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Betsy More Keator. |
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, December
18, 1891.
Death of Mrs. Keator.
Just as
we went to press last Thursday evening, the sad announcement was made that Mrs.
Thomas Keator had been stricken with apoplexy and had passed over the river
into the great beyond. Seldom has the death of any one in this vicinity been more
sincerely regretted. Although she had advanced somewhat beyond the age allotted
to most people, she enjoyed remarkably good physical health and her mind was
apparently as vigorous and buoyant as ever, and she entered into all the
pleasures of her children with as keen a zest as in her younger days. She was decidedly
domestic in her habits and tastes and seemed to be always happy when her children
and grandchildren were enjoying themselves.
Keator's maiden name was Betsy More and she was born in Roxbury, Delaware
county, N. Y., June 6, 1812. In November 1836 she married Thomas Keator and in
1853 they moved to Cortland where they have since resided. Mr. Keator died in
1879 and his widow and youngest daughter have occupied the family residence up
to the present time.
Keator was the mother of eight children, four of whom are still living, Mrs. Esther
K. Porter of Homer; Mrs. H. L. Rogers, Edward and Mary Keator of Cortland. The
funeral was held from the residence on Monday last, Rev. J . L. Robertson
pastor of the Presbyterian church, officiating. The old church choir,
consisting of Mr. A. D. Blogdett, Mrs. J. A. Graham and Mrs. H. H. Greenman,
sang the hymns. The pallbearers were Messrs. Edward Keator, R. Bruce Smith,
Samuel Keator, Chas. F. Brown, Edward Alley of Cortland and Mr. B. T. Norris of
New York. Mrs. Keator had been a consistent member of the Presbyterian church
for many years and was known and respected for her Christian character. She sleeps
in Cortland Rural Cemetery.
Home for Aged Women.
To the residents of Cortland County:
generosity of one of our townspeople [Elizabeth Brewster] has offered us a village
lot, containing three buildings, to be used as "The Cortland County Home
for Aged Women."
A society
has been incorporated under the laws of the State of New York to legally hold
and use the gift.
purpose of this society, as indicated by its name, is the establishment of a home
for worthy women, who, having passed their active days of life, are in their declining
years compelled to depend on others for necessary care.
To begin and sustain this Home, there should
be not only liberal gifts for its use, but earnest co-operation of all
interested in the cause—it is also plain that although in the future it may be
nearly self sustaining, its opening calls for considerable expenditure.
A desirable,
almost a necessary aid, is a permanent fund adequate to give the Home some regular
income, for this especially we ask your liberal assistance.
It has
been proposed that all payments of $20 and upward shall be combined for this
purpose, using only the annual fees and such other help as may come in for
ordinary expenses.
The membership
fees as fixed by the constitution are: an annual fee of $1 to constitute a
member of the society; $20 makes the donor a life member and $50 an honorary
inquiries may be addressed to:
Sec., Cortland.
BENNET, Treas., Homer.
Dec. 15, 1891
Death of Prof. N. F. Wright.
Norman F. Wright, a man well known among the teachers of the State, died at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. A. G. Benedict, at Houghton Seminary, Clinton, [N. Y.]
Tuesday afternoon, aged 76 years.
Wright was born in Rupert, Vt., March 27, 1815. His early life was a continual
struggle with poverty, as he and his twin brother, Truman K., were left orphans
at the early age of eight years. Up to the time he was 16 years of age he worked
out at farm labor eight months in the year and attended school four. When 16 he
and his brother entered Washington Academy at Salem, in this State, and began his
studies preparatory for college. A year after, Professor Wright began teaching
winters in a town adjoining his native place. At the age of 20 he entered Middleburg
college, taking a full course, and graduating with honor. On leaving the
college Professor Wright became principal of an academy at Red Creek, Wayne county,
where he remained for two years. In the fall of 1842 he was appointed principal
of the gymnasium at Pembroke, N. H., where he remained two years. He next took
the principalship of the Genesee and Wyoming Seminary, Alexander, N. Y.,
remaining there nine years, and going from there to the Warsaw Academy at Warsaw,
and teaching for six years. He was then appointed principal of the Batavia High
school, a position he held for seven years. He then served two years as superintendent
of the Union Free school of Binghamton.
In the
winter of 1869 he was appointed professor of the classical department of the
State Normal school at Cortland, where he remained eight years. He afterwards
taught five years at Skaneateles, with his son, Arthur M. Wright.
Since the
death of his wife in September, 1882, his home has been with his daughter, Mrs.
Emma C. Benedict, at Houghton Seminary, where he has filled the chair of Latin
and Greek professor, to the great satisfaction and profit of every classical
student of that institution.
Wright leaves one daughter, Mrs. E. C. Benedict, and one son, Professor Arthur
M. Wright, of Waterville Academy.
funeral services will take place at Houghton Seminary, in Clinton, N. Y., Friday
afternoon, at 2 o'clock.
Out for Fun.
