Sunday, March 26, 2017


A bird's-eye view of Brooklyn and Manhattan, with political bosses Croker and McLaughlin standing over the two cities.

Cortland Evening Standard, Thursday, January 18, 1894.

A Hearing on the Bill—Legislative Matters at Albany.
   ALBANY, Jan. 18.—The joint cities committees of assembly and senate met and gave a hearing on the bills providing for submitting to the people of the territory affected the question of a greater New York. All of the members of the commission were present and Senator Cantor's bill providing for New York, Brooklyn and contiguous territory voting on the question was first taken up.
   A. H. Green, president of the greater New York commission, said that the commission bill was very simple and merely submitted questions of consolidation. Everything else would be left to the legislature, such as taxation, control, commissions and various other things.
   Senator Cantor read a letter from the people of Ravenswood advocating the measure.
   W. J. Grout of Brooklyn objected to the provision of the bill on behalf of the Consolidation league and favored the bill consolidating Brooklyn and New York.
   Mr. Graves also of the Brooklyn league said that Brooklyn people would vote against the bill and Mr. Green's bill would kill itself.
   Edward Linton of Brooklyn, speaking for the commission, reiterated the views of Mr. Green and further said that the commission was not considering taxation, but the centralizing of power for a great territory.
   Mr. Linton said in answer to questions that he believed that a great deal of the opposition came from officeholders, who feared losing their places.
   Senator Cantor said that while he believed that New York would get an advantage from consolidation he believed Brooklyn would get more.
   Assemblyman Finnegan of Staten Island did mot favor annexation for his section. The committees took no action.

Boston Banishes the Kouta Kouta.
   BOSTON, Jan. 18.—By a unanimous vote of the aldermen at a special meeting the notorious Kouta Kouta dance, alleged to have been performed by dancers from the Midway plaisance of the World's fair, has been officially declared immoral and banished from Boston. This action is the result of the investigation by two of the aldermen who witnessed the exhibition at the Howard athenaeum, where it has been given nightly during the past three weeks.

Held at Wheel Club Rooms—Impromptu Toasts.
   The clam chowder smoker given by the Wheel club last evening was one of the most successful they have ever held. About seventy guests were present. Cards, billiards and pool made the evening pass pleasantly till about 9 o'clock, when steaming hot chowder was served which was most excellent.
   When all had finished, pipes and cigars were lighted and President S. H. Strowbridge was elected toastmaster. He assigned the following toasts to members of the club and their friends present. "The Legal Fraternity and Sports," "The Liar in Sports," "Billiards as a Sport," "Pool," "Sport over the Handle Bars," ''Cigars in Training,'' ''The Little York Course,'' "Double Headers," "How Pie goes in a Race," "Is it better to walk or use a Wheel?" "Gas," "That Thanksgiving Day Punch," ''Our Captain," "New Members," and "The Long Distance Rider." All of the impromptu responses were brief and to the point and a majority of them were very witty and amusing.
   At the close of the last response Toastmaster Strowbridge gave a brief history of the club and the present condition of the finances, which showed that the organization would soon be clear of all debts and that it is now a booming organization, increasing in membership at every meeting. A vote of thanks was tendered to Mr. G. F. Beaudry for furnishing the tobacco, after which games were resumed till the incandescents went out, when the affair broke up.

Gleanings of News From our Twin Village.
   A large light of plate glass was placed in the north window of Atwater & Foster's drug store yesterday.
   Prof. S. Burnham of Hamilton Theological seminary will deliver a lecture at the Baptist church tomorrow evening. The subject of the discourse is "Amos, Preacher of Righteousness". Admission 25 cents.
   Mr. E. L. Stone left for New York last night on business.
   A very pleasant surprise birthday party was given last night to Miss Anna Daniels at her home on N. Main-st.
   A pleasant and quiet wedding occurred yesterday afternoon at the home of Mr. Earl Fowler. Mr. Asa B. Reynolds and Miss Anna R. D. C. Thompson of Sempronius were united in holy matrimony by the Rev. Parker Fenno. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds left Homer on the 6:15 train south for their wedding journey.
   Every one will be delighted to know that at last our village green is to be vastly improved. The first step is to be the cutting down of several healthy trees which it has taken many generations to bring to their present proportions. The proper authorities with a true appreciation of the artistic possibilities of the green have decided that these grand works of nature must not veil from public view the grander work of man. The grass will now spring up upon the little barren spot within the circle unhampered by the cruel shade of its larger brothers and in pleasant contrast to the barrenness all about. The dear old circle which has been the admiration of all for many years must add another chapter to the love of bygone days.
   A year ago last evening at about 7 o'clock fire was discovered in the academy building and at midnight that grand old building which was the pride of Homer lay in ruins. It seemed a great loss at the time, and yet there are few who are unwilling to admit that the present magnificent building which has sprung up upon the ruins of the old one more than makes good the loss. Yesterday was a beautiful spring day and yet a year ago the firemen fought the flames in the severest winter weather.
   The Young People's society of Christian Endeavor of the Congregational church give a social affair at the church parlors to-night.
   The Columbia club "ladies' night" is to-morrow evening. Progressive euchre will be played and light refreshments served.
   Yesterday afternoon while Chas. Joslin was binding a load of lumber at Maxson & Starin's lumber yard the binder slipped, knocking Mr. Joslin off of the load. His injuries are not serious, but he will be unable to work for several days.

