Friday, January 15, 2016


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, July 17, 1891.

A Wealthy Ohio Lady the Founder— Several Citizens Remembered.
   Marathon is to have a Public Library, thanks to the generosity of Mrs. Marsena Brink Peck of East Greenwich, Ohio, who died recently at the age of 90 years. She was formerly a resident of Marathon. In 1884 her sister, Mrs. C. C. Peck of Chicago, who was very wealthy, died leaving something like $160,000 to different relatives and friends in Marathon, some of the bequests amounting to $20,000 each. The Marathon Independent furnishes the following synopsis of the contents of the will:
   After providing for the payment of her debts, etc., she gives to the descendants of Marvin and Alzina Atwater (her sister) the farm upon which she died at East Greenwich, Ohio, with the personal property therein contained. To her niece, Mrs. Caroline Squires of Marathon, $5,000; to her nephews Charles G. Brink of Binghamton, $3,000; J. L. Brink of Marathon, $1,700 and accrued interest; Antionette Carter of Marathon, $1,000; Jacob Starin of Whitewater, Wis., $5,000; Mrs. Agnes Hinman of Marathon, $1,000; Mrs. Eliza Johnson, formerly of Marathon, widow of the late Washington G. Johnson, $500; to Mrs. Esther Hunt, Mrs. Sarah Adams, E. C. Carley, Mrs. Root Carley, and Mrs. Ida Austin of Marathon, each $100; to a nephew, Clement Peck, $5,000; to the Marathon Cemetery Association $1,000; to the Presbyterian Church of Marathon, $5,000; to the Methodist and Baptist Churches each $100.
   "I give to James H. Tripp, Daniel B. Tripp and Daniel Whitmore, of Marathon, aforesaid, the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000) in trust, for the organization, furnishing and maintenance of a free public Library, in Marathon aforesaid. The details for said organization, and for the purchase of books, fitting up, and support of said library, I am obliged to leave entirely to the discretion of the said trustees, with the hope that they will exercise their best judgment, and so manage it, that it shall be of the best possible benefit to the people of Marathon. The said trustees shall cause a corporation to be formed for the above purpose, to which corporation the above trust fund shall be paid for the purpose aforesaid."
   The remainder of her estate, which balance was substantially the amount willed to her by her late sister, Mrs. C. C. Peck, is devised to the Home for Incurables, founded and endowed by the latter at Chicago, Ill.
   Furthermore, this bequest for the Public Library is but the outcome of an agreement made and understood between Mrs. Marsena Peck and her late sister, Mrs. C. C. Peck.

Frederick Douglass.

   Fred Douglass, minister to Hayti, has returned home with his luggage complete and it is surmised by knowing ones that he has made a stupendous failure and was called home by President Harrison. It is asserted that King Hyppolite and his cabinet were not pleased with Mr. Douglass and rather resented the sending of a "Coon" to represent the United States at the Coon's Court [sic].

James G. Blaine.
   The reports in regard the health of James G. Blaine are very conflicting, notwithstanding the fact that some of the big city papers are endeavoring to learn the true facts in regard to his condition by sending special reporters to Bar Harbor. One day we are informed that he is both a physical and mental wreck, and the next day we are informed that all such reports are purely sensational and false and that although he is not in the best of health, he will be strong enough to resume his duties in Washington in the fall. It will be remembered that similar reports in regard to the health of Samuel J. Tilden were published, only to be denied by his friends, who stated that he was in his usual health. His death not long after proved that his friends were trying to conceal the fact that he was seriously ill for political effect. While Mr. Blaine may not be in immediate danger of dissolution, the situation fully warrants the belief that his political career is about ended and that his death will be announced in the near future. He has been a hard worker all his life and the strain on his great ability has undoubtedly proved too much for him. His career has been a most remarkable one and even his worst enemy must admit that he is a brilliant man and that his retirement will be a severe loss to the country.

Time to Act Together.
   The Buffalo Evening News under date of July 11 hits the nail on the head in an article under the above caption which we copy:
   "There is good reason for the Courier's suggestion this morning that it is time for the newspapers of this State to act together in defence [sic] of their rights and interests. The secret execution law, with Warden Brown's rifle guard to intimidate prisoners and his gag-pledge to witnesses of the execution of the State's penalty for murder, only emphasizes and centers attention on a state of things which has been gradually growing more and more serious and now threatens the power and usefulness of the press of the State.
   It is not only that the big papers in the cities are oppressed by such laws as the Gerry secret experiment act, under which murderers may be put to death behind a screen of armed men and the public know nothing but what a party of invited and pledged guests of the warden see fit to give out ten days after. The country papers, which are as useful and as necessary in their localities as the big papers in the cities are in theirs, have their grievances, and serious ones. The law of libel, which presupposes malice in truthful publications, is one of these. Another is the picayune policy in publication of the session laws under authority of statute in the counties of the States. It is a matter of little importance in the cities, perhaps, but it is a matter of importance in the smaller towns when the compensation for such publication is cut down to a starvation limit, impoverishing and weakening the papers that have such work awarded to them under the law. When a narrow-gauge county supervisor or briefless cultivator of farm-line litigation gets into the Assembly and proceeds to make a record for himself by attacks on the country press, and by such cheese-paring as has been a feature of legislation lately, it is time for the papers to make a united front and show whether the press is really the power for its own protection that it proves itself to be in numberless crusades for the good of the general public.
   It is time for Mr. Dana to call his convention of editors—to knock out once for all the arbitrary legislation against the free press of the State. It is time for the big and little papers to make common cause. This is a lawyer-ridden State and a ring-ridden State at present, and the more the press can be crippled the less effective is their criticism likely to be against corrupt and imbecile legislators. No wonder, then, that there should be an apparently systematic effort to hamper the press, both city and country, by Gerry laws, by libel laws and by starvation laws. It is time such laws should be appealed and their defenders relegated to private life. It can be done if the editors act together.
   It is time to call Mr. Dana's convention."

