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Grover Cleveland. |
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, January
19, 1894.
President's Hawaii Message.
Harper's Weekly.
risk nothing in saying that no fair-minded person can read President
Cleveland's message on the Hawaiian affair without coming to the conclusion
that the President and the Secretary of State are absolutely right in every
position they have taken with regard to this unfortunate business. No state
paper concerning a similar subject has ever come from the Executive office that
reflected more honor upon our government, and of which every patriotic American
citizen had more reason to be proud. It sets forth once more in a plain, clear,
and candid way the well-established facts of the overthrow of the Hawaiian government
by a small band of conspirators under the instigation of the American minister
and with the aid of United States troops—facts so well verified by documentary
proof and all manner of conclusive evidence that the most unscrupulous partisan
mendacity has not been able to obscure them.
It is well that the President's message
shows more fully than it has been officially shown heretofore how the American
minister had for years been bent upon accomplishing the annexation of the
Hawaiian Island to the United States; how he had yearned for the "golden
hour" of opportunity; how he had asked the State Department to permit him
to use the United States forces in Hawaiian waters for purposes beyond the mere
protection of the American Legation and of the lives and property of American
citizens; and how, when he thought the "golden hour" had arrived, he
used the United States forces even to the extent of committing an unjustifiable
act of war against a friendly government.
What interests the American people most at
the present moment is the conduct of our own government under such
circumstances. The government of Hawaii had been stolen, and offered to the
United States in hot haste by the thieves. President Harrison—so Mr. Cleveland
generously presents the case—was misled by artful misrepresentation into a
hasty acceptance of the stolen goods, and submitted a treaty of annexation to
the Senate. But Mr. Cleveland's administration, having taken office fortunately
before annexation was consummated, easily detected that there was a grave
discrepancy between the assumption of Mr. Harrison, that "the overthrow of
the monarchy in Hawaii was not in any way promoted by this government,"
and the protest of the Queen, declaring that she had surrendered to the
superior force of the United States, and that she therefore confidently
submitted the case to the enlightened justice of the government of this
It was in obedience to the simple dictate of
common honesty that President Cleveland withdrew the annexation treaty from the
Senate, and sent a man of high character and of known ability and experience to
Hawaii to ascertain the facts. Mr. Blount, the agent selected, had enjoyed the
rare distinction, when leaving Congress after many years of service, of
carrying with him expressions of the highest regard from leading members of
both political parties. No man ever thought of questioning his universally
recognized integrity until, after a conscientious endeavor to ascertain, and
with a firm determination to speak the truth, he told the whole story of the
theft of a country, and thus incurred the rage of those who found themselves balked
in the iniquitous attempt to profit from the disgraceful transaction.
We have now before us in the President's
message a frank statement of the steps taken by the administration after the
truth was known. "Our country," says the President, "was in
danger of having actually set up a temporary government on foreign soil for the
purpose of acquiring through that agency territory which we had wrongfully put
in its possession. The control of both sides of a bargain acquired in such a
manner is called by a familiar and unpleasant name when found in private
transaction," In other words, our agents had taken the first steps to put
upon the country the guilt and ignominy of an unmitigated act of fraud and
robbery. It was the duty of an honest government to do all in its power to
retrace those steps, and thus to clear the name of the country of the foul
So far as the President, within the
constitutional limitations of his power, could redress the wrong that had been
done by the agents of the government, it was his plain duty, to do so. He
honestly tried to perform that duty, and in making the attempt he did not
forget the consideration due to the circumstance that those who had taken an
active part in the overthrow of the Queen's authority had been encouraged by
the American minister, without whose aid they would not have undertaken the
venture. The President, therefore, while offering his good officer to the Queen
as a mediator between herself and the provisional government, insisted that if
returned to power she would grant a general amnesty to those concerned in the
sewing up of the provisional government, and a recognition of all its bon fide acts and obligations.
This was eminently humane and proper in every sense.
