Wednesday, March 22, 2017


Cortland Evening Standard, Monday, January 15, 1894.
A Factory Robbed.
   Upon the lane which leads past John Ireland's planing mill from N. Church-st. to Railroad-ave. is a small factory operated by Messrs. Kittelle & Kinney, where wagon bodies are manufactured for the Cortland Cart and Carriage Co. When Mr. Kinney went to the factory this morning he discovered that the padlock which fastened the outside door was put into the staple the opposite way from what he always placed it, and from what he left it Saturday night. Upon entering the establishment it was discovered that a number of tools were missing. Investigation showed that two carriage makers' swivel vises, two hand saws, two planes and some other smaller tools were missing. The whole were valued at from $30 to $40.
    The lock was not a good one and the burglars had evidently found a key that fitted it. The only clue was the tracks found in the snow outside. A light wagon had been driven up before the door of the shop, the hoofs of the horse indicated that the team had come from Railroad-ave. and went away toward North Church-st. There were evidently two men. One of them wore a new pair of rubbers with fan heel and his tracks were plainly distinguished from those of the other thief. They went back and forth between the factory and the wagon several times. It is the opinion of the proprietors that the theft was committed just before light this morning.

New Clothing Firm.
   On Saturday afternoon F. N. Harrington & Co. sold to H. F. Bingham and
John Miller all their stock of ready-made clothing and gentlemen's furnishing goods, together with the lease of the store in the Schermerhorn building and the good will of the business. The new firm will be known as Bingham & Miller. They will continue at the old stand, but will confine themselves wholly to ready-made clothing and to gentlemen's furnishings, doing nothing at all with the merchant tailor department.
   Mr. Bingham was formerly a clerk for Burgess and Bingham and is a brother of Mr. D. H. Bingham of that firm. For the past two years or more he has been very successful as a traveling salesman for the clothing house of W. S. Peck & Co. of Syracuse. Mr. Miller was a clerk for Burgess & Bingham and later for their successor, A. S. Burgess. Both the young men are active and energetic, are familiar with the trade of of Cortland county, and they will doubtless receive their share of patronage.
   Mr. F. N. Harrington, has been engaged in the clothing business for twenty-four years, two years in Greene, N. Y., and the remainder of the time in Cortland. For the past fifteen years he has occupied the same store. He has been remarkably successful and Cortland people will be glad to know that he is still to continue in a portion of the same business. He has rented the vacant store in the Miller building on Main-st. and will put in a larger stock of gentlemen's furnishings than ever before, and will continue the merchant tailor department. Mr. E. B. DuChette, his popular cutter, will remain with him and still manipulate the tape measure, the chalk and the shears.

The Ex-Queen Threatened With Sudden Death From Heart Disease.
   SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 15.—The Examiner's Honolulu correspondent says Liliuokalani's death from heart disease is liable to occur at any moment. Smothering spells have come upon her with alarming frequency of late.
   Visitors are prohibited and every precaution is taken to prevent excitement.
Threats against her life have greatly conduced to her trouble.
   According to the correspondent's story there is a prospect that United States officials either at Honolulu or in America may have to answer to the charge of breaking faith with [provisional] President Dole.
   It is said that Minister Willis grew impatient at Dole's delay in formulating his reply to the demand of Willis and urged greater haste, whereupon Dole called upon Willis and frankly admitted that he did not propose to submit his reply until the arrival of a vessel, so that messages could be dispatched simultaneously with the departure of the Corwin. Whereupon Willis agreed the Corwin should carry the dispatches of the provisional government. Dole then hurried forward his reply and sent it to Willis, who dispatched the Corwin early next morning.
   It transpires no dispatches were delivered by the Corwin to Hawaiian representatives in America.

Ministers Denounce a Proposed Kirmess Festival of Episcopalians.
   GREENSBURG, Pa., Jan. 15.—A church war has been inaugurated here and it is now developing into a serious affair. The members of the Episcopal church will give a Kirmess festival in the church next week. Ministers of the other churches have given the case careful consideration and in their sermons yesterday they startled their congregations by roundly denouncing the proposed entertainment.
   The scandalous skirt dances, they said, should not be tolerated in civilized society, least of all in Christian church societies.
   The pastor of the United Brethren church, Rev. Mr. Funk, stated to his flock that he did not approve of the entertainment as he understood its character. Then he added that he hoped none of the members of his church would patronize or countenance the performance, and if any of them persisted in doing so their names would be promptly stricken from the membership rolls.
   The Episcopalians on the other hand have rallied to the support of their Kirmess, and the chances are that the free advertising which they have received will at least have the result of securing a large attendance at the entertainment.