To Bridge the Niagara at Buffalo.
   OTTAWA, Ont., July 3.—The parliamentary railway committee to-day reported the bill incorporating the Buffalo and Fort Erie bridge company. The company is authorized to construct and maintain a railway bridge across the Niagara river or a tunnel under the same river from Fort Erie, Ont., above the international bridge to a point at or near Buffalo. Similar powers will be asked from Congress or the New York state legislature. The capital stock will be $10,000,000. The bridge or tunnel shall be commenced within five years and completed within ten years thereafter; otherwise the powers granted shall cease. Among the promoters of the company are several American capitalists.

Order From Chaos.
   In the latter part of the 70s, George W. Clark purchased a tract of wild, and apparently untenable land south west of the village of Cortland, among the renowned hills bordering on the classic town of Virgil. Whatever opinion other people might entertain relative to the outcome, of one thing Mr. Clark was positive: that the land would produce in abundance if properly tilled. To cultivate a chaotic wilderness was about the most absurd idea that could be advanced in past decades; but gradually the obstacles were removed, small fruits and berries were planted upon the gentle sloping hill at either side of a narrow glen, until to-day the products of this garden are eagerly sought in Cortland markets.
   Crates of strawberries, raspberries and gooseberries, currants, baskets of grapes, pears, quinces, plums, bearing the simple superscription "Clark, Cortland, N. Y.," are emptied as soon as delivered to the dealer, the customer knowing the high quality of the fruit. To reach this rung in the ladder of success this pioneer gardener met many rebukes and was forced to educate public taste to the fact that cultivated fruit was wholesome and delicious. Mr. Clark also manufactures a fine grade of wine from currants of his own growing, which is rapidly finding place in private cellars.
   Although competition has sprung into the field the pioneer comes to the front with new delicacies each season. This year he has a large and well cared for vineyard heavily laden with the choicest varieties of grapes, while for currants and berries call at the groceries. Mr. Clark's success is sufficient to encourage the transformation of many tracts of now apparently sterile land throughout the country.

   Gains Smith, of Upper Lisle, a young boy about 17 years old met with a severe accident Saturday afternoon while engaged with others in firing off a miniature cannon, which they loaded with gravel, brick dust and powder. As he was on his knees, and in the act of touching the match to the fuse, the cannon went off, lifting him and completely turning him over so that he struck on his face. He sustained a severe cut in the forehead and his face and eyes were blown full of powder and gravel as was his breast and arms. His hands and right eye were burned and at first it was feared that his eyes would be ruined. Dr. Lewis was sent for and dressed the wounds and the patient is doing well and is as comfortable as could be expected. The brim and front of the crown of his hat were torn completely away.

