Mr. James Kells has returned from Lyons where
he spent three weeks.
Bert Rockerfeller [sic] returned on Monday evening
from the World's fair. He reports a fine trip.
Hiram Kells who has finished his labors with
our merchant, Mr. Chappuls, has engaged to work with Mr. J. C. Edmonds of Harford,
to commence on Monday of next week without signing the papers.
We expect to some day see the Methodist
church towering the skies as soon as the contractor can be found. Sometimes one
has the contract and sometimes another, but the work moves on just the same.
Some of our young people took in the
excursion to Sylvan Beach on Saturday last. They report a fine time. One of
the boys must have learned the art of a toboggan ride by the appearance of his
lip since he returned.
While Ben Chaplin was crossing the railroad
in this village with his valuable horse, Harry, the horse stepped between the rail
and the plank, catching his shoe on a spike and holding him in such a position that
he could not get away and throwing him broadside. It being near train time work
was quite expediously [sic] performed in taking up the plank and then drawing the spike
before Harry could be loosed. To what extent the horse is injured, time only can
Charles Pitts and her two children of Buffalo visited friends in this place
last week. Mrs. Swart, the daughter of Mr. Ad. Ketchum died at the residence of
her father on Friday of last week with that dread disease consumption. She was
buried at Marathon on Monday of this week. Alas! Another blossom is plucked in
its bud. The parents and young husband have the sympathy of the entire community.
Mr. Eber Bowdish of Marathon was in town on
Monday of this week.
The south bound mail train [Lehigh Valley R. R.] on
Monday morning met with quite an accident between Richford and Berkshire, the
trucks of the milk car leaving the car and derailing the baggage and one
passenger coach, tipping them over, bruising the passengers some and spreading
the milk promiscuously around. None were fatally hurt as far as heard from. The
railroad men worked all the rest of the day and part of the night in clearing
the wreck. With the aid of the wrecking train they succeeded in clearing the track
and repaired the road so trains are running on time this Tuesday.
Mr. Willet Frink has been rusticating at "Randall's
Mr. Mills G. Frisbie and wife have been on a
week's outing.
Mr. Alva Clarke and C. F. Cobb went to Moravia
on business last Monday.
Prof. D. D. L. Burdick has gone to Cortland
for a fortnight's work painting.
The S. D. B. Aid Society met at the house of
Mr. H. I. Whiting the 9th instant. Supper was served to 35 persons.
The following persons have been visiting in
town—Mrs. Dorcot Maxson of Pa., Miss Warn
of Preble, and Will Whiting of Skaneateles.
A Normal student has been in town, stopping
with Mrs. Euretta Burdick while canvassing for a book entitled "What woman
can do."
The venerable Hiram Babcock and his descendants
held a family reunion and picnic at the cottage of Dr. Babcock on Skaneateles
lake the 10th inst.
We have been having some weather for the past
few days, too hot for outdoor labor and then to think it snowed a little east
of us, only a few days previous. What a queer country.
Mrs. Edward Peck who was last week reported
in a dying condition and so pronounced by the physician who had been attending
her, is improving. Dr. Ryan of Moravia was called and she at once began to
Homer may have a legal right to sell whiskey,
but her grocery men have no moral right to sell mouldy crackers, not even to
poor boys from Scott. And the one who recently put up 14 oz. and charged the
price of a pound for crackers haired [sic] out with blue mould made more on that sale than he will be likely
to make on Scott people in the future. Honesty is the best policy.
Dr. Gazley of Cortland has been in town looking
up his prospects for the Assembly. Why should he not have it? We think we can
see one drawback in his case in getting the Republican nomination, and that is,
that be does not court the saloon vote sufficiently. Let him treat the
"boys," and what would be politically better, if not morally, drink
with them. It seems as if no one could raise objection to him on account of his
youth. He certainly has arrived at a sagacious age, and we feel sure if he
should get the nomination he would receive some votes even in Scott.
Crops are beginning to suffer for want of
Frank Hilton is moving into his new house.
The Catholic picnic realized about $75 for
the society.
Miss Pearl Skeele of Cortland is visiting
friends in town.
Mrs. Stephen Patrick, Frank Wescott, and
Henry Dennison are sick.
Miss Jennie Petrie, of Jersey City, is visiting
her father, N. I. Petrie.
Mr. Dennison, who is dangerously ill, has
been brought to Curtis Wicks'.
and Mrs. E. B. Lincoln, and Chas. L. Whaite of Tully were in town lately.
Quite a number of people here intend to take
in the excursion to Glenwood next Saturday.
Peter D. Muller and son Alvah have gone to
the World's Fair [Chicago, Ill.], to spend a couple of weeks in sightseeing.
Mrs. Chas. Vrooman and children, and Mr. and
Mrs.Edward Sweeney, of Syracuse, are visiting at Albert Muller's.
Thomas Reagan was brought here for burial
last week Friday. The services were by the G. A. R., and to fulfill a promise
made to him, a volley was fired over his grave.
