Cortland Evening Standard, Friday,
January 19, 1894.
C. V. Coon Has Callers But They Don't Stay Long—A Revolver Not an
Agreeable Sight.
has one home at least that even the professional burglar will do well to avoid
and that is the home of Prof. C. V. Coon who resides on Fitz-ave. For the past
few days Mrs. C. V. Coon's father, Mr. J. H. Hill of Otisco, Onondaga county,
has been a visitor at their home. On Tuesday evening Prof. Coon and Mr. Hill
concluded to see "Ole Olson" at the Cortland Opera House, leaving
Mrs. Coon in charge of the household. She thought that she was abundantly able
to take care of herself and her two children in their absence and the sequel
proves that she was right.
At about
11 o'clock she concluded to retire and
was about to do so when she heard a step on the side porch. A few moments later
she heard some thing [sic] inserted in the keyhole of the door and efforts made to
turn from the outside the key which was already in the lock on the inside. The
average woman would have fainted, but Mrs. Coon had no thought of such a
proceeding. On the other hand she instantly took possession of a revolver and
awaited developments. The outsider kept at work until he had filed the side of
the key in the lock to such an extent that by means of some instrument he
succeeded at last in turning it over and unlocked the door.
Mrs. Coon distinctly heard a low whistle
given from the piazza and then the door was slowly opened. Grasping both
revolver and poker more firmly in her hand she proceeded to make known to the
visitor that an angry woman reigned supreme on the inside and that cold lead
and a stove poker awaited their incoming.
In less time than it takes to relate it,
Mrs. Coon was alone. Her visitors took French leave and did not stand upon
ceremony. A few minutes afterwards her husband and father returned.
Prof. Coon thinks that the visitors muse
have been professionals at the business from the manner in which the key had
been filed from the outside and the manner of unlocking the door.
The Pony
Ran Away.
Miss Grace Holden's pony, which is about as
large as a good-sized New Foundland dog slipped away from his mistress
yesterday afternoon about 5 o'clock while she was trying to get into her cart
near the Dexter House, and started at a lively pace down Main-st. Arthur
Fitzgerald thought he was a better runner than the pony and took after him. He
seized hold of the back of the cart and was climbing in over the back of the
seat to reach the reins, when the pony saw what was up and playfully kicked up
so high that young Arthur was frightened and tumbled off into the muddy street.
When the pony struck Tompkins-st. he was jogging along at a fair pace. Several
persons tried to stop the little fellow with the result that he dodged them all
and ran faster than ever. In front of Mrs. Sturdevant's residence Stephen Reynolds
succeeded in getting hold of a rein near the bit and then the gritty little
pony, who considered it all a huge joke, began to run backward almost as fast
as Mr. Reynolds could follow, but nevertheless the man hung on and succeeded in
capturing him. He drove the pony back to the postoffice corner [Standard
building,] where he met Miss Grace and surrendered the equipage to her. No harm
of any kind was done.
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Harper's Weekly. |
System Adopted Obviates an Inquisitorial Operation of the Law—All Persons
Subject to the Tax Must Make the Proper Return to the Collector.
Made For Secrecy Regarding Incomes.
Jan. 19.—The full text of the internal revenue bill, including the important
income tax, has been agreed upon by the Democratic members of the ways and
means committee. Prints of the completed bill have been made and it is probable
the measure will be submitted to the house today.
The bill
provides that the income tax into go into effect Jan. 1, 1895, and that the first
collection on incomes is to be made on July 1, 1895.
All classes
of incomes are included in the measure and the uniform tax of 2 per cent tax on
incomes over $4,000 is fixed.
The most
important detail of the bill is the method provided for the levy and collection
of taxes. It is made obligatory on all persons receiving individual incomes of
over $3,500 to make a return to the local collector of internal revenue. These
returns are gone over by the revenue collector and a taxable list is made upon
those whose incomes exceed $4,000. No tax is levied on those making a return of
above $3,500 and under $4,000, but the committee deemed it expedient to leave this
margin of $500 below the exemption point in order that the returns might be sure
to show all who are subject to the tax.
