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Benton Bushnell Jones. |
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, December
22, 1893.
Mr. Benton B. Jones' Illness.
After the DEMOCRAT had gone to press last
week the illness of Mr. B. B. Jones assumed a more serious form, and developed
into pneumonia together with a heart trouble, that made his condition very
critical. He has been seriously ill since that time, and for several days his
family were alarmed about him. On Wednesday his physician pronounced him a
little better. He remained about the same until Wednesday afternoon when his
symptoms again changed for the better. He rested well through Wednesday night,
and Thursday morning again he was pronounced better, and at this writing his
condition remains unchanged. It is now believed that Mr. Jones will continue to
gain, and that he will ultimately recover from what has proved to be a serious
illness, barring the possibility of a relapse.
It is not thought prudent to admit callers
to his room. His physician is very cautious about giving out prognosis until it
can be relied upon.
[Benton B. Jones was the publisher and
editor of the Cortland Democrat—CC editor.]
Rhodes Rides Near the President's Carriage.
"Why the outrider?" remarked a
stranger, standing in the shadow of the portico this morning, as the
presidential equipage rolled under the wide roof.
The escort in question, a fine,
muscular-looking man on horseback, could not properly be called an outrider, as
he followed the president's brougham instead of riding ahead to clear the way.
There was a set look on the countenance of the individual, who never took his
eyes off the carriage until the chief executive was safely within the portals
of the white house. When the horses dashed through the gates the guard was
close upon the neat-looking brougham which contained Grover Cleveland, and it
was noticed that as they approached the portico the horseman rode up beside the
carriage and hurriedly dismounted before the door was opened. The mysterious
man stood beside the president when he alighted, and a keen pair of dark eyes
scanned every face in the group of idlers who always congregate to witness the
arrival of the president. As the latter was lost to sight in the vestibule the
somewhat mysterious person breathed a sigh of relief and strode across the
portico, shrugging his shoulders and clinking the spurs attached to his heavy
riding boots. At a superficial glance the spurs appeared to be the most warlike
instruments on his person, but a suspicious-looking hump upon each hip indicated
that there was something underneath his coat which would make it a very
dangerous matter to meddle with the movements of Grover Cleveland.
The man thus chosen to guard the president
is Mr. Benjamin T. Rhodes, a well-known detective of the police force, who has
been detailed as a bodyguard for the president ever since the tragic death of
Carter Harrison. Mr. Rhodes goes out every cabinet day to escort his charge to
the city and follows the carriage closely when business is finished for the
day. The detective wears plain citizen's clothes, and there is nothing in his
appearance to indicate the nature of his mission.—Exchange.
Mr. Rhodes will be remembered as a former
resident of Cortland. He was engaged in business here for a number of years,
but moved to Washington and was engaged on the police force, where he has been
advanced to the rank of detective. Mr. Rhodes is considered a very competent
man in his profession.
Damaged by Fire.
About 3:30 o'clock Monday afternoon a single
stroke on the fire bell was heard. Immediately afterward the general alarm was
rung by Janitor Bickford and the department promptly responded. The cause of
the alarm was occasioned by the discovery of flames issuing from the rear of
the house formerly occupied by Mr. M. Michelson on South Main street now owned
by Dr. F. O. Hyatt. Although the fire was under considerable headway the
department confined it to the rear part and attic and soon had the flames under
control. A portion of the household effects on the first and second floors were
hastily removed. The front portion of the house remains nearly intact, although
somewhat damaged by water. It is alleged that the fire started in the woodshed where
some hams were being smoked in a barrel. Mr. C. Haskins received some injuries
in assisting to remove a stove.
Two families resided in the house at the
time: Mr. Charles B. Roethig occupying the south, and Mr. Patrick Kiernan, yard
master at the E., C. & N. depot, the north portion. Mr. Roethig is now
located at 21 Argyle Place and Mr. Kiernan temporarily at 39 Railway-ave. Mrs.
Kieirnan will visit with friends in Elmira for a few days.
It may not be generally understood that the
battery of the fire system is so constructed that the removal of even one cell
from either shelf destroy the current power. Those cells are regularly cleaned
in shelf rotation. Janitor Bickford was thus engaged at the time the alarm came
in and as the first stroke registered the location he promptly rang the alarm,
averting a more serious conflagration.
Dr. Hyatt has an insurance of $2,500 in the
Continental; Mr. Kiernan $1,000 in the Five County Insurance Co., (formerly
Tompkins, Cortland and Cayuga cooperative) and Mr. Roethig $800 in the Norwich
Meeting of the Cortland Fire Department.
There was a large attendance at the annual
meeting of the fire department Wednesday evening. Retiring Chief Peck called
the meeting to order and Mr. C. H. Drake, as Secretary pro tem, jotted the
minutes and read the record of the past year. From the report it appears that
harmony is the prevailing feature throughout the department and that the Board
of Engineers have stood as a unit on all matters affecting the good of the
Only one death occurred during the year, Mr.