J. R. put a burning cigar in his coat pocket
thinking it was out and thereby spoiled a $15 suit of clothes, and only
from the fact that he did not have the coat on he wouldn't have got off
as well as he did.
Blackberries are ripe.
A few farmers are yet toiling in the hay field.
Mrs. R. Baker is spending some time with her
daughter Mrs. F. N. Smith.
The generous neighbors of Mr. Wilbur Youngs
joined forces and made short work of his haying.
W. A. Smith has gone for vacation. He will
attend the marriage of his twin brother at Marathon on Wednesday of this week.
Calls from office seekers, book agents, and
now and then, a lightning man are of frequent occurrence, notwithstanding the
heat of these August days.
"Dog days" close August 28th.
A. V. Smith of this place has taken out
letters patent on a tricycle.
Have you seen the opossum in Kellogg &
Curtis' show window?
Messrs. Glann & Clark have a new
advertisement on our fourth page.
The season for shooting grouse, woodcock and
partridge opened August 15th.
Remember that the annual school meeting
occurs Tuesday evening, August 22d.
Loucks & Petrie of this place have the
contract to paint the new Baptist church in Homer.
It is said that Sunday trains are going to
be run on the D., L. & W. railroad in the near future.
Henry Devoe of Lone Tree, la., formerly of
Homer. N. Y., will be 100 years old September 25th next.
One day last week, a needle broke off in
Miss Nellie Retan's foot in Cuyler, and the physician is unable to find it.
A good many people heard Col. L. P. Copeland
at Floral Trout Park last Sunday and all were well pleased with his address.
Messrs Martin & Call's office was
connected up with the Central office on Monday and orders for coal can now be
sent in by telephone.
The date of the musicals to be given by Miss
Anna Baum and others, in the Presbyterian church, has been fixed for Wednesday
evening, August 28, at 8 o'clock.
The annual summer meeting of the Cortland
County Soldiers' and Sailors' Veteran association will be held at Floral Trout
park, Cortland, on Wednesday, August 30.
A contemporary advises against judgment by
appearance. "A shabby coat may contain a newspaper man, while a glossy plug
hat may cover one of his non-paying subscribers."
The Cortland City band has leased Floral
Trout park for Labor day and the boys are making great preparations for an
excellent entertainment for all who patronize them on that occasion.
The case of Geo. Chaffee, charged with
causing the wreck on the D., L. & W. road on the night of June 5th
last, was called up last Thursday morning and was again adjourned to Sept. 1st.
The cases of F. H. Bates, C. E. Howe and H.
B. Linderman, charged with selling liquor without license, were called before
Justice Bull last Monday morning and adjourned to August 28, at 10 A. M.
Mr. C. Vincent, proprietor of the hotel in
Fabius, will give a harvest party at his hall in that place, Friday evening,
August 25th. Happy Bill Daniels full orchestra will furnish the music. Full
bill $1.25.
Mail Carrier W. Hatter found a black and
white kitten in the mail box for papers, corner of Main and Railroad-st., last
Monday morning. He delivered the same at the post office and Mailing clerk E.
J. Hopkins adopted it.
Lincoln Lodge No. 110, I. O. G. T. will hold
a social on Wednesday evening, August 23, 1893, at the home of their Chief
Templar Adolph Frost, Jr., 109 Tompkins-st. All Good Templars and temperance
friends are invited to attend.
The Cortland Fire department will run an
excursion to Auburn September 21, to attend the grand parade of the Central N.
Y. Volunteer Firemen's Association. The excursion will go by the D. L. &
W. and N. Y. Central roads and the Cortland City band will go with them.
Last Saturday Mrs. Delos Cole of So.
Cortland jumped from a wagon in front of Sanders, Cotton & Co.'s grocery on
Railroad-st., breaking her leg between the knee and ankle. She was carried to
the residence of D. M. McNish on Railway-ave. and Dr. Bennett was called and
reduced the fracture.
Last week Mr. Geo. O. Squires, proprietor of
the European Hotel and Mr. Chas. H. Warren, proprietor of the Dexter House in
this village, appeared voluntarily before Justice Bull and plead guilty to the
charge of selling liquor without license. The court imposed a fine of $30, or
thirty days. The fine was paid and they were discharged.
The chief mustering officer of the Union
Veteran legion of the United States, will be in this village Monday evening,
Aug. 28, at G. A. R. hall to muster in the Cortland encampment of the legion.
All who join previous to that date will be mustered as charter members and will
take part in the organization. Names may be left with E. M. Seacord, W. H.
Morgan or W. J. Mantanye of Cortland; A. W. Kingsbury, Homer and Dr. H. C.
Hendrick, McGrawville. The fees must be paid to them. Only such as enlisted
before July, 1863 and served, two years are eligible. Applicants must be
prepared to show their discharge papers or a certificate of service from state
adjutant general in case of loss of discharge. A preliminary meeting will be
held in G. A. R. rooms on the evening of August 21, for the election of
officers and fixing the amount of dues. All discharge papers should be
presented at that time.
