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John Dalzell. |
Cortland Evening Standard, Thursday,
January 11, 1894.
Brilliant Speeches Delivered For and Against the Measure.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 11.—The third day of the
tariff debate in the house was enlivened by a sensational speech by Mr. Tom
Johnson of Ohio, the free trade and single tax advocate, who claims with Hon.
Lawrence Neal, the Democrat candidate for governor of Ohio, the joint
authorship of of the tariff plank in the Chicago platform. He [boldly] attacked
the Democrats for the timid manner in which they had handled the tariff
Mr. Dalzell of Pittsburg made a brilliant
speech in defense of the tariff, dwelling particularly on the iron and steel
industries. Messrs. Warner and Coombs of New York, were the other speakers.
Mr. Johnson said the Democratic party had in
its platform promised great things in the way of tariff reform, but since the
election their ardor had cooled. The president had missed a great opportunity
in not calling congress together immediately to pass a bill in answer to the
demands of the people, which would have settled the matter. Instead of that the
distribution of offices had been given precedence. Regarding the Wilson bill,
he was like the man who ate crow. The bill is a hocus-pocus bill, and is not
even a bill for revenue only. He don't like it, but will swallow it.
At the conclusion of Mr. Johnson's speech,
Mr. Dalzell spoke. He said the election of 1892, which resulted in Democratic
ascendancy, had been followed by the most appalling crisis in our economic
Mr. Dalzell then opposed the Wilson tariff
bill, saying that to realize the same amount of revenue as in 1892, our imports
must be increased $218,026,333; to realize the same as in 1893, the increase
must be $252,359,280. Such an increase of imports would take just that amount
of gold out of the country. It will also substitute just that amount of foreign
manufactures for American manufactures,
Mr. Dalzell said that two subjects were essential
to a wise tariff law, the subject of wages and that of transportation, both of
which were utterly disregarded by the present bill.
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Cushman Kellogg Davis. |
In the
The principal event in the senate was the
speech of Senator Davis of Minnesota in support of the policy of nonintervention
in Hawaiian affairs. The senator plainly expressed himself in favor of the
annexation of Hawaii, and declared that to be the manifest destiny of the
Hawaiian Islands.
In the earlier part of the day and on
another subject Senator Gorman created some surprise by declaring that during
the past three years the total appropriations of congress had exceeded by
$3,000,000,000 the total revenues of the government during that period. A large
portion of this enormous aggregate is for public buildings, and is in a great
measure yet unexpended.
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Grover Cleveland. |
Hawaiian Message.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 11.—President Cleveland is
preparing another message to congress on the Hawaiian situation.
of Labor Congress.
ALBANY, Jan. 11.—When the Knights of Labor
congress convened a communication was received from President Phillips of the
State Workingmen's association urging the appointment of a committee to
consider the joining of the organization of which he is president with the
Knights of Labor and the Federation of Labor. A conference was held between the
committees, which will petition the legislature for the passage of certain
measures to alleviate the condition of the unemployed men of New York city and
elsewhere in the state. A joint committee was formed and permanent officers
Want to Face the Music.
◘ Minister Willis assures the Hawaiians, says
the Binghamton Republican, that they
had better obey President Cleveland's command to surrender to Liliuokalani
because the Democratic party is sure to rule in the United States for twenty
years, and their treatment by this government depended upon prompt compliance
with the president's orders. The Democratic party has a little over one year to
rule in congress and a little over three years for administrative rule. Not a
minute longer. That is the feeling of the masses to-day, and nothing can change
it. But if the Democratic party were to continue in power for twenty years it
would not carry out President Cleveland's Hawaiian policy. It is not the policy
of the Democratic party, either present, past or future. President Cleveland
and his Mugwump secretary of state were alone in supporting the policy, and now
the president is endeavoring to drop out. He sees plainly enough that he made a
very bad blunder in the beginning and a worse one by persevering in error.