In case a
person having an income of over $3,500 fails to make a return it becomes the
duty of the revenue assessor to make inquiry as to the amount of the person's income.
If this examination discloses that the income is above $4,000, the income is
subjected to twice the ordinary tax under the law, and the party failing to
make his return is deemed guilty of a criminal offense [and] is subject to fine
and imprisonment.
The main
purpose in framing the above provisions is to avoid an inquisitorial operation of
the law. The committee believes that it will do away with the necessity of
having assessors pry into the private business of people unless the latter have
a taxable income and try to evade the law. It is estimated that not more than
85,000 persons will be subject to this tax, so that a great majority of
citizens will not have to make returns.
is also made by which no information can be made public as to the details of
the income reported by citizens. If such details become public it might injure the
credit of a firm or individual. For that reason any public or private person
who divulges any part of this information concerning incomes is made subject to
criminal prosecution with heavy fine and penalty.
HARRISBURG, Jan. 19.—Governor Pattison had
an interesting visitor in the person of the grandson of the famous Seneca chief, Cornplanter. The visitor brought a letter of introduction from Mr. Tennie, the
United States agent at the Salamanca reservation, N. Y. The Indian, who came with
an interpreter, Mr. Logan, wished to see the governor in the interest of
certain valuable lands in this state, which he claims as his own.
Relief For the Poor.
A survey of the field of charity this winter
makes several generalizations justifiable. One is that since 1873 there has
been nothing like the amount of destitution there is this winter. The two
[financial] panics were 20 years apart. There are probably not less than
three-quarters of a million persons out of employment in the country. Of these,
200,000 are in New York and Chicago.
The consensus of the wisest opinion in regard
to relieving the destitution is that all able-bodied persons who receive aid should
be made to work for it or give return in some shape. To open a general lodging
or food supply house means to bring down upon the place where such house is
established a swarm of bloated, vermin covered tramps who will eat the inhabitants
out of house and home. In the admirable words of Mr. P. W. Ayres, secretary of
the charity organizations of Cincinnati, "A public soup-house we believe
to be a public nuisance." Let the aid take any shape but that or the
indiscriminate giving of money to the beggar who goes from door to door asking
In the cities where the most systematic and
thorough relief has been afforded there has been an organization of all the separate
charitable forces. In some cases a committee consisting of the ministers and
mayor of the place have superintended the distribution of aid. The work that the
preacher can best do is to find out the really deserving poor of his neighborhood.
In this task the policeman can render great help too. Best of all is where the
town or city authorities work in thorough co-operation and harmony with the citizens'
The citizens' committee appeals to the public
for contributions. Entertainments are given. All who are willing contribute
either money or food or clothing. Thus a
fund is raised, to which the city authorities add such a sum as can be spared.
Then the finding of work for the unemployed begins. The city can give this in
abundance in street and park work to all who can be paid. The wages is usually
not more than a dollar a day, but this will keep a family from suffering.
Next to the soup-house nuisance the greatest
evil has been found to be the opening of free lodging houses. They are nests
for incorrigible tramps. In some cases woodyards have been opened, where, if a
man does a certain amount of work, he receives tickets which provide him with
food and lodging for 24 hours.
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Horace Greeley. |
Greeley on Free Trade.
Speaking of the second free trade period in
the history of the United States, from 1816 to 1824, when Great Britain poured
her fabrics into our market in an overwhelming torrent and far below cost, in
order to crush out American industries, Horace Greeley said:
"At the close of the second war with
England, peace found this country dotted with furnaces and factories which had
sprung up under the precarious shelter of embargo and war. These, not yet
firmly established, found themselves suddenly exposed to a relentless and
determined foreign competition. Great Britain poured her fabrics, far below
cost, upon our markets in a perfect deluge. Our manufactures went down like
grass before the mower, and our agriculture and the wages of labor speedily
followed. Financial prostration was general, and the presence of debt was
universal. In New England fully one-fourth of the property went through the
sheriff's mill, and the prostration was scarcely less general elsewhere. In
Kentucky the presence of debt was simply intolerable. In New York, the leading
merchants, in 1817, united in a memorial to congress to save our commerce as
well as our manufactures from utter ruin, by increasing the tariff duties."
