Sunday, January 24, 2016


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, July 17, 1891.

   "George of Sleepy Hollow," told a big chicken story in the Standard last week. He said, "Mrs. Hurd of California, who is visiting in Preble at her sister's, Mrs. Orin Rice's, [and] reports that where she resides "eggs will hatch lying in the cupboard."
   "She once saw a chicken that lived seven days with its head cut off, saw it fed through a tube and heard it crow."
   I would rather hear John Beeman half an hour telling some of his experience in Christian Hollow than all the western stories I ever heard, because they are to be relied upon. John said "it was so dry one summer when he lived there that he had to soak his pigs in the creek once a week to make them hold swill, dryest season he ever saw." He said he once had a neighbor who was a tarnel [eternal, damned] liar; he loved to lie so well that if he was on the gallows with a rope around his neck to be hung and they asked him if he would like to come down he would say he didn't."
   Everybody is haying.
   Preble will have about two-thirds its usual amount of hay this year. Grain looks fine.
   Seasonable showers.
   Last week John Miller and his friend Mr. Morgan visited our town. John was looking over the political field.
   Horse race in Preble Aug. 31st. Diff puts up a new one-horse harness, and there will be a purse besides. None but strong gaited nags need apply. A large crowd is expected and refreshments for man and beast will be served at Diff's and the hotel. Hurrah!
   Mr. R. is said to be hard to fit in the boot line. He supposed he had made a proper fit, and had taken a pair of boots home and kept them awhile, and after seeing some in Homer became satisfied those he selected did not fill the bill and has returned them. Some say he is old maidish, but he is bound to have a fit if he has to visit every store in the county.
   School district No. 11, Preble, William Johnston, trustee, is having quite a jangle over repairing the school house, and a lively time is expected. The district has had some experience. A few years ago they had a time and it cost them about $250, and they haven't got much of a school house now, and the question is strongly debated in the district whether the present outcome will not be a repetition of the former.

   Miss Annie Davenport is home again for a short time.
   Miss Lizzie Burnham, of McGrawville, visited friends here Friday of last week.
   Miss Nellie Smith, of Freetown, visited her sister, Mrs. W. H. Robertson, at this place the past week.
   The Misses Maud and Pearl Moore, of Preble, visited their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. David Seacord, the past week.
   Mr. and Mrs. John Rose and family, of Scranton, are spending a few weeks with his brother. M. L. Rose at this place.
   Dr. S. Hinman and C. S. Hinman, of Cortland, and Rev. F. H. Hinman, late of Auburn, attended church here Sunday.
   Mrs. Jay Isaacs and Mrs. Frank Topping of McGrawville, and Mrs. Charles Healey, of Cortland, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Buttertield, the past week.
   School closed here Friday last. In the evening there was an exhibition given at Bennett Hall, for which an admission fee of 10 cts. was charged at the close of the performance. Ice cream was served to the pupils free, and to all others who desired it at 10 cts. a dish. The entertainment was a decided success from conception to close as is everything the teacher, Miss Fannie Galusha, undertakes in that line. In the last year and a half she has purchased, for the use of the school here, a globe and an organ, and with the money received last Friday evening ($18.00) will finish paying for the organ and have money enough to purchase singing books for use in the school. At the close of the exercises at the hall, the pupils presented their teacher, Miss Galusha, as a token of their love and esteem, a solid gold moon stone ring in a beautiful velvet-lined box.  It was a complete surprise and as she stood on the stage, surrounded by her 40 scholars, smiles and tears mingled together, all felt it was good to be there.
   UNCLE SI. [pen name of local correspondent]

   Mrs, Jennie Curtis is visiting her sister near Syracuse.
   Mrs. Ned C. Rockwell is very ill with stomach trouble.
   Theron Brooks, of Solon, visited friends in town, Sunday.
   W. H. DeLong visited his brother in Pitcher, last week.
   R. Dibble, of the McGrawville Sentinel, was in town Monday.
   Miss Addie Fairbanks closed her school in Dist. No. 3, Friday.
   Ira Rockwell, of McGrawville, is visiting his son in this place.
   Miss Mary Kinney, of Cuyler, visited her brother, Charles, Saturday.
   Miss Grace Wooster closed a successful term of school in the Hawley Dist., July 10.
   Mr. and Mrs. George Howe, of Tully, were the guests of his aunt, Mrs. B. A. Allen, last week.
   Artie Totman, the 5 month's old child of Will Totman, died Thursday. The little one was laid at rest beside his mother, Saturday.
   Mr. and Mrs. Asa Turner, of Wiliett, were here a part of last week caring for her mother, Mrs. George Squires, who has been very ill.
   Kittie, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Brooks, has been dangerously sick for the week past. Hopes are now entertained of her ultimate recovery.
   Mrs. F. B. Brooks and children, of Syracuse, and Mrs. Sarah Madden, of Brockport, arrived in town Saturday. They will be the guests of R. Brooks and family during their stay.
   Your item copied from the Whitney's Point Reporter, stating that the young man injured at the celebration in Cincinnatus the 4th of July, was dead, is denied by the attending physician.
   J. O. Reed, of Cortland, was in town Monday to see what were his prospects of securing the delegates from this town in the Sheriffality contest. The candidates are getting thicker than fleas on a dog. There promises to be lively times in the Republican camp in the near future.