The Queen has not seen fit to accede to this
condition. On the other hand, the wild shouting of the jingoes and of
Republican partisans in this country has made the provisional government in
Hawaii believe that it has a majority of the American people at its back. These
two circumstances have conspired so far to frustrate the efforts made by the
President and the Secretary of State to conciliate the differences in Hawaii and
to vindicate our national honor. This is not their fault. They have done what
it was in their power to do, and are henceforth clear of responsibility. The
President, mindful of the limitations the Constitution imposes upon him, refers
the matter "to the extended powers and the wide discretion of the
Congress." He will gladly "cooperate in any legislative plan which
may be devised for the solution of the problem before us which is consistent
with American honor, integrity, and morality." True to these principles,
he will, of course, not resubmit the annexation treaty to the Senate.
This is as it should he. The President and
the Secretary of State have done their duty. Now let the unscrupulous ranters
in Congress who have so wildly vociferated against the administration show what
remedy they have to propose, consistently with American honor, integrity, and
morality. Mere denunciation will no longer serve. On the bare assumption that
the President had ordered the Queen of Hawaii to be reinstated by force of arms,
without authority from Congress, they have hurled against the President
vilification without measure, even to the threat of impeachment.
The message, showing that the President has
remained strictly within its constitutional limits, covers them with confusion
and shame. They are exposed as wanton calumniators. Their rage may grow more
desperate, but it will also become more harmless every day. "If national
honesty is to be disregarded," says the President, "and a desire for
territorial extension, or dissatisfaction with a form of government not our
own, ought to regulate our conduct, I have entirely misapprehended the mission
and character of our government, and the behavior which the confidence of our
people demands of their public servants."
Let the President rest assured that, the
demagogues notwithstanding, the American people are neither fools nor knaves.
Their conception of the mission and character of our government corresponds with
his own. Their sense of justice will stand by him, and turn his severest trial
into his most signal triumph.
Representative of the Democrat Visits the Factories in Cortland—Encouraging
Words Received From All—1894 Starts off Right with Prospects of a Good
Business During the Year.
The year 1894 starts off with very
encouraging prospects, as far as the factories in this place are concerned, and
business seems to have taken on a brighter aspect and everything seems to point
to a successful trade in the manufactured goods that are shipped from Cortland
to all parts of the world. A
representative of the DEMOCRAT called at all the factories in this place on
Wednesday last, and from those who ought to know, the following facts in regard
to the state of trade at the different places, were obtained:
At the office of the Cortland Wagon Co., President
Fitzgerald informed us that they were doing a good business for the time of
year, and that the number of orders received each day was fully up to the business
of a year ago. Indications for future trade were encouraging and fully equal to
those of the past two or three years. Collections, he said, are good, and we
look for a lively spring and summer trade. Quite a force of men are kept at work,
and each day, as fast as more men are needed they are employed, and it is expected
that by March 1st, this great industry will be running on full time, and the
full force of men will be at work.
At the Hitchcock Manufacturing Co.'s works,
there is every indication of thrift and their trade has been better, all
around, than it was the previous year. They have built over 4,000 high grade
cutters and very few of them are on hand, and these could have been closed out
had they been finished in time. Collections have been good with them, and they
have employed, during the winter, about 250 men. Two large contracts for
vehicles have been closed this week with jobbers in New York and Boston, and
orders from smaller dealers are being received daily. They are putting their
works in shape preparatory to getting out their line of wagons and carriages
for the seasons trade, and work will be commenced in a few days. The Hitchcock
company are producing a better grade of work than ever before, and it is to
this fact that they attribute much of their increase of trade. Plans have been
put forth to supply the demands of an anticipated larger trade during the year,
which they have every reason to believe they will receive. They have some new
special jobs that it is expected will be great sellers, among which are a new
high grade surrey, the new empress surrey, with basket panels, and hand-buffed
leather top, and the empress buggy, all are attractive jobs and will please the
trade. Mr. Hitchcock has been in the South for several weeks selecting timber
for use in the factory, which will soon be on hand to be made up in the
different styles of vehicles that will be put on the market this year.
