The Cortland Democrat, July 31, 1891.
The Latch String Off and Doors Wide Open—Election
of Grand Lodge Officers—Other Details.
for the annual session of the Grand Lodge of the State of New York, Knights of Pythias, with St. Bernard Lodge,
No. 217, K. of P. at Cortland, had been carefully made for some time prior to
July 28 the opening day, citizens aiding the local brethren to a great extent.
A few decorations were in position as early as Saturday preceding and Monday
was generally devoted to arranging the red, orange and blue—emblematic of the
order—in pleasing harmony with the national colors and other banners, until with
the dawn of Wednesday morning every business house and numerous private residences
imparted a holiday air to residents of the village as well as the stranger within
her borders.
delegates to the Grand Lodge assembled in Vesta Lodge, I. O. O. F. hall on
Tuesday and transacted a large routine of business of interest to the order,
and electing the following officers:
G. C.—Samuel
T. Hull of Kingston.
V. G. C.—William
Ladew of New York city.
G. Prel.—
S. H. Salisbury of Seneca Falls.
G. K. of
R. and S.—John J. Acker of Albany.
G. M. of
Exc.—Peter W. Mead of New York city.
Rep. (long term)—James C. De LaMare of New York city.
Rep. (short term)—Dr. O. M. Shedd of Poughkeepsie.
contest during the balloting was very exciting and considerable feeling was manifested,
yet as each result was officially declared harmony again reigned and brotherly love
prevailed. No member of the order who is not qualified as a past G. C. is
eligible to the office of supreme representative. District-Deputy Nathan S.
Long of No. 7 New York, the silver tongued orator of the Pythian Knighthood,
was accorded great credit for work accomplished upon the floor during the
session of Tuesday. D. D. Gurney is credited with rendering the ablest decision
ever made by a district deputy in the case of the Hudson River lodge.
origin of the order of Knights of Pythias dates back to 1863, having been founded
in Washington, D. C. during the civil war by Justus H. Rathbone, the initials
upon the badge being F. (friendship), C. (charity), B. (benevolence). To-day
the order claims a membership of 200,000 in the United States, and the lower
provinces boast a large membership, and throughout the states lodges are being
movement is now being carried forward to establish a Pythian home within the
borders of the Empire state — the site for which is not yet selected, on the
same plan as that of the Masonic home at Utica, in support of which lodges of
the ninth district of New York under the leadership of P. D. D. G. Cs. Mier and
Klee [sic] have set the ball in motion and realized the sum of $800 from an
entertainment given on July 4 and 5 at the metropolis.
was devoted to matters of import to the order.
morning was taken up with the disposal of unfinished business among which was
the approval of the project to establish a K. of P. Home in this state. The
following committee being appointed to prepare and draft plans for the
furtherance of the project, establish rules and report at the next annual
session of the Grand Lodge to be held in Troy: A. B. Gardinier, H. Lemmerman,
J. C. DeLaMar, N. S. Levy, H. Meier.
committee of nine was appointed to have charge of the moral support of the institution, viz: F. J. Martin, J. W. Van Demark,
H. C. Kanski, C. W. Hinson, M. Selonick, A. Muller, G. Seims, I. P. Hubbard, C.
following appointed officers were also designated:
G. M. at
A.—J. C. Ladow of Mechanicsville.
G. L. G.—John
V. Tibbals of Kingston.
G. O. G.—W.
D. Crittenden of Freeville.
T. Robertson, H. Lemmermann, N. A. Calkins.
Finance—A. Bedell, J. H. Callanan, J. A. Kehlbeck.
W. Root, C. T. Goodrich, H. E. Plaisted.
H. Guardeneer, E. L. Requa, M. D. Beneway.
Printing—S. T. Hull, J. J. Acker, P. W. Mead.
Correspondence—James L. Baker.
Irwin, M. Selbuick, C. Brickmayer.
The 9th
district reported having $1,000 already in readiness for the project of the home.
Franklin lodge of Kingston came to the front stating that their lodge of 400 members
would come to the rescue at $1 per member. Other lodges and districts reported various amounts which gave great impetus
to the undertaking.
At 12
o'clock the session adjourned, having completed its business.
Owing to
the heavy rain the field sports were omitted, but a magnificent fancy drill was
witnessed at the armory yesterday afternoon. The parade was declared off.
Among the
prominent delegates are D. D. Price of Brooklyn; Assemblyman Aaron B. Gardinier of Yalatia, S. R., and
influential Knight; John T. Robertson the retiring G. C., whose rulings have
met full approval throughout the state; Grandfather Grant, as usual, is on hand
boasting of his 26 grandchildren and filling the atmosphere with brightness;
Dr. David Randall of the famous lodge No. 266 is hard at work; P. C. Frank
Wolfe of John Logan lodge; Thomas W. Tomlinson of Allegany lodge and a hundred
other lights in this order.
uniform rank K. of P. from Oswego, Syracuse and Amsterdam were on hand as advertised
and made a favorable impression while executing fancy military maneuvers.
Delegations were present from Ithaca, Freeville, Susquehanna, Homer and other
lodges in addition to those previously mentioned.
Music was
furnished by the Hitchcock M'f'g Co. band until Thursday when the Homer Cornet
band appeared upon the street and the air resounded with sweet strains
throughout the day.
