Tuesday, June 21, 2016


Henry Clay Frick.

The Cortland Democrat, Friday, July 22, 1892.


150 Men at Work in Carnegie's Mills at Homestead—Most of them are New Men.
   PITTSBURG, Pa., July 19.—An Associated Press representative made a tour of the Homestead mills to-day, being the only newspaper man who has succeeded in gaining admission behind the now famous fence which surrounds the Carnegie's property. He found about 150 men at work, most of them new employes [sic].
   Four furnaces in the armor plate department were charged to-day, and a complete resumption of this department will take place tomorrow. The melting department has been fired up, but it will take seven days to get this branch of the mill running. The open hearth departments, numbers one and two, the mechanical department and the armor plate departments, were all being worked but in a desultory way.
   The assistant Superintendent of the plant said that a number of men had applied for employment to-day, and that he expected quite a number of such applications tomorrow. The official stated that the company had, up to this time, been unable to secure enough mechanics to complete the necessary repairs, so they started the works without them. He is confident that were the mill to resume operations successfully for a day or two, many of the former employes would return to their old posts.
   A large number of colored men arrived in Pittsburg to-day and visited Mr. Frick in squads. They carried satchels and were evidently strangers in the city.  Their ultimate destination is surmised to be Homestead, but up to to-night they had not been seen there.

   HOMESTEAD, Pa., July 19.—The meeting of the Advisory Committee to-night resulted in charges being given out that the Carnegie managers were resorting to peculiar methods to force men to work. The case of James Close and another man were cited, in which it is alleged that success was achieved by threats to implicate relatives in the pending legal proceeding. Another matter which received attention in the Advisory Committee was a report of the discharge to-night of three watchmen at the mills because of a suspicion that they were keeping the strikers posted on the condition of affairs inside.
   The contributions received to-day for the benefit of the laborers made idle by the strike, but who are members of the Amalgamated Association, amounted to $106.

   PITTSBURG, July 19.—It is quite probable that the force of the National guard now on duty at Homestead will be reduced within a week. Should there be no further breach of the peace the third brigade will be ordered home by the end of the week.

   PITTSBURG, Pa., July 19.—Secretary T. F. T. Lovejoy this afternoon in another view stated that a number of new informations for murder had been made against Homestead strikers, and warrants placed in the hands of constables for arrest. Mr. Lovejoy declined to give the names of those proceeded against, saying that their publication would give the men a chance to escape. He also refused to give the number to be arrested.

Seven Leading Homesteaders Charged With Murder—Warrants Out for Them.
   PITTSBURG, July 18.—This afternoon informations were made before Alderman McMaster for murder against Hugh O'Donnell, John McLuckie, Syl Critchlow, Anthony Flaherty, Samuel Burkett, James Flannagan and Hugh Ross. These men are all leaders of the strike at Homestead and they are charged with the murder of T. J. Connors and Silas Wayne, two of the Pinkerton men killed in the riot. Warrants have been issued and it is probable the men will be arrested this afternoon, with the exception of Hugh O'Donnell, who is out of the city. The informations were filed by T. F. T. Lovejoy, Secretary of the Carnegie Steel Company. The constables left at once and are now looking for the men. The news created a great deal of excitement among the strikers.
   The constables returned from Homestead this evening empty handed. They were unable to find any of the accused and will go up again tomorrow.
   A short time later Burgess McLuckie appeared at Alderman McMaster's office and announced that he was ready to answer the charge of murder preferred against him. The Alderman then had a commitment issued and McLuckie was placed in jail. Tomorrow his attorneys will go before the court and ask for his release on bail.
   Before going to jail McLuckie said he courted a thorough investigation. The other defendants, he said, had not left the city to escape arrest and all but O'Donnell would be on hand tomorrow. Burkett, he said, was a clored driver and was sick in bed the day of the riot and was not present at any time during the riot. Critchlow is a Butler county farmer who formerly worked in the mill but was at home on July 6.
   "We propose," said he, "to give Mr. Frick a dose of his own medicine and information against the officials of the company are now being prepared."
   II was learned later that William J. Brennan, counsel for the Amalgamated Association, was in conference with President Weihe, and that it was probable that information against Messrs. Frick, Lovejoy and Potter would be made within the next 24 hours. The charge will be based on the introduction of Pinkerton men with arms.
   Attorney Brennan was seen after his conference with President Weihe, and he said that no information would be made against Mr. Frick tonight, and it was possible that no retaliatory measures would be taken by the strikers. If it was decided to take such action the charge would probably be conspiracy.
   From a source close to the Carnegies,it was learned that the firm have the names of 215 strikers against whom they believe they have enough evidence to convict as accessories to the murder of Connor and Wayne. It is the intention of the firm to enter information every day until the entire 215 have been arrested. David Patterson and John S. Rob, two of the best criminal lawyers in this County, have been secured to conduct the cases for the Carnegies.
   McLuckie's hearing has been set for next Friday. It is claimed by Mr. Brennan that the others will present themselves at the Alderman's office tomorrow.

Cortland Democrat, page four, July 22, 1892.

   It Is a simple tale, that from California of the collapse of the great McKinley tin mine at Temescal. An English syndicate has sunk $2,000,000 in it, and it still runs behind $2,000 a month on a small output. To start this mine and establish the factories it was to supply, the people of the United States have been taxed [tariff on tin] $15,000,000 for the past year, and still it will not work. The Republican remedy is to assess the people of the United States still more to put this syndicate on its feet. The Democratic plan is to allow that $15,000,000 another year to stay in the pockets of the American people to be invested according to the common sense of each citizen and not according to the theories of Republican congressmen— Albany Argus.

