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Immigrants arriving at Castle Garden (the Battery) in New York City. Ellis Island opened in January, 1892. |
Still They Come.
(Binghamton Democrat.)
the past six weeks twenty thousand Italians have passed Gibraltar on their way
to this country. Thirty thousand will be along shortly. They are among the most
ignorant and undesirable of the lowest and most wretched of the population of Italy.
Every week they are adding a lawless element; hard to assimilate, alien in race; savage in temper, ignorant almost of the
forms of freedom, to say nothing of its use and meaning.
exodus is depopulating whole districts in Italy and they are likely to depopulate
whole districts in the United States of a better class of citizens.
The same
number of Chinese could not be more undesirable, more demoralizing and debauching
to the population and the franchise. For the Chinese are at least restrained
from governing the country, while many of these immigrants will be voting in
less than six years and then whining for the protection of their government when
caught and punished for indulging in their ugly habits of assassination and
people of this country look hopelessly on, as this foul and contaminating stream
of beggars, thieves, organ grinders, and illiterate stream pours in upon them: praying
like a fatalistic Turk that Providence will somehow avert the evil, but doing
nothing to quarantine the pestilence or control it after it has spread over the
Buffalo Courier publishes the statement
of the Secretary of one of Buffalo's largest and most successful savings
institutions, concerning the effect the McKinley bill has had on the wage
workers of that city:
is very scarce in the pockets of the poor. The increase in shareholding is not
up to the standard. Our increase in shares from January to July is generally very
large. The poor are drawing out the little that they have been enabled to save up,
to meet present wants. You may believe that they do this reluctantly, and that they
are pinched pretty hard. The explanation is the greatly increased cost of the necessaries
of life, imposed by the McKinley tariff, and the fact that laborers' and mechanics'
wages have not advanced at all. The community is suffering very perceptibly now,
and matters must grow worse as time passes. Next winter will certainly be the
toughest one for the laboring classes in many years. The savings and the loan associations
can feel the changes in the pulse of the poor man's finances earlier than any
other money institution. The banks cannot begin to tell as soon when anything
is going wrong. The law imposing prohibitory duties on articles that the poor
must have is one of the most iniquitous things American Congressmen have been
guilty of. I had a talk with the managing clerk of a big dry goods house a
short time ago, and asked him if table linens wouldn't go out of sight when the
new duties were added. He said: "The kind of linen you buy won't cost much
more, but all the poorer grades will cost a great deal more." So it is all
around. The poor are being punished most, and dollars are being wrung from
their sweat and toil every week."
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Francis Hendricks. |
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Rufus T. Peck. |
A Democratic governor in New York, two years
ago, saved the State $1,800,000 by his votes. A Democratic legislature in New
York this year has reduced direct taxation $3,500,000. A Republican congress
has voted away $1,000,000,000 and a Republican city treasurer has robbed Pennsylvania
and Philadelphia of $2,476,000. The Prince of Wales may lead a "fast
set," but "he is not in it" with the Republican party in making
the money fly.—Albany Argus.
Father Mollinger of Pittsburg is creating
great excitement by healing the sick with the bones of St. Anthony. Hundreds of
people from far and near visit him and many are said to be cured of
longstanding ailments. Father Mollinger read medicine in his younger days and
is said to be learned in the healing art. He thinks, however, that a blessing
helps the cures.
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Fairgrounds, racetrack and grandstand shown on 1894 map section.. |
Longest period of daylight for 1891 has arrived.
D. E. Kinney's [trotter] "Nickle
Plate" won second money at the races in Elmira, last Thursday.
Set your house in order and get ready to attend
the races to be held on the fair grounds, July 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th.
During the storm of Tuesday afternoon, lightning
struck and killed a fine cow on the farm of Wm R. Randall, south of this
The Cortland track is admitted by all to be
the fastest half-mile track in the country. Fast time will be made and no one can
afford to miss the event.
The races to be held on the fair grounds, July
1-4 inclusive, promise to be better even than those held on the grounds last season,
and they were very satisfactory.
The new grand stand on the fair grounds is a
fine structure, and will seat 1200 persons, every one of whom can see the
entire course. It will prove to be a great comfort to all patrons of the races.
J. G. Limberger, proprietor of the hotel in
Scott, will give a Fourth of July party at his house on Friday evening, July
3d. Good music will be furnished.
Next regular meeting of the King's Daughters
will be held at the residence of Mrs.
Jerome Squires, 44 Groton avenue, at 3 P. M., Saturday of the present week.
The Ithaca Democrat is authority for the
statement that "Cortland talks of paving to the tune of about $100,000."
It is a little strange that no one here has heard anything about it.
Bridenbecker, proprietor of the city bakery,
has an advertisement in another column. His reputation for palatable bakestuffs
has become well established. Readers of the DEMOCRAT will do well to give him a
The Cortland Sportsman's club was
represented at the State shoot held in Rome, last Tuesday, by Messrs. A. M.
Schermerhorn, E. C. Rindge and A. D. Wallace, of this place, and E. A.
Williams, W. L. Clarke and B. E. Miller, of Homer.
The Women's Christian Temperance Union has
accepted the invitation of Rev. Dr. Taylor to attend his church Sunday evening,
June 21st, to listen to an address upon "Women's Work." Members will
meet in the Sunday school room at 7 o'clock.
Friday evening, July 3d, a social party will
be given in Wells' hall, Cortland, by the "U-Go-I-Go Club," which promises
to be largely attended. The music will be furnished by Prof. F. Osborne's
mammoth orchestra. Tickets will be 75 cents for the dance.