Oswego duster and broom martial band was no small factor of the convention's music
brigade, during the late twilight.
the Railroad street barber, was awarded the most novel decoration.
Nuggets Weighing from Six to Thirty-Eight
Pounds—A Bonanza.
GRANDA, Nicaragua,
July 23.—The famous placer miners of Prinzapolka have again started the gold
fever throughout Central America. Gold nuggets weighing from six to 38 pounds,
22 carats fine, were lately found there. A Nicaraguan soldier stationed at the
mines discovered a nugget weighing 18 pounds, which he sold at Leon for $2,800.
Cabezas, who has just come from the mines, has with him rich specimens of native
gold. He says there are numerous pockets distributed in all directions
obviously caused by a volcanic upheaval of the lower strata, throwing the gold
mineral to the surface. The excessive heat melted the gold, causing it to flow
over the ground like a stream of lava. He states that this district, which is
near Bluefields, is destined to become as celebrated as the bonanza mines of
California. The land environing Prinzapolka for nearly 30 leagues in circumference
is a rich primeval pasture where numerous wild cattle graze.
Mining in Honduras.
From the N. Y. Press. July 19.
I met
yesterday Mr. A. F. Safely, a Colorado miner, who has been operating for some
time past in Honduras, and returned from that country within a few days.
operations are looking up," said he, owing to the number of Americans
going in there to invest capital.
There are
valuable gold and silver mines all over the country, which have been worked by
hand labor for centuries at great profit to the natives, but are capable of
still further development, and even marvelous development, with modern
machinery and methods. The building of the Nicaragua Canal will bring these
properties into as much prominence in New York as the mines of Colorado, Nevada
and Montana.
There was
great excitement in the country, just before I left, over the shooting of
ex-President Charez. He was sitting in a car at the railway station when a
bullet struck him in the head. It was at first reported that he was killed, but
the wound appeared afterward to be only trivial. He was President from January
to March, what is known as the intermediate period. The old President had been re-elected,
but under the Honduras Constitution no President is allowed to hold a second
term without an intermediate period of three months, during which time some
other citizen occupies that office. No one seems to have been able to discover whether
this affair was an attempted assassination or not."
Watch the Little Ones.
The Dryden
Herald says: "Louie, a five year-old son of [railroad] Section Boss
Joe Basil, choked to death upon a piece of meat which he obtained from the
pantry without the knowledge of his mother, Thursday afternoon. When the
condition of the child was discovered, the mother made every effort to remove
the obstruction, and likewise to force it downward, but to no purpose. Upon the
arrival of Dr. Montgomeroy, who had been speedily summoned, life was nearly
gone, and the child survived but a few moments. The child was buried at McLean,
Saturday afternoon.
Baptist Church Items.
Dr. Cordo
returned in time to occupy the pulpit Sunday morning, but receiving a telegram
announcing the death of his mother, there were no services in the evening. Mrs.
Phelps was in the choir as soprano, Mrs. Abbie Crandall Hughes, of Parish, sang
the solo "I Need Thee, O, My Jesus."
Home and Aid Society met on Wednesday with Mrs. Will J. Perkins. Preparations
were completed for providing for the fresh air children at Freeville two days.
Causes the Clouds to Weep.
July 26.—Rainmaker B. Melbourne was exultant to-day over the success of his
experiments. He set to-day for his eighth experiment and it was a wet and
unqualified success. He now claims to his credit seven successes against one failure,
and that is set down to a broken machine, as he calls his mysterious, rain producer.
The weather this morning was clear and cool, but about 2:30 o'clock this afternoon
the skies clouded and rain fell at intervals until evening.
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Edwin Booth. |
Edwin Booth Doomed by Tobacco.
BAY, Mass., July 28.—There is a well authenticated rumor here that Edwin Booth
is dying from the effects of too much smoking. Though he is aware that it is
killing him he cannot shake off the habit. Ex-President and Mrs. Cleveland and
Joseph Jefferson have striven to reform Mr. Booth in this respect and for a while
they partially succeeded, but the habit had too strong a hold on him and his indulgence
became more unrestrained than ever. It is because of this relapse and because he
knows he cannot recover that he left here suddenly on Saturday and went to
Rufus Peck's Canvass.
From the Syracuse Courier, July 25.
Rufus Peck of Cortland is still hustling around Onondaga [Co.] building Senatorial fences.
But he must be careful or he will make himself ridiculous and become the
laughing stock of the town. One day he is consorting confidentially with the
leaders of the Hiscock faction, and the next day he is reported to be dallying
with the leaders of the Belden faction and confidentially informing them that
he has his suspicions of the Hiscock men.
In fact Uncle
Rufus seems to be endeavoring to blow hot and cold at the same time. He should
remember that between two stools one falls to the ground. Which side does he
train with, anyway? Or is he all things to all men?
The story
comes from Cortland that Uncle Rufus' canvass for the Senatorial nomination has
not tended to harmonize the Cortland Republicans worth a cent. Indeed, some of
the Cortland leaders go so far as to declare that there will be a contest in
Mr. Peck's own district and that the Cortland Republicans are by no means
united over the question of his nomination. In fact, some of them say that
Uncle Rufus couldn't get the nomination in any event,
if Cortland were to be given the Senatorship. If these reports are true, Brother
Peck had better return to Cortland at once. It is evident that there is more need
of missionary work in that county than in Onondaga.
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