   Our Harford Mills correspondent states that potatoes are selling at the station in that village for eight cents per bushel. Farmers in that town owe a debt to the Hon. Wm. McKinley that they will never be able to liquidate. Were it not for the duty of 25 cents per bushel provided by the McKinley tariff bill, these farmers would undoubtedly have been obliged to give away their surplus bulbous roots and add a present of at least 17 cents per bushel in order to get rid of them. What a wonderfully good thing this McKinley bill has proved to be for the farmers. Potatoes never brought such starvation prices until after the McKinley bill went into effect. With the price of wool lower than it has been for years and butter a drug on the market, the outlook for the farmer with Republican protection staring him in the face is indeed most encouraging. He pays more for his tin pans and dairy utensils and sells his butter for less money in order to protect and foster the alleged American tin industry. The farmer is continually buying in a protected market and selling in a free trade market. Will he ever comprehend?

Carnegie Made From $14 to $16 on Each Ton of Steel and Yet He Cries for More.
   PITTSBURG, Pa., July 17.—A Sunday paper to-day says: When the Congressional Committee had its investigation at the Monongahela House during last week, its chief object was to discover the exact amount of money expended in the manufacture of a ton of steel. On three different occasions while Mr. Frick was testifying he was asked this question, and as many times refused to answer. The Homestead workmen who were witnesses did all in their power to obtain figures, but it was useless and the representatives of Congress returned to the Capitol of the United States minus this valuable information.
    That great caution was exercised to prevent the publication of these figures is certain, but even with the most vigilant watch the cost of making a ton of basic O. H. and acid O. H. have been secured. These grades of steel are more expensive than the Bessemere 4x4 billets, but admitting this, the reader will be able to discover himself the profits in the manufacture of steel, and particularly at Homestead.
   The official figures, as taken right from the books of Carnegie, Phipps & Co., December 28, 1889, show the average cost per ton of acid and basic open hearth at the Homestead steel works to be us follows:
   Acid, O. H.—Material, $21.54; labor $4.65; maintenance and repairs, 42c; superintendence and office expenses, 37c; total cost per ton, $26.98.
   Basic, O. H.—Material, $21.36; labor 90c; maintenance and repairs, 70c; superintendence, etc., 45c; total cost per ton, [$23.41.]
   As will be seen the above figures governed the wages of the men in December, 1889 by which at the time the men were working under a sliding scale of $30 a ton. The reductions since then are well known, as there was a drop every three months until it reached the minimum $25.
   On July 15, 1889, according to the Pittsburg quotations of the American Manufacturer, whose figures are accepted by both sides in the averagement of wages, acid O. H. steel was selling at 27 1/2 cents per pound, or $55 a ton. The first cost of production was $26.98.
   Then in order to be just it is necessary to enumerate the expense attached to rolling a ton of acid into a plate and also the cost in the slabbing mill, and the total cost of one ton reaches $41. With the market quotation at that time it is readily seen that the profit to the Carnegie Company per ton runs exactly $14. Two per cent off is allowed on their figures for cash sales.
   The figures on the basic O. H. vary but little, the cost per ton quoted selling price, etc., would net a profit of something like $16 a ton. As previously stated, since then the minimum basis has been reduced, reductions in all departments accepted and the cost of labor made much lower.
   When a reporter visited Homestead and displayed the figures to the leaders of the men, they refused to believe they were bona fide, but after scrutinizing the different items they admitted that they were indeed truthful figures. Although they all along had an idea of the cost and could present figures, yet they could not swear as to the truth of them.
   George Rylands, one of the best posted men on wage rates at Homestead, said: "The only thing lacking is the cost of the Bessemere 4x4 billets. This would be immense and if secured will knock Mr. Frick silly in his figures on wages paid men during May. However, one can gain a good idea of the profit made on the other grades of steel by perusing the figures presented."

   CHENANGO.—Derwin White of the Oxford Basket Works lost two fingers by a buzz saw.
   Eight large turtles were recently shipped from Oxford to a New York commission house.
   The old Norwich academy and grounds have been sold to Scott Brothers for a glove factory.
   MADISON.—Kerosene is selling in Munnsville at 7 cents a gallon.
   Twenty-nine Oneida business firms have failed during the past six years.
   Michael Sweeney had two ribs broken and received severe internal injuries being struck by a train at Oneida, Saturday.
   George Miner, of DeRuyter, cut off the tip of his left forefinger, Friday morning, while splitting wood. A chicken standing by grabbed up the piece as it fell so he had no chance to graft it on again.
   TOMPKINS.—Ithaca mineral water is being shipped quite extensively.
   A large amount of glass is being shipped by the Ithaca Glass Co.
   The Southworth Library, Dryden, contains about 5,000 volumes.
   The work of putting the Ithaca street railway up East Hill is under way.
   Carnegie mills at Homestead were furnishing the Groton Bridge company the 54 inch steel plates from which to manufacture the intake pipe for Skaneateles Lake. The Bridge Company are obliged to look elsewhere.
    Many are the improvements being effected at Sheldrake and many more are yet to come. A vast amount of grading and tiding in on the Point has been done by New York parties with a view of utilizing the land for building purposes.

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