Saturday, January 30, 2016


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, August 9, 1891.

Citizens Who Want Honors and Emoluments—Full List of Candidates for the Republican Convention.
   The delegates to the Republican County Convention to be held in this place Aug. 25th will have a large list of candidates to select their county nominees from. It looks a little as if quality had been overlooked that quantity might prevail, but that is nothing unusual with Republican conventions. As a rule, every member of the party expects some day to be a candidate for office and if there are some who haven't yet announced themselves as candidates, it is probably owing to the fact that they haven't sold their butter or else they haven't had time to "dig their 'taters" yet. It costs a good bit of money to obtain a nomination in a Republican convention, and the candidate whose butter is in the cellar or whose 'taters are still in the ground, is but poorly fortified for the strain of a long campaign. The boys in each town have to be seen as well as heeled and a good bank account is of much more consequence than talent or fitness for the office desired.
   There will be considerable strife for the nomination for Member of Assembly. Charles O. Newton of Homer seems to be entitled to be first noticed for the reason that Uncle Rufus Peck is said to have promised him the nomination this time, if he would act as chairman of the county committee last year and do his level best for the latter's re-election. It is pretty generally understood that Newton fulfilled his part of the contract to the letter, but it is said that Uncle Rufus, true to his record, is "agin him" now for the reason that he fears Newton's nomination might complicate matters in some way, that would injure his prospects for the Senatorial nomination. Newton is a good man, but he don't weigh two hundred and fifty pounds, still he may get there in spite of Peck, provided he will open one of his barr'ls, of which he is supposed to have several; otherwise he won't be "in it" as the boys say.
   William H. Crane of the same place is also a candidate for the nomination. He is cashier of the First National Bank in that place and has represented that town in the Board of Supervisors several terms with credit. His opponents claim he is always wanting the nomination for some office and if he don't get it is sure to be disgruntled. They think he has been pretty well taken care of for a man who ran with the Democratic machine up to within a few years. Crane certainly seems to have an itching for office but he is a pretty competent man.
   James H. Tripp, better known to politicians as "Jim" Tripp, of Marathon, has again been forced into the field by his friends. If a man's friends would only let him alone, and wait until he became ready to want the office himself, what a lot of trouble and expense it would save. But they won't do it. Many a good man has been ruined by his friends because they hadn't patience to wait until the man himself wanted to run. Tripp is a man of much more ability than the average Republican candidate for member, and this fact has been an injury to him. His integrity so far as we know, has never been questioned, but this is a qualification that has not benefited him in previous canvasses for the nomination, in fact it has seemed to work against him. If Tripp was possessed of a little low cunning, was utterly devoid of conscience, and would go around and see the boys, open his barr'l and promise every one of them an office besides, he might stand a good chance for the nomination.
   Peck promised him the nomination last fall if he would take hold and work for him the fall before, but when the time came he took the plum himself. Tripp may get the nomination but as there will undoubtedly be a large number of commercial delegates in the convention, and he isn't inclined to purchase the prize, it is by no means a sure thing. The average delegate to Republican conventions has business ideas of politics and he is there for all there is in it. He has very little respect for talent or fitness for office and friendship doesn't count with him at all.
   There is at least a ten acre lot full of candidates for Sheriff, and they are of all grades, fair, tolerable and intolerable.
   Henry Howes of Cuyler has served one term as supervisor and is the present supervisor for that town. When a man gets a bee in his bonnet, he manages to get the nomination for supervisor of his town, gets elected if possible, and then considers that he is in the swim for a fat county berth. The office of supervisor is considered the stepping stone to a higher position and if the candidate has been active in cutting down printers and constables bills while on the board, he feels that he is entitled to anything he may ask for. This applies to other candidates as well as Howes. Howes is a pretty fair man and is making a lively canvass for the nomination. He won't be the last in the race, but there are a good many candidates and no one can tell now, what the result will be.
   John Miller of Cortland is making a strong fight for the place, and the fact that he is said to have been counted out of the nomination three years ago, is a card in his favor. He has served both as constable and deputy sheriff and has generally done his duty pretty thoroughly. This, however, won't help him much except with the better element of the party, who do not attend the caucuses. The political heelers and workers prefer a man who can't see their misdeeds, but is quick to discover any little irregularity indulged in by those who don't belong to their set. They want a Judge who will favor them and their friends, a District Attorney who will do the same and their motto is "no honest man need apply." Miller would make a pretty good official but he has lots of opposition to overcome.
   John O. Reid of this village was a candidate three years ago and went into the convention with considerable strength. Reid is a good citizen and would undoubtedly discharge his duty faithfully. He is making an active canvass and will undoubtedly have considerable strength in the convention.
   A. D. Wallace, one of the proprietors of the Brunswick in this place, is also said to be making a canvass. He has considerable strength among the boys and is one of the originators and proprietors of the "Silk Stocking Club" of this village. He is said to be Dick Duell's candidate and you can bet your last dollar he will have votes in the convention.
   Wallace W. Parker of Harford, who was a Democrat until recently, is also a candidate. We believe this is the only qualification he possesses for the office and as it has been a good one for many others, it may pull him through.
   Eli J. Colegrove of this place, formerly of Cuyler, is also in the field with both feet. What Eli don't know about politics in general and the effects of the McKinley bill in particular, isn't worth knowing. If he ever gets started on a speech in the convention he will either get the nomination or stampede the house. Eli is a hustler and may win.
   Adam Hillsinger of Marathon is a candidate and has seen service as constable in his town. If Tripp is nominated for member of Assembly, Hillsinger will have to wait at least three years before he can be nominated.
   Charley Burlingame of Willett is one of the present deputies and if he isn't a first-class man for the place he is mistaken. If he can make a majority of the delegates believe as he does he stands a right smart chance for the nomination.
   Rufus L. Cass of Taylor has been a delegate from his town for other candidates for a good many years and has finally decided that he will ask for something himself. If he can throw his delegates right in the convention he may get a deputyship. This will be a hard matter to accomplish as the delegates from his town are generally out for all there is in it.
   Aaron Overton of Virgil would like to be nominated for Sheriff but if Steve Jones handles the delegates from that town Aaron won't be nominated.
   Dan E. Morris of Solon, and Wm. A. Shirley of Homer, are said to be candidates, but we can't learn that they are doing much except in their own towns.
   Hubert T. Bushnell, the present incumbent, is a candidate for renomination for the office of County Clerk. Mr. Bushnell isn't a very noisy man but he makes a very good official and is always obliging and accommodating. He ought to stand a good chance for the nomination.
   Frank J. Collier of Preble is a candidate. He always votes the Republican ticket and has wanted the nomination for a long time but never had votes enough in the convention. He is a farmer and expects the support of the agricultural element besides a sprinkling of the politicians. He will have to do some hard work and we understand he is hustling about pretty lively.
   Stephen K. Jones of Virgil tried hard last fall to obtain the nomination for County Treasurer, but when the votes were counted he discovered much to his dismay that he wasn't in it. Nothing daunted he comes up this year and asks the party for the nomination for County Clerk. He is quite a hustler, but not a very sharp politician. If he knew how to arrange a combination he might win, but unless he has learned considerable the past year, he won't know how to do it.
   Jerome Squires of this place is a candidate for District Attorney and is said to have only one opponent for the nomination. Squires has held the office of Justice of the Peace in this town for one term and the boys say he run it for all it was worth. He would be a decided improvement on the present incumbent.
   Miles E. Burlingame of Willett is a pretty good lawyer and we believe would make an honest official. If he was more of a politician he might make it lively for Squires and may do so as it is.
   Horace L. Bronson, when interviewed by the Standard last week said that he was not a candidate, and the people of Cortland county are to be congratulated. He is also reported by the Standard to have said that "while in office I have endeavored to give to my official duties all the time they required, no matter what else had to suffer, and I think the records will show that I have met with fair success." Undoubtedly he had in mind the occasion when he went to Canada to attend to private business the morning that the County Court and Court of Sessions opened in this village, making no arrangements for the transaction of the criminal business before the court in his absence. The result was no business could be transacted and court had to be adjourned simply because the District Attorney was attending to private affairs. It is enough, however, to know that he is not now a candidate.
                      SUPERINTENDENT OF THE POOR.
   Dwight K. Cutler of Scott is a candidate for re-election to the office of Superintendent of the Poor. It is pretty safe to say that Cutler hasn't lost any money during the past three years and that he has made a very good official. He is something of a politician and stands a pretty good show to succeed himself, if the nomination is all that is needed.
   Almon W. Angel of Cortland, formerly of Taylor, is anxious to serve the people in this important capacity. He was a soldier in the 157th regiment, and has been Justice of Sessions. He is about the only candidate in the entire list that represents the soldier element to any extent. He was dangerously wounded while in the service but this don't count for much in Republican conventions.
   If there are other candidates whose names have not been mentioned and they will send in their names, the DEMOCRAT will be pleased to publish them with such comments as their individual merits or demerits may deserve.

