Squire Hunt went to Freetown on business last
George J. Green has hired to Joseph Pickett
for the season.
We hear that Mr. Fred F. Burdick has gone
down near Ithaca drilling wells.
Mrs. Adelia Hathaway and her two children
started for Minnesota last week, perhaps their future home.
The worst storm of the season last Friday and
Saturday. No mail from Thursday noon till Saturday night.
Miss Eliza Barber had the misfortune to fall
down stairs last week and hurt her quite severely, but not seriously.
Rev. W. H. Robertson of East Homer was
called to town recently, to officiate at the funeral of Miss Mary Anthony.
Mr. Byron Townsend and family of Moravia
have been visiting relatives here for several days. Miss Alice Babcock returned
with them.
Mr. Jeremiah Whiting of Seneca Co. was the
guest of his sister, Mrs. W. E. Barber, recently. He expects to return and try
and organize a lodge of Grangers in the near future.
The donation which was voted to be held for
the benefit of Rev. B. F. Rogers, last Wednesday evening, was advertised to be held
Thursday instead by the order of 2
or 3 individuals, but very unfortunately, Thursday evening was a very tedious
one and those who did come adjourned to the 17th, Wednesday, when oysters will
be served.
A turkey barbecue was held in Scott the night
after town meeting. It could hardly be called a Republican doings or a
Democratic affair, for members of both parties were in it. As near as we can
gather the facts about half a dozen young hopefuls, between the ages of 21 and
30, laid hold of a valuable bronze turkey of the male persuasion, belonging to
George S. Green, and took it down across the river into "Brooklyn" and
killed it at the river bank and let the feathers waft down the stream into the lake
below. The old saying is "blood will tell," so in this case the drops
of blood upon the snow, from the place of slaughter to the eating house of John
Maxson, let the cat out of the bag. The proprietor of the house was called upon
for an explanation the next day and he told what he knew about the barbecue. He
said they told him they had purchased it and they had brought it there for
cooking. They also brought along, as we understand for the dressing, 2 quarts of whisky and 2 quarts
of oysters; this was mixed and salt added to suit the taste. As they entered the
restaurant all who were able joined in a war dance for the opening exercises. We
can hardly recommend such proceedings. We don't believe in late suppers, especially
when consisting of stolen meat and whisky gravy. We learn that the unfortunate
bird is not yet settled for.
Mr. Conklin is moving his family into the
lake side house of B. J. Salisbury.
A. B. Raymond is again the police officer of
Little York. It is his sixteenth term.
Sylvanus Gillett is calling on relatives and
friends. He is in very poor health.
Some of our dairymen, who prefer to deliver
milk but once a day, are putting in a stock of ice.
The snow in the woods is nearly three feet
deep and hard and crusty, making it difficult to get out logs or wood.
Frank Alvord and Grant Selover done a fine
job plowing the road from the foot of Kinney's hill to the main road. That is the
only way to have a good track.
The farmers, who erected silos last summer,
are now comparing quantities of milk with those who are feeding hay. The result
is very much in favor of the silos, with a smaller ration of grain.
The Ice Company were to have finished filling
their house here and at Cortland Wednesday, but found the foot of snow from the
last storm full of water and had to postpone work indefinitely.
Last spring Frank Pickens opened a blacksmith
shop and by superior workmanship obtained all the shoeing that he could do. Old
grip grabbed him and he was advised that he must quit blacksmithing. Obtaining
employment in a hardware store in Homer, he sold his stock to a Mr. Conklin of
Preble, who opened shop Monday.
Joel Gates died Sunday evening at the
residence of his son, John, of pneumonia, superinduced
by the grip— aged 75 years. In 1862 he moved from Truxton on the farm
purchased of Alanson Hobert where he has since resided. He leaves a wife, three
sons and one daughter to mourn his death. He was a consistent member of the
Baptist church at Homer and a very constant attendant. He was an ironclad Democrat
and his three stalwart sons voted with him. He was a member for a time of the
Little York grange, but its exclusiveness hardly met his expectations. His
quiet, unostentatious ways had endeared him to the whole community. The whole
family being sick his body will be placed in the vault, and at some future day
a funeral sermon will be preached and his remains buried.
Mrs. Martha Allen has been visiting friends
in Groton.
Ed. Fitzgerald has gone to Indiana to visit
his uncle.
Mrs. Katharine Hoot of Lisle is in East
Homer caring for her sister, Mrs. Ezra Haight, who is quite sick.
Ed. and James Smith of Freetown will work
for Mr. Watrous, on the Fitzgerald farm, the coming year.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Smith of Freetown have
been visiting among friends in East Homer the past week.
Born, on Saturday of last week, to Mr. and
Mrs. Martin Dwyer, a baby boy which weighed 10 1/2 pounds.
Mrs. F. L. Harris of Skaneateles is visiting
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mynard, in East Homer.