The feelings of the officers and crew of the
flagship Philadelphia, as they saw British
redcoats and blue jackets landing at Honolulu, can better be imagined than described.
In the wardroom and forecastle of that particular cruiser, G. Cleveland is
probably esteemed as a little worse, if anything, than J. Davis. But such
remarks aren't made for publication.—Boston Journal.
Mr. Osborn, Populist secretary of state of
Kansas, has a plan which, he believes, will relieve the world from poverty, and
he describes the plan in a circular letter to the public. In brief, he would
pass laws limiting the hours of a day's work to two. We would all like to work
only two hours a day, and that far our hearts are with Secretary of State
Osborn. But most of us will wait till we see how somebody else makes the plan
go before venturing to adopt it ourselves.
Secretary Osborn holds that overproduction
is the cause of destitution. He says that one man can do with modern machinery as
much labor as 20 could do 75 years ago. All the 20 keep working on as hard as
they can, however, producing manufactured articles and crops. Then when all the
world is overstocked it must wait till the articles are worn out and the demand
catches up to the supply. To obviate this he would reduce the hours of labor, giving
two hours' work a day to all mankind all their lives. Well, as soon as people
can earn enough money to support themselves as they desire to be supported by
working two hours a day they will gladly consent to these hours of labor—not
A new life saving fender has been invented for
electric and cable cars. It strikes an obstacle on the track about 10 inches
above the ground. The obstacle, whether man, child, dog or inanimate object, is
thereby thrown upon the fender and carried along till the brakeman can stop the
car. This fender has been adopted in Brooklyn, where the trolley cars have been
veritable engines of destruction.
The new electric light which will be placed
in the Fire island tower will be the most powerful one in the world, having an
illumination of 240,000,000 candle power. In clear weather the reflection from
this lighthouse can be seen in the sky 100 miles away.
Fifty men in the employ of a certain railway
company have been discharged because they would not pay their just debts. It
served them right. If other corporations observed the same rule, people would
not run into debt so recklessly.
It is no disgrace for a man to accept charity
when he cannot get work. It is a disgrace to accept it when he can get work, and
he is robbing other people besides.
The duty of first importance this winter, after
supplying one's own need for food and shelter, is to help provide it for others
not so fortunate. This is at present done in various ways, and it will be a
pleasing recollection in years to come that the American people met the great panic
nobly and generously. In many places the members of a particular trade or
calling agree to give one day's wages each to the needy. At one time it will be
all the policemen of a city; at another, all the carpenters or clerks or
masons. Teachers meet the call in a similar way. Farmers can help more almost than
any of the others by donating some of the grain and food products which are so
low in price this winter. If all who are not in need will help, then all who are
in need will be helped.
A naughty Chicago newspaper declared that if
Editor W. T. Stead really wanted to
relieve the distress of Chicago the best way
to do it would be for him to leave town.
Marathon Fair.
Nearly a carload of Cortland people went to
Marathon last night to attend the Catholic fair in that place given for the
benefit of St. Stephen's church. The hall was prettily decorated by Misses
Elizabeth M. Davern, Susie Davern and Satie
Kelley. The fair was formally opened by John Courtney, Jr., who was introduced
by Rev. Father Hayes of Syracuse. Mr. Courtney was very happy in his remarks
and gave the fair a grand start from the beginning. A musical and literary
program was then presented, which included a duet by Mrs. T. F. Grady and Miss Mame
Griffith, a duet by Messrs. Frank Lanigan and T. H. Dowd, a solo by Miss Julia
Allen of Scranton, a recitation by Miss Minnie Cleary and a piano solo by Miss
Costello of Owego. Very nice refreshments were served and the evening was
pleasantly spent.
The Cortland party did not lack for entertainment,
but enjoyed themselves thoroughly until the coming of the early morning train, which
brought them to Cortland at 6 o'clock. The fair is continued to-night. It seems
to be a great success so far.