James A. Dowd of Emerald Hose, No. 4.
The present strength of the department is:
Water Witch Steamer and Hose, No. 1, 40 men; Orris Hose, No. 2, 30 men; Excelsior H. &
L., No. 3, 40 men; Emerald Hose, No. 4, 30 men; Protective Police, No. 5, 30
men; Hitchcock Hose, No. 6, 30 men. A total of 200 men.
Nine regular and five special meetings of
the Board of Engineers were held. There have
been twenty alarms, two of which were tests, all having been properly noted in
the columns of the DEMOCRAT at the time of occurrence.
The report of Treasurer C. P. Walrad showed
a balance of $151.60 on hand Jan. 1, 1893. Receipts from various sources
$550.17. Total $701.77. The expense account was $573.73, leaving a balance in
hands of treasurer of $128.04.
The question of electing the Chief for a
term of two years instead of one as in the past was brought up. After a few
remarks a vote was taken on Mr. D. C. Smith's motion: "That this
department does not elect its chief for two years." Unanimous vote in affirmative.
Messrs. Oscar Raymond of No. 1, Dr. Tompkins
of No. 2, John Phelps of
No. 3, George Gleason of No. 4, H. L. Gleason of No. 5, and George B. French of
No. 6 were appointed tellers and they had an exceedingly easy task, as the
following officers were elected by the secretary casting a single ballot.
Chief—N. Jay Peck.
First Assistant—A. G. Bosworth.
Second Assistant—Frank Burns.
Treasurer—Calvin P. Walrad.
Only forty-three minutes time was consumed
in the transaction of business from the time the meeting was called to order
until the motion to adjourn, and each member retired with a cigar on Chief
Band Minstrels.
The minstrels gave a performance Saturday
night for the benefit of performers who had generously donated their services.
Standing room was sold in the balcony but the house was light below. The
performance was the best of the three entertainments given, and several new
features were put on, among them was an impromptu white face sketch by Messrs.
Lanigan and Leonard, entitled, "Different yet two of a kind," which
received several encores. The gentlemen put this on at a day's notice.
Mr. Fred I. Graham gave one of his popular saxophone
solos, Mr. P. Conway, everybody's favorite, played one of his incomparable
cornet solos and received several encores. Mr. Green very generously donated a
banjo selection, and showed much skill in manipulation and jugglery.
The after piece, entitled "The
Manager," arranged and produced under the direction of Prof. W. B. Leonard,
was in every way a success, and considering that the boys had never rehearsed
the piece, it was wonderfully well impersonated. The general verdict of the
people is that the City Band Minstrels was by far the fittest local
entertainment ever seen in Cortland.
Some of the boys have gone to Norwich to
assist in a minstrel show given there this week. Success to them.
For the
Needy Poor.
A worthy movement is on foot to raise funds
which shall be applied to the wants of the needy poor in this place. An
entertainment will be given in Cortland Opera House, on Jan. 5th and 6th, 1894,
at which time a melodrama entitled "Myrtle Ferns,'' and an Operetta will
be rendered. The cast for both is composed of Cortland's best local talent and
active rehearsals are now being held.
Dr. G. A. Tompkins has the soliciting, part
of the programme in charge, and he has met with the best of success, enough
having been pledged so that the undertaking will cost practically nothing. Mr.
E. S. Burrowes has charge of the stage and Mr. M. D. Murphey, Jr., will have
charge of the Operetta and the music.
The receipts from this entertainment will be
distributed among committees that are to be appointed by the pastors from each
of the churches of this place, and they will use the funds where the most good
can be done. The undertaking is certainly worthy the attention of all classes
of citizens of this place, and ought to receive universal support.
Tioughnioga Club to Help The Poor.
A meeting of the members of the Tioughnioga Club
of this village has been called for next Tuesday evening to arrange for some
systematic work in caring for the needy poor in Cortland the present winter. While
it is believed that the people of our village are more fortunate than the
people of most other cities and villages in having sufficient food and clothing
to be comfortable, yet it is a recognized fact that there is need of some work
of this kind in our midst at this time.
The members of the club are desirous of assisting
in this work in connection with such other movements of the kind as may
originate from any other source and will undoubtedly organize for that purpose.
It is certain that such work should be done.
The Rescue Mission of Syracuse have raised nearly
$5,000 for the relief of the poor and needy of that city.
Hon. William F. Cody, (Buffalo Bill), will
be a candidate for Governor of Nebraska on the Republican ticket next fall.
Mr. John Hopkins, democrat, was elected mayor
of Chicago on Tuesday last, for the unexpired term of the late Carter Harrison.
Up in Vermont last week the thermometer
reached forty degrees below zero. Wonder if
the McKinley bill had anything to do with it.