Rev. W. H. Robertson was called on Wednesday
evening of this week to officiate at a wedding in Kenney Settlement.
The salesmen of the East Homer Creamery sold
160 firkins of their summer butter to Harrison Wells of Cortland for 22 cents
per pound.
The large Republican majority in this town
shows very plainly which party favored the license commissioners, which was elected
by 35 majority.
On account of the bad storm last week Rev.
C. E. Hoag did not exchange pulpits last Sunday with Rev. W. H. Robertson of
this place. Mr. Hoag is expected on Wednesday of this week to assist in revival
Charles Clement and family have moved to
Dennis Lazell started out Monday, over the
snow drifts, to take the census.
W. N. Jones bought a number of cows at the
George Miller auction, Tuesday.
Wm. Graham returned Monday from N. J. His
daughter, Mrs. Alice Gainer, died while he was there, and was buried last
An uncommonly large number of people came together
at the auction of Mrs. Frank Stebbins, last week, because of the fine dairy of
cows she had advertised to sell. The 39 cows sold at the remarkable average of
It required a good deal of perseverance on
the part of some of the invited friends of Amos L. Kenney, to face the icy
blasts and force their way through the deep snow to his birthday party, last
Friday night. But we presume they all got there and had an enjoyable time.
The weather, last Friday, was so inclement
that the M. E. society thought best to postpone the donation to be given for
the benefit of Rev W. H. Robertson, and it will be held at Woodward's hall, Wednesday
night, Feb 24th. All are cordially invited to attend.
Notable Challenge Between Syracuse and Cortland Cyclists.
A well known Syracuse bicycle rider startled
his acquaintances on Saturday evening by issuing a special challenge to a
Cortland wheelman for a 200 mile bicycle race. The local man was George Harris
and the Cortlandite G. W. Houck. The match was the outcome of a heated
discussion over long distance riding. According to the terms the race must be
held between April [20] and May 1. The finest stretch of road in America has
been chosen as the course, a 100 mile straight away from Coburg to Kingston and
return. The loser will forfeit his bicycle to the winner or if the latter chooses
he may select any high grade wheel in the market at the lower expense. There
were three witnesses to the agreement and the men shook hands.
The result of the race is already being speculated
upon, and many local wheelmen will accompany the contestants on portions of
their rapid Canadian tour. Mr. Harris’ ability as a stayer is well known. With John
Wilkinson he holds the record to Utica and return. He is a member of the
Syracuse Cycling Club and will be well supported by his fellow members. Mr.
Houck has made quite a reputation on the track, and is said to be a good long
distance man. He may train as much as he likes, but it is safe to predict that
he will get very weary if he defeats Mr. Harris. This is the longest race ever
arranged in Central New York.—Syracuse Evening Herald, Feb. 15.
Hopkins block, Main Street, Cortland, N. Y. |
Tanner & Co.'s New Store.
Messrs. Warren, Tanner & Co., the well
known dry goods dealers, have become comfortably settled in their new quarters
in the Hopkins block, and are ready for business. Readers of the DEMOCRAT, who
have not yet visited the handsome store are advised to take the first
opportunity presented to do so.
For the benefit of those of our readers who
have not yet had an opportunity to look through the place, we give a brief
description of this modern palace.
The firm occupies the entire first floor and
basement, which is 48x92 feet inside measure. Through the center of the store
and facing the front doors is a double row of oak counters meeting in a half
circle and extending back nearly to the business office in rear of the
building. These counters, with the shelves behind, contain a large stock of
ladies’ fancy and staple goods, and are in charge of lady clerks. On the south
side of the store are counters and shelves running the entire length. These shelves
contain the ladies’ dress goods. In the rear of the store you will find a large
stock of furs and ladies’ and children’s cloaks. On the north side of the store
are similar counters and shelves, the latter filled with gents’ furnishings, sheetings,
and in the east end may be found endless rolls of carpets of the latest styles
and patterns, rugs, curtains and curtain fixtures.
There are three large rooms in the basement
where are kept such goods as cannot find a place on the shelves on the first
floor and their surplus stock. The basement is well lighted and the rooms are
handsomely done off. The entire plant is heated with steam and lighted with gas
and electric lights. They have in use the Starr system of cash carriers and the
swing counter stools have also been put in. There are several elegant show
cases in the store filled with novelties and specialties.
The show windows are very large and present
the appearance of handsome parlors as they have been tastefully fitted up and
arranged to please the eye.
The store is a mammoth one in size but it
was well filled when the firm moved their goods into it. Mr. Warren returned
from New York on Monday where he has been purchasing a very large stock of
goods for the spring trade. The goods have nearly all arrived and are being
marked and placed on the shelves. Readers of the DEMOCRAT will, of course, take
time by the forelock and call while the stock is complete.