The Cortland Democrat, Friday, August
25, 1893.
Name a State Ticket, Favor Free Coinage of Silver, Rapid Transit in New York
City and Home Rule.
SYLVAN BEACH, N. Y., Aug. 20.-The State
Convention of the Peoples' Party, composed of 135 delegates wrangled for four
hours yesterday over the platform and then nominated the following State
For Secretary of State—James Wright, of Elmira.
For Comptroller—J. M. S. Fero, of Glens
For Treasurer—F. H. Purdy, of Bluff Point.
For Attorney General —Thaddeus B. Wakeman,
of New York.
For Engineer and Surveyor—J. Averick Webster,
of New York.
For Judge of the Court of Appeals—Lawrence
J. McParlan, of Buffalo.
When the committee on resolutions made its
report it was found that even that small body had not been able to agree and every
plank was debated separately.
This is the platform finally adopted:
The People's party of the State of New York,
in Convention assembled at a time of almost unprecedented national distress,
reiterates its allegiance to the basic planks of the Omaha platform—a safe and
sound flexible national money, which shall be full legal tender with free and
unlimited coinage of silver and gold at 16 to 1; increase in the amount of the
circulating medium to fifty per cent, per capita; the establishment of postal
savings banks; government ownership of railroads, telegraphs and telephones.
We declare that the business depression of 1873
was caused by the demonetization of silver and the contraction of the currency,
and that the immediate cause of the present financial distress is the loss of
confidence induced by the wall of the capitalist over the exportation of gold
and the urgent demands of the bankers for the issuance of more government
We denounce the Republican and Democratic
fusion in the last Legislature by which the minor political parties were
excluded from representation in the Constitutional Convention.
We demand the construction of public work
for the unemployed, including a rapid
transit road for New York city; an eight hour law rigidly enforced; State and municipal
ownership of railroads, and gas and electric lighting plants; the incorporation
in the new constitution of the principle of the initiative and referendum; the
enactment of general laws classifying our cities and towns, so that cities of
the same class should have charters and municipal government as uniform as
constitutions will permit. By this the principle of home rule may be observed
without keeping our citizens in constant peril from dangerous and oppressive
legislation at Albany, promoted by partisan and mercenary motives. The
compulsory arbitration of labor disputes with sufficient facilities to insure compliance
with the finding of the State Board of Arbitration and Mediation, this Board to
be elected directly by the people. The speedy deepening and otherwise improving
of our State canals. The extension of our strictly secular common school system
with libraries and course of free lectures and instruction so that general education
may become the basis of universal suffrage, without regard to sex or property
The enforcement of all laws by a proper police
responsible to, and paid by the people without recourse to Pinkertons, white
caps or agents or detectives employed for the suppression of vice and crime
under the management and support of societies, whether incorporated or not.
While the convention was in session, Mrs.
Mary K. Lease of Kansas delivered an address before two hundred persons in the
Farmers' Encampment tent.
Family Picnic.
The Hammond family picnic was held at Floral
Trout Park, last Friday. There were seventy-five in attendance. The ladies had
provided an elegant spread which was discussed and heartily enjoyed at the hour
of noon. A business meeting followed at which the following officers were
President— Sidney H. Hammond of Freetown.
Vice President—Samuel Hammond of Marathon.
Secretary—Miss Mary Allen of Richford.
Treasurer—J. W. Strowbridge of Cortland.
Addresses were made by T. L. Corwin, S. S.
Hammond, Dr. Jas. Allen, Capt. and [Doctor] Mrs. J. W. Strowbridge. The next reunion
will be held August 24, 1894. Hereafter a record of the births and deaths will
be kept.
VIRGIL, N. Y., Aug 23, 1893.-Wednesday dawned
bright and fair and the members of the Johnson family began assembling at an
early hour for their tenth annual reunion at the residence of Mr. Oria Bays. At
noon a bountiful repast was spread and the company with keen appetites seated
themselves at the tables and did "ample justice" to the choice
Mr. Byron Johnson of Groton made a few brief
remarks followed by a few recitations by various members of the family, interspersed
by some excellent music.
