Monday, April 11, 2016


The Homer-Cortland Gaslight Co. was located at 216 South Main Street, Homer, N. Y. (I. D. Booth occupies a portion of this site today.) Additional holding tanks were located at 43 and 45 Charles Street, Cortland, N. Y. The above image is dated 1920's.
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, December 25, 1891.


To the Public.
   Twenty years ago, when the present managers of the Homer & Cortland Gaslight Company assumed control they found all consumers of gas paying four and one-half dollars per thousand cubic feet. They at once adopted the broad and liberal policy of encouraging en increase in consumption by an immediate reduction in price. The wisdom of this course has been fully demonstrated by practical results. As the sales have increased from time to time the price has been steadily reduced to the present figure—two dollars and fifty cents per thousand.
   Encouraged by past experience, the managers recently introduced new and vastly improved facilities for manufacturing, and they now feel warranted in making another decided reduction in price. In pursuance therefore of the policy adopted so long ago and so well maintained, the managers beg leave to announce that on and after the first day of January, 1892, the price of gas will be reduced to two dollars per thousand to all consumers. A still further reduction of twenty cents per thousand will be made on all bills that are paid on or before the fifteenth day of the month on which they fall due. This brings the price of gas—to all who pay promptly—down to one dollar and eighty cents per thousand cubic feet. The managers also pledge themselves that a more extended and liberal use of gas in the future will be met with a still further reduction in price,—and this policy will be continued at all times to the end that the lowest price is maintained consistent with fair returns for the capital invested.
   The extra discount of twenty cents per thousand is made to insure prompt payment, and the rule not to allow such discount on any bill paid after the fifteenth day of the month must be strictly enforced by the Superintendent.
   A. C. WOOD, President
   CORTLAND, Dec. 19, 1891. (40w21 Advertisement.)

   Merry Christmas to all.
   If you have a half dollar of 1888, with an "O" above the date, you can get $12 for it.
   Farmers should not forget the Farmers' Institute to be held in this village to-morrow.
   People should eat plenty of onions, which are said to act as a preventive of diphtheria.
   Preaching at the store, corner of Elm and Pomeroy streets, Friday, at 7:30 P. M., by B. Winget.
   Liberty is going to stand up on the new silver half dollar, instead of sitting down and taking it easy, as in the past.
   The next regular communication of Cortlandville Lodge, F. & A. M., No. 470, will be held in their new rooms in the new Hopkins block, on Tuesday evening, Dec. 29th.
   The rate for telephone service to new subscribers will hereafter be $48 per year. Old subscribers will be charged $36, as heretofore.
   The post-office on Christmas day will be open from 7 to 10 A. M., and from 5:30 to 7 P. M. The last mail at night will close at 7 o'clock. The carriers will make one trip in the morning.
   The Homer and Cortland Gas-Light Company will make a substantial reduction in the price of gas on and after January 1st next. Read their announcement in another column.
   Have you noticed the forest scene in Tanner Bros.' show window? It is attracting the attention of all passers. Jos. G. Jarvis is the artist, and the work does credit to his genius.
   The Assembly will give a Christmas party in the Odd Fellows' parlors on Friday evening, Dec. 25th, 1891. Dickinson & Beman's full orchestra, of Binghamton, will furnish the music.
   Chas. H. Cook, formerly of Cortland, and a son-in-law of Mr. Chas. H. Jones, of this village, died last Sunday, in Chicago, Ill., of pneumonia. The remains were brought to this place on Tuesday for interment.
   The Earlville Standard commenced its fifth volume last week and celebrated the event by appearing in an eight-page form. The Standard is a newsy sheet, and is meeting with the success which its enterprise richly deserves.
   H. P. Hollister has sold his bakery business in the Squires' building to Messrs. Call & Schellinger. Possession was given last Tuesday morning. The new firm will push the business, and as they are live business men they will no doubt meet with success.
   The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held at the rooms (over Collins' store), Saturday, Dec. 26th, at 3 P. M. Consecration service from 2:30 to 3 P. M. All ladies most cordially invited to be present. Exercises commemorative of Crusade day (Dec23d) will be a feature of this meeting. Bits of history, incidents of Crusade days, results of the uprising, reminiscences of the leaders, etc., will fill the hour from 3 to 4. The public are cordially invited.
   The Teachers' Institute for the Second Commissioners' district will be held at the Homer academy building, opening on January 17th, and will continue through the week. Prof. Isaac H. Stout has been engaged as conductor, with Professors Cheney and Bardwell and Miss Martha Roe and Margaret Hooker, of the Cortland Normal school, Professor Tuthill and Miss Rose Ryan, of Homer academy, Commissioner J. L. Lusk, of Broome county, and Commissioner Stillman, of Cortland, as assistants.
   Last Friday evening Fred Richards, an inmate of the County Alms House, from Cuyler, broke into Keeper Frisbie's wine cellar, and helped himself pretty freely to hard cider and soon became boisterous, and undertook to run the institution according to his own notion. Richards is said to be a giant in size and strength, and it required the united efforts of several of the neighbors to overpower and bind him. He was then brought to this village and lodged in jail. The following morning Justice Bouton sentenced him to thirty days in the county jail.
   Prof. W. B. Leonard's young pupils gave a most enjoyable and very successful banjo and guitar recital at Hon. L. J. Fitzgerald's residence, Saturday evening, 19th inst. The little people have one and all improved greatly since we last heard them, which reflects much credit on the Professor as an instructor, as well as on the children's musical ability and studiousness. Some 75 of the first ladies and gentlemen in Cortland were present, and the pleasant host and hostess, Hon. and
Mrs. Fitzgerald, succeeded admirably in making them comfortable. Every number of the program was heartily encored, and the recipients were generous in responding. Certainly, Prof. Leonard has a right to feel proud of his little pupils, and his successful teaching in Cortland.

