Thursday, December 11, 2014


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, September 28, 1888.

A Matter of Record.
   In the second year of Harlow G. Borthwick's second term as Sheriff of Cortland county, the following action was taken by a Grand Jury relating to certain of his official acts:
   "At a term of the Court of Oyer and Terminer held in and for the County of
Cortland, at the Court House in the Village of Cortland, commencing on Monday, the 4th day of February, 1884.
   Present: Hon. Celora E. Martin, Justice.
   February 8.—The Grand Jury came into Court and presented five bills of indictment which were immediately filed with the Clerk as follows, viz:
                                        *    *    *    *    *
   The Grand Jury also presented the following with said Bills of Indictment which the Court ordered filed with the Clerk, viz:
   WHEREAS, It has come to the knowledge of the Grand Jury that gross irregularities exist in the conduct and management of our county jail in allowing prisoners, in the custody of the Sheriff, access to the keys to the jail and allowing them the freedom of the hall ways, about the Court House and even allowed them to go upon the streets to the detriment of safety and good order, therefore
   Resolved, That the Sheriff is deserving of severe censure for the irregularities and license shown to prisoners committed to his care, and the opportunities given for their easy escape."
   I, WILLIAM H. MORGAN, Clerk of said County, and of the Supreme and County Courts therein, which are Courts of Record, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing with the original [L. S.] now on file and recorded in said office, and that it is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of said original resolution adopted by the Grand Jury at the February Oyer and Terminer in the year 1884.
   In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County and Courts, at Cortland, this 13th day of September, 1888. W. H. MORGAN, Clerk.
   Mr. Borthwick is now asking for a third term as Sheriff.

James J. Belden
J. J. Belden, The Liar.
(From the Albany Argus.)
   The record of James J. Belden, the member of the canal ring, is in the official documents of the State of New York.
   We submit evidence against James J. Belden, the liar. In his speech accepting the Republican nomination for Congress, reported in the Cortland Standard, Belden says:
    "There never was a bigger fraud on God's earth than the man who is vetoing the pension bills. A short time ago I received a letter in regard to a pension for a poor widow. I went to the pension bureau and gave it my personal attention. But it was rejected. I carried it to Congress where it was opposed by Congressman Breckenridge. It finally passed the House of Representatives, but President Cleveland vetoed it on the ground that it was already allowed by the pension bureau, but such was not the fact. Think of it, a man drawing $50,000 a year interesting himself so that poor soldiers shall not get eight dollars a month. It is great business for a President to be fixing up things with the clerks in the pension bureau so that he can have a soldier's pension to veto."
   The bill referred to is H. R. Bill 9520, for the relief of Mary Fitzmorris. Her claim was rejected by the Republican commissioner of pensions before Mr. Cleveland became President. Gen. Black, the Democratic commissioner of pensions, reversed this Republican decision and allowed Mary Fitzmorris, under the general law, the pension desired, her certificate being No. 245,553. Besides that under the general law, her certificate wan entitled to $1,975 arrears, in addition. That sum she has received. Had the President signed Belden's bill she could not have received the arrears of $1,975.
   The bill was passed without a word of dissent from Mr. Breckenridge or any other person, every Democrat present voting for it. [See Congressional Record, page 6,000.] Belden did not give the bill enough "personal attention" to be even on hand to move its consideration. The bill was moved by Congressman Delano. [See same page as above.] There is nothing to indicate that Belden even voted for it.
   The veto of President Cleveland saved to this poor woman almost $2,000. Belden lies about the facts, because he thinks the voters in his district do not see the Congressional Record and cannot ascertain the truth.
   Belden furnishes a fair sample of the kind of lies Republicans are now circulating about the President’s vetoes of pension bills.

The Poor Man’s Tax Remains.
(New York Herald)
   During the war we were all taxed, rich and poor. We were all glad to be taxed, and never a grumble or growl is heard. When the war ended the rich man's tax was removed, but, oddly enough, the poor man's remained.
   The tax on income—paid by the person who had an income—that is, the tax on wealth, was wiped out.
   The tax on railroads, another tax on wealth, was wiped out.
   The tax on bank deposits, another tax on wealth, disappeared.
   So the rich, who gave generously to save the Union, got rid of their taxes at the earliest opportunity. That was right.
   But the poor man, who never had any income, never owned any part of a railroad, never had any bank deposit—he is taxed today for the tools he works with, for nails, hammers, saws, every shingle on his shanty, every pane of glass in his windows, every foot of wood in his baby's crib. And we have a [federal] surplus we don't know what to do with. That is wrong.
   The question to be settled by the campaign, therefore, is: Shall the poor man have just as much fair play as the rich man in a country in which eight out of every ten have to work for a living?

   The firm of Borthwick & VanHoesen has had a monopoly of the office of Sheriff of Cortland County for the last twelve years, and now the people are asked to extend the term for three years longer. It may be all right, but it does seem as though some other one of the 25,000 souls in the county might be allowed a chance at the plum.
   Last Thursday the Trumansburg Catholic Church, which included Farmer
Village, held a picnic at Cayuga Lake Park. During the day a vote was taken on the steamer T. D. Wilcox, with the following result:
   A vote of 201 for Cleveland and nothing for Harrison, the Know-Nothing, shows that our Irish American citizens are true to their convictions this year.—Ithaca Democrat.
   General Harrison, the republican candidate for President, is terribly disturbed about preserving our home market, and he is in favor of making the tariff on all imports so high as to prevent the possibility of foreign goods coining to this country. This is precisely the Chinese doctrine, and it results in making the poor still poorer and the rich, richer. If the village of Cortland could prevent farmers and tradesmen from selling produce and goods in this place, they would preserve a home market. Farmers would sell their produce in other towns and buy their supplies when they sold their goods. But would this sort of protection protect Cortland? Cortland needs the farmers as bad as the farmers need Cortland. Let us preserve the home market for our wagon industries. How long would it take to wind up all of Cortland's manufacturing concerns if they only supplied the home market? The successful business man sells his wares where he can get the most for them and buys where he can buy the cheapest. It is a law of trade as old as creation and will continue as long as the world stands. The grocer who refuses to buy hardware of his neighbor won’t sell that neighbor any of his goods. There must be reciprocity among neighbors as well as among nations. Any community will starve to death when it undertakes to feed upon itself. This country is no longer an infant. It leads all others and those silly people who seem determined to keep it in swaddling clothes, are being laughed at for their verdancy. The country is abundantly able to take care of itself and has long since shown that it has no use for a wet nurse. Give the United States a fair show by reducing the Chinese wall that our republican friends built about them just a little.


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