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George J. Mager. |
Agricultural Fair Notes.
The preparations for the agricultural fair on
September 12-15th next, are gradually chrystalizing into completeness, and we
are assured that everything will soon be in readiness for the great festival.
Not having had a full-fletched exhibition for several years past, and the
general prediction in the early part of the season that none would be held, it
has required extraordinary efforts on the part of the managers to overcome that
feeling and prediction, but judging from the program of attractions which is in
store for us, we are free to say that the exhibition of '93 will be a grand and
memorable affair. Get yourself and your exhibits ready for the big fair.
The premium [awards] list has been revised
and enlarged and will soon be published in the papers and also in pamphlet
Messrs. Maher Brothers will present a fine
black Derby hat to the party who will have the largest number of relatives upon
the grounds on any one day during the fair.
Prof. W. Eugene Powers very generously gives
one of his best Indian ink life-sized portraits to the best lady driver
[trotting] on the grounds. The portrait will be handsomely framed and may be of
the lady herself or of any other person whom she may designate,
A grand air-ship ascension will be made by
Prof. Carl B. Myers, one day during the fair. Prof. Myers is a professional aeronautical
engineer and promises to give a magnificent and thrilling voyage among the
The large and prosperous society of patrons
of husbandry will hold a picnic on the grounds on the second day of the fair,
September 13th, at which time Ex-Governor Luce, of Michigan, a member of their fraternity
and an able and brilliant speaker, will deliver an address. A committee
consisting of Messrs. F. W. Webb, J. D. F. Woolston and F. J. Collier, have the
arrangements in charge.
Messrs. D. P. Wallace & Co., donate a beautiful
picture valued at fifteen dollars to be used by the society as they may elect.
The object for which it will be given will be announced later in the premium
Dr. E. M. Santee is making arrangements for
a grand bicycle tournament to take place one day during the fair. Suitable prizes
will be presented to the contestants.
Mr. C. R. Payne of Hamilton, N. Y., an
expert judge of cattle, has been engaged for that department. The officers are
now in search of an equally competent party to act as judge of horses.
The celebrated Cortland City Band has been engaged
for the four days of the fair. Their concerts alone will be worth the price of
Mr. G. J. Mager, the secretary of the
association, who is compiling the Fair pamphlet, respectfully asks all those
who have the welfare and success of the fair at heart, to aid the undertaking
by inserting business cards into the little books. Besides it being an
excellent advertising medium, it will be replete with matters of interest, and
as a souvenir and for reference, it will be invaluable.
The secretary is now prepared to receive applications
from good and competent men to serve as guards, gatemen, watchmen and police
during the four days of the exhibition. He is also in readiness to receive bids
for the privilege of selling refreshments, pop-corn, &c, under the grand
stand, or for any other lawful privilege upon the grounds of the association.
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Gov. Roswell Flower. |
To be at
the Cortland County Fair, Thursday. Sept. 14, 1893.
Governor Flower and Commissioner of
Agriculture Schraub have accepted an invitation from the managers of the
Cortland County Agricultural Society, to visit the fair on Wednesday, September
14, the second day. The people will be highly favored at their fair by having
in attendance the Governor of the Empire State, who is chief executive over
more people than any one person on the American continent, save the president,
and as a statesman has few equals and no superiors.
The governor takes a great personal interest
in all matters pertaining to agriculture and during his term of office has done
more than any of his predecessors have been able to accomplish in years, in
furthering the interest of the farming class. The State has now for the first
time in its history a fully organized department of agriculture, charged with
the enforcement of the laws pertaining to agricultural interests and
particularly charged with the prosecution of any charges for fraudulent
deception in these products, a position which renders it essential that the
executive head of the department should be a competent and efficient lawyer. As
is well known the farmers are indebted to Governor Flower for the creation of
this department, especially charged with protecting and guarding their
The Hon. Frederick C. Schraub, commissioner
of agriculture is at the head of the agricultural department of the great State
of New York, which is the greatest agricultural State in the union and as such commissioner,
he passes upon all matters pertaining to agriculture, and has already inaugurated
many improvements in the agricultural department, which will prove of great
benefit to the industry and has shown that he is possessed of rare executive
abilities and as an orator has few equals, and Cortland county will take just pride
in having the governor and the first commissioner of agriculture at the fair.
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.30-40 Krag-Jorgensen rifle. |
Carries a Small Bullet but is Terribly Destructive.
The United States army officials recently
adopted a new arm for the infantry. After a sufficient number of arms are manufactured
to supply the army, the National Guard of different States will be supplied.
The arm is known as the Krag-[Jorgensen] gun, and is much superior to
any recently adopted by the foreign powers. The gun is thirty caliber, shooting
a ball about the size of a pea. It has a magazine holding seven cartridges and
can be used as a magazine or a single firing gun. The cartridge used is bottle-necked
to hold the requisite amount of powder. Smokeless powder may be used. The ball
may be either of lead, steel or copper. There is no perceptible recoil. The
barrel is some six inches shorter than the present arm, and is in two parts, the
true barrel and an outside tube, by which it is confined to the stock. There is
an air space between them. The object of this outside tube is two-fold. It
prevents the gun from getting so hot that it cannot be used, and the true barrel
is not affected by the bands which are liable to contract when the gun gets
The power of this gun is great, its range is
two miles, it will shoot at 600 yards without any perceptible fall. It will penetrate
two courses of brick and about thirty inches of seasoned pine. It would go
through several ranks of men. The gun weighs about a pound and a half less than
the old arm.
