Thursday, January 28, 2016


Steamer St. Lawrence.

The Cortland Democrat, July 31, 1891.

To the Thousand Islands.
   The E. C. & N. will run another of their popular personally conducted excursions to the Thousand Islands of the St. Lawrence River, Wednesday, August 12, tickets good for return passage any time within 10 days from date, and cars will be run through without change. Fare for the round trip from Cortland $4.00. This will be the last opportunity of the season to visit this delightful resort at such an extremely low rate.
   There are three things that the visitor to the Islands should not miss; one is the steamer trip to the quaint old Canadian city of Kingston; second, the fifty mile ramble among the most attractive of the Islands; the third is the most novel feature of the season on the river, the Electric Search Light Excursion on the beautiful "Queen of the Water" the steamer "St. Lawrence," presenting a scene bordering on the weird and mysterious, and which once witnessed can never be forgotten. Good board can be procured at the Thousand Island Park, or Fine View Park at $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 per day.
   Train will leave Elmira at 7:10 A. M. For further particulars apply to C. W. Williams, G. P. Agent, Elmira, J. W. Nelsh, T. P. Agent, Canastota or local agents.

E. C. & N. R. R. Special.
   Round trip summer excursion rates to 1000 Island points, via Camden, N. Y.
   Alexandria Bay $6.95
   Clayton  6.20
   Round Island Park 6.65
   1000 Island 6.65
   Westminster 7.05
   Children between 5 and 12 years of age half fare; over 12, full fare.

Houk Resigns the "Scorcher."
   Owing to the band concert and numerous other attractions in Cortland this week, many of the boys forgot the weekly wheel run to Little York and return; others had talked the matter over but decided to reserve their energy for Saturday's great field day.
   Houk was on hand Wednesday evening as usual wearing the "scorcher" badge and a confident smile. Fred W. Melvin was also at the starting line at 7 o'clock, and proposed to enjoy the run, and hustle the previous victor if not lead him in at the finish. Speculation was varied as to the result, many not knowing Fred's ability on a long run. The anxiety of the crowd was relieved as the two wheelmen came down North Main street, Melvin crossing the line in 57 minutes, and Houk a close second. The wildest excitement followed and good nature closed the third run for the badge.

Death From Total Syncope.
   The examination of the body of Mrs. Cora Pidge, an account of whose sudden death appeared in the DEMOCRAT last week, resulted in the verdict that "Death resulted from total syncope (fainting away) after prolonged exercise in a hot room, aided by certain aggravations.'' Deceased was in delicate health at the time of her death. The funeral took place on Saturday, burial being made at New Hope, Cayuga county.

Y. M. C. A. Notes.
   The cottage prayer meeting held last Friday evening at 118 N. Main street, conducted by H. M. Dunbar, was one of special interest and profit, thirty-three being present.
   On Friday evening of this week Mr. G. C. Jeffers will conduct the meeting at Mrs. Bunnell's, 58 Fitz Avenue subject: Christ Our High Priest.
   On Sunday afternoon at the rooms the 4 o'clock meeting was one of unusual interest and power. F. A. Ingraham, the general secretary, addressed the meeting upon the subject, God's People—Farmers. The secretary spoke with feeling and his words were listened to with profit; in the consecration meeting which followed, one young man said he had made up his mind to be a christian.
   All boys are cordially invited to attend the boys' meeting at 3 P. M. every Sunday in the Association rooms.
   The speaker for next Sunday has not been secured yet, but the young men can rest assured of a profitable hour at 4 o'clock in the Association rooms.
   Mr. G. C. Jeffers has been appointed assistant secretary of our local Association and entered upon his duties July 24th.

Universalist Church Notes.
   The special evening services of lectures, concerts and vesper services, which have been given of late in this church have increased the attendance greatly. The lecture on "Beecher" last Sunday evening drawing the largest congregation which has ever greeted the new pastor. These special services will be continued through the warm weather. The excellent music given the last few weeks has also added greatly to these meetings. The choir under the leadership of F. E. Plumb, with Mr. Arthur Ingalls as organist, has been so satisfactory that several persons have volunteered to help defray the extra expense incurred by the reorganization of the choir.
   The attendance in the Sunday school has also increased, and notwithstanding that it has been the time of warm weather and vacations—the average attendance the past month was the largest, with a single exception, of any month in the history of the school.
   The children connected with the school will soon enjoy a picnic at the Trout Ponds.
   A friend of the Sunday school having given $50.00 towards the library fund, a goodly number of new books will soon be added to the library. The Young People's Social Club will hold its first regular monthly meeting in the church parlors next Tuesday at 7:30 P. M.
   The pastor will preach in McLean next Sunday, the pulpit here being supplied by Rev. H. H. Graves, of the Canton Divinity school, who is now engaged for summer preaching at McLean. The morning topic will be—"The Religion of Jesus Christ," and in the evening he will give "Rest."