The Cortland Omnibus and Cab Co. are at
present busy sending out their annual catalogue which has just been issued. They
are employing few men in their works, but have a large stock on hand to meet the
demands of trade. They are receiving a few mail orders, and will ship a large
coach next week to Lynchburg, Va., and also a large dray to Beaufort, South Carolina.
The company and their work were never in better shape to do business, said
President Ellis, and when trade opens up we will be on hand with as fine a line
of jobs as were ever put upon the market.
Mr. G. C. Hubbard, of the Cortland Manufacturing
Co., Limited, informed us that business with them was fully up to the standard
of a year ago, and that they were running nearly a full force of work men eight
hours a day. The trade he said starts slow, but collections are good, and we
anticipate a good business during the year. Our agents are sending in orders and
report prospects as good. The company is building stock ahead to meet the trade,
which is in accordance with their sale of former years.
The Cortland Cart and Carriage company
started their traveling men on the road January 2, and orders are being
received from them daily. The works were started up last Tuesday, and are
running one-half their force eight hours a day. They report collections good,
and that during the past year at least one-half of their customers have taken
the advantage of discounts offered on bills, which is a good showing. Mr.
Hatfield informed us that he looked for a good, healthy spring and summer
trade, and that the company was preparing to meet the demand.
Mr. W. H. Newton reported trade a little
quiet and said that the present time was the dull season with him, but is
receiving mail orders enough to keep a portion of his help at work. He reported
collections good, but did not express an opinion as to the outlook in the
At the Cortland Forging works we found a
busy place. Mr. J. H. Wallace said that business was all that the company had
anticipated, and that they were working a full force of men in all departments
on full time. Some of the departments are obliged to work night and day in
order to keep up with orders. Their pay-roll is the same that it was one year
ago, when they were working a smaller force night and day. Collections are up
to the standard and they employ 75 men. He thought the volume of business
during 1894 would be less than it was last year. He expressed himself as
pleased with the outlook, and said the company could not complain. The line of
carriage goods manufactured by the company is among the best that is put on the
market, and the company's rapidly increasing business is an indication that
their goods are in demand.
Mr. F. W. Collins, of the Howe Ventilation
Stove Co., said that trade during the past season had been fairly good. The
season for the sale of stoves closed some time ago, and the company are not
employing any men about the works except in the office and the pattern room.
Collections he reported good, and said that the company hoped for, and expected
to have a larger business during the present year than it did last year. The
general condition of their retail customers throughout the country was healthy,
and their stock of stoves was known to be lower now than it had been, at this
time of the year, in twenty-five years. This being the case the prospects for
the stove trade the present year is certainly very flattering.
The Cortland Carriage and Specialty Co., who
are owners of the defunct Cortland Top and Rail Co. plant, are working 36 men
in the exclusive manufacture of shifting-rails, and will increase the force to
50 men soon. This plant is now operated under the direction of a syndicate known
as the Carriage and Specialty Co., with headquarters in Cleveland, O. The
company is a solid one and has from five to six million dollars back of it,
which ought to be a sufficient guarantee that the branch in Cortland will be
kept running. The Cortland branch is now working on several large contracts,
and will be kept in operation through the year.
On calling at the office of the Cortland
Harness and Carriage Goods Co., we found that Mr. Brewer, one of the proprietors
of this concern, was out of town, but Mr. W. A. Dunn kindly gave us the state
of trade here. The new year has opened up very promising and the company have
made a large number of contracts. Business is not quite as good as it was one
year ago, but they are satisfied with the outlook, and look for a prosperous
year. They are working a two-third force, nine hours a day, and may possibly
work ten hours a day next week.
Wickwire Brothers' wire works are running
night and day, in order to keep up with their orders. This is one of Cortland's
most substantial industries and employment is furnished to 300 men the year
round. They report collections as being good, and their trade somewhat
increased. It is a busy place at this factory, and the outlook for future business
seems to be good.
