Saturday, December 6, 2014


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, September 14, 1888.

The County Ticket.
   Willson Greene, the candidate nominated by the Democrats last Saturday for Member of Assembly, is a well to do farmer residing in the town of Willett. For ten or more years past he has represented that town in the board of Supervisors and on one or two occasions at least, has acted as chairman of the board. Few men in the county have as good a record for unswerving fidelity to the interests, not only of their own constituents, but of the entire county as well. Mr. Greene believes in economy in public expenditures and he hasn't hesitated to cut bills that he believed needed the pruning knife, no matter who presented them. He has made a painstaking, clearheaded supervisor and if he should be elected to the Assembly, he will bring the same qualities to bear in the discharge of his duties there that have distinguished him in every other walk of life. He did not purchase the nomination. It came to him unsought. The people of this county will serve their own interests if they elect him to the office for which he has been nominated.
   R. Walworth Bourne, Esq., the candidate of the Democracy for the office of
Sheriff is one of the best known and most popular citizens of this county. He was born in the town of Cincinnatus where his early life was spent. When the war broke out he enlisted in the old 76th Regt., and was in the field during the war except for a few months when he was a prisoner at Andersonville. After his regiment was mustered out he read law and later became a farmer in the town of Willett. For several years he was chosen clerk of the board of Supervisors, a position which he filled with signal ability. In 1882, he was nominated for County Clerk by the Democrats and was elected by a majority of 2103 over Robert Bushby the republican candidate. The manner in which he discharged the duties of the office is known to all. A better, more careful or painstaking official has not occupied the office within our memory. For the past three years he has been Deputy Clerk and has had the entire management of the business. Mr. Bourne is in the prime of life and if elected, as he most surely will be, he will discharge the duties of the office to the entire satisfaction of all parties. He has proven his ability and faithfulness in the past and the public can well afford to trust him in the future.
   James H. Turner, Esq., the candidate for County Clerk, has always resided in this village where he is well known. While he is of rather modest demeanor, he possesses the peculiar ability required for the office. He is an excellent penman, quick at figures and possesses first class business qualifications. He is about 33 years of age and has hosts of friends here, who will recognize his fitness for the office and who will do their utmost to elect him.
   James Dougherty, Esq., the candidate for District Attorney, was born in Solon some 28 years ago and has made his own way in life unaided. He is well read in the law and what is better still, is an honest man. There is no more important office to be filled this fall than the office of District Attorney. There should be no question about the candidate's integrity. Let us choose a man for this important office who cannot be swerved from his duty to the public, by offers of bribery or other considerations. Mr. Dougherty will do his duty thoroughly and well and he should be elected. He can be elected and we believe he will have a good, comfortable majority when the votes are counted.
   George Murray, Sr., the candidate for Superintendent of the Poor, is a retired merchant of Homer. In t868 he was elected to this office by a majority of 2600 over J. B. Cummings, the Republican candidate. He had held the office for some mouths previous by appointment and had pleased so well that he was re-elected by the above named majority. He is just as competent to discharge those duties to-day as he was then and should be elected. He has the time to do the work faithfully and well and he would take pride in doing it. There should be no question about his selection in preference to his opponent who has had no experience, and who lives in the northern part of the county, too far away from the Alms House to be able to visit it often.
   Warren M. Haynes, Esq., the candidate for Justice of Sessions, is a popular magistrate residing in Preble and is in all respects a very acceptable candidate.
   Dr. Rollin A. Goodell, of Homer, and Dr. Chas. E. Bennett of this place, are physicians in excellent standing in the profession. They were elected Coroners in 1882 and served the people acceptably. It would be well to elect them again.
   Could any one desire a better ticket? Is there any reason why it should not be elected entire? Let the people of this county answer at the polls.