The Comptroller of the Currency Wednesday
authorized the payment of the first dividend of 80 per cent upon proved claims
against the Elmira National bank of Elmira, which failed several months ago.
Mr. John Y. McKane and others, charged with
contempt of court on election day at Gravesend, were found guilty and each
sentenced to thirty day's imprisonment and to pay a fine of $250, the full
extent of the law.
The next Senate will contain eighteen
Republicans, thirteen Democrats and one Independent. The Assembly will contain
seventy-four Republicans and fifty-four Democrats. The Constitutional
Convention will be Republican.
The fairness of the Democratic legislative
apportionment is fully demonstrated by the late election. The Republicans
carrying the State by less than 30,000, win a substantial majority in the
senate and a large majority in the assembly. A gerrymander would not produce
such results on such a narrow margin of difference in party strength.—Waterloo Observer.
Our Regular Correspondent.)
Congressmen, particularly those who have
been so precipitate in their criticism, will do well to spend a part of their
Christmas holiday in studying President Cleveland's special message and the
Hawaiian documents of which it treats. It will not be necessary for them to
endorse the President's Hawaiian policy In its entirety to discover how absurd
Senator Hoar's recent remarks about impeachment were. There has been neither
technical nor actual violation of either the letter or the spirit of the
Constitution by the President: the idea that there had been was conceived by
malignant partisanship and nurtured by such men as Hoar.
Mr. J. R. Sovereign, the new head of the
Knights of Labor, is in Washington, in attendance upon the conference of the
Executive committee of the Bi-metallic League, with which he is in sympathy.
Speaking of the tariff he said: "I am an out and out free trader. The
so-protection of American labor is a delusion. Labor is not protected. Invested
capital receives a bonus in the form of protection, and it is then optional
with the capitalist to give a share of the bonus to labor in the form of
increased wages. But this option is seldom, if ever, exercised." There is
food for reflection in these words of Mr. Sovereign, who is certainly in a
position to speak from the point of view of the American wage-earner.
It has about been decided that the internal
revenue bill shall include an inheritance tax and shall take the place of the
proposed income tax or shall be in addition thereto. It is not considered
probable by members of the Ways and Means committee that the internal revenue
bill will be reported to the House until after the holidays. The tariff bill
will be reported to the House to-morrow, unless something now unexpected shall
prevent, but it will not be called up for debate until after the recess.
The DEMOCRAT wishes its readers, one and
all, a Merry Christmas.
Maher Bros. are to give away a Dockash range
at their store on Saturday of this week.
There will be a raffle at the North Cortland
House on Saturday evening of the present week.
The proceedings of the board of Supervisors,
for the last two days of its 1893 session, will be found on the seventh page.
Mr. O. A. Kinney of McGrawville has been
elected trustee of the Cortland Savings bank, in place of Madison Woodruff, deceased.
Holiday shoppers will find Cortland
merchants in line with an elegant assortment of staple and fancy goods for the
season of '93 and '94. Come to town and inspect the same.
Corporation collector G. T. Lattimer sold a
parcel of levied property at the old plant of the Cortland Corset manufacturing
Co., last Thursday afternoon, to satisfy unpaid taxes.
There will be a New Year's hop at the Virgil
Hotel, Virgil, N. Y., on Monday evening, January 1,1894. Music by Chrisman
& Lang's orchestra. Bill, 50 cents. Supper will be served to those who may
desire it.
The great variety of makes and styles of
pianos and parlor organs at Mahan's, gives one the best possible opportunity to
choose what is most desirable, with the certainty that the goods will turn out
as represented and that prices are right.
The use of sealing wax in personal correspondence
is again decreed in the fashionable world. There has been a new language of
colors established. White sealing wax is chosen for weddings, black for
obituaries, violet for expression of sympathy, chocolate for invitations to
dinner, red for business, ruby for engaged lovers, green for lovers who live in
hope, while blue denotes constancy, yellow jealousy, pale green reproaches, and
gray between friends.
The Cortland Wheel Club are making arrangements
for a New Year's run, to be followed by a pig and game dinner. If the day
should prove stormy and the roads bad, the run will only be made to Homer and
return, but if everything should prove agreeable a longer run will be made. The
dinner will be served in the club rooms in the DEMOCRAT building, after which
short speeches will be made, and other amusements furnished. A meeting will be held
next Tuesday evening to perfect all the arrangements.
Miss Minnie Riley of Homer Ave. is ill from
an attack of pleurisy with effusion of cerum in pleural cavity. Dr. Dana
successfully removed 3 1/2 pints of fluid yesterday.
Supervisors and town clerks elected next spring
will hold office for two years, Section 18 of chapter 644, Laws or 1893, approved
by the Governor April 11, 1893, provides: "Inspectors of election and
constables when elected shall hold their respective offices for one year and
supervisors and town clerks two years, except in the county of Kings."
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