At the Cortland Door and Window Screen
factory we found a regular beehive in the way of industry. This factory has run
on full time since last August, and will continue to run until July 1st, when
the season closes. They have already placed as many contracts with jobbers as
they did in a corresponding period last year.
The busy season at the Cortland Chair and
Cabinet Co.'s factory closed with the beginning of the year. Through the
holiday season their sales were good, and they are now getting out new styles
for the coming season, and anticipate a good business. They believe next
season's trade will start slow, but expect to see it revive to some extent on
February 1st. Their collections have been good, and they pronounce the outlook
for future business as being very encouraging.
Mr. Whitney, of the H. M. Whitney Co., says
they are working about half their men. Their traveling men are all out, but do
not return the usual orders. Collections with them are good.
Mr. John L. McKee of the Foundry and Machine
Co., says they are running their full quota of men, eight hours a day, and will
soon work nine hours. In the foundry they draw a heat every day. Collections
are good and there seems to be a good outlook for the coming season.
At Cooper Bros.' foundry, Mr. George Cooper
says they have been running their full force 59 hours a week every day since
last spring and expect to continue the same, but he does not see any prospect
for a a particular pick up in business for the coming season.
At the Jones Mfg. Co., Mr. Lakey says, they
are working about 25 men and the outlook seems a little better for the coming
season though buyers are very cautious. Collections are a little better than
last fall and orders are coming in.
Our reporter also called at the factories in
Homer, and was furnished the following information relative to the state of
The New York Wire-cloth Co. operate several
mills which are all running. The one in Homer is working all the men they can
accommodate thirteen hours a day. Their trade has not been affected by the times.
The W. A. Brockway wagon works, of Homer,
are working men in all departments, but not the full force, as business is not
as heavy as a year ago. Their traveling men are all out but orders are rather light
and collections a little slow.
The Homer Mfg. Co. have been very busy
working extra hands from eight to fifteen hours per day, to supply the sleigh trade.
Two weeks ago at the close of that season, they laid off a few hands, but are
now working their regular force on carriages. They will add six new designs to
their catalogue this year and say, "we have no reason to complain of the
state of trade."
Newton Bros. are running their shirt factory
at present about as they did last year, and the woolen mill to its full capacity
night and day. Inventory, January 1, showed an increase of $10,000 for the business
of 1893 over the previous year, with but little on the books. Their salesmen are
out and meet with good success in disposing of goods. Their grist-mill is running
as usual.
In Preble.
Mrs. Lucinda Egbertson, widow of the late
Alex Egbertson, of Preble, N. Y., suicided last Sunday morning by drowning in a
well. Deceased lived with her nephew,
Charles Hartman, two miles east of Preble village and assisted in the general household
duties. Mr. Hartman who is an invalid, arose early in the morning and after
building the fire laid down upon the sofa in the sitting room and fell asleep.
Patsy Galvin, the hired man, arose soon after
and went to the barn to attend to the usual morning work. At this time he says
Mrs. Egbertson was up and preparing the breakfast. Upon his return from the
barn Mr. Hartman was up but Mrs. Egbertson was missing. She had got the breakfast
ready and evidently left the house but a few moments before. A careful search
was made for her and she was found in the well head down. She had forced
herself through a hole in the platform covering the well which was in size 10
1/2 x 11 1/4 inches. She was dead when found having been in the water at least
an hour. Coroner Bradford was notified and he summoned a jury and adjourned the
inquest until Jan. 24.
Perils of
the Great Lakes.
Capt. D. Doville, of Sodus Point, keeps a
complete record of disasters to shipping on the lakes every year, and of the
loss of life thereby. His record for the year 1893 places the total number of
vessels lost at 56. They were valued at $1,240,000, and their cargoes at
$2,212,558. The number of lives lost was 128. Of these 59 were lost on Lake
Erie, 33 on Lake Huron, 15 on Lake Michigan, 12 on Lake Superior, 4 on Lake
Ontario and 5 on Detroit River. The five deaths on the river, however, were not
the result of shipwreck. Four were suicides and one a passenger swept overboard.