A Few Definitions.
   Taxation for surplus is robbery.
   Well, says the old Roman: "When you tax people for more than the government has any occasion to demand you are robbing the people of the money that belongs to them."
   A tariff for bounties is robbery.
   There is no power vested in Congress to tax the many in order to make the few rich. This is what a tariff does which maintains duties covering  twice the annual cost of labor in the protected articles. President Foster, of the Republican League, told the truth in his money raising circular, when he certified that the protected manufacturers are getting "practically the sole benefit of our tariff laws."
   A tariff is a tax.
   The man who says that a tariff is not a tax when it is paid, either lies willfully or is mistaken ignorantly. Every imported dutiable article upon which the tariff is honestly paid, is enhanced in cost to the American consumer by the full amount of the duty.
   "Definition is argument."—N. Y. World, [August] 27, 1888.

A Fatal Shot.
   A peculiar accident occurred between Triangle and Willett the latter part of last week, which resulted in the death of a boy named Yarns. Young Yarns and a companion had been gunoing [sic] for woodchucks. While climbing over a brush fence the companion’s gun was accidentally discharged in the direction of Yarns, and he dropped to the ground without a groan.
   The horrified young man instantly approached his companion but life was already extinct. There was no wound discoverable except a tiny red spot upon the back of his neck, which upon closer examination proved to be a puncture of the skin. An examination later proved that a single shot from the discharged gun had penetrated the unfortunate young man's spinal column exactly through the centre, severing the cord and killing him instantly.
   The shot used were of small size, and the wound at any other part of the body, it is supposed, would not have caused serious inconvenience. Yarns was buried Saturday.— Binghamton Republican.