Encouraging Report for the Past Year from the President.
The fifth annual report of the Loyal circle
of King's Daughters we have made brief as possible. We could fill pages with
details of the work of the past year, but suffice it to say that we have held
three special meetings beside the regular semi-monthly meetings, also two ice
cream socials which were a success both socially and financially.
The superintendent of the employment agency
has sent seventy-four girls to different homes.
In our local charity work fifty families
have been looked after and helped in various ways. As some of the ladies who
have assisted in this work have failed to send in a report of this work, it is
impossible to enumerate all articles given out. Hats, caps, collars, shoes,
hosiery, etc., we do not count, yet over three hundred garments have found
places where they were much needed; nearly all second-hand clothing, in some
instances ready-made garments, have been purchased. About forty dollars have
been expended, nearly all for this department. Five dollars were forwarded to
the King's Daughters exhibit at the World's Fair. The same amount was sent to
Miss Nason for work in her mission field in the West, and two large boxes of
literature to the same place.
The Thanksgiving plans were successfully
carried out, by which over thirty families were reached and helped to
substantial gifts and many hearts filled with thankfulness. The expressions of
gratitude were very touching.
Another year's experience in this work has
qualified us better than ever to meet its emergencies. We have much to
encourage and strengthen for the coming year in view of the great truth that
the hand of God has led us and will continue to lead us as we go forward
"In His Name." In this work there is one distinct thought, our
relationship to God, our relationship to humanity. All differences are lost
sight of whether in the church or outside of it. Our work is to serve those who
stand in need of our service; often times going where no one else would go, and
doing what no one else would do, believing that "Kind acts do more to bind
hearts together than heroic deeds."
Beyond the work reported much good has been
done, much distress relieved and the sick have been cared for.
tender our most sincere thanks to all outside the organization who have manifested
an interest in our work and have rendered material aid to help us in carrying
out the work more successfully. I am likewise grateful to the members of the
circle for their hearty support during the past year and for their expressions of
helpfulness, confidence and sympathy given "In His Name."
Respectfully submitted,
MRS. E. D. PARKER, Pres.
Dated, Jan. 18, 1894.
The death of Brayton Thompson of Orville,
which occurred on January 4, has brought sorrow to the hearts of all who knew
him. He was the oldest son of Henry D. Thompson of Truxton, and was born in
Taylor, Cortland county. At the time of his death he was 25 years and 7 months
old. Though a resident of Orville but a short time, he had won for himself a
warm place in the hearts of those who knew him. His death followed closely upon
an operation performed for the removal of an abscess, and the blow falls with
terrible suddenness upon those most closely associated with him. All his
prospects for this life were exceedingly flattering, and one can only bow in
silence before the disposer of all human plans and purposes. A model son, a
loving brother and a devoted friend, he leaves a father, mother, and two
brothers. George B. Thompson, and H. Merton Thompson, as well as a host of
friends, the memory of a life well spent.
Though he had made no profession of
religion, he passed from earth with a strong trust in the merits of his
Redeemer, and a clear hope for a blessed immortality, expressing in his last
lucid moments firm confidence in, and resignation to, the will of the Master.
The funeral services were held at Truxton,
January 6, Rev. Mr. Robertson officiating.
Well-Known Citizen of this County Passes Away.
Just before midnight upon Jan. 16, in South
Solon, this county, Samuel Davis breathed his last, surrounded by only a part
of his family. Few farmers and men in private life in Cortland county were
better known or more highly esteemed than he, and none had a more enviable
reputation for integrity and honor in all the business of life.