This was followed by a short business
meeting. Mr. Theron Johnson was elected president for the ensuing year in place
of Mr. Henry Schofield. The older members of the family were then presented with
a picture of the late Mr. Philo Johnson. About this time the younger men betook
themselves to a level plot below the house where a ball game was organized with
Dorr Elster and E. V. Price as captains. We can commend Mr. Price as a great runner
but no ball player as the score stood, at the end of the third inning, 39 to 9
in favor of his opponent.
The various towns that were represented at
this reunion were as follows: Lisle, McLean, Dryden, Marathon, Cortland, Hunts
Corners, Skaneateles, Niles, Groton, and Harford. From a family of 150, 130
were present. It is a singular thing that but two deaths have occurred in the
past year, Mr. Philo Johnson, the father of the Johnson reunions, and his
daughter, Mrs. Gabriel Rummer.
At four o'clock the guests began to depart.
Each one has another pleasant incident to be long cherished in their minds,
feeling and knowing that they never should all meet again upon earth but each
hoping that they might meet again with those who have gone before in the "glorious
J. W. S.
Charity bestowed through the agency of a
well-conducted Hospital is rarely disappointing or misplaced. A Hospital is for
the sick, the infirm, the maimed and the helpless; there can be no mistaking
their needs. It is for strangers overtaken in our midst with calamity. It is a
refuge in emergency for all, and offers them the opportunity for immediate
succor and relief.
A city without a public hospital is as an individual
without a soul or sympathy. It is a community without conscience or pity,
heedless of the obligations of man to humanity. Fortunately in modern civilization
such a city is an anomaly.
Report of Albany Hospital, March, 1893.
There are now three patients in our Hospital.
The typhoid fever case is rapidly improving.
The bed rests given last month are proving very
useful and convenient. They were made by Mr. J. S. Sizelan.
Friends kindly donated the following articles
in July: Bed quilt, Mrs W. R. Curtis; ice
cream, flowers, Mrs. J. W. Keese; 1 sack flour, Wickwire Roller Mills; hot
water bag, Sager & Jennings; 2 bed rests, Mrs. J. S. Sizelan; bed rest,
Wallace Bros; melon, Mrs. Ringer; can fruit, Mrs. Conrad; large ingrain carpet
[sic], Mrs. J. A. Robinson; flowers, Mrs. L J. Fitzgerald; 3 cans fruit, 3 cups
jelly, Mrs. E. C. Beach; can fruit, Mrs. A. D. Blodgett; flowers, Mrs. Dr.
Henry; can fruit, Mrs. Ireland, sack flour, E. B. Wood; night shirt, Mrs. F. Straat;
can fruit, jelly, Mrs. Harrison Crandall; 4 doz. eggs, Mrs. M. G. Johnson; discount
on bills, Beebe & Pardee, $.19, Sager & Jennings, $2.82.
Cash donations have been as follows: Mrs. J.
W. Keese, $10; Mrs. E. H. Brewer, $10; Mrs. Robert Purvis, $5; A. Leach, $1; a
friend $1; a friend $3; Mrs. Russel
Hubbard, $2; Mrs. D. Rowland, $1; Judge J. E. Eggleston, $2; Mrs. H. C. Beach, $1;
Mrs. H. A Woodard, $1; Mrs. D. Tisdale, $2; Mrs. G. R. Hathaway, $1; Mrs. D. F.
Wire, 50c.; a friend, 25c., Mrs. Coville, 25c.; Mrs. F. T. Farrell, 25c.; Mrs.
J. D. Doran, 50c., a friend, 10c.; E. C. & N. Hospital box, 75c., D. L.
& W. Hospital box, $1.05. [Donation boxes were provided at the train depots--CC editor.]
TOMPKINS —The Trumansburg Union Fair will be
held Sept. 20, 21 and 22.
