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City of Chicago. |
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, July 22,
Mrs. Kingsbury of Homer Tells a Story—She was
on the City of Chicago When the Vessel Went on the Rocks.
July 20.—From letters just received here from Mrs. P. C. Kingsbury and Miss
Maud Crane, who were on the steamer City of Chicago when she went on the rocks
on the Irish coast, the following facts were learned:
passing Fastnet light the ship ran into a heavy fog, but it soon lifted and the
passengers had a good view of the coast. The fog soon settled again and the
whistles were blown continuously. Between 7 and 8 o'clock all were startled to
see the cliffs looming up directly above the ship, and a moment later she
struck. The collision was not severe and no one was thrown down, but as she did
not back off rockets and other distress signals were at once sent up; it was
known that the accident was a serious one, a hole being torn in the side and
bottom of the vessel.
waiting about an hour for tenders and none coming, ladies were lowered into the
boats by ropes passed under their arms.
Mrs. Kingsbury writes:
one can have any idea of the frightful distance between the decks and the water
till they are swung off into the fog and darkness and lowered in such a manner."
After waiting for a pilot for an hour in the boats, the order came, "Bring
those ladies back on deck," and all were drawn up as they had been lowered.
Planks were then laid from the bow of the steamer to the rocks and they passed
over and then up a rope ladder which had been lowered from the cliffs above.
Kingsbury continues: "It did not seem as if we ever could climb the dizzy
cliff which towered high above the highest mast of the ship, but it was almost our
only chance, as we preferred the risk rather than stay in a boat or attempt
landing from it without a guide. With the help of the sailors we were alternately
pushed and pulled till we gained the top of the cliff.
resting a short time and it beginning to rain, they made their way with a guide
to the coast station three miles away, which they reached at half past ten, damp
and exhausted. The station was full of shipwrecked passengers, so the Homer
party went further to a little Irish town where they got some bread and a
little tea. There they rested till morning, though without sleep, and were then
taken in a tender eighteen miles to Queenstown where, after claiming their
baggage, they were put on a special train for Dublin and thence by steamer across
the Irish sea to Hollyhead and then to Liverpool. They were hurried on all the
time, no opportunity being given them to dry their clothing or make a change,
and their only refreshments were a little bread.
her letter Mrs. Kingsbury says, "I think we stood it well. None of us (the
Homer party) fainted, as many did, neither did we cry or get excited. Not much
was said, but you may be sure we kept close together and each one did their own
thinking. Captain Bedford has a good reputation as a seaman, but some of the
gentlemen among the passengers thought it a most uncalled for accident, and
that had he used ordinary prudence he would have kept further from the shore in
a fog."
L. R.
Lewis has the contract for plumbing the new High School building.
James Kiely and James Nix have taken possession of the East Cortland House, Mr.
Updike retiring.
Emeralds will cross bats with the Knights of St. James, of Auburn, on the fair
grounds to-morrow afternoon.
Cortland will attend the annual cantonment of Patriarchs Militant, I. O. O. F., in Buffalo, Aug. 18th and 19th.
Hon. S. S.
Knox has been elected permanent chairman of the board of Sewer Commissioners,
and Fred Hatch, clerk. The selections are most excellent.
W. S.
Freer will give a harvest party at his hall, in Higginsvllle, N. Y., Friday evening
August 5th, 1892. Music by "Happy Bill" Daniels' orchestra. Bill, $1.25.
Warner Rood has purchased Fred A. Parker's interest in the candy kitchen and
the business will hereafter be carried on under the firm name of Van Slyke
& Rood.
Mr. J. J.
Davern has been elected Street Commissioner in place of B. D. Bentley, resigned.
Mr. Davern has had considerable experience in this line, and will undoubtedly fill
the bill to the satisfaction of all.
The old
Catholic church, located on River street, and which was used by the Catholic
society in this place for many years before occupying the present large and handsome
structure, has been somewhat demolished by the recent winds, and there now
remains only one corner of the old building, to mark the sacred spot.
Peter Oates,
who resides with his mother at 89 River-st,, with the aid of an axe, took full
possession of the house, last Saturday evening. Officer Parker was sent for and
escorted the young man to jail, where he remained until Monday morning, when he
was examined by Drs. Dana and Moore as to his sanity. He was pronounced sane.