   Mr. Delos Bauder, owner of the Cortland House, will take possession of the same to-morrow and conduct it in future. Since the death of Mr. Rogers, who held a lease of the same for a term of years, his widow has managed the same to the satisfaction of the public, but the care necessary to run the house was more than she desired to be burdened with, and she has sold the furniture and fixtures to the owner of the house. Mr. Bauder has had a rest for nearly two years, which he has heartily enjoyed. The house is one of the most popular in the country, and as its reputation was mainly built up by Mr. Bauder, it goes without saying that its excellent standing will be fully maintained.

   Cortland Wheel Club meeting to-morrow.
   See tax collector's notice in another column.
   To-day is the last day you can fish for trout this season.
   Be sure and see the wheelmen on the fair grounds to-morrow.
   The Friendly Sons of St. Patrick will soon hold a reunion and picnic.
   Be sure and see Wilson's Minstrels in the Opera House, Monday evening.
   A fine stock of wedding stationery may be seen in the DEMOCRAT Job rooms.
   The annual parade of the Cortland Fire Department will take place August 15th.
   Attention is called to the "Assembly Programme" to be found in another column.
   Four new members were received into the Cortland Sexennial League at the meeting Tuesday evening last.
   The prizes to be awarded at the Wheelmen's tournament to-morrow may be seen in J. E. Briggs' show window.
   Prof. Bond gave a free exhibition on a rope stretched across Orchard St., Tuesday evening. Pass around the hat.
   The Warden hotel in Solon was sold last Saturday under foreclosure proceedings to Hon. Robert T. Turner, of Elmira, for $2000.
   Bear in mind the fact that the trout season in this county closes August 1st, and that the game constable will be after you if you trespass the law.
   Mr. Jay H. May, proprietor of the Owego Valley House in Harford Mills, will give a harvest party at his hall, Friday evening, Aug. 14th. Music by Happy Bill Daniels' full orchestra. Bill, $1.50.
   Swindlers operating under the firm name of Bartlett, Thomas & Haynes, are victimizing women all over the State by inducing them to send on $5 on promise of being appointed agent for fashion catalogues.—Ex.
   Mattie Carpenter was having an interesting interview with John Barlecorn, on the corner of Court and Main-sts., Monday night, and an officer gathered her in. Tuesday morning Justice Bull fined her $8, which was paid. [On prior occasions several members of the Carpenter family were arrested for conducting a house of ill repute in Cortland and in Cortlandville—CC editor.]
   The Emeralds of this place beat the Auburns on the fair grounds, last Saturday. Score, 8 to 7. This was the first game played by the Emeralds since their organization, and it was a most interesting one. William Corcoran acted as umpire.
   An open air temperance service will be held on the corner of Court and Main streets, on Sunday next, Aug. 2d, at 3:30 P. M. Should the weather prove unfavorable, the service will be held at the W. C. T. U. headquarters. A most cordial invitation is extended to all.
   The Binghamton Driving Park Association will hold a four days' meeting, commencing Aug. 11th. Handsome purses have been hung up and a large list of entries for the trotting and pacing events have been received. The outlook for a very successful meeting is very promising.
   Judge Eggleston has appointed Calvin P. Walrad, C. Fred Thompson, of Cortland, and Byron H. Bierce, of Scott, commissioners to determine the necessity of a highway leading from the "salt road" to Lorenzo Coonradt's, in the town of Marathon, and if they find a highway is necessary they are to assess the damages.
   Mr. L. S. Johnson, of this place, brought to this office on Wednesday several samples of both white and red currants that were fully as large as cherries, and of a most delicious flavor. Mr. Johnson has very little trouble in raising this variety of fruit in large quantities. Mr. W. B. Stoppard, the grocer, takes his entire crop this season and has them on sale. A little later in the season Mr. Johnson will have the plants for sale at his place in this village.
   Anson Van Slyke is again reported to have gone crooked. This time a warrant is out for making fraudulent returns to central office of the installment plan, of which Mr. Vanderpool, Railroad street, is a branch house. Van Slyke worked for him. During the week an Ithaca officer, failing to locate his man, left the matter in the hands of two Cortland officials, who called at a house on Excelsior street, but he retired on the approach of the officials. Officer Jackson still holds the warrant under orders not to serve it, as the matter is to be adjusted.
   Old Man Coup, who retired from the show business several years since, and has latterly been enjoying a life of comparative ease and enjoyment, has finally been induced to join the Farmers' Alliance and become chief organizer for Central New York. The working tools and insignia of the craft came to him last week by express, and he is now prepared to initiate all who can prove themselves entitled to membership, into the mysteries and intricacies of the order, to the service of which he proposes to devote the remainder of his business career.  

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