hall, on Wednesday evening, January 13th, 1892. Music by Odd Follows' orchestra. Bill, $1.25. The boys are sparing no pains to make this one of the pleasantest events of the season, and all who attend may be sure that every want will be supplied.
   The handsome calendar which the DEMOCRAT sent out to its subscribers was intended as a present to its patrons. We are compelled to make this announcement for the reason that we have been constantly besieged by strangers to the office for copies. It is altogether too expensive a present to distribute promiscuously, besides the edition was exhausted on Christmas day. We intended to furnish every subscriber to the DEMOCRAT with a copy.
   The reception given by the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A., on New Year's day, was an enjoyable occasion. About two hundred young men were received. Darby's orchestra furnished music, which was appreciated by all. Refreshments were served by the ladies, and a gymnastic exhibition given during the evening by a class of eighteen young men, under the direction of Henry Van Slyke. The young men proved what can be done toward body building in the gymnasium by proper training.
   Horsemen are interested in a new form of horse shoe recently patented, which can be quickly and securely placed upon a horse's hoof and as quickly removed, no nails being required. The shoe is made in two hinged parts, each similar in shape to one-half of the common shoe. The metallic shields attached to the shoe cover part of the hoof and meet in front in interlocking knuckles, through which a pin is thrust to form the hinge. Around the upper edge of the shields are bands doubled inward at the rear to project behind the heel of a horse and terminating in flanges, which receive a clamping bolt for fastening the shoes securely.

Odd Fellows.
   The District Deputy Grand Master, Mr. O. G. Underwood, installed the following officers of Vesta Lodge, No. 255, I. O. of O. F., last Monday evening:
N. G. —H. J. Lewis.
V. O. H. —Crandall.
R. S. —E. N. Sherwood.
Treas. — E. H Stockwell.
Rec. Sec. —C. H. Dunn.
Chaplain —Chauncey Genung.
Conductor —E. E. Price.
Warden —John Berman.
I. G. — J. E. McDargh.
O. G. F. E. —Oaks.
R. S. N. G. —L. A. Bloomer
L. S. N G. —Horace W. Hall.
R. L. V. G. —E. M. Baum
L. S. V. G. — J. W. Petrie.
R. S. S.  J. L. Dean.
L. S. S.—M. E. Medes.
Trustee  —C. H. Dunn.
P. G. E. J. —Warfield.

Emerald Hose Co.
   At the annual meeting of Emerald Hose Company held in their rooms January 4, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
President —Patrick Dwyre.
Vice-Pres. —A. J. Lucy.
Foreman —F. J. Burns.
First Asst. —Wm. Donegan
Second " —G. H. Gleason.
Secretary —Thos. J. Murray.
Treasurer —Henry Corcoran.
Prop. Clerk —Edward Dowd.
Trustees —Henry Corcoran, M. F Cleary, B. H. McNiff.
Pipeman —John Andrews.
First Asst.—Thos. Kane.
Second  " —Wm. McAuliffe.
Representative on Board of Engineers —Ed. Fitzgerald.
Delegate to Firemens' Convention —Ed. Fitzgerald.
Alternate —M. F. Cleary.

John L. Lewis Lodge.
   The following officers of John L. Lewis Lodge I. O. O. F. were installed last Tuesday evening by D. D. G. M. Underwood of Marathon:
N. G. —A. J. Coles.
V. G. —G. E. Ingraham.
Rec. Sec'y. —G. W. Cleveland.
Per. Sec'y. —I. E. Blackmer.
Treas. —J. O. Cushing.
Mystic —Geo. Nottingham.
R. S. N. G. —G. I. Pruden.
L. S. N. G. —J. D. Doran.
Chaplain —F. Fenner.
Warden —Arthur G. Bosworth.
Conductor—Geo. VanlDusan.
R. S. N. G.—Frank Nortrup
R. S. V. G.  Frank Morse.
R. S. S. —Frank Marshall.
L. S. S. —Frank N. Groat.
O. G. —Bert Card.
F. G. —Rollo Colwell.

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