Marathon Department.
   Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stockwell and son Walter have been visiting relatives and friends here.
   Mr. J. O. Peebles has moved from the John More farm, a mile below the village, to his residence on Cortland-st.
   On Saturday evening Past Commander A. C. Robacher installed the officers of Hiram Clark, G. A. R.
   On Monday afternoon the remains of Mr. Jesse L. Judd of Cortland, a former resident of this place, were brought here for interment. A large number of his friends and brothers of the Masonic order were at the depot, and the remains were viewed by many at the station. Mr. Judd was in the jewelry business here for some time and had the friendship of every one. A number of his relatives accompanied his remains and his bereaved widow to this village.
   There were 80 votes cast at the annual election of officers of the lot owners of Marathon Cemetery association on Tuesday afternoon and great interest manifested. No town of the size can boast of a better kept cemetery, and the officers take just pride in taking care of the lots. It is the intention to build an iron fence around part of the cemetery the coming season. The association have had sums of money willed to them at different times and with the surplus money have from two to three thousand dollars.

It really looks as if Jack Frost
Had given us the slip;
He's either moved away or else
He's laid up with the grip.
—Washington Star.
   —The funeral of Mr. John Quinlan will be held at St. Mary's church on Saturday at 10 A. M.
   —The firm of W. L. Baker & Bros., veterinary surgeons, have established a branch office at Marathon, which will be conducted by one of the brothers.
   —The funeral of Mrs. Amasa Rogers, who died in Syracuse, was held at 3 o'clock this afternoon in that city. The remains will be brought to Cortland tomorrow on the 10 o'clock train for burial in the Cortland Rural cemetery.
   — A number of ladies and gentlemen have formed themselves into a Players' club and as soon as the organization is perfected further particulars will be announced in The STANDARD. The club will give an entertainment in the Opera House the latter part of this month for the benefit of the poor fund of the Tioughnioga club.
   —James H. Short died in the east part of this town upon Jan. 8, at the age of sixty-six years. He was born and reared on the farm where he died and was the youngest son of Manasseh Short, many years deceased. He leaves a wife, a son, and two daughters, also three brothers—David of McGrawville, Lucas of Des Moines, Ia., and Willard of Hebronville, Mass.
   —A report has been circulated to the effect that the committees who have charge of the funds for distribution among the poor of Cortland have more money than they require. The report is wholly without foundation and is utterly false. Many cases of destitution have been reported. The committees take great pains to find out that the cases are genuine, and the money that is in their hands is used with discretion and has already done much good. There is opportunity too for the judicious distribution of much more, where it will be of great assistance.

Going to Marathon.
   Dr. A. C. Baker is about to open an undertaking establishment at Marathon. At present the office is located at the Marathon House, but a store is being fitted up and Dr. Baker is putting in all the modern conveniences and appliances of a well-appointed undertaking establishment. Every thing now is being put into the store for conducting the business and the firm are in a position to do the best work in their line in that section of the county. Mr. Myron Rowe of the undertaking firm of Howe & Atkins of McGrawville will have charge of the practical workings of the business. Dr. Baker is one of Cortland's most esteemed young professional men and The STANDARD with his many friends wish him success in this new venture.

Empire State Express.
Elizabeth Banks.
Tea Table Talk.
   Nineteen of Levi P. Morton's Guernsey cows, which were infected with tuberculosis, were killed at Rhinebeck Wednesday. They were valued at $7,000.
   Hog cholera is creating havoc among the porkers in the vicinity of Binghamton. Recently Mr. F. Hill, a farmer living near Hawleyton, lost fifty hogs out of a drove of fifty-six. It was his first experience with cholera and he did not understand what was the matter until nearly the whole herd was dead.
   The fastest long distance run by a railroad train on record was made by the Empire State express Monday. Engineer E. L. Chase was at the lever and James Stark, the fireman, was at his post. The train rolled into the union station at Albany behind time, and left there at 11:45 A. M., 25 minutes behind schedule time. At Utica there was a detention of five minutes caused by the taking of water. Syracuse was reached two minutes late, the run of 148 miles having been made' in the remarkable of time 151 minutes. This remarkable run was made without the least mishap. It speaks well for the men in charge of the train and the road.
   An American "female journalist" of the Nellie Bly pattern has been shaking up English society. Her name is Elizabeth L. Banks and she hails from Baltimore. She has furnished the London St. James Gazette with a series of letters received from impecunious English noblemen and dead beats whom she has ensnared in correspondence by advertising herself as an American heiress in search of a titled husband. She has demonstrated that money is scarce is Great Britain and that a great many aristocratic vagabonds are ready to sell themselves to a rich woman. The London field for the "female journalist," "lady reporter" and "young girl scavenger" is quite fresh and fertile.

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