Mr. Eugene Davis, editor of the Lisle Gleaner, was in town on Monday,
Mrs. C. C. Adams has gone to Aspen, Colo., to
spend some time with her daughters, Misses Helen and Mary, who are teaching
there. For the present they have rented a house all furnished for housekeeping,
which makes it like home for them to be together.
Mr. Clark H. Lathrop of Oswego was in town Monday.
Hon. R. T. Peck and wife of Cortland visited
relatives here recently.
The Good Templars here are to visit Cortland
lodge by invitation on Friday evening.
Mr. George DeLand and Miss Jennie Sweet,
daughter of Mr. Elihu Sweet of Texas
Valley were united in marriage by Rev. E. R. D. Briggs on Wednesday at 12 M.
Among those who attended from here were Mr. C. A. Brooks, Miss Irene Brooks,
Miss Minnie Jones, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Valentine and Mr. Layton Valentine of
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Baxter of Quincy, Mass.,
spent Wednesday at Mr. A. C. Robacher's.
Mrs. E. Maricle, who lives on Front-st., and
quite an old lady, slipped and injured herself quite badly the other day. Dr.
Trafford was called to attend her. She is doing as well as can be expected.
To-night (Wednesday) occurs the first
evening of the Catholic fair. The committee have all worked faithful to make it
a success. They have arranged booths for fancy articles, etc. Supper will be
served in the rooms below after the exercises. There will be dancing in the
hall each evening.
Marathon is to have a new public library.
The sum of $20,000 was a short time ago left to the town by Mrs. M. M. Peck
with which to build and equip a library. The funds are now under the control of
a board of trustees who constitute the Peck Memorial Library association of
Marathon, N. Y. Mrs. C. C. Peck, a sister of Mrs. M. M. Peck, gave to the town
a lot of a quarter of an acre for a site. As it is not on a principal street it
has been decided to sell this and buy another in a more desirable location. The
funds have been so invested that the association will have an income of $1,000
a year, exclusive of the site. Marathon is to be congratulated.
Bank Election.
At the annual meeting of the stockholders of
the First National bank of Marathon
held Tuesday afternoon the following directors were elected: J. H. Tripp, G.
P. Squires, Lyman Adams, D. B. Tripp, D. E. Whitmore, Leroy Crittenden and
Willson Greene.
At a subsequent meeting of the board of
directors the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
President—James H. Tripp.
Vice-president—George P. Squires.
Cashier—Lyman Adams.
Assistant Cashier—D. B. Tripp.
ELM STUMP, Jan. 10.—Mr. and Mrs. A. B.
Springer of Cortland were guests of their daughter, Mrs. Irving Price last
Rev. Chas. Haver occupied the pulpit both
morning and evening in the absence of the pastor, Rev. Wm. Warner, last Sunday.
Mr. C. L Judd, who has been absent for a
week past at Schuyler lake visiting his sister and mother, returned home last
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Welch and son Vinty of
Syracuse were the guests of her sister, Mrs. Lavina Spencer, Sunday and Monday.
They were called here by the death of their brother in-law, Mr. James L.
Mrs. Solomon Baker of Groton is a guest at
Mrs. J. L. Spencer's for a few days.
Mr. James L. Spencer, the son of Michael and
Mary Lavars Spencer, was born in Delphi, Onondaga county, N. Y., Oct. 8, 1823.