Rapid Transit Far Underground.
   A rapid transit system has just been inaugurated in Brussels which shows the Belgian engineers to be ahead of any in either America or Great Britain in the matter of boldness of design. An underground rapid transit street railway has been commenced and will be completed in two years which throws into the shade all previous undertakings in that line anywhere. The road is to be an electric one, thus doing away with the smoke, cinders and coal gas that are so serious an annoyance on the London underground road.
   Another feature is that the underground part of it is to be thoroughly beneath the surface. Tunnels are to be constructed under the streets so far down that no sewers or gas pipes can possibly be interfered with. So far as any interruption to street traffic, any roar or rumbling sound above the trains, go, it will be the same as if no road were there. Shaft and air pumps will be employed at intervals, as in mines, for ventilation, and the whole tunnel will be brilliantly lighted by electricity.
   Two tunnels will be constructed, either side by side or one above the other, two-story fashion. The great depth will easily justify the latter mode of building. Elevators will shoot passengers quickly down into the stations and as quickly bring them up into daylight again at the end of the journey. The only wonder is that, since it is as easy almost to dig down 40 feet as 20, nobody ever thought of the deep underground railway for rapid transit in cities before. Trains will pass at intervals of two at three minutes and travel 25 miles an hour.

Disappointed Greatness.
   It is not likely that anybody, however famous and successful, was ever quite satisfied with his lot. This is known to be true of many of those whom their fellowmen called great. Gustave Dore, the artist, whose stupendous imagination and power of execution all the world still wonders at, died broken hearted because he had not won fame in another field to which he aspired. Emile Zola, with all the wealth a man needs at his command—won, too, by his own daring, tireless pen—with a fame enjoyed in an equal degree by scarcely another living writer, will yet go down to his grave sad and disappointed because they will not elect him a member of the French academy.
   So will Jules Verne, who has been trying for 20 years to become a member. Verne, whose dazzling, breathless flights to the moon and elsewhere readers young and old have followed till their thoughts were dazed and their heads whirled, has his one rankling thorn in the flesh in the reflection that his literary work is not thought good enough by his countrymen to entitle him to a seat in the academy. George Eliot was accounted the greatest novelist of her time in England and America and one whose writings will live through all times. Yet George Eliot's life was secretly saddened and embittered because her poetry was not classed as greater than her prose. She wished to be a poet, not a novelist.
   So it goes.

Gleanings of News from our Twin Village.
   Remember the stereopticon entertainment to-night at the M. E. church. Each view will be from 15 to 30 feet in diameter. The views represent interiors and exteriors of the World's Fair buildings, also scenes in different cities in Europe and Asia, as well as the United States. The views of statuary and paintings are particularly fine. Tickets for sale at Carl Dillenbeck's candy store. Admission 15 cents. Children 10 cents.
   Homer will soon have another dry goods store. Mr. D. F. Shepard of Lowville has rented the store in the Brockway block, formerly occupied by F. H. Smith, and will open it for business about March 1.
   At the Congregational Sunday-school yesterday the office of secretary and treasurer which has always been held by one person was separated, and Miss Alice E. Blaney was elected secretary, Mr. J. Deloss Heberd retaining the office of treasurer. The attendance was 170.
   Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fowler gave a very pleasant card party on Saturday evening to a company of young friends in honor of their nephew, Mr. Ralph C. Fowler. The "Assassination club" were present and rendered some of their choice music. Refreshments were served and a very pleasant evening was passed.
   Rev. Mr. Whittlesey of New Haven, Conn., preached in the Congregational church yesterday morning. He made a strong plea for funds for the National Ministerial Relief association.
   Mr. A. E. Lasher, who was the guest of E. L. Stone, Esq. for several days, returned to his home in Spokane Saturday.
   Mr. Chas. E. Thompson, who was the guest of his brother, Dr. F. E. Thompson, has returned home.
   A horse was frightened on North Main-st. Saturday afternoon at a load of hay. Several vain attempts were at first made to stop the horse. It was headed toward Cortland and was trying to reach there. Near the south part of the village it was stopped and returned to his owner.
   Saturday morning men were seen with snatch hooks and axes headed for the upper and lower ponds and in the afternoon they were seen again with large strings of fish.
   A gentleman by the name of Chaplin while fishing broke the ice and went down. He came to the top and tried to scramble out, but the ice kept breaking before him. At last he was reached by means of a pole and safely landed.
   It seems that a similar ducking was experienced by [school commissioner] Mr. William Coon who, while watching the men fish, fell through a hole in the ice and went in up to his shoulders. He succeeded in getting out without help.
   Mr. Ralph Fowler of Moravia is visiting his uncle, Mr. Earl Fowler on Warren-st.