Reports from all parts of the United States
confirm the statement that June 15, 1891, was
the hottest day recorded in the past twenty-five years. While the variation was
from 90 to 98 degrees in the shade, Cortland enjoyed universal popularity as
the mercury registered 96 at 3 P. M.
Last Sunday night, as the 11:20 train made
the crossing of the Horse car tracks [under the Route 11 bridge between Homer
and Cortland—CC editor], north of this place, one of the rails on the latter
curled up and the end was forced through the floor of one of the sleepers. The
rail went with the car to the second bridge, when it fell into the river. No one
was injured.
Mrs. Mary Grant Cramer, sister of Gen. Grant,
and Associate National Superintendent of the department of the Army and Navy,
will speak under the auspices of the Women's Christian Temperance Union in the
First Methodist church of Cortland, Monday evening, June 22d. Subject,
"Things you ought to know.''
Prof. C. Victor Coon, formerly of Homer, but
for the past six years principal of the Academy at Rhinecliff, on the Hudson, has
been elected principal of Marathon Union School and Academy. He is a brother of
School Commissioner W. A. Coon, and possesses all the elements for a competent
school official. He is a first-class man for the place.
The examination of George Brown for picking
up and taking coal from the track of the S. B. & N. Y. railroad was held before
Justice Hulbert and a jury on Wednesday last, and the jury decided that he was
guilty and he was sentenced to pay a fine of $10, or 30 days in jail. He refused
to pay his fine and was accordingly sent up.—Marathon Independent.
Prof. L. L. Jackson, principal of the school
at New Woodstock, has been engaged as teacher of the preparatory Academic department
in Homer Academy for the coming school year. Miss Fannie Thompson, of this
place, will teach the first intermediate department, and Miss Mary Flagg, of
Homer, and Miss Mary Adams, of Marathon, will have charge of the primary
A social hop is to be given at the Half-Way
House hall, on Wednesday evening next. Music by Happy Bill Daniels' orchestra. Tickets,
50 cents.
During the week mechanical vibrating fans
have been placed in the office and bar of the Globe hotel, Railroad street.
Proprietor Goddard also has a handsome fern window in the office. Hotel Burns
is also to the front with vibrating fans. A miniature water motor furnishes the
The funeral of Mr. Edward F. Rood, who died
Wednesday morning at the residence of his mother, Mrs. Walter Rood, 38 Lincoln
avenue, will be held from the family residence at 2 o'clock, Saturday afternoon.
Deceased was by trade a carriage trimmer, but for many months has been confined
to the house with consumption.
Officer John Miller went to Rondout, Ulster
county, last Monday, and arrested Lincoln B. Haskins, a teacher. The prisoner was
lodged in Cortland jail, Tuesday evening. The charge is betrayal under promise
of marriage. Miss Emma Southworth, of Homer, being the complainant. He was to
have had an examination before Justice Pratt, of Little York, yesterday afternoon.
Donations for May.
The following is a list of donations to the
Hospital for May, 1891:
Watkins Brothers, 3 counterpanes; Mrs. L. P.
Bennett, 1 pair sheets; Maxson & Starin, 1 ton coal; Mrs. H. O. Yates, 1
cord kindling wood; Mrs. S. M. Ballard, 1 pair sheets, 1 bedquilt; Mrs. A. B.
Springer, 1 towel, 1 napkin; Mrs. H. C. Beebe, 1 bottle indelible ink; Mrs. E.
Mudge, 1 pillow, painted panel; Mrs. Uri Clark, illustrated papers; Mrs. F. D.
Smith, Youth's Companion; Mrs. L. J. Fitzgerald, 1 lamp; Mrs. Thomas Street, 2
tablecloths, 12 napkins; Miss Grace Spaulding, 1 glass pitcher, 12 tumblers;
Mrs. Dr. Spaulding, 3 napkins, 6 dinner plates, 6 tea plates, 6 sauce dishes, 6
butter plates; Miss Amelia Smith, 3 soup plates, 2 vegetable dishes, 5 cups and
saucers; Mrs. B. F. Tillinghast, 1 dining table, 2 chairs, 1 couch, table
crockery, 6 knives and forks; Mrs. Clark Tillinghast, 1 bedstead, 1 washstand; Mrs.
James Maxson, 1 chair, 1 bedstead, 1 comfortable; Mrs. F. O. Hyatt, hall
carpet, 1 cup of June flowers; Mrs. J. A. Robinson, 1 carpet, 6 window shades; Mrs.
L. B. Earle, bed-springs, 3 counterpanes; Miss Louise Hunter, oil stove; Mrs. Ernest
M. Hulbert, bedroom crockery; Mrs. L. C. Homer, 1 pair pillows; Mrs. A. Mahan,
bedstead springs, bureau washstand; Mrs. Charles Butler, spring mattress, 1
stand, 2 foot stools; Mrs. Charles Willett, 1 cup of jelly, 1 can of
blackberries; Miss Mary Hubbard, 1 cup marmalade: Mrs. Dorr C. Smith, 1 cup
jam; Mrs. H. C. Johnson, 3 lbs. butter; Mr. George Severance, milk tickets, $1;
Mr. H. C. Beebe, meat, 40 cts.; Mr. R. G. Lewis. 1 sack flour; Ladies'
Auxiliary of Y. M. C.
A., sugar, bread, 2 loaves of cake; Mrs. J. F. Miller, 1 loaf of bread; Mr. R.
J. Shirley, bakery tickets, $1; Mr. Frank Corwin, milk tickets, $1.
Flowers have been received from Mr. John McGraw,
Mrs. S. D. Roberts, of Glen Haven, Mrs. L. D. C. Hopkins, Miss Anna Lawrence,
Miss Bessie Wales, Miss Iva Culp, Miss Anna Thompson, [and] Mr. Mason Ingall.
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