   Mr. S. Gardiner is visiting his father in town.
   Mrs. Ed. Crain visited friends at Marathon and Homer this week.
   Mr. Wallace Leet and mother of Center Lisle visited at Mr. Ed. Price's Saturday.
   Mr. and Mrs. Allen Gardiner of Cortland visited at Mrs. Albert Sweet's Sunday.
   While a Mrs. Stowell of Marathon was picking cherries at Mrs. Elizabeth Seager's Monday, she became faint and fell, striking on a limb [which] hurt her quite badly. She had to be moved to her home on a bed.
   We are pleased to notice that the society which was organized here last May, and which the young people decided to call "The Society of the Good Band of Helpers," is growing in interest and numbers. Its officers are, Miss Minnie Pendleton as President; Miss Bessie Foster, Vice-president; Miss Nora Bell, Secretary; Miss Mary Bacon, Treasurer. The society will give a crazy supper and entertainment on Friday evening July 31. [A] pleasant supper will be served on the lawn in front of the Baptist church. The grounds will be lighted and a pleasant programme will add to the interest of the occasion. A cordial invitation is extended to all.

   Orlando Salisbury of Jersey City made his parents a short call on Monday.
   Mrs. B. J. Salisbury returned Sunday from a visit to her mother at Venice Centre.
   W. W. Salisbury was in Ithaca on Tuesday attending a meeting of the directors of the C. C. T. Insurance Co.
   Caldwell Clark seems to be improving and we shall be glad to see him again at the post office looking for his "Democrat."
   Mrs. Frank Salisbury received a call from her brother's wife, who has been residing at Pensacola, Fla., and before night she was "aunty."
   Dr. R. A. Goodell, assisted by W. T. Perkins, caught just an even pail full of perch the first of the week as the result of three hours fishing. By count there was seventy five.
   J. S. Lord attended the reunion of his old 12th, at Maple Bay last Saturday. It was the anniversary of Bull Run, where they first smelled the enemy's powder and heard the bullets shriek.
   Clark of the Standard, is at his old trick of sending sample copies of his paper to democrats and republicans, and if not sent back continues them as subscribers. We know one snappy republican who not only sent the Standard back, but immediately forwarded a subscription to the Homer Republican.
   Deacon Samuel Babcock who was mentioned in last week's Homer Republican as visiting friends, is spending this week with relatives and friends in this place and Cold Brook. His early manhood was spent as a successful farmer in the latter place. At that time he was a democrat but an official bee getting under his hat and not materializing, he in 1848 went off into the formation of the anti-slavery party. He soon after moved to Homer, but that bee never raised a swarm. For some years he was in the drug business with his son-in-law J. H. Munger. He lost three stalwart sons in the war and Homer Post G. A. R. is named for his eldest. At the close of the war he purchased a farm of three hundred acres near Fredericksburg, Va., and now resides thereon. He is now at the age of 85 years hale and remarkably well preserved in all his faculties. His twenty-five years residence among the colored people has very much modified his views as to their abilities to run the politics of the nation. In fact he is almost a bourbon.