After the
close of Mr. Bardeen's lecture last week, Wednesday evening, a dozen of the
young Normal students started out for a little fun. They had no very pronounced
idea as to what form the fun would take but as the night was a beautiful one
they resolved to be "in it," in some way. On strolling up Charles-st.,
they discovered one of their fellow students talking with a young lady in front
of her residence and he was at once seized and thrown over a fence and ordered
to join the gang, which he concluded to do. This was repeated several times in
different parts of the village until they had quite a number of recruits, when
they finally became satiated and dispersed.
The next
morning twelve of the students were called before Prof. Bardwell, who was
acting principal in the absence of Dr. Cheney, and suspended until Monday last
when Dr. Cheney would be at home. Before night of the same day eleven others admitted
that they were guilty with the others and in view of the frank avowal they were
simply ordered to report to Dr. Cheney with the others.
The young
men appeared before Dr. Cheney on Monday, admitted that they had done wrong and
promising not to transgress in the future were all reinstated and this is all
there was of the transaction.
sensational stories published in the New York papers concerning the lark have
very little foundation in fact, and are calculated to do injury. The boys felt
coltish and carried what was intended to be fun a little too far, and after the
thing was over realized the fact and did the manly thing by apologizing. There
is the best of feeling as we are informed, between the students and the entire
The Perfection Scale Co.
Perfection Scale Company, formerly doing business in Philadelphia, have moved
their stock of tools and machinery to this place and will occupy the shops to be
vacated by A. R. Peck on Port Watson st., about Jan. 1st next. The
company manufacture none but high class goods and have an extensive trade, not
only in the
United States but have many orders for goods from
foreign countries. Their post-office scale is said to be the most accurate and
highly finished scale manufactured anywhere.
Mr. David
Hallock, the inventor, is in town superintending the work of putting up the machinery.
They will employ 15 to 20 skilled workmen and expect to be in readiness to
begin work soon after the new year opens.
A Memorable Event.
The fiftieth
anniversary of the Blodgett Mills Baptist church will be celebrated the 1st day
of January, 1892.
history of the old church is peculiarly interesting to hundreds of people
living in this part of the State.
It was
originally built between Cortland and Homer in the year 1812; Elder Alfred Bennett
being the pastor.
At that
time Cortland, Homer and McGrawville were very small villages, and the
congregations of Elder Bennett were gathered from far and near, up and down the
valley. But as the population increased the membership of the church increased also,
and in the year 1842 the church was divided into three bands—one locating at Cortland,
one at Homer and one at McGrawville.
The old
meeting house was then sold to the Reformed Methodist church and removed to
Blodgett Mills.
three years ago, under the pastoral care of Rev. D. P. Rathburn, it voted
itself into the Baptist denomination again. The house is well preserved and a
live congregation gather for worship within its walls every Sunday.
arrangements are being made to welcome a large number of visitors on New Year's
following program of exercises has been prepared by the committee of arrangements:
10:30 A. M. Devotional Exercises, Rev. D. R. Watson.
11:00 A. M. Sermon, Rev. Dewitt D. Forward, Homer.
11:40 A. M. Presentation of Communion Service.
1:30 P. M. Prayer, Rev. D. P. Rathburn.
Historical Paper, Mrs. J. L. Tanner.
Sermon, Rev. H. A. Cordo, D. D., Cortland.
Finances of Church, Deacon E. A. Fish.
Reminiscences—Volunteer Speeches.
7:00 Service of Song.
Addresses, Revs. I. E. Usher, G. H. Brigham and
Benediction, Pastor.
The Club Room Opened.
Tuesday evening the Tioughnioga Club held its opening reception in their elegant
quarters in the new Hopkins Block in this village. Fully five hundred people attended
and the evening was passed in social enjoyment. The guests were received by the
reception committee consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hooker, Mr. and Mrs. F.
Cy. Straat, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wickwire, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Allen, and Mr. and
Mrs. Seymour M. Ballard. The ushers were Messrs. Frank J. Peek, Wm. T. Bushby,
Geo. N. Kennedy and Fred Howard.
refreshments were served in the billiard parlors and Darby's orchestra furnished
excellent music. The reception room, card room, parlors, offices and directors
rooms are handsomely carpeted with [Axminister] and the walls are handsomely
decorated with paper to match. The window draperies are decidedly handsome and
harmonize with the surroundings.
A parlor
grand [piano] made by Hallet & Davis, and furnished by A. Mahan, stands in
one corner of the parlor. The furniture is of all styles and patterns and the
easy chairs have a comfortable look about them that unconsciously secures the
admiration of an indolent member. The card room has eight tables of quartered oak.
Two pool tables and one billiard table may be seen in the billiard parlor. They
are of the celebrated Brunswick-Balke make and of course are of the best. There
are besides, cloak rooms, directors room and ladies toilet room, all complete
in their appointments.
The club
has recently been incorporated under the laws of this state and the following
is the board of directors: Wesley Hooker. President; Albert Allen, Vice President;
C. P. Walrad, Treasurer; S. M. Ballard, Secretary; Hugh Duffey, D. W.
VanHoesen, T. H. Wickwire, J. S. Bull, O. U. Kellogg, F. D. Smith. W. H. Newton,
Alex. Mahan, F. Cy. Straat, Ernest M. Hulbert, A. B. Nelson. There are 145
resident members of the club and 12 non-resident members.
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