Last Friday noon, Mr. C. N. Hardy, who lives
on the first floor of the Judge Stephens house on Port Watson-st., and whose
family is spending a few days at Glen Haven, attempted to warm some coffee over
a lamp. Leaving it to heat he went up town to make some purchases. Passing the
Central House it occurred to him it would be well to dine there which he did.
He then carried his packages to the house and left them in the kitchen,
forgetting all about his coffee, and then went to his work at the Whitney Company's
works. At 2 o'clock Mrs. Mary E. Cummings who lives in the second story of the
house ran to Dr. A. J. White's, who lives next door, and notified him that she
smelled smoke. Two or three other men went with the doctor to the house and
opening a window got into the kitchen and found a smart blaze in the dining
room. A bucket brigade was formed and the flames were soon extinguished. All
the furniture in the room was ruined. Loss covered by insurance. It is supposed
that the lamp exploded setting fire to the room.
The fall term of the Marathon Academy opens
August 28.
Geo. L. Larabee has sold his stock of
groceries and meats in the Stevenson block, corner of Elm and Pomeroy-sts., to
Mr. C. Barghuson.
The Emeralds will cross bats with the
Syracuse Athletics on the Chautauqua grounds at Tully, Saturday at 4 o'clock
sharp. All trains stop at the grounds.
The [Republican] Silk Stocking club will run
an excursion to Tully August 24, to give its members an opportunity to hear
Hon. Roswell G. Horr. "Much ado about nothing."
Messrs. Glann & Clark are selling their
damaged goods at very low prices. Many of these goods are damaged but little,
but they go at low figures. Read their new advertisement in another column.
An important meeting of Co. B., Loyal
Temperance Legion will be held at the W. C. T. U. rooms over Collins' china
store, on Friday August 25. Let every member try to be present. At the usual
hour 3:30 P. M.
The ladies of' the Presbyterian church give
a lawn social at the residence of W. S. Copland corner of Homer-ave and
Fitz-ave. this afternoon. Supper from 5 until 7 o'clock for 25 cents. All are
invited and especially the gentlemen.
Hon. John Raines and James Tanner,
ex-Commissioner of Pensions, have accepted invitations to address the fifth
annual reunion of the Tompkins County Veteran Association, to be held at
Glenwood on Cayuga Lake August 19.
I. Whiteson is bound to close out as much of
his large stock of goods as possible even if he does not realize much from the
sale. He is obliged to do this in order to make room for his stock of fall and
winter goods. He invites readers of the DEMOCRAT to call and examine his stock
for the next 20 days and take the benefit of a great slash in prices.
Those who are accustomed to patronizing a
barber will find Mr. J. Grossman's shop easy of access, and once inside will be
pleased with the attention that is given customers. He is located in the
basement of the Beard building, and three chairs are kept busy, which are
presided over by capable and efficient artists. No long waits at Mr. Grassman's
shop, and polite attention and first-class work is his motto. Bath rooms open
day and night.
A vocal and instrumental recital which promises
great enjoyment to all lovers of music will be given in the lecture room of the
Presbyterian church on Wednesday evening next, August 23d. Miss Anna Baum,
formerly the soprano in the Presbyterian choir, who has since been studying in
New York city and teaching in the west, where she has also won some marked success
in concert, will take part and will be assisted by some of our very best local
talent. Miss Baum's ability as a vocal artist will be well remembered by all
who heard her during her residence in Cortland, and progress which she has made
since is said to be remarkable. Her many old friends and admirers will be glad
of this opportunity to hear her again and the programme of the evening will be
a very attractive one. The proceeds to go to the Hospital, and it is hoped that
the patronage will be liberal. Admission 25 cents. At the close of the recital
ice cream and cake will be served to those wishing refreshments, the proceeds
also to go to the Hospital.
![]() |
Charles W. Foster. |
Troubles Many Banks.
Excessive loans to a few persons or firms is
[sic] the prime source of danger in bank management, as shown in periods of financial
derangement. The practice prevails in every section of the country, and when
the crash comes some large borrower is held to be a scoundrel. But, if that be
true, what are the bank officials—fools or knaves?
A case in point is that of Secretary Foster,
late Secretary of the Treasury. The facts attending his business failure are
now known, and are certainly scandalous in a high degree. The bank managed by
him has liabilities of more than $296,000, and its assets foot up only $70,286.
The enormous discrepancy was created mainly by Foster himself, who overdrew his
own account to the extent of $186,000. That is to say, he took from the bank
$136,000 of other people's money and sunk it in his own speculations. The
Cincinnati Times-Star, a
strong Republican newspaper, is not deterred by Foster's political prominence from
likening his act to burglary or forgery, so far as its morality and its result
are concerned.
[We copy articles as they were printed, past rules of grammar included—CC editor.]
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