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William George. |
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, August
11, 1893.
Fresh Air Camp.
One of
the pleasant features of the week was the greeting given to the Cortland excursion which passed through Freeville on Friday
by the Fresh Air Children. They sang several songs and gave the excursionists
rousing cheers. On their return from their excursion they telegraphed the
children to meet them again and they generously gave a donation to the Fresh Air
work which was highly appreciated.
Visitors will kindly bear in mind the
visiting hours are from 5 o'clock to 7 o'clock P. M. During this period the
evening service, flag drill and prayer service will take place. Visitors are
welcome at all times but this is the most interesting period of the day.
Sunday was a very interesting day at the
camp. Notwithstanding the cold weather and rain a large number of visitors were
in attendance and greatly enjoyed the services of the camp, and sayings of the
It is earnestly requested that visitors
desist from giving money directly to the children. In case any person becomes
interested in a child and desires to give to such, they may give the money to Mr. George who will see that the child receives it on their return to the city
Money has been given on different occasions through the kindness of some
visitors. It proves extremely demoralizing and children are likely to form the
opinion that it is their prerogative. Several times lately Mr. George has been
greatly embarrassed owing to the fact that children have asked for pennies. One
of the things we desire to teach them is self reliance and begging tends to
Sunday morning Mr. George took the Crusaders
and a few others to Ithaca, to hold service in the Presbyterian Church in the
morning; and in the Congregational Sunday school Y. M. C. A. and Methodist
Church in the afternoon and evening in which he was assisted by the Rev. E. S.
Knight. The people of Ithaca were very considerate in their care of the children
and friends and the children left at night very much delighted at the way in which
they were entertained. The generous subscription raised will prove a great help
in the work. Too much cannot be said in regard to the treatment given the Fresh
Air Children.
The flag drill by the Crusaders proves to be
the most enjoyable feature this year. The arrangements for the care of the
children is better this year than at any preceding time, and it is a wonder to
many how easily the children are controlled, but the perfect management of the head
of the camp, and the faithful work of the helpers make what might seem a hard
task easy.
We are looking forward with great pleasure
to the echo meeting to be held on the 28 of the present month, at which reports
of the Christian Endeavor Convention held at Montreal will be given. The programme
is to be exceedingly interesting. Last year’s meeting proved very enjoyable and
this year’s arrangements are being perfected to make it even more so. We have
secured several prominent speakers in Christian Endeavor work to lead the
several exercises, among whom are Rev J. B. Tyler, D. D., and Rev. Dr. Campbell
of New York, and Rev. E. S. Wright of Brooklyn, and W. R. George, president of
the Junior Society of the Christian Endeavor and Dr. J. Walter Hardy of New
FREEVILLE. N. Y., Aug. 7, 1893.
About 225 people boarded the E. C. & N. at this station last
Saturday bound for Taughannock
Falls on Cayuga Lake. The party
was made up of members of the Tioughnioga
Club and their friends. The ride
to Ithaca was without incident, and when
the train pulled into the station at that
place six electric cars were in waiting
to take the party down the hill to the Lehigh Valley station where a
train was in waiting to carry
them to the Falls, where they
arrived soon after 10 A. M.
The hotel at the Falls is owned by Mr. H. D.
Freer, formerly of this village, who is also proprietor of the Ithaca Hotel.
The Falls house is delightfully located on a high bluff overlooking Cayuga Lake
and is surrounded by decidedly picturesque scenery. The gorge not far from the house
is very deep and the falls are several hundred feet high.
An excellent dinner was served at 12:30 after
which the entire party left for the dock and boarded the steamer T. D.
Wilcox which was in waiting. The ride up the lake as far as
Sheldrake and return to Ithaca was a delightful one and was heartily
enjoyed by all. The electric cars were waiting here again and the party
were soon at the top of the hill [East Hill] and on their way home.
There was not a hitch or break in any of the arrangements and it was
agreed that [E. C. & N.] Superintendent Allen had no superior in
managing such outings. The first outing of the Club was a grand success.
Down and
The trustees of this village, at their meeting
held last Monday evening, dismissed officer A. Goldsmith from the service. The trustees
are the servants of the people and are supposed to discharge their duties properly.
Of course formal charges must have been presented against the officer and evidence
taken on both sides. In justice to themselves, to the officer and to the
public, the trustees should have the evidence upon which officer Goldsmith was
discharged published. The DEMOCRAT offers to publish the same free of charge.
[We copy
articles as they were printed, past rules of grammar and spelling included—CC editor.]
Fish Drunk.
BINGHAMTON, Aug 8.—Fish in this vicinity
are being killed in great numbers and if the slaughter continues it will soon
be necessary to restock the waters. A few persons are using Indian cockel
berries mixed with bran for a bait. The stuff is thrown into the water and the
fish nibble it. It has the effect of alcohol and stupefies the fish. They float
to the surface of the water and are easily picked up. The fish that are not
worth anything are left in the water and recover from the effects of the stupor
and are not harmed. Several fishermen, or those who call themselves fishermen,
have used this method in private ponds in this county.
Club Reorganized.
At a regular meeting of the Coon club held
last week, Wednesday evening, the following charter members were present: A. M.
Schermerhorn, E. C. Rindge, P. Nodecker, A. J. Barber, C. S. Bull, J. J.
Chamberlain, Fred Buck, L. A. Arnold, Perry Barber. The following officers were
President—A. M. Schermerhorn.
