Wednesday, December 3, 2014


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, August 31, 1888.

Stirring Features of the 4-Paw and "Wild West" Shows.
   As circus day approaches, interest in the coming exhibition of the great Forepaugh and "Wild West" shows in Cortland Thursday Sept. 6th increases, and the excitement in Young American circles expands. The reports of the big show's success this year have been so general, and the leading features have produced so great a sensation elsewhere, that public interest has been aroused to a greater extent than usual, and the big show is certain to coin money. It must always be a source of satisfaction to an audience when it feels it is getting an equivalent for its money, but when the performance gets out of the established "rut" of the average circus, and develops into a series of surprising novelties, any one of which would constitute a "feature" strong enough to draw the public, an audience must become enthusiastic in its pleasure and gratification. This seems to be the effect wherever the great Forepaugh show has been this season, and that undoubtedly will he the effect here.
   It would be impossible to particularize all the features of this huge show, but a few among the many are: The three Eugenes, famous Parisian gymnasts, whose wonderful act in mid-air has never been equaled, and who are said to draw the enormous salary of $1,000 a week. M'lle Tournaire, whose balancing act on the swinging trapeze compels both awe and admiration; Orrin Hollis, the English somersault bareback rider; Julia Lowande, premiere equestrienne, and one hundred other noted arenic stars, including gymnasts, acrobats, riders and clowns; Adam Forepaugh, Jr.'s thrilling art of driving thirty horses at headlong speed around the quarter mile race track; this famous young animal trainer's grandest achievement, "Eclipse," the trapeze leaping pony; "Blondin," the rope walking horse; the great herd of dancing, fighting, and pyramid elephants, and the picturesque and romantically realistic exhibition of the "Wild West"—a series of living pictures of life on the border, portrayed by Indians, scouts and cowboys, who have spent their lives amid the scenes they enact. The marvelous shooting of Dr. Carver, the world's champion rifle shot, is alone a feature of surpassing interest.
   All the great features of the show will be exhibited in the magnificent street pageant, which takes place at 10 A. M. on the day of the exhibition in this village.

A New Attraction for the Fair.
   The managers of the Cortland County Agricultural Society seem determined to secure every attraction possible to make the fall Fair the most interesting in the history of the society, and are sparing no pains nor expense to accomplish that much to be desired result. Not the least of these will be the exhibition drill of the 45th Separate Company on Wednesday September 12th.
   In these work-a-day and humdrum times of peace, military evolutions are one of the most novel sights that may be seen. To the men and women of the olden time the marching and musket drill are more than a fine sight. They recall the emotions of pride and sorrow that stirred every heart twenty five years ago, when war was the principal business, and young men from every home were donning the blue. To the young man, the steady tramp and erect carriage of the boys, shoulder to shoulder, helps to realize the stories of war time that are gaining in interest and importance now that the actors are passing away.
   Under the careful training of Captain B. E. Miller, himself a soldier of a number of years standing, this new company has already reached a high state of efficiency. On the few public appearances of the company they have been heartily complimented, showing that steady drilling of the past year has not been fruitless. With their bright new uniforms, and manly appearance, the boys of the 45th Separate Company, N. G. S. N. Y., need not fear comparison with many of the crack companies of the State. The fifty or sixty young men of the 45th form an organization of which Cortland is and well may be proud, and their parade will be doubtless witnessed by a large number of people.

   Mrs. Ormsby’s private school will reopen Wednesday, Sept. 5th.
   The public schools will reopen next Tuesday, with a full corps of teachers.
   Forepaugh's Bugle Brigade were in town yesterday advertising the appearance of the great show on Thursday next.
   John H. Gay, Esq., of Preble, had his pocket picked last Friday, while in a crowd at the corner of Court and Main streets. Loss, $95 currency.
   Messrs. Robbins and Smith have sold their lease of the Cortland Opera House to Mr. S. S. Vail, of Syracuse, who will take possession at once. Mr. Vail has had five years of experience at the Wieting Opera House at Syracuse, and ten years in the Whitney Opera House in Detroit, Mich., and will doubtless prove all that can be desired for a manager. He will remove his family from Syracuse to this village at an early day.
   When the coach that left Cortland last Friday evening for Camden over the E. C. & N. road, returned to this place Saturday morning, four empty pocket-books were found on the floor of the recess of the car. Lying on the books was a check for $40 payable to a well known firm, and a money order for $10. The pickpockets had riled the books of currency, and as the check and money order could not be used they considerately left them, to be returned to their owners. They can be found at the E. C. & N. depot in this place by the owners.
   Last Friday evening [last day of firemen's convention—CC editor] several Marathon people had their pockets picked while at the S. & B. depot in this place waiting to take the southbound train. S. O. Mallery, of Collinsville, Conn., who is visiting friends in Marathon, lost $255. Samuel Merrihew, of Freetown, lost $75, and notes for $125. Dr. A. D. Reed lost $11. H. R. Shaddock lost a few dollars in currency and a note of [$400.] A. W. Madole lost $8 and O. Shapley lost an amount which he does not give. We understand that several people from other towns had similar experiences but their names have not been made public.

   MADISON.—Hop picking will commence in this county about Sept. 1st.
   Four young ladies started to go through the tunnel at Cazenovia, Wednesday, and when halfway through a train came along. The engineer saw something ahead and stopped just in time to save their lives.
   A singular circumstance happened at the DeRuyter reservoir the other day. D. C. Clarke noticed a large fish struggling in the water, and rowing alongside caught with his hands and lifted into the boat a four pound bass. The fish had attempted to swallow a sunfish but found the "pumpkin seed" too large for his capacity, and was unable to disgorge him because of his fins. He was nearly drowned in his native element.
   TOMPKINS.— A fly bit a horse belonging to Fred Middaugh, of Ithaca, one day last week, and the animal in giving a vigorous kick to dislodge the insect, broke its leg. Subsequently the horse had to be shot.
   A middle aged colored man has been working the deaf and dumb "racket'' with some success in Ithaca and vicinity. He presents a slate upon which is written a plea for succor for an unfortunate deaf mute. When he called at the residence of Dr. Burdick he was met by the colored girl who recognized him as an old acquaintance and completely discomfited him by shouting: "Hello. Henry! What you doin' up here?" "Henry" told her to keep still and not "give him away," but the members of the household had overheard the conversation. 

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