Presbyterian Church.
   The pastor preached a timely sermon of exhortation yesterday morning. The text was from Malachi iii: 7—"Return unto me and I will return unto you, saith the Lord of Hosts."
   The attendance at the Sunday-school yesterday was 272. The continued attendance of the Christmas orchestra is a pleasant feature and is a great assistance to the singing.
   The report of the committee on appropriations of mission funds was given yesterday and was adopted. $100 was appropriated for foreign missions, $100 to home missions, $100 to the American Sunday school union, and $75 to the Presbyterian Sunday-school board. About $25 were left in the treasury.
   During the past year there have been three deaths from the Sunday-school: Mrs. E. S. Knieskern, Mr. Wilbur Stevens and Miss Lizzie Crawley. Mrs. H. B. Greenman presented a memorial upon Mrs. Knieskern, and Rev. J. L. Robertson upon the other two.
   The teachers' meeting this evening will be held fifteen minutes earlier than usual—at 6:45.
   The Sunbeam Mission band will meet in the chapel Thursday at 3 o'clock.
   The regular meeting of the Ladies' Home Mission and Church Aid Society will be held at the chapel Friday at 3:30 P. M.
   The prayer-meeting topic for Thursday evening is "Our Sunday-school."
   Union meetings will be held in the Presbyterian church every evening this week at 7:30, except Thursday and Saturday evenings. This evening the sermon will be by Rev. C. E. Hamilton, Tuesday evening by Rev. W. H. Pound, Wednesday evening by Dr. H. A. Cordo and Friday evening by Dr. L. H. Pearce.

Homer Avenue M. E. Church.
   The large audience which gathered Sunday morning had the pleasure of listening to the Rev. L. H. Pearce, D. D., of the First M. E. church, who exchanged pulpits with the pastor. His text was chosen from Numbers xiii :30, "Let us go up at once and possess it." It was an able and impressive discourse and held the close attention of the congregation.
   The Sunday-school was largely attended.
   The Epworth league prayer-meeting was led by Miss Hattie Kelley. Topic, "Moses, called of God."
   In the evening the pastor, Rev. C. E. Hamilton, preached a stirring sermon which was followed by a season of prayer. Four persons arose for prayers and three found their way to the altar. The church was filled, every seat being occupied.
   The monthly meeting of the Woman's Foreign Missionary society will be held Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
   The church will join in the union services of the week.
   The regular Thursday evening prayer-meeting will be held as usual, and will be of a revival character.

Congregational Church.
   Owing to a severe cold the pastor was unable to preach at the morning services and was ably assisted by [Normal School] Prof. J. E. Banta who gave a most earnest and interesting address which held the closest attention of the large audience present from the beginning to the close.
   The evening was given up to Rev. N. H. Whittlesey, secretary of the National Ministerial Relief association of the Congregational church, who presented his cause in a very able manner and received substantial evidences of the worthiness of it in the liberal contributions that were given.
   The Sunday-school numbered 714. The amount of the collection was $7.49.
   The Y. P. S. C. E. was led by Mr. Herbert Phelps.
   The mid-week prayer-meeting will be held as usual Thursday evening.