Third Annual W. C. T. U. Convention.
   The third annual convention of the Cortland county W. C. T. U. convened in the Baptist Church, Homer. N. Y., Sept. [6th], 1888.
   Meeting opened with Mrs. June, Vice-President, in the chair; devotional exercises conducted by Mrs. L. C. Hooper of Homer, consisting of singing "My Faith Looks Up to Thee." Scriptural reading, prayer and singing, "Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus."
   At the calling of the roll it was found out that 23 officers and superintendents were present. The chair then appointed the usual committees which was followed by the reading of the minutes of the last convention, also of an executive meeting held in Cortland Aug. 1, and one held in McGrawville Aug. 4th, which were approved.
   The address of welcome was now given by Mrs. Starr of Homer, and responded to by Mrs. Mott of Virgil. Report of the corresponding secretary was read and approved. Mrs. Small, of Ohio, an evangelistic worker was introduced to the convention and gave a few words of encouragement. It was now the noon tide hour of prayer in which the convention was led by Mrs. Small. Mrs. Carrie Brigden, of Auburn, was introduced to the convention and spoke a few words with regard to the temperance work in that place. Mrs. Small and Mrs. Brigden were both made members of the convention. Announcements were then given and the convention adjourned.
   At an executive meeting held during intermission the usual bills were audited amounting to about $16.21. $2.00 was also donated from the county treasury to the Virgil Union to help them pay for their speaker at the last convention.
   The afternoon session was opened by devotional exercises and bible reading lead by Mrs. Mary Benjamin of Cortland.
   Mrs. Mary T. Burt of New York, the State President, was then introduced to the convention and gave a few words of cheer. The minutes of the morning session were read and approved, also the treasurer's report. A very fine solo was rendered by a little girl, Miss Alien Hickman, of Rochester, entitled "Right to Might." Mrs. Burt was made a member of the convention, also the vice- president of the Virgil Union who was present in place of their President.
   The report of the committee on credentials was given stating that 39 delegates were present. Fifteen Unions were represented and seven of the delegations were full. The reports of the superintendents of the departments of press work, scientific instruction, temperance literature, juvenile work and county fair work, showing progress in all were given and accepted.
   Mrs. D. E. Whitmore of Marathon, gave a very earnest and forcible paper on Narcotics, showing how stealthily the use of them in one form or another was creeping into all parts of society and into almost every home in the land.
   The report of the superintendent of evangelistic work, which contained the recommendation that the department of Mothers' meeting be created, was given and accepted and the recommendation adapted. From the superintendent of Sunday school work, soldiers and sailors, flower and card mission and prison and jail work, were given and accepted. A recitation of a piece entitled "Old Robin" was given by Miss Fannie M. Brush in a very effective manner. Adjournment for supper.
   The evening session was opened with devotional exercises after which Mrs. June introduced to the audience Mrs. Mary T. Burt, who gave a very interesting lecture upon some of the results of the W. C. T. U. work and its future outlook. The audience was invited to take part in the "hanthem" [sic] which they responded to the "tune" of $12.44. An invitation was given by Mrs. Brush to all those who intend attending the National Convention of the W. C. T. U. in New York, commencing Oct. 19th, to buy a seat in our box the price of which will be $2.50, and which can be obtained by addressing Mrs. Florence Brush, Lock box T, Homer, N. Y., and early response was desired. Benediction was pronounced by tin- pastor of the Baptist Church, Rev. A. J. Walrath.
   Meeting opened by devotional exercises led by Mrs. L. A. Audrus of Homer. The next order of business being the election of officers, Mrs. Burt gave instructions in regard to the election, and also offered prayer asking Divine guidance. The following officers were elected:
   President— Miss Sarah E. Collins, of Cortland.
   Vice President—Mrs. Jennie June, Blodgett Mills.
   Cor. Secretary—Mrs. Minnie E. Starr, of Homer.
   Rec. Secretary—Mrs. Mary W. Lyon, of Truxton.
   Treasurer—Mrs. Jennie Boynton, of McGrawville.
   Juvenile Work—Mrs. Mary K. Collins, of Cortland.
   Evangelistic work—Mrs. L. M. Allen, of Homer.
   Flower and Card Mission—Mrs. Jerome Hulbert, of Marathon.
   Sunday School Work—Mrs. S. S. Hammond, of Freetown.
   Press Work—Mrs. Chas. Kinney, of McGrawville.
   Fair Work—Mrs. R. Beard, of Cortland.
   Temperance Literature — Miss Jennie Hutchings, of Virgil.
   Soldiers and Sailors—Mrs. Kate M. Greenman, of Cortland,
   Prison and Jail Work—Mrs. R. Squire, of Preble.
   W. W. C. T. U. Work—Mrs. Florence Brush, of Homer.
   Mothers’ Meeting—Mrs. N. L. Brooks, of Union Valley.
   Scientific Instruction—Mr. P. Knight, of Homer.
   During the afternoon at the time appointed for the Demorest prize contest, Miss Alien Hickman rendered a solo entitled "Flower Girl," in a very pleasing manner, and in closing presented a bouquet from her basket to both the president and vice-president. The judges of the contest were Mrs. Burt of New York, Mrs. Small of Cleveland, Ohio, and Mrs. Bridgen of Auburn, N. Y. The contest was participated in by representatives from the Loyal Legions of Virgil, Homer, McGrawville, Blodgett Mills, and Alpha Y.'s of Cortland. While the judges were deciding a very fine solo was sung by Mrs. A. F. Blackman of Rochester. Mrs. Burt, as chairman of the committee appointed as judges, presented the medal to the young man from Cortland, with appropriate remarks and words of commendation to all those who participated, which closed the contest.
   A vote of thanks was given by the Union to Miss Emma Nason for the able and faithful discharge of her duties in the past.
   Two resolutions were offered, one to Mrs. Viele, our departing President, and the other the usual vote of thanks after which the convention adjourned to meet in March, 1889.

   The fever stricken city of Jacksonville, Fla., has appealed to the country for assistance, money, food and trained nurses and physicians are especially needed,
   John Kling, a glass blower at Corning was shot and killed by an Italian last Sunday afternoon. Two men have been arrested and the Italian population will be driven from the town.
   Samuel Bigelow, an engineer at Clark's Wheel Works at Waterloo, dropped dead last Saturday while at his work, ossification of the valves of the heart was the cause of his death.
   About 100 men employed in the freight house of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railway, at Buffalo, struck Saturday morning on account of a cut of 5 cents an hour having been made in their pay.
   More than 15,000 workingmen look part in the grand parade on Labor Day in New York. The city was elaborately decorated and they received a most enthusiastic reception.









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