   Mr. and Mrs. Star, of Cortland, were in town recently.
   Mr. George DeLand, of Lapeer, is in town on business.
   J. H. Jacobs talks in the hall Sunday, the 26th, at 2 o'clock.
   Mrs. Herma Banell, of Marathon, attended church here last Sabbath.
   Mr. George Tanner, of Cortland, and wife, called on friends here last week.
   The Good Templars' Lodge is still prospering, new members still coming in.
   Relatives from this place attended the funeral of Elijah Woodard in Virgil, Sunday.
   Mr. E. Smith and family, of Texas Valley, were guests at Mr. Chauncey Baum's, recently.
   Mrs. Bunnell, of North Pitcher, was in town calling on old friends. Her husband was formerly a pastor here.
   Mrs. Josie Cass and daughter, and Miss Addie Maybury and sister, of Solon, were in town the first of the week.
   Mr. Eber Bowdish, of Marathon, was on our streets the first of the week. He was a resident of this place not long ago.
   The Ladies' Aid Society of the M. E. church will meet at Mrs. John Grant's on Friday, the 31st. All should come who can.
   The Young People's dime social will meet at the M. E. parsonage the 27th. On Tuesday eve a large attendance is expected.
   Mr. John Strowbridge and lady [Dr. Lydia Hammond Strowbridge], of Cortland, and Mr. C. S. Strowbridge and family, of Hamilton, visited at S. S. Hammond's, Saturday.
   Rev. S. A. Chaffee, of Fabius, who in former days attended a series of meetings here, has just been with us and gave three interesting discourses to large audiences, and Sunday he talked from these words, "What shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world and lose his soul?" He is like St. Paul, labors daily with his hand and works for the good of souls Sundays.
   Mrs. Bullis, of Kenyon, Minn., is visiting at Frank Hilton's.
   Harvey Hollister and wife, of Cortland, have been visiting friends here lately.
   Miss Bertha Wiegand went to Syracuse last Monday to spend a few days visiting friends.
   Mason Woodward, wife and child, of Kansas, are visiting relatives and friends in town.
   Quite an improvement has been made in our village lately by the building of new sidewalks.
   Quite a number of people of this place attended the funeral of Mrs. Edward Bliss, at McGrawville, Friday the 24th.
   Haying is progressing finely and the crop is pretty fair, but potatoes are suffering from the extreme dry weather.
   Dr. J. C Nelson and wife attended the funeral of Mrs. Snyder, Mrs. Nelson's mother, at Middletown, last Friday.

   Mrs. George Ladd called on friends in town last Friday.
   Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Lazell, of Truxton, were in town last week visiting friends.
   Mr. Jay Morgan and his mother were at Mr. Dwight Hatfield's, last week, assisting with the haying work.
   Mrs. Augusta Hobart, of Homer, is visiting her grand-daughter, Mrs. George Cooper and other friends here.
   Mrs. Betsey Hatfield has been quite poorly the past week with rheumatism. Her grand-daughter, Miss Grace Hatfield, of Cortland, is staying with her.
   Some editor has advised his correspondents not to tell when their neighbors shingle their hencoops, but shingled hencoops are such a rarity in Groton City that we think Mrs. Griswold's is worthy of mention.

   Mrs. Jannette Fleming has been quite sick, the past week.
   Miss Hattie Van Buskirk closed her school in the Four-town district, last week Friday.
   Mr. and Mrs. George Letts, of Cortland, attended the Congregational church here last Sunday.
   Mr. and Mrs. Randall, of New Jersey, and Miss Jennie Stowell, of Niles, are guests at Mrs. Fleming's. Mr. and Mrs. Randall were formerly residents of this place.
   The picnic which was to have been last Saturday, at the close of Miss Eva Dresser's school, was postponed till evening, and the exercises were given in Chipman's hall.
   The many friends of Rev. Charles H. Curtis, formerly of Summer Hill, will be interested to learn of his marriage at Portland, Oregon, on July 11th, to Miss Anna Gilt, of Lysander, N. Y.

Sexennial League Organized.
   Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock Deputy Supreme President C. A. Rittenburg of Binghamton, met in the K. of P. hall in Cortland twenty-six charter members of the new organization whose object is the inculcation of integrity, honesty and sincerity among its members. It is conducted on the beneficiary plan revised and amended from the Iron Hall. The [mutual insurance] policies of $1,000 are payable at the expiration of six years less benefit payments.
   White people between 16 and 65 years old may be admitted, $5.50 paying examination, initiation fees and dues. The charter holds open for a period of 90 days and information can be had from the secretary. The following is a list of officers elected:
   President—James Walsh.
   Vice-President—John Dalton.
   Secretary—P. H. Kiernan.
   Treasurer—M. C. Ryan.
   Chaplin—P. B. Kane.
   Marshal—M. T. Perry.
   Guard—Thomas Garrity.
   Trustees—Jerry Conway, Frank Byrn, Thomas Kane.
   Past President—Jason Bump.
   The name of the Cortland subordinate order is to be known as Cortland Sexennial League, No. 301. A committee has been appointed to secure a permanent meeting place until which time the order will assemble at the Knights of Pythias hall. Next meeting Tuesday evening, July 28.

Mr. Stephen S. Horton wins prize trip.


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