Treasurer—E. C. Rindge.
Whipper-In—L. A. Arnold.
The following names were proposed for membership
and were unanimously accepted: Messrs. A. B. Nelson, F. B. Nourse, William
Pearson and H. Malmberg.
Brockway’s Suit.
ELMIRA, Aug. 8.—The summons in a civil
action for $25,000 damages instituted by Friend & House of New York city
for Charles Cleere, has been served on Z. R. Brockway, Superintendent of the Reformatory.
The action is to recover for alleged maltreatment while an inmate of the
your city taxes on or before Saturday, August 19, or you will have to pay 5 per
cent fees for collection.
The annual review, parade and inspection of
the Cortland Fire department will take place on Wednesday, August 23.
S. H. Dietrich on Merrill's creek, had seventy
window lights demolished by last Sunday's hail storm.—Marathon Independent.
18th annual picnic of the Hammond family will be held at Floral Trout Park,
Cortland, on Friday August 18, 1893. All the family and friends are invited.
Mr. W. J. Roche, formerly of the Cortland
Spring & Gear Co., has leased the hotel in Scott and has taken possession. He
gives an opening party August 15.
The regular semi-monthly mothers' meeting (west)
will be held at the residence of Mr. D. H. Fralic, 27 Sands-st., Thursday,
August 17, at 3 P. M. Subject, training of the senses. All ladies are invited.
The Albany Argus was eighty years old
on Thursday last. It celebrated the event by appearing in an entire new dress.
The Argus is always in the thickest of the fight for Democratic
principles and never surrenders. May it live long and prosper.
Last Thursday while loading hay on his
premises on Fitz-ave. Mr. W. B. Powers was thrown backwards from the load by
the sudden starting of the horse, striking the ground on his head and
shoulders. No bones were broken but he was pretty badly shaken up.
Freeville Lodge K. of P. have an excursion to
Sylvan Beach over the E. C. & N. to-morrow August 12. Train leaves Freeville
at 7:07, McLean 7:17 and Cortland at 7:33 A. M., and returning leaves the Beach
at 5 P. M. Fare for the round trip from either station $1.10.
Under the new excise law in New York state
any person who shall be intoxicated in any public place shall be guilty of
disorderly conduct, may be arrested without a warrant while so intoxicated, and
shall be punished by a fine of not less than $3 nor more than $10, or
imprisonment not exceeding six months.—Ex.
Last Thursday warrants were issued on complaint
of Col. Frank Place, president of the Law Enforcement Association, for the
arrest of Frank H. Bates, C. E. Rowe and R. Burns Linderman on the charge of selling
liquor without license. They were taken before Justice Bull Friday morning and
gave bail for their appearance August 14, at 10 A. M.
Last Thursday morning Annie, the little eight-year-old
daughter of Samuel Lee of 160 Elm-st., started out for a walk with a brother a
year younger. They stopped to play among the white stones in front of the
Cortland Marble works [North Main Street] and the little girl climbed to the
top of one of the monuments and took hold of an urn on top. The urn tipped over
and both fell to the ground, the urn on top. She was carried home in a wagon
and Dr. Angel found one of the small bones between the left ankle and knee
broken and a bad bruise on the forehead. The urn, which was broken in pieces,
was valued at $40.
The two Cortland young ladies who were racing
horses with two young men through Main st. in Homer one evening last week,
should remember that it is a very dangerous practice in so crowded a thoroughfare.
The lease of the track on the old fair ground,
which has been rented by a local association for the past few years, expired last
Saturday, and as no effort was made to renew it, Mr. Brink fenced it on Monday.
He will keep the track up for his private use, to exercise his valuable standard-bred
colts, which give promise with training of developing good speed.—Marathon
Last Sunday afternoon this
village was visited by one of the worst hail storms that it has seen in years.
Gardens and crops were cut all to pieces, and hail stones an inch or more in
diameter are reported. We were shown on Monday a bunch of grapes, every one of
which was split as though it had been shot with buckshot. Apples on the trees
were pecked full of holes, and corn was slit into ribbons, or in some cases actually
beaten down to the ground. The storm went directly east, and did as much damage
in the Merrill's creek and Otselic Valleys as it did here.—Marathon
Willard Salisbury, who owns
the Brigham farm in Barry Hollow, was in town Monday and brought with him some
object lessons of what the storm of Sunday could accomplish. One sample was a limb
of an apple tree from which the leaves have been riddled, and the bark was cut
open and turned back, where the hail had struck it as neatly as if it had been cut
with a sharp knife. The other was some stalks of corn with the leaves slit into
threads no bigger than blades of grass. He told us of a neighbor living some
distance east of him, whose house had twenty-seven window lights beaten out,
while several others suffered similar loss.—Marathon Independent.
Hotel Brunswick.
Mr. A. D. Wallace, proprietor
of the Brunswick Hotel and Restaurant, has just finished repainting, papering
and decorating the interior and has now about as neat and pleasant a hostelry
as can be found in any town the size of Cortland. His public dining rooms open
upon the street and ladies as well as gentlemen are always sure of obtaining an
excellent meal at a reasonable price. He is making a specialty of the
restaurant department and furnishes warm meals at all hours of the day and evening.
Count oysters received daily from New York and served up every style. When in
town try the Brunswick [61-65 Main Street] for a good square meal. Polite and genteel waiters in
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