Last week the DEMOCRAT was disappointed in
receiving its correspondence from Homer, and at the last moment copied the list
of officers of the First National Bank of that place from the Cortland
Standard, supposing it to be correct, but as usual it was incorrect. The
following day the Standard called attention to the fact that we had
copied its blunder and exhibited great satisfaction thereat. Most journalists
feel a just pride in the completeness and correctness of the news published by them,
but the editors of the Standard congratulate
themselves only on the blunders they publish. If they corrected all of them
there would be very little room for anything else in the Standard's columns.
Democrats in Cortland county should bear in
mind that there are some changes in regard to the length of time that some of
the officers to be elected at the coming town meeting will hold office.
Supervisors and Town clerks who are elected next month, by virtue of an
amendment to the [state] law that will take effect then, will hold office for
two years, all other offices for one year. This change is made with the idea that
these officers will be enabled to serve the interests they represent, by
becoming better acquainted with the affairs of the county. If a supervisor
makes a good record during his first year's service, he certainly ought to do
better the second year. The Democratic party, when it has had control of the
Board of Supervisors in past years, has made a record that it is not ashamed
of. It has many men to-day within its ranks who are capable and would make good
officials, and their names should be brought into prominence by placing them
in nomination for the offices mentioned. The best and strongest candidates should
be placed in nomination, and then turn out and elect them. Stay-at-home democrats
have defeated many a good candidate, but we do not believe we have any of them
in this county. If you have a choice as to a candidate, be present at the
caucus and help to nominate him, then stand by the nomination until the polls are
closed on election day.
The citizens' meeting held in Syracuse last
week Thursday, said to have been called by the Onondaga Farmers' Club in opposition
to the Wilson bill, turned out to be a great big sham. The meeting was advertised
freely by the press of that city and the call was so worded as to give the impression
that citizens, irrespective of party affiliations, were wanted to attend, and the
laboring classes were especially appealed to. The general idea went out that
the meeting was to be for the people, by the people and the people were to take
an active part in it and discuss the merits of the Wilson bill, but when order
was called, a republican was there to perform that duty, and he made haste to
present to the citizens a list of officers for the meeting that were all
republicans. Republican politicians were introduced as speakers, and they
continued to "hold the fort" until the meeting closed. A number of prominent
democrats and business men of Syracuse were present, prepared to oppose any
fraudulent political doctrines that might be introduced, and when in a gentlemanly
manner, they asked for recognition from the chair, they were hissed, and given
to understand that all arrangements had been previously made and that there was
no desire to change the slate. It was not a representative citizens' meeting, nor
did the republicans intend it should be; it was called for the purpose of misleading
innocent citizens into a trap, that when once sprung it would be hard to get
out of. When avaricious politicians resort to such means to deceive the people,
it is high time to show them up and present them to the public in the true
position they occupy. This is another illustration of the republican
politician's idea of protection. A few politicians and capitalists are
protected, while the thousands of unemployed laboring classes are left to shirk
for themselves.
Last week a sixteen-year-old coon was
lynched without judge or jury by the citizens of an Ohio Town for killing an old
man and his wife. Evidently the ghost of Joshua R. Giddings, the great
abolitionist, is not stalking about McKinley's bailiwick to any considerable
extent or such an outrage would not have been possible. This is not exactly a
Southern outrage, but similar transactions in the south have called forth
column after column of denunciation from our brethren of the Republican press.
Up to date, we have looked in vain for a line of comment on this outrage in
the columns of the Republican papers of this or any other state.
Town meeting three weeks from next Tuesday,
February 13.
E. A. Northrup, of this place, has been granted
a patent on a bicycle.
Clarence Miller, of Scott, has purchased Mr.
Choley's interest in the Cortland electroplating works.
Our Scott correspondent this week describes a
case of tuberculosis which recently was found to exist in a cow that was the property
of J. B. Cottrell, in that place.
Go to the Indigo Social to-night at the Universalist
church. Admission free. Entertainment provided and Indigo refreshments served
on the European plan. Everybody cordially invited.
F. N. Harrington has disposed of his matched
pair of black geldings to D. P. Morse, a
jobber in boots and shoes in New York city, for $500. Mr. Harrington keeps them
in Cortland until April 1st.
The statutes of the state of New York make
it a crime, punishable by fine or imprisonment or both, to willfully
communicate false information to a newspaper for the purpose of securing its
The Cortland Union Bee Keepers' Association will
hold their annual winter meeting at Good Templars' hall, Cortland, Saturday,
January 27, 1894, at 10 o'clock A. M All interested in apiculture are earnestly
invited to be present.
Meetings are being held every evening this
week, excepting Thursday, at the Presbyterian Church, which are addressed by
the different pastors. Large congregations are present and a great deal of
interest is manifested by those who attend.
There were eighteen liquor cases that came
up before Police Justice Bull last Monday
morning. The defendants in each case appeared and were ready for trial, but no
one appealing against them the cases were dismissed and the bail exonerated.
There is a law in this state that provides that
bells shall be used upon horses or their harness, or upon some portion of the
vehicle when they are attached to sleighs or cutters. The law was passed for
the protection of people crossing the highways or walking therein.
Mr. Thomas Sweeney of Glen Haven, has
purchased the cigar manufacturing business formerly conducted by Ellis Bros., in
the Graham building, at No. 14 Port Watson-st.
Mr. Sweeney will manufacture a choice line of cigars, including the well-known
brands, "Standard," "High Grades," "El Triumfos,"
"All Clears" and "Emblems."
The Cortland City Band expect to give their
minstrel entertainment in the new opera house at Dryden soon. The company will
contain 27 people, including the City Band,
and will make a fine street parade on the day they appear there. We can assure
the citizens of Dryden that the City Band Minstrels give a first-class
entertainment, and one in every way entitled to their universal patronage.
Mr. and Mrs. George Snyder, of this place,
went to Whitney's Point yesterday, where they will reside, Mr. Snyder having engaged
to work for a wagon factory. Last
Monday evening a number of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Snyder paid them a surprise
visit, at their home on Groton-ave. During the evening Mr. N. P. Meager, in
behalf of the visitors, presented to them a beautiful couch and four chairs.
They were also the recipients of two center tables, the gift of friends
present. The evening was very pleasantly spent in a social way, and greatly
enjoyed by all present.
A. S. Burgess has a new advertisement this
week. Read it.
Bingham & Miller make an interesting announcement
to be found in another column.
D. F. Wallace & Co., are entirely
redecorating the interior of their store in the most modern style.
Mr. J. E. Bliss is moving his custom tailoring
business to the second floor of the Union hall block, where rooms have been
refitted for him. He will open there next Monday.
Dr. Higgins cut the cords of the left ankle
of the infant daughter of William Woolsey, of McGrawville, to staighten a club
foot. The operation was performed at the hospital and the child can return home
Dr. Henry has been attending Garry, the 12
year-old son of Mrs. Sanders of Park-st. The lad suffered with peri-typhlets
and last Sunday an operation was found necessary to remove the puss which had
gathered around the vermiform appendix. He called Drs. Higgins and Dana to
assist in the operation. It was very successful and the boy will be out in a
few weeks.
Last Monday morning, Mrs. Michael Coughlin, who
lived alone near the [railroad] junction, was awakened to find her home in flames.
She escaped with her clothes in her arms and roused the neighbors who sent in
an alarm from box 413. The department responded, but the house was nearly
consumed when they reached the scene. The nearest hydrant is 3,000 feet away
and no water was thrown. The house and contents, on which was $500 insurance, was
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