   Webster Young of this place caught a three-pound bass at Little York, last Monday, with a trout rod.
   L. D. C. Hopkins & Son are making some extensive additions to their green houses on Groton avenue.
   The King's Daughters will meet with Mrs. A. M. Johnson at 32 Groton avenue, on Saturday, July 18th, at 3 o'clock P. M.
   Messrs. Duell & Cleary, cigar manufacturers of this place, gave their employes [sic] an outing at Little York, Tuesday, and footed all the bills.
   The officers of the Congregational church in this place have purchased a $3,000 organ, which is to be put in place in the church by Oct. 30th next.
   The [trotting and pacing] races at Kirkwood Park, Syracuse, July 21st to 24th, promise to be very interesting. There are 160 entries and premiums to the amount of $5,000 offered.
   A couple of tarantulas were found in a bunch of bananas that were being unpacked at Beaudry's fruit store, Wednesday. They were safely hived in a glass jar.
   Hitchcock Hose company took the prize for being the finest appearing company in the line at Syracuse, last Thursday. The prize was a silver speaking trumpet, which is on exhibition in H. P. Gray's show window.
   The entertainment given by the members of St. Mary's church, in Wells' Hall, last Saturday evening, was well attended and proved to be a grand success in all respects. Over $300 was the net result which goes towards paying for the new parochial residence.
   A one-legged man is about the country begging money in order to get him a cork leg. At Malone he collected $800. His racket is a good one, and, as an exchange remarks, if he bought legs with all the money he has collected he would now be a regular thousand-legged worm.—Ex.
   The concert given by the Trovatoire Club in the Opera House, last Friday evening, was not largely attended, but it proved eminently satisfactory to those who did attend. The club made such an excellent impression that we predict a full house whenever the entertainment is repeated.
   Mr. Fred. I. Graham, of this place, has purchased the stock of drugs, medicines and paints of Mr. E. E. Reynolds, at No. 17 Railroad-st., and has taken possession. Mr. Graham is well and favorably known to the citizens of this place as an upright, honest business man, who, from several years' experience, has become thoroughly acquainted with the drug trade.
   John Green, of DeRuyter, a section man on the E. C. & N. railroad, was run over by the cars near Cuyler, last Tuesday forenoon, and had one leg cut off below the knee, and part of the foot of the other leg was also cut off. He attempted to cross the track ahead of the train. Both legs were amputated by the physicians, but he died from the shock Wednesday morning.
   A very valuable supplement will accompany the next number of Harper's Weekly. It will be devoted to some special features of the eleventh census, and will present in tabulated form such facts and figures with reference to the progress, industries, and resources of the different States as are of most general interest to the public. It will be worthy of study and preservation.
   The important case of Etta P. Frink vs. Sheriff Borthwick et. al., of Cortland Co., to recover for her property sold on judgments against her husband, O. E. Frink, the late Virgil cheese-maker, has been decided in favor of the plaintiff, who receives a verdict of about $325 and costs. H. C. Miner for plaintiff; Duell, Benedict & Kellogg for defendants.—DeRuyter Gleaner.
   No reader of the DEMOCRAT should fail to peruse the serial now running in this paper entitled "The Exiles." It is one of the most interesting stories ever published. The terrible suffering of the Siberian exiles is graphically described and the reader's interest is kept up from beginning to end. The story was commenced last week. Begin at the beginning and you will not miss a number.
   Little Geo. Harkness, aged 14, son of David Harkness, living upon the Wells place, east of the river, fell upon a sharp scythe, Tuesday morning, cutting the knee joint entirely open, and more than half severing the lower part of the leg from the thigh. The wound was a formidable one, and the doctors have little hope of preserving the joint even if the leg can be saved. Dr. Jewett, assisted by Dr. Frank Green, dressed the wound.
   Judge Walter Lloyd Smith refuses to grant a peremptory mandamus in the case of Dr. W. G. Bliss against The Board of Supervisors of Cortland county. This is the decision of the court in the action brought by Dr. Bliss, of Tully, to compel the Board of Supervisors of this county to pay him for services as an expert in the case of The People agst. R. W. Griswold, who was tried for killing Dennis O'Shea, of Preble, two years ago. Dr. Bliss made a contract with the District Attorney of this county for his services, for which the latter agreed that the county should pay Dr. Bliss $25 per day for his services. The Board of Supervisors refused to pay the amount, but allowed $50, in full, claiming that the District Attorney had no authority to make such contract for the county. We have not seen a copy of the opinion, but conclude that the court took the same view of the question. The amount claimed by Dr. Bliss was upwards of $100.
   Mr. G. F. Beaudry has just put upon the road an elegant delivery wagon, from the Hitchcock Manufacturing Co.
   Johnny, the three-year-old son of John Brown, residing on Crandall-st., in this village, was taken with spasms on Tuesday last, and died Wednesday morning. Drs. Henry and Dana, who attended him, pronounced it a case of sunstroke. The funeral will be held on Friday, at 3 P. M.
   Mr. W. R. George, of New York, was in town last Tuesday, making arrangements for the care of the children to be brought from New York to Freeville for an outing. It was proposed that each of the churches in this vicinity furnish provision for one or two days. The churches here have agreed to furnish their share.
   Cleveland's Minstrels were greeted with a large audience in the Opera House, on Wednesday evening. To say that the entertainment was first class in all respects, is awarding the performance but faint praise. The stage was handsomely draped and presented a magnificent appearance. All the acts were good and the instrumental music was of a high order. The dressing of the performers in the first part in tights was the only thing about the entertainment that showed questionable taste.

Few Are Healthier.
   The May bulletin of the state board of health, issued this week, shows the number of deaths in the state during the month to have been 10,213, or a death rate of 21.50 annually per 1,000 of population.
   There were fifteen deaths in Oneonta during the month of May, 7 in Norwich, 10 in Cortland, 8 in Delhi, 4 in Cooperstown and 7 in Walton.
   The following is the annual death rate per month, per 1,000 population: Walton, 23.90; Cooperstown, 16; Oneonta, 25.21; Delhi, 32; Cortland, 13.23; Norwich, 15.10.

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