Wednesday, December 17, 2014


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, October 19, 1888.

Meeting of the Bar.
   At a meeting of the members of the bar of Cortland county, held at the law office of Hon. R. H. Duell, in Cortland on the tenth day of October, 1888, Hon. S. S. Knox was called to the chair, and Henry A. Dickinson, Esq., was appointed Secretary, whereupon the following resolutions were unanimously adopted.
   We, the members of the Cortland county bar, in deep sadness because of the death of Oliver Porter, who for upwards of 30 years has been in the active practice of law among us; remembering with admiration and professional pride his indefatigable industry in his profession, his profound and accurate knowledge of law, his fearlessness as an advocate, his manly courage as an antagonist, his intensity and sincerity of purpose, the steadfast and unwavering constancy of his friendships, and his patient and unremitting fidelity to all the interests confided to his charge, which no blandishment could weaken and no opposition could shake; and in pleasant memory of his charms in social life, the kind and courtly hospitality of his home, and his courtesy to us in our professional relations, do offer this record of our sorrow:
   Resolved, That in the death of Mr. Porter, our fraternity lament the loss of an able, brave and faithful lawyer, and of a gentleman possessing many admirable qualities of head and heart.
   Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be engrossed and delivered to the widow of the deceased, with the expression of our heartfelt and deep sympathy for her in this severe affliction.
   Resolved, That we attend his funeral in a body, and that the proceedings of this meeting be published in the newspapers of our county.
   R. H. DUELL,

Republicans as Well as Democrats Turn Out to Hear the Issues Discussed.
   On Monday evening a large crowd assembled in Academy Hall, Cincinnatus, to hear the issues in this campaign discussed by Hon. Frank E. Hipple, of New York. The meeting was a grand success in every respect and the eloquent and earnest remarks of the speaker were listened to throughout with close attention, and the citizens manifested their appreciation by frequent applause.
   On Tuesday evening the Cortland club chartered a special train on the E. C. & N. to take them to Truxton to attend the meeting announced to be held there. Many prominent Democrats joined the boys at the depot and went along. Among the number we noticed Hugh Duffy, B. F. Taylor, J. R. Schermerhorn, A. J. McSweeney, Frank Moran, Jas. Riley, Jas. Culp, Jas. Dougherty, and J. H. Turner. The club numbered 130, and the boys presented a fine appearance as they marched to the depot, headed by their military band.
   Upon arriving at Truxton they were met at the station by an immense crowd of people, who cheered the boys most lustily. Although Truxton has a large hall, it was plain to be seen that it would not hold a small part of the crowd, and it was decided to hold the meeting on the Church green. Amos L. Kenney, Esq., was called on to preside, and a long list of vice presidents and secretaries were chosen. Mr. Hipple made one of his usual excellent speeches, and was followed by John Courtney, Jr., Esq., of this place, who made a very eloquent, earnest and effective speech, which called forth round after round of applause. The air was full of enthusiasm although the weather was very disagreeable.
   Truxton will be heard from in November. The meeting was a grand one in every respect. The boys arrived home at l0:30 P. M., feeling highly pleased over their trip and good treatment.
   On Wednesday evening the members of the Cortland club attended a meeting held in Keator Opera House, Homer, which was addressed by Hon. Frank E. Hipple. Previous to the meeting, a parade took place which was participated in by both the Homer and Cortland clubs and it was indeed a creditable one.
   W. S. Stephenson, Esq., was called to the chair and a long list of vice-presidents and secretaries were chosen. The hall was filled with people, mainly voters, who had come to hear the truth told about the issues in the campaign, and they were not disappointed. Hon. Frank E. Hipple, the speaker of the evening, held the audience spell bound for nearly an hour and a half with his clear and concise argument on tariff reform and the effect it would have on farmers and workingmen. He kept the audience in good humor throughout his admirable address and was loudly applauded at its close. Mr. Hipple's work in this county closed with this meeting, and on Thursday morning he left for Lowville, where he spoke the same evening.
   Although a young man, Mr. Hippie is a fine orator and is thoroughly posted in political history. The State Committee are entitled to the hearty thanks of the democrats of Cortland county for furnishing such an excellent speaker. Socially Mr. Hipple is one of the most agreeable and pleasant gentlemen we have met in a long time.

A Good Appointment.
  President Cleveland has sent to the Senate the name of Prof. S. H. Albro of Fredonia for Superintendent of Indian schools. Prof. Albro is well and favorably known in section of the State as he was formally superintendent of schools at Norwich and latterly has been known as a highly successful conductor of Teachers Institute.
   The nomination is eminently a proper one and should the Senate see fit to confirm the nomination, the Indian schools will have as superintendent a man of brains, of large experience and of peculiar fitness for the job. Prof. Albro’s many friends in this vicinity will rejoice in this recognition of his ability and will feel that the place has sought the man and that personal [fitness] and not party service has been the test. It is another of President Cleveland’s nominations that reflects great credit on him and shows that his purpose if to elevate the condition of the Indians through educational influences.