The fall term of the Groton Union school opens
Monday, Sept. 4th.
The Tompkins county fair will be held in Ithaca,
September, 12, 13, 14, 15.
The capacity of the Ludlowville salt works
is twelve hundred barrels per day.
The Central New York M. E. conference will
be held in Ithaca, October 14th.
The Central Labor Union of Ithaca will hold
their annual picnic at Glenwood on Labor Day, Sept. 4th.
Fish have stopped biting along the lake
ports, and although the water is alive with perch and bass, they will not touch
a fly or worm.
Some Newfield brick are to be tried in paving
the streets of Ithaca, and if satisfactory, as it is hoped, there will be a large
demand for them in this direction.
George L. Gray, the well-known insurance man
of Ithaca, has been adjudged insane and taken to Willard State Hospital. It is
said to be a very bad case.
A farm of neatly 150 acres, situated between
Caroline Center and Speedsville, was sold at partition sale at the County
Clerk's office on Monday at eight dollars per acre.
It is said that four million bricks will be made
at the Campbell brickworks at Newfield, this season. The Sibley building on the
campus at Cornell will use a large number of these bricks. The brick works employ
fifty men. The capacity of the works are 80,000 bricks per day. Nearly $75,000
are invested in the plant. White and buff brick are made. The bed of clay is
said to be the only one of its kind in this part of the country.
![]() |
Photo from Grip's Historical Souvenir of Cortland. |
The Cortland County Fair takes place Sept.
12, 13, 14 and 15th.
The annual reunion of the 76th Regt. will be
held in Homer, October 4th.
The Marathon Road Machine company has shut
down until times are easier.
The Cortland Forging companies [sic] new buildings
will be completed by September 1st next.
The sale of seats for Monday, the opening
night of Maud Hillman's engagement, opened at D. F. Wallace's yesterday morning.
The Whitney's Pt. Reporter came out
last week in a new dress of type. It looks as clean and neat as the most
fastidious printer could desire.
The North End cash meat market has been
bought by Andrews & NcNish. They will keep everything which can be found in
a first class market.
The Newark Valley fair opens this year August
20, and lasts three days. Besides the horse races, there will be bicycle races and
other special features.
Mr. I. H. Holcomb has purchased the barber
shop formerly conducted by Mr. D. J. Chadwick in Masonic Hall block. Mr.
Chadwick will manage the same.
Mr. Jas. P. Smith of Lyons has taken Mr.
Dempsey's place as cutter in Mr. F. Daehler's Merchant Tailoring department. Mr.
Smith comes highly recommended.
The third annual farmer's picnic will be held
in Chas. Wights' grove on West hill, Cincinnatus, Wednesday, August 30. The So.
Otselic band will furnish the music. All invited.
The regular semi-monthly mothers' meeting
(west) will be held at the residence of Mrs. D. J. Smith, 10 Squires-st., Thursday,
August 31, at 3 P. M. Subject, "The Mind." All ladies are invited.
We acknowledge receipt of a copy of the Orton
prize essay on "The Control of Scarlet Fever," read before the Third
District Branch, New York Medical Association by F. W. Higgins, M. D. of
No matter what the Cortland Daily Standard
may be pleased to say about it, we can and do assure the readers of the DEMOCRAT,
that Barnum & Bailey's great show will exhibit in Cortland Sept. 19,
1893. The Standard may and probably will give a different date, but rest
assured that the above date is the correct one. The DEMOCRAT never deceives its
The Standard in speaking of
"Hard Times" says that "the latest thing which has 'gone
Democratic' is forty hills of potatoes in a field adjoining Hamlin-st., owned
by a Mr. Kennedy." It is plain enough that the thief was a hungry Democrat
because he was satisfied with enough for his immediate and pressing needs. Had the
thief been of the Republican persuasion, every potato in the field would be
missing and the owner would have been soundly berated for his failure to plant
a larger patch. Yes, the thief was undoubtedly a Democrat.
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