He was the third of seven children of which only two are living, both residing
in Michigan. In the year 1829 when James was but 6 years old his father moved
to Cortland county and purchased a tannery of A. Tisdale near the flour mill
between the villages of Homer and Cortland. At the age of 17 he went to Ovid to
learn the trade of a printer under the instruction of his brother-in-law,
Corydon Fairchilds. After remaining a period of 5 years he returned to Cortland
where in the year 1848 he was united in marriage to Miss Lavina R. Grannis and
settled on the farm occupied by him at his death. His health for a number of
years was very poor and his final sickness was a complication of diseases and resulted
in his death on Jan. 4, 1894. He leaves a wife and seven children to mourn his
loss, besides a large circle of friends. He was a kind and affectionate father
and a sympathizing neighbor. His family are not alone in his loss, but many far
and near can testify to the strong words of encouragement and cheer he was
always ready to give others. His funeral was held at his home on Monday, Jan. 8,
Rev. Mr. Hamilton of Cortland officiating. He was buried at Cortland. Although
it was a bitter cold day yet the house was filled to overflowing, all eager to
pay their last respects to one so soon to leave us.
Messrs. Henry and John Eisaman of Madison
county are guests of their brother, Mr. Lyman Eisaman, for a few days.
Mr. Irving Price is helping Mr. Dell Allen
move his household effects to his new farm on South Hill.
The Ladies' Aid society of this church will
meet with Mrs. Jay Wooden on Wednesday afternoon, Jan 17. All are cordially
—All those who are studying the
international Sunday-school lessons in Genesis will be interested in an
editorial in to-day's STANDARD entitled "How Old is Man."
—A private dance will be given in Empire
hall to-morrow evening by a number of Cortland young people. Mr. John
McDermott's orchestra will furnish the music.
—Mr. A. Mahan this morning caused to be
placed in the club house of the Cortland Athletic association a fine upright
cherry piano, which adds greatly to
the appearance of the parlor.
—A polished oak operating table has recently
been added to the hospital furnishings. It is of very fine workmanship and of
the latest and most approved design. It was a gift from Mrs. Hugh Duffey.
—The regular prayer-meetings will be held at
the several churches to-night, as usual, instead of the union services of the
week of prayer. At the Homer-ave. church the meeting will take the form of a
special revival service to which all are cordially invited.
—The King's Daughters will hold the regular
meeting of the circle with Mrs. M. A.
Johnson, 32 Groton-ave. on Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Please notice
change of day. Children's and men's clothing solicited; garments of all sizes,
and kinds, also comfortables, all of which may be left at 10 Charles-st. Important
business will be transacted.
A Smoky
All who attended the "Hard Time Smoker"
given by the Cortland Wheel club at their rooms last night had a good time and
felt that the evening was a great success in its way. "Bailed" shirts were
tabooed and cigars were prohibited, but Henry Clay pipes were in order. Edwin
Robbins, the well known tobacconist, contributed a large box of excellent tobacco,
which occupied a prominent place on the secretary's desk and which was freely
used by the smokers.
A number of the hard time makeups were very
amusing, especially those of President S. H. Strowbridge, James Maynard and
"Dusty" Rhodes the "champion tie-walker of America." Each
hard-timer impersonated his character in a manner which could be best appreciated
by those who have been on their uppers.
At about 9:30 o'clock the pipes were extinguished
and President Strowbridge invited all into the reading room, where small tables
had been set and with the assistance of "Bill Sykes" the boys were
served with a free lunch, which would have made the mouth of any box car lodger
water. The spread was arranged by President Strowbridge.
After this had been disposed of a marriage (?)
ceremony was performed, uniting Capt. James Farrell and Secretary Miss (?)
Arthur Kinney. The remainder of the evening was passed in a social way.
A clam chowder social will be held at the
club rooms next Wednesday evening. All members and their friends are invited to
be present.
In police court this morning two cripples, claiming
to hail from Scranton, Pa., who
applied for lodging in the cooler last night were discharged.
Elmer Waters, a farmer boy living near
Preble, was arraigned on the charge of public intoxication. As he claimed that
he had never been drunk or arrested before, Justice Bull discharged him with a
John Glish was also arraigned on the charge
of public intoxication. John is a aged pensioner and on receiving his pension
he got inebriated. He was very penitent this morning and signed a pledge,
agreeing not to get drunk till he got his next pension money. Justice Bull
discharged him.
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