   Pat Rooney’s combination will hold the boards at the Opera House, next Monday evening.
   A new ruling of the Post Office Department provides that postal cards that are uncalled for will be returned to the writer at the end of thirty days.
   The trial of Richard Barber for the murder of Mrs. Ann Mason, in March last, is in progress at Ithaca. An account of the tragedy appeared in these columns at the time.  The defense is insanity.
   An alarm of fire was sounded at 2 A. M., yesterday morning. It was found to be in the Hitchcock Company's pattern room in the foundry. The fire followed a post to the roof and burned a hole therein. The damage was slight.
   The Cortland Top and Rail Company have commenced the erection of a new building adjoining their shops, which is to be 54x120 feet. The business of the concern for the past year has increased so rapidly that they are forced to enlarge their quarters.
   The parties who for the past three months have been engaged in sinking a shaft in Tully Valley have at last been rewarded, inasmuch as one day last week they struck a vein of natural gas. A piece of tow was lighted and let down the drill-hole, when the gas became ignited and a flame shot up some ten feet.

Rooney’s Comedy Company.
   Next Monday evening Pat Rooney’s Comedy Company will present "Pat’s Wardrobe," in the Cortland Opera House. The Buffalo Times, of March 2d last, gives the company the following excellent notice:
   A genuine audience filled every available inch of room last evening to see Mr. Patrick Rooney exhibit his pet collection of Hibernianisms. The orchestra was crowded, the first circle was crowded, the galleries were crowded, every chair was taken and every bit of flooring sustained its standing man or woman.
   Very early in the evening the old sign "standing room only" was hung on the outer wall.
   Strange to say "Pat Rooney" is not the name of the play but the name of the star, the piece being "Pat’s Wardrobe" a most amusing comedy. Mr. Rooney seems to have improved every time he appears and yet every time he appears it would seem there is no room for improvement. His Irishisms are funnier than ever, and his "wardrobe" simply immense.
   Seats on sale at Hollenbeck's.

   MADISON—Jonas Whitney, aged 65, of Chittenango, hung himself Thursday.
   F. W. Ames, of DeRuyter, harvested thirty-two bushels of buckwheat from half a bushel of seed.
   A few days ago a partridge flew against a pane of glass at E. T. Proctor's in Earlville, breaking the glass and landing in the room. The bird was caught and again given its liberty, when it took a circle and dashed through another pane. For this last offense the partridge suffered the extreme penalty.
   The Brookfield railroad affair has, as assumed, serious proportions. The Italians were told by the president of the road--we are informed by a deputy sheriff-- that they could not have the pay due them, but their fare would be paid to New York if they wished to go back there. It seems that the money subscribed is exhausted, and being unable to realize on the bonds of the company the work is at a standstill. Some one certainly ought to be liable for the wages of the laboring men, and it now looks as though there would be trouble if the men were not paid.
   TOMPKINS.— Work was resumed at both the Ithaca and Washington Glass factories on Monday.
   One day last week, Beach Beardsley, of North Lansing, caught a hen hawk in a steel trap. It measured four feet from tip to tip of wings, and twenty two inches from beak to tail. It had been feasting upon chicken.
   The Groton Carriage Co., on Monday, increased their working hours from ten to twelve hours per day. They are building this fall, thirty-five hundred cutters and sleighs. Their pay roll for the last month was forty-five hundred dollars.
   Albert Kimball has resigned the position of manager of the Western Union Telegraph office in Ithaca, to accept a position in the E. C. & N. railroad office. J. A. Casterline, of Waterloo, succeeds to the management of the Western Union office.

   John L. Sullivan is reported to be getting better.
   There are twenty two cases of smallpox in the hospital at Buffalo.
   The statue of Wm. H. Seward, will be unveiled at Auburn Oct. 25.
   Robert Garrett, late president of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad, is violently insane.
   The steamer Etruria, arrived in New York from Liverpool, last Saturday. She made the trip in six days, one hour and thirty minutes. This is the fastest time on record.
   James W. Brown was arrested in Detroit last week, charged with the crime of bigamy. He has married thirty three women since 1883, and fifteen of his wives were present in court.
   Sam Wall, of Chicago, a Chinaman, and his wife, Augusta, a white woman, are locked up charged with bringing white women from Milwaukee and furnishing them for wives of Chinamen here at $25 each. Through their matrimonial agency it is said four or five local Chinamen have been furnished with wives.
   The total valuation of Syracuse is $39,779,557, of which $3,056,855 is personal property. The tax levy this year is $537,000—$12,000 more than last year. The rate of tax is a trifle below that of last year, owing to the increase of valuation. About $80,000 of the tax is to pay interest on the city's bonded debt, and $3,662.57 for interest on temporary loans. The schools cost $187,255.02; fire department, $65,000; street lighting, $45,000; water works, $26,000, and improvement of Burnet Park, $25,000.

The Dancing Rooneys, A Vaudeville Dynasty:



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