Call for
County Convention.
There will be a People's Party County
Convention held at Cortland on Saturday August 12, 1893, at one o'clock P. M.,
to place in nomination for the coming election one Member of Assembly, one
County Treasurer, one School Commissioner, one Coroner and one Justice of
Sessions, also to elect delegates to State Convention.
Primaries should be called as soon as August
5, 1893.
July 26, 1893.
Tom King, the horse thief who escaped from
the Oklahoma city jail three weeks ago, was captured on Saturday at Guthrie City.
O. T. The prisoner proves to be a woman. She has been masquerading as a man and
leading a daring band of horse thieves.
Western New York farmers report the prospect
of fine crops. Hay and all grain will exceed the average. The grape yield will
be an enormous one, while peaches and plums will be abundant. The apple crop,
however, will be a failure, and pears will also be scarce.
The amount of the indemnity demanded by
France from Siam is said to have been abated from 3,000,000 francs to 2,500,000
francs or less. The territorial demand represents 95,000 square miles.
The Rev. Isaac Heath of Windsor, Broome
county, who is seventy-eight years old, has sheared 300 sheep this season.
New York has 300,000 working women.
It is stated that Cayuga County Agricultural
Society have an indebtedness of eleven thousand dollars.
The Dryden woolen mills have closed for the
present and the employes are seeking work in other directions.
The Pumpkin Club held a picnic in Salisbury's
grove Tuesday.
fail to attend the wheelmen's tournament on the fair grounds to-morrow.
Mr. J. Hub. Wallace has purchased Mrs. S. C.
Putnam's house and lot on Greenbush-st.
Mr. Chas. Andrews has sold his stock of
groceries in the store on Railway-ave., to Mr. F. Allen who has taken possession.
Mr. Jesse L. Judd, village collector, on account
of physical infirmities has been obliged to resign the office of village
collector, and Mr. Geo. T. Latimer has been appointed to fill the vacancy.
Malachi Collins, the man who created so much
trouble Thursday evening July 18, when arrested by officer Goldsmith, plead
guilty to public intoxication and was fined $10. The officer withdrew the
complaint for assaulting an officer.
All wheelmen whether members of the Wheel
club or not, are requested to join the parade, which starts at the headquarters
of the club in the DEMOCRAT Building, Railroad-st., Saturday morning at 10
o'clock. The ladies will set the pace and will be given the right of the line.
There will be no longer three sizes of
postal cards as the Postmaster General has decided to adopt one size for both
single and reply cards. The uniform size will be 3 1/2 by 5 1/2 inches and is
that now known as the international size, it being generally used by all
countries composing the national postal union.
Thursday afternoon while the editor of the Sentinel
was helping make ready a pamphlet form on the large cylinder press his left
foot was caught in the machinery and his first and second toes were crushed in
a terrible manner. Dr. H. C. Hendrick dressed the wounds and the editor is now taking
time to get acquainted with his family.—McGrawville Sentinel.
The seventh annual reunion of
the Central New York Veteran Association will be held at Sylvan Beach,
Saturday, August 12th. Good speaking and music will be the attractions. Low
rates have been secured on all railroads and a good time generally may be
expected. Maj. Joseph P. Cleary, Department Commander, and other well known
veterans have been invited and are expected to be present and address the
The first address at the third
annual Assembly at Floral Trout Park, will be given July 30 by Mrs. Helen M.
Gougar of Indiana, subject, "Our Harvest." Mrs. Cougar has won for
herself as a lecturer an enviable reputation and stands without a peer on the
American platform. She is witty, humorous and at the same time eloquent and instructive.
No one should miss hearing her. Other attractions for other dates will be
announced later.
Two well-known and well
dressed ladies and a boy walked past the residence of Mr. J. L. Watrous on
Clinton-ave., last Sunday evening. The house appeared to be closed and the boy
went into the yard, pulled up a handsome foliage plant by the roots, overtook
the ladies and handed it to one of them, who placed it under her wrap and
walked on. Mr. H. D. Watrous was sitting in a room in the second story of the house,
saw the whole transaction, knows the women and ought to tell who they are.
The roof of the Howe Stove
company's works caught fire last Friday, but the fire was discovered and
extinguished before much damage was done.
Mr. H. S. Hudson has purchased
the entire property of the Ellijay Land company at Ellijay, Ga. He has resigned
his position with the Cortland Wagon Co.
The members of the Tioughnioga
Club will have an excursion to Taughannic Falls [sic], on Cayuga Lake, next
Friday, August 4. Special train leaves Cortland at 8:45 and returns to Cortland
at 7:15. A special steamer on Cayuga lake will be at the service of members
during the day. Dinner served at the Taughannic House. Good music in
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