Fred A. Parker and J. W. Angel have become interested in the Reform Dress
Cutter Co., heretofore managed by Mrs. M. N. Clark. The business is conducted
at 13 Wells building, and has been very successful thus far. Messrs. Parker and
Angel will push the business for all it is worth, and as the charts and
patterns are needed in every family, their success would seem to be assured.
The literary
and musical entertainment given for the benefit of the patrons of the East End reading room, last Friday evening, was a
complete success in every particular. The rooms were crowded with eager and
interested hearers, and all expressed a desire that the entertainments should
be continued as often as possible. Much credit is due the committee having the
entertainment in charge.
Thursday afternoon Mr. George L. Williams hitched his standard bred sorrel mare
up with Mr. Jerry Schutt's blue-blooded six-year old Kentucky mare and proceeded
to the Cowen farm to draw hay. After pitching off a load the team was backed
out of the barn and allowed to stand while the owners hauled a mowing machine in
the barn. The mares got into an argument, probably over their several pedigrees,
and soon one seized the other by the neck and both started off on a run down
the road. The Kentucky mare being the younger, and coming from racing blood,
went too fast for the sorrel trotter, and soon ran her into the ditch and
against a tree, where she dropped dead. The other cleared herself from the
wagon, and ran two miles with the neck yoke dangling against her knees. She was
pretty lame the next day. Common plugs would not have acted thus.
Some of
the newspapers in Cortland county have not proved the success their promoters
anticipated, and as a consequence that county has two papers less than it had
two months ago. The Times, a weekly
paper established about two years ago in Homer, recently "pulled up stakes"
and left for another part of the State leaving the field clear for the
Republican, an old established and excellent local paper. In Cortland village, the Daily Journal, though a lively and ably conducted paper, has for
some time been published at a loss to its owner, C. W. Smith, and consequently,
that paper has been consolidated with the Standard, Editor Smith having this week sold out to Messrs. Clark
& Blodgett. Cortland can support
one good dally paper. The Daily
Standard now has the field to
itself, and with a liberal patronage,
such as it should receive, will prove
a great benefit to the village and a source
of profit to its publishers. During the
ups and downs of newspapers in that place,
Editor Jones, of the CORTLAND DEMOCRAT, has
pursued the even tenor of his ways,
and—to his credit be it said—published a weekly paper just a little better than his combined daily and weekly
contemporaries.—Tully Times, July
Annual parade of the Cortland Fire Department will take place on Saturday, August 27th.
Mr. Wm. D.
Riley, of this place, has purchased the handsome residence owned by C. B. Hitchcock, on the corner of Church and Court
streets [present location of City Hall—CC editor.]
Mr. C. H.
Garrison has caused a large arch to be cut through the partition dividing the
third floor of his building, thereby making it a valuable place for the holding
of parties, sociables, fairs, etc.
handsome advertising car of the great Forepaugh Show arrived in Cortland,
Thursday morning, and with it came a large corps of men who have been busy,
since their arrival, decorating the many bill boards that are erected in every nook
and corner. This monster show exhibits here, Tuesday, August 16th.
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1894 map by Burleigh Lithograph Co. |
A Birdseye View of Cortland.
For a few days past Mr. Geo.
E. Norris has been engaged in making a pencil sketch for a lithograph of
Cortland. The view is taken from one of
the hills south of the village and looks northwest, taking in every building on
the corporation and giving a handsome view of the valley leading from Cortland
to Homer as well as the one leading to Truxton with the hills on both sides of
the same. The pencil drawing has been completed and has been exhibited to many
of our citizens for criticism. It is a handsome picture and all those have seen
it pronounced it to be such. In order to warrant the publication 300 copies
must be taken at an expense $3.00 each. The lithograph will be 24x36 inches and
will be published by the Burleigh Lithograph Co., of Troy, N. Y. It will prove
to be a very handsome souvenir to send to friends, and especially to former
residents, who have been absent for some years. They would prize the picture
beyond anything that could be sent them. Every citizen will certainly need a copy
to frame and hang in his residence or place of business. We sincerely hope that
Mr. Norris will meet with sufficient encouragement to warrant him in having the
picture lithographed.
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