Saturday, June 25, 2016


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, August 5, 1892.

Wait for the Big Show—Wait for the Monster Aggregation Coming on its Own Four Special Trains.

   "Wait for Forepaugh," has been placarded throughout the United States and Canada in every city, town, village and hamlet, for the past twenty-eight years. "Wait for Forepaugh, Wait for the Big Show. Wait for the Monster Aggregation Coming on Its own Special Trains." These and similar catch lines have headed the large and small circus posters, appeared upon advance couriers, upon large and small distributing handbills, dodgers, etc., and have been in all the daily and weekly newspapers everywhere since the memorable division of the circus territory by the
one playing the Eastern circuit exclusively in a season, and the other the Western territory, and vice versa each year, for which arrangements were made and compacts signed in June 1891, at the Commercial Hotel in Chicago, Ill. after the bitter fight between these two rival organizations during that season.
   The reason for so freely using these catch lines by the Forepaugh management is because the concern was always large, great and expensive, but has grown into
with a capital of $3,000,000 invested, the dally expenses reaching $6,500, employing upwards of 1,000 people and exhibiting the largest and greatest collection of animals the world has ever seen since the exodus from Noah's ark, giving a triple ring circus, with stage performances—over 200 artist performers, of the best that Europe and America produces, including the justly famous Vadis Sisters on their revolving double trapeze, and thirty-five Moors, men, women and children, the only real genuine Moorish Circus Co. ever brought to America, a hippodrome, a sublime, historic Bible spectacle, The Fall of Nineveh, the most magnificent display of spectacular splendors and grandeur ever seen, and numerous other rare, original and distinctively foreign features, all of which would take a book of at least 300 pages to properly describe.
   The thrifty farmer in the rural districts makes it a point to take his family and help to one circus during the season, and very rarely more than one. The Adam Forepaugh Shows being
he believes it to be s religious duty to himself and family to attend this wonderful traveling World's Exposition.
   This is one of the reasons that the catch lines,
Wait for the Big Show, Wait for the Monster Aggregation, etc., etc., are placed so extensively over city, town and country long before the great shows make their appearance, and it is done to give all the people due notice that the Adam Forepaugh Shows will be right here in the midst of some time during the season, because when they know that they can afford to wait to get enough circus to last them for a year, or until the great show comes around again.
   The date of the Great Exhibition here is Tuesday, August 16, and the magnificent street parade, nearly two miles in length, will occupy our thoroughfares, starting from the show grounds promptly at 10 A. M.

To Be Honored by the Church.
   ROME, August 1.— Pope Leo XII has addressed to the Archbishops and Bishops of Spain, Italy and the two Americas a letter on the subject of Christopher Columbus. The Pope reviews the achievement of Columbus in discovering the New World, and says that the Catholic faith superlatively inspired the enterprise and its execution. Referring to other explorers, the Pope says that the eminently distinctive point in Columbus is that he followed an object more grand and more elevated than the others. Above all these human reasons, that of religion was uppermost by a great deal in him, and it was this, without any doubt, which sustained his spirit and his will, and which frequently in the midst of extreme difficulties filled him with consolation. He learned in reality that his plan, his resolution, profoundly carried in his heart and was to open access to the gospel in new lands and in new seas.
   The Pope directs that on October 12th or the following Sunday after the office of the day, the solemn mass of the very Holy Trinity be celebrated.

A Bloody Affray at Norwich—A Free-for-All Fight Follows a Game of Chance.
   NORWICH, July 31.—This evening about 6 o'clock a riot occurred among the Italians employed on the N. Y. O. & W. railroad, in which about twenty were engaged. Ten arrests have already been made and the offenders lodged in jail. It appears that this class of employes [sic] is furnished by the company with box cars in which they make their homes. To-day there were four cars being used for that purpose and in one of these cars the Dagos were playing a game of chance and had about forty-five cents at stake. They put up the money, ten cents apiece. Those interested in it are blindfolded and given a pick, with which they strike for the money and the one that strikes nearest the pile secures the cash.
   On this occasion there was a question as to who was the nearest and the discussion resulted in a fight, the picks that had been used in the game being utilized as weapons. Several of the contestants were severely injured and one may possibly die.
   Officer Robbins was called and when he arrived the fight was raging so fiercely that he went at once to Sheriff Lalley who, with several officers, was soon on hand. After a decided effort on the part of the officers, they succeeded in restoring peace. Shots were fired and rocks thrown, which rendered the duties of the officers extremely hazardous. The prisoners will be arraigned before Police Justice Troop, Monday morning at 9 o'clock. It is estimated that one thousand persons witnessed the riot.


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