The Cortland Democrat, Friday, December
4, 1891.
A New York State Sabbath Committee
was taken at the recent Sabbath Convention held at Utica, November 17th and
18th, to give more efficient expression to the Sabbath keeping sentiment of the
State by the formation of a State Sabbath Committee, to be known as the Sabbath
Committee of the State of New York and to consist of two members from each County
in the State.
efforts of the Committee will be directed to unite the influence of existing local
organizations and to encourage the formation of others, especially in our large
centers of population where anti-Sabbath influences are strongest. The
Committee will also oppose legislation unfriendly to the use of the first day
of the week for rest and religious uses, by bringing to bear upon the
legislature prompt united action of the Sabbath-loving citizens in all parts of
the State whenever such legislation is attempted, and seek to secure a better
enforcement of existing laws in the interest of Sabbath observance. It will
also encourage the holding of public meetings and the dissemination of
appropriate literature through local organizations where they exist.
Committee was organized by the election of A. A. Robbins, Esq., of Kings Co.,
as Chairman, C. W. Loomis, Esq., of Broome Co., as Secretary, and Rev. Addis Albro,
D. D., of Oneida Co., as Treasurer.
Homer Avenue Church Notes.
Sunday was the first quarterly meeting of the new conference year. The services
were conducted by the pastor, as the presiding elder, Rev. U. S. Beebe, was not
present. There were thirteen baptized, of whom six were children. Since
conference seven persons have united with the church on probation, and four by
letter. One hundred and fifty persons partook of the sacrament at the
celebration of the Lord's Supper. There was no sermon, the hour being well
filled. Sunday school attendance, 192; collection, $1.69.
Epworth League prayer meeting, at 6 P.M., was led by Mrs. Ben. Allen. Subject, "Innocent,
yet Suffering."—Matt., 5-10.
Rev. C.
E. Hamilton's text in the evening was from Matt, ix, 37-38. "Then saith He
unto his disciples, 'the harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few. Pray
ye, therefore, the Lord of the harvest, that He will send forth laborers into his
harvest.'" The church was well filled.
A meeting
of the Ladies and Pastors' Aid Society was held at the church, yesterday afternoon.
Sunday School Board will meet next Monday evening, to elect officers for the
new year. The pastor will preach at South Cortland this evening.
Congregational Church Items.
morning Dr. Taylor preached from II Tim., III, 14-15.
attendance at Sunday school was 368, collection, $6.55. Dr. Taylor was present
at the Young People's meeting, which was led by B. M. Eells, and helped very
much by his encouraging words.
The Rev.
Mr. Cassavant, of Tremont, Pa., occupied the pulpit in the evening, preaching
an excellent sermon.
The Y. P.
S. C. E. held their regular monthly experience meeting Wednesday evening.
afternoon the Boys' Band will meet with Myra Norton to work on their scrap
Woman's Missionary Society of the Congregational church will be held in the church
parlors on Friday afternoon, December 4th, at 3 P. M. Officers are to be elected
and a full attendance is desired. The social ten cent tea will be served from
5:30 to 7 P. M. All are cordially invited. Strangers especially will be
Universalist Church News.
invitation from the Unitarian church at Ithaca, for the Universalist church at
Cortland to send delegates to join with that church in the installation of their
new pastor Rev. John M. Scott, has been received. Daniel Kratzer and L. V. Smith
were elected delegates. Rev. H. W. Carr was also present and assisted in the
services which took place Dec. 1st and 2nd.
evening the Y. P. S. C. held its monthly meeting in the church parlors. Several
new members were admitted. The club has now passed the one hundred membership
mark. After a half hour devoted to business, a good musical and literary
program was rendered, followed by a light lunch, games.etc.
Rev. H.
W. Carr conducted the funeral services of Edward Wood to-day at Tully. The Ladies' Aid Society give [sic] the regular monthly
supper in the church next Wednesday evening. All friends of the church are
has decided by 12 majority to have a $20,000 water works system.
colored people of this section are to have a dance in Wells' Hall, Christmas
will be a Teachers' Association meeting in Homer, Saturday, Dec. 12th.
Cortland Journal issued a weekly edition last week. It was a creditable
looking sheet.
One of
the best magazines published is Scribner's. Read the prospectus
published in another column.
Collins & Daehler's new advertisement on our eighth page.