The Tin Plate Club.
   Last Tuesday evening without previous announcement, several prominent Republicans of this village met and organized a new club which is to be called by the above singular name. About thirty signed the roll and the following delegates were elected to represent the club at the State League meeting held in Syracuse the following day: Webster Young, Ernest M. Hulbert, and H. L. Gleason. Alternates,
A. S. Brown, H. M. Kellogg and S. J. Sornberger. The following are the regular officers elected by the club:
   President—Edward Keator.
   Vice-President—H. L. Gleason.
   Secretary—Herbert L. Smith.
   Treasurer—H. M. Kellogg.
   The club is made up of some of the wealthiest and best citizens of the town and it is understood that they are all heartily opposed to the nomination of Hon. R. T. Peck for Senator. It is well known that the "Silk Stocking" Club of this place was organized in the interest of Mr. Peck and a few others who have designs upon the offices to be filled at the ensuing election, and that the organization is virtually controlled by Peck. Some of the members of this club belong to the new club and the "Silk Stockings" will undoubtedly give the renegades, as they call them, the grand bounce at the next meeting.
   Those who left the "Silk Stockings" for the Tin Plate Club, claim that they could not remain in an organization that was being run almost entirely in the interest of the candidacy of a man who is so obnoxious to the better element of the party as Mr. Peck. It is understood that the members of the Tin Plate Club will oppose the nomination of Peck, and if they do, Mr. Peck will have an uphill time in securing the honor.
   There is in fact more opposition to Peck's nomination than appears on the surface and it is believed that the road he has to travel will prove to be a very rocky one. A very large element of the party feel that they have already had all "the Peck in theirs" as they express it, that they want.

   An interesting feature of "The Witch," the famous colonial play, which Marie Hubert Frohman will produce in this city October 30th, is the introduction of the pillory, the ducking stool, and other methods of punishment in the old Puritan days. "The Witch" depicts in a graphic manner the witchcraft persecutions in Salem, Massachusetts, and incidentally tells a touching story of love, desertion, and ultimate reconciliation and happiness

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