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Frances Cleveland holds baby Esther. |
Cortland Evening Standard, Monday,
September 11, 1893.
It is a
Double Birthday in the Cleveland Family.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 10.—The weather has been
misty and muggy to-day and the Sunday quiet about the White House even more
intense than usual. There were a number of callers to inquire after the health
of Mrs. Cleveland and the baby, and they were all informed that mother and
daughter were doing well. Dr. Bryant remained at the house all day, but
declined to see any one or to make any statement regarding his patient other
than the general one given to inquirers at the door by the attendants in
charge. Mrs. Perrine, Mrs. Cleveland's mother, arrived in Washington this
morning and was at once driven to the White House. She will probably remain
several weeks
Sept. 9 is a memorable day in the Cleveland
family for this is also the second anniversary of the birth of Baby Ruth and
hereafter it will be observed as a double birthday.
This is the first child born to a president
in the White House, though there have been other births in the Executive
Mansion. Of the babies who first saw the light of day in the old house,
probably only two were living until this happy event added another. One is Mrs.
Mary Emily Donelson-Wilcox, a daughter of Andrew Donelson, nephew of President
Jackson and the private secretary and confidential adviser of "Old
Hickory" during his entire official life, and the other is Julia Dent
Grant, the first child born to Col. and Mrs. Fred Grant, and now a young lady
just past sweet 16. Mr. and Mrs. Donelson had two other children born in the
White House, which, with a grandchild of President Jefferson and another of
President Tyler, complete the list.
HON. L. J. FITZGERALD left this morning for
New York.
MR. CHARLES A. INGALLS left this morning on
a two weeks' business trip to New York, Providence and Boston.
MR. GEORGE L. WARREN of the firm of Warren,
Tanner & Co. leaves on the late train to-night for New York to buy new fall
MB. JOHN F. DOWD of Cortland and Secretary
E. W. Hyatt of Homer left this morning for Auburn, where they attend the
executive meeting of the Central
New York Volunteer Fireman's association at the Osborne House for the purpose
of making arrangements and settle the rules and regulations deemed necessary in
the various contests. Fifty companies have already joined, and it is expected
that over seventy companies will be in line. The first meeting of the
association promises to be a grand success.
ABOUT thirty-five people from this county
took advantage of the cheap excursion rates on the D., L. &.W. railroad to
the World's Fair, which left Cortland at 10 o'clock this morning. Among them
were: Maj. and Mrs. A. Sager, Rev. J. J. McLoghlin, Mrs. L. M Loope, Mrs. M. A.
Sprague, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Reilley and daughter May, Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
Keeler, Messrs. C. F. Waldo, Burdell Baker, H. P. Davis, the Misses Adams,
Messrs. Perkins Dibble, John Bacon, L. A. Bloomer of Cortland; Leroy Finn and
Burdette Fuller of Taylor, and Miss Ola Hakes, Messrs. F. P. Emmett and Randall
Hakes of Cincinnatus.
PROF. A. O. PALMER went down to Grace's
swamp early this morning on a gunning expedition, and a crow, a woodcock and a
red squirrel were the results. The professor says he sighted an eagle and had
him well covered, but was "eagle struck" and couldn't pull the trigger.
Official Program for the Week's Attractions.
The following is the official program of the
week at the fair grounds:
procession to the grounds, led by the Cortland city band.
opening of the fair by President Wells.
Music by
the Cortland city band.
Entry and
classification of stock.
of trained working oxen, with or without yoke.
Music by
the Cortland City band.
music by the Cortland City band.
driving and riding exhibition.
G. J.
Mager & Co's. prize baby show in grand stand.
marriage in Judges' stand. Beard & Peck of Cortland, managers.
trotting and pacing contest.
Music by
the Cortland City band.
procession to the grounds headed by the Cortland City band.
harnessing, hitching and unharnessing contests.
Fast and
slow walking match by horses of any age.
& Bingham's prize bicycle event by boys under 15 years of age.
symphony concerts by the Cortland City band.
awarding of premiums.
Music by
the Cortland City band.
picnic of the Cortland county brotherhood of the Patrons of Husbandry.
Address of
welcome to Gov. Luce by Judge A. P. Smith.
Address by
ex-Governor C. G. Luce of Michigan, a distinguished member of the National grange.
balloon ascension, without basket, by Prof. Leon Dare, the world renowned
aerial gymnast and daring navigator among the clouds.
of premiums. .
circular parade of premium stock.
and Pacing contests.
music by the Cortland City band.
march by the Cortland City Band.
and reception of His Excellency Gov. Flower and Hon. Fred C. Schraub,
Commissioner of Agriculture of the Empire state.
visit to the State Normal and Training school.
salute of 19 guns.
Parade of
the 45th Separate Company, N. G. S. N. Y.
Parade of
honor of the Cortland and Homer fire departments.
of citizens and civic organizations.
Music by
the Cortland City band and J. K. Stowe's Southern band of Homer.
awarding of premiums.
to the distinguished guests at the residence of Mr. G. J. Mager, the secretary
of the Cortland County Agricultural society.
military and civic parade.
Escort of
the distinguished guests to the fair grounds.
of F. Daehler's mammoth load of country lasses.
of Gov. Flower and Commissioner Schraub in front of grand stand by Judge Eggleston.
Excellency's reply and address.
Address by
Dairy Commissioner Schraub.
Music by
the Cortland and Homer bands.
bicycle tournament in which the most noted wheelmen in the state will participate.
Concert by
the Cortland City band.
prize drill of the Hitchcock Hose company.
reception to Gov. Flower, ex-Gov. Luce, and Commissioner Schraub.
march to the grounds led by the Cortland City band.
awarding of premiums.
circular cavalcade of premium stock.
selections by the Cortland City band.
Field and
athletic sports.
concert by the Cortland City band.
final horse trotting and pacing.
closing of the fair by the president of the association.
Patriotic and
Home Sweet Home selections of the famous Cortland City band and orchestra.
attractions, entertainments and amusements may be added. The General
Superintendent therefore reserves the right to change the foregoing program as
circumstance may demand, by giving due and proper notice.
General Superintendent.
Piled in
a Heap.
There was a slight runaway on the fair grounds
this morning. Mr. B. M. Wheeler [Wheeler Avenue] had a two-horse team hitched upon
a lumber wagon and was engaged in cleaning up the grounds. They got tired of
standing and gave their driver the slip and went tearing across the grounds.
Near the stables they collided with a top buggy belonging to Mr. D. Totman and
were thrown down, and horses, lumber wagon and buggy were mixed up in an
indiscriminate heap. Mr. Totman's horse was not attached to his buggy, but was
in the stable, and he was at work on the grounds. Before the horses could get
up they were captured. They were cut a little about their legs and the buggy
was pretty badly smashed.
—A special meeting of the Royal Arcanum will
be held Wednesday evening.
—Vesta lodge I. O. O. F. hold a regular
meeting to-