Universalist Church.
   It was a most encouraging day at this church yesterday.
   In the morning the pastor gave the annual sermon reviewing the work of the church during the year just closed. It showed that there had been an encouraging increase in financial receipts in each department of the church, and also a corresponding increase in attendance at all the meetings with greatly improved organization. There is a perfect harmony of feeling among the members and unity of action and the prospects of continued success are very bright.
   In the Sunday-school there have been made many changes of late and ft seems like a new school. The attendance yesterday was very large, never so large before but once, and that on a special Memorial day.
   Mr. John Livingston led the Christian union meeting. Subject, "Look Forward and not Backward."
   In the evening the pastor preached on the subject of "Prayer."
   Wednesday afternoon of this week the King's Daughters will meet at the church at 8:30 o'clock.
   Friday evening the King's Daughters present their first entertainment, the indigo social. Admission will be free. All are invited to be present. Several special attractions will be offered and entertainment provided, and later in the evening indigo refreshments will be served on the European plan.
   Thursday evening the Sunday-school teachers meet at Mrs. Marble's, 17 Charles-st.
   Saturday afternoon the Ready Workers meet at Mrs. Forrest's, 51 Lincoln-ave.

   —Mr. F. N. Harrington has sold his fine pair of black geldings to Mr. D. P. Morse of the firm of Morse & Rogers, shoe dealers, of Duane-st., New York. Consideration $500.
   —A man giving his name as William Tindale and claiming to hail from Ogdensburg applied last night for lodging at the jail. He was accommodated and was discharged this morning by Justice Bull.
   —Messrs. H. G. Livingston, P. Dempsey and W. H. Greenman this morning shipped by National express ten coops, containing twenty-seven fowls. They were bound for the fancy poultry show at Canastota.
   —On account of the special services at the churches this week the observance of Ladies' night at the Tioughnioga club, which would regularly occur on Wednesday night will be indefinitely postponed.
   —Mr. James P. Davey, the well-known dime expressman, died at 6:15 o'clock yesterday morning of complications resulting from a relapse of the grip. The deceased was 46 years of age and had many friends in this vicinity. The funeral will be held from his late residence, 56 Elm-st., at 2 P. M. to-morrow. He leaves a wife and a brother, Mr. T. B. Davey of Syracuse.
   —The cases of The People vs. the various liquor dealers in Cortland, who were charged with selling intoxicating beverages without licenses, which were adjourned last fall were to come up in police court to-day, but as no one appeared against the liquor men they were all discharged. Lack of funds is said to be the reason why the Citizens' Law Enforcement association have not pushed the matter further, but it is said to be possible that further proceedings will soon be commenced.
   —Word was received in Cortland this morning announcing the death in Big Flats, N. Y., on Saturday, of Mr. Josiah P. Ingraham, formerly of Cortland. Deceased was about 85 years old and lived for many years near the brick schoolhouse on Groton-ave. He was a member of Grace church and was one of the building committee of the original church edifice. The remains will be received in Cortland on Tuesday evening on the 7:08 on the E., C. N. R. R. The burial and committal service will be held at the Cortland Rural cemetery Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock.
   —Sheriff Miller this morning received from Chief of Police C. H. Meade of Binghamton a dispatch stating that he had captured Arthur Baker of Truxton, who with George Parker of the same place was accused of stealing a hog from the latter's uncle, William Lovell, in December. A warrant was sworn out before Justice H. D. Lazell and Parker was arrested by Sheriff Miller at Cincinnatus. He was convicted about three weeks ago and was sentenced to six months in the penitentiary. Sheriff Miller or one of his deputies will go to Binghamton to-night after Baker.

Tea Table Talk.
   Bicycle agents are now getting' ready for spring work. The principal improvements to bicycles the coming season will be in the pneumatic tire. A great deal of work has been done regarding this tire to perfect it. A number of manufacturers have also changed the old device for brake somewhat so as to take the pressure from the tire. The prices, it is said, have been dropped over fifteen per cent. Most of the machines are light in weight. Very few now run over thirty-five pounds.—Ithaca Journal.
   It is to be hoped that Cortland, N. Y., is not like its namesake Cortland, Ala., which must have a population that rivals the famous seven sleepers in somniferous powers. Thursday night burglars broke open every business house in the place and secured a large amount of booty. The postoffice was robbed of every letter of money value, while all the fresh meat the only market in town contained was taken. Not a citizen knew anything of the raid until daylight. The sleepy inhabitants of Cortland are doubtless thankful that the burglars did not carry away the whole town.


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