G. J. Mager & Co.
have something to say about cloaks in their advertisement this week.
annual communication of Cortlandville Lodge, F. & A. M., will be held
Tuesday evening, Dec. 15th.
King's Daughters will meet with Mrs. A. G. Bosworth, 37 Madison street, Saturday
afternoon, at 6 o'clock.
Mr. A. R.
Peck is making arrangements to move his Cash Register works to Syracuse. He
expects to leave by January 1st 1892.
Comedy Company are filling a week's engagement at the Opera House in this
place, and are playing to good houses.
A Turkey
raffle will be held at Hayes' saloon, 35 Railroad-st., Saturday evening, at 8
o'clock. Thirty fine turkeys will be put up.
W. T.
Bushby has a pair of elk antlers on his hands that he would like to sell. They
came from Wyoming and are a very fine pair.
W. S.
Freer will give a Christmas party at his hall in Higginsville, N. Y., on Thursday
evening, Dec. 24th, 1891. Music by Happy Bill Daniels' orchestra. Bill, $1.25.
A meeting
of the Board of Managers of the Hospital Association will be held in the
hospital parlor, Monday next, December 7th, at 3 o'clock. There are now three patients
receiving care at the hospital.
of the Poor elect Angel proposes to move to the county Alms House on the first
of next month and will take personal charge. He will also appoint a keeper. The
movement is a commendable one.
Prof. E.
C. Cleaves, of this place, has received an order from the Leland Stanford
University at Palo Alto, Cal., for 150 of his patent folding drawing and study tables,
which he is having manufactured in this village.
At a
meeting of the creditors of Theodore Stevenson, held in this village, last Friday, it was decided that his property could be
disposed of if an extension was granted him, so as to pay his creditors in full
and leave a surplus of upwards of $20,000.
Mr. A. T.
Dickinson has purchased the store at Messengerville. Mr. Dickinson conducted
the store for several years and enjoyed a large patronage. We have not learned
what the plans of Mr. J. O. Seamans, the former proprietor, for the future are.
The W. C.
T. U. meeting of Saturday last was well attended. The report of the World's
Convention, given by Miss S. E. Collins, was closely listened to and highly commended.
It is to be regretted that all who are interested in temperance work were not
At about
10.30 Wednesday evening, a barn belonging to Mr. E. J. Montague, who resides on
the west road to Little York, and about one mile north of Homer village, was
discovered to be on fire. It burned to the ground. Loss partly covered by
Bros., general merchants of Solon, have made an assignment to Byron H. Randall,
of McGrawville, for the benefit of their creditors. On the 18th ult., they
confessed judgment to Theresa A. Corcoran for $1,733.37 and William Corcoran for
Wood, one of the old residents of Tully, died at his home, Tuesday morning. Mr.
Wood was nearly 82 years of age, and had been seriously ill but a few days. The
services will be conducted Thursday at his late home by Rev. H. J. W. Carr, pastor of the Universalist church in
this town.
Mr. C. H.
V. Elliott, who has had charge of Brown & Maybury's branch store for
several years past, has purchased an interest in Fitz Boynton's drug store, and
will take possession about January 1st. Mr. Elliott is a very competent man. and
has a host of friends who will wish him success in the venture.
King's Daughters are making arrangements to hold an oyster supper and sale of
aprons and fancy articles during the second week in December. Every member or
friend, who is willing to do so, is requested to make and contribute some article
for this purpose. An excellent opportunity will be afforded the public to select
choice Christmas gifts and at the same time aid a worthy cause, as the proceeds
are to be devoted to local charity.
![]() |
Hoe Perfecting Press. |
The Buffalo Times.
Buffalo Times has recently added to its pressroom a second Hoe
Perfecting press and is now able to turn out 50,000 four-page or 25,000
eight-page papers per hour. The establishment is lighted by electricity
supplied by its own dynamo, and other valuable improvements have been added.
Nine delivery wagons are required to distribute its large edition to the city wholesale
agencies and trains. The Times is the only penny paper in Western New
York that has the Associate press dispatches, and the only penny eight-page paper
in the State outside of New York city. It has a daily, Sunday and weekly edition
and is Democratic at all times. The great success of the paper is attributable to
the excellent business capacities and editorial ability of Mr. Norman E. Mack
its editor and proprietor.
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