Notice of Election.
   The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Cortland Top & Rail Co. Limited, for the election of directors for the ensuing year and the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting, will be held at the office of said company, No. 128 and 130 Elm street Cortland, N. Y., Tuesday, January 12th, 1892, at two o'clock P. M.
   Dated Cortland, N. Y., Dec. 8th, 1891.
   IRVING H. PALMER, Pres. and Sec'y. (38w4)

Insurance for All.
   Come and see how we write insurance policies in the strongest companies in the world. Your choice of 10 fire companies, all old and tried. Equitable Life, the Giant, issues the undisputed policies. Best forms full tontine, also "plate glass," "steam boiler," and "cyclone" insurance. Four to 7 per cent on your money invested, and life risk besides.
   Masonic Block, 224 Main St.
   THEO. STEVENSON, Ag't. (36w6)

   Nathaniel J. Eaton passed from this life Saturday morning last after an illness for some months. The funeral services were conducted at his late home in Homer, Monday morning, a large gathering of friends and relatives being present. Rev. H. W. Carr, of Cortland, officiated. The body was then carried to Moravia for interment.

Universalist Church News.
   Last Sunday morning the pastor by request of the W. C. T. U. preached a sermon on "Sabbath Observance" to a fair audience.
   In the evening a special lecture was given on the life and work of the Rev. John Murray, the founder of Universalism in America—last Sunday was set aside by the Universalist denomination as "Murray Sunday," and the Universalists all over the country held special services to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the birth of "the Father of Universalism in America."
   A brief review of Murray's life was given and reflections drawn from that life and the present tendency of religious thought.
   The Ladies' Aid Society will meet in the church Wednesday afternoon at 2:30. Thursday evening will be observed by the Sunday-school and a Christmas entertainment be given by the children, after which Santa Claus will gather the fruit of the Christmas tree. Next Sunday will be observed as Christmas Sunday—special music will be rendered at both services.


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