Farming was his life work, although for half
a score or more of years from young manhood to middle age, he was a successful
teacher of the district school during the winter season, and is now remembered by
his pupils, as one of the most scholarly and well equipped teachers of his day,
a strict disciplinarian and an expert in higher mathematics.
Throughout his life, he has practiced surveying,
and he was never more in the enjoyment of work than when, with his compass and
chain, he was winding himself and party over the hills in pursuit of old
established lines and corners. He was without ostentation of any sort and with
a will to do right always, all who really knew him respected him. Like most of
the men of his early day, he was bred in the cradle of poverty, and therefrom
learned economic principles, and practical work, which became the cornerstone
of his success in after life.
He had been a member of the Presbyterian church
at McGrawville since 1856, and many were his acts of charity unknown to any
save those to whom assistance was given. In him the needy found a friend, and
the church a constant support.
served as supervisor, assessor and railroad commissioner of his town. He settled
on the site of his late residence some forty-one years ago, and in the town of
Solon some forty-three years ago. He was one of seven sons and eleven daughters
of Joseph and Elizabeth Halleck Davis of Norway, Herkimer county, where he was
born August 19, 1821, his parents originally coming from Long Island.
By his first marriage he has one son, George
S. Davis, a farmer of South Solon. By his second marriage in 1857 to Roxanna,
daughter of Abial and Prudence Church Brown of Cortlandviile, who survives him,
he leaves Abial B. Davis, for many years a teacher and the present
superintendent of schools of the city of Mount Vernon, N. Y., Harriet E. Davis,
Lieut. William C. Davis, a graduate of West Point and of the Fifth Artillery United
States Army now stationed in California, Ivy Belle Davis and John B. Davis.
R. T. P.,
Cortland, N. Y., Jan. 19, 1894.
—The Normal faculty expect to sit tomorrow for
a group photograph at Hyatt & Tooke's.
—The hot water heater arrived to-day and the
Y. M. C. A. bath room will be in running order to-morrow.
— The annual election of the Cortland Desk
Co. has been again adjourned till next Wednesday afternoon.
—Dr. L. H. Pearce will conduct the service
at the East Side readingroom [sic] on Sunday, Jan. 21, at 4:15 P. M,
—The Alpha Chautauqua circle will meet next
Monday evening, Jan. 22, with Mrs. Seamans, 62 Port Watson-st. It is hoped
there will be a full attendance.
—At a special term of the supreme court in
session yesterday at the court house Judge Forbes confirmed the report of
Referee S. S. Knox, granting an absolute divorce to Kate F. Smith from Wardell
O. Smith, her husband, E. E. Mellon appearing as attorney for plaintiff.
—Our ice men are just busting with envy when
they read that in every part of the Northwest, the ice is already more than a
foot thick. At Yankton, S. D., it is 17 inches thick; in St. Paul. Minn., 18.5
inches; at Bismarck, N. D., 22.5 inches; and at Williston, N. D., 28 inches.
—A prominent candidate for a county office
on last Wednesday evening served a banquet to a number of friends at the Cortland
House. Last evening he took a number of court officers and jurymen to see
"The Tornado," but they saw it from the gallery. Will this go in his bill
of election expenses?
—The prayer-meetings last night in all the
churches were full of deep interest, the attendance being much greater than
usual. The union services will be resumed to-night in the Presbyterian church.
Dr. Cordo, who expected to preach, has not yet recovered from his severe cold
which is much like an attack of grip and will be unable to be present. Rev. J.
L. Robertson will conduct the service and preach the sermon. A cordial
invitation to be present is extended to all.
—"The Tornado" was presented at the
Opera House last night to a fair-sized audience. The play was full of deep
interest and thrilling situations. The attention of the audience was caught at
the very beginning and held to the close. The scenic effect was something of a
marvel, particularly the tornado scene in the first act, where the entire
scenery seemed to be caught up by a great wind and went into a grand collapse.
The company was a strong one and the parts ware all well sustained.
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