Friday, December 5, 2014


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, September 7, 1888.

Another Fire.
   Last Sunday morning between the hours of 2 and 8 o'clock, an alarm was sent in from Box 332, located at the D. L. & W. depot, to which the firemen promptly responded. The fire was ascertained to be in the novelty works of Gillett & Briggs, located on East Court street, in the rear of H. F. Benton's lumber yard. The fire had made so much headway before it was discovered that, notwithstanding the most strenuous efforts were made by the firemen, it was impossible to save the building which together with the machinery, was a total loss.
   The loss is estimated at $2,500, on which there was an insurance of $1,000.
   That the fire was the work of an incendiary, scarcely admits a doubt. Mr. Gillett made a round of the building soon after five o'clock Saturday afternoon, as was his usual custom, and found everything in perfect order. During the afternoon the fire in the engine had been permitted to run low and when Mr. Gillett left the engine room there was not a handful of coals left in the furnace.
   The firm had been in business but a short time and were rapidly building up an extensive trade, and finding a ready sale for their goods. It is to be hoped that this misfortune will not cause them to abandon the business.

   Mrs. Chauncey Gillett, of Blodgett’s Mills, had her leg broken by being thrown from a wagon last Sunday.
   Will Corcoran of Solon, and Fred Sager of Freeville, have commenced business in the store formerly occupied by A. Brown, in Solon.
   Mr. John Hickey, of Solon, aged eighty-seven years, had his left arm broken just below the shoulder joint, a few days since. Dr. Hendricks reduced the fracture.
   Excursion tickets to the Buffalo International Fair, good for five days, are now on sale at the E. C. & N. depot in this village. Fare for the round trip, $4.90.
   The fall term of the Normal school opened last Wednesday, with an attendance fully fifty per cent larger than last year. A large number of out of town students are in attendance.
   County Fair next week, commencing on Monday and lasting four days. Grand balloon ascension and military drill on Wednesday. Races and an equestrian exhibition on Thursday. Be sure and attend.
   The pickpockets who plied their vocation so successfully in this place on the 24th ult., did not cease operations when they left, as Mr. R. L. Van Bergen of Tully had his pockets picked of $24 while returning home on the train.
   Work was begun last Monday, on the cellar of a new brick block which Captain B. E. Miller will build at once on the east side of Main street, adjoining the Beaudry block. The new block will be twenty four feet front and ninety feet deep.
   The United States Express Company will deliver own express matter hereafter, instead of hiring to get it done, as formerly. Last Sunday morning a big, powerful, Grey horse belonging to the company reached town, and was put to work on Monday. Jason DuBois, who has had charge of the delivering for some time past, will continue to act in that capacity, while Mr. Bushby will, as heretofore, have charge of the business.
   Last Monday morning, while the watchman was present in another part of the building, some miscreant entered the office of the Cortland Manufacturing Co., and securing the key, pulled fire alarm box 123. The department responded to the alarm and reached the shops only to find themselves the victims of another swindle. The parties who are making themselves so free with these boxes will probably not perpetrate many of their jokes for some time in the future, if they are once found engaged in their funny business.

Pat Muldoon.
   To-morrow night Pat Muldoon's famous comedy company, accompanied by their celebrated military band and fine orchestra will give one of their pleasing entertainments in the Cortland Opera House. The Bridgeton, N. J. Tribune in referring to the entertainment says:
   Pat Muldoon's entertainment last night was far above the average and fully worth the prices of admission, and to which the most fastidious could not find exception. The band gave some fine music and was the best ever heard here. The company includes several well known people who received a hearty reception, and the company deserved the applause received. Especial mention must be made of Billy McAllister who is a great favorite here; also the Williams and Davenport Bros. The music hall was full and the audience went away well pleased.

Cortland's New Drug Store.
   The store [at] No. 17, in the Grand Central Block, has been recently fitted up in the most modern and elegant style for a drug store, and is, to say the least, probably the finest one of its kind in Cortland county. The proprietors Messrs. Nicholson & Reynolds are enterprising young men, and will no doubt use every endeavor to push their business to the front. Mr. Nicholson holds a state license for compounding medicines, and has been a close student of the drug business for the past thirteen years. The new store is fully and completely stocked with pure, fresh drugs, perfumes, toilet articles, and a large assortment of patent medicines. Also a complete line of druggists' sundries, including a fine stock of the choicest brands of liquors for medicinal and family use. A fine and carefully selected stock of cigars has been added to which attention is respectfully invited.
   The proprietors believe that their store and goods will justify them in extending a cordial invitation to the public to call and inspect their stock, and assure courteous and honorable dealings to all customers.

Arrested for Assault.
   Last Saturday James O'Neil, a laborer employed on the farm of James Ready, at East Homer, was the defendant in an action for assault brought against him by a gentleman named Aldrich, who resides in that locality. During the trial Mr. Ready was called for a witness, and his testimony was so damaging to Mr. O'Neil's case that that gentleman's ire became raised and he began to seek for means wherewith to compass his revenge. Accordingly on the way home that night when near Brayton's Mills, he took Mr. Ready, who is in feeble health, and gave him a severe choking.
   Monday Mr. Ready swore out a warrant for O'Neil before Justice Squires, charging him with assault and he was promptly arrested. He gave bonds in the sum of $100 for appearance at trial Sept. 15, Mrs. Ready being his surety.
   About two years ago O'Neil came to the Ready household while on the tramp and sought and obtained employment. He has remained there since then, although Mr. Ready has made vigorous efforts to have him move on. The farm is owned by Mrs. Ready and as she seems to have conceived a liking for the fellow, so he remains. He is said to be a hard character by those who know him.

A New Firm.
   Mr. Jay Peck, formerly with Peck Brothers, has purchased the interest of  Randolf Beard in the furniture business of Beard & Sons, and will in the future be associated with Robert Beard under the firm name of Beard & Peck. Mr. Beard has been in the business for a long time, is thoroughly conversant with the details of the work, and has built up a large and prosperous trade by his strict attention to the business and his courteous and fair dealings. Mr. Peck will bring into the concern an experience of several years in trade and a business ability that will go a long way toward making the partnership a successful one. The many friends of both members will wish them success in their new undertaking.

   Death has again taken two of our most respected townsmen from our midst. Mr. William Olmstead, aged seventy-one years, and Mr. Frank Bloomer, aged twenty-four. Mr. Bloomer died on Saturday last of typhoid fever. He was a young man of a wonderfully strong constitution and a very energetic man. He leaves a wife to whom he had been married less than a year to mourn his loss.  
   Miss Mattie Williams has been engaged to teach the primary department in our school next winter.
   The steam thresher of Jerome Powers can be heard in our midst nowadays. Grain is said to be far better than last year.
   Camp meeting has commenced on the Overton Hill.
   F. E. Price lost a valuable colt last Sunday morning. He found it dead in the pasture. The cause of its death is unknown.
   F. E. Price, the salesman for the Virgil factory has sold the August butter for 21 cents per pound.
   Mrs. Jennie Holton has been quite sick with pleurisy but is now better.
   Mark Holton and wife of Cortland spent Sunday with friends in town.
   There is probably no family in the county that can boast of more painters than Mr. C. H. Seamans and the way they sling the paint is surprising. The three have recently repainted Mr. Seamans' blacksmith shop which improves its appearance very much.
   Monroe Miller has been laid up with an ant heap on his knee for ten days past but now out again.
   The roads in Virgil have been very much improved since we have had our road machine. One may now start for Cortland and find very fine roads most of the way out of town with the exception of Munson Hill which is terrible. Also on top of Reed Hill is one which could be easily improved at a little expense. It seems as though roads travelled as much as these should be put in proper shape especially when it could be done with so little extra labor.
   We have in Virgil a street known as Cortland street on which there are five prohibitionists. Almost any Sunday you can see the people on said street washing, sewing, playing croquet, churning or hear the ring of the anvil, and the sound of the axe splitting wood. It is a street which has no "peer" excepting on Sunday. 
   CUMMIN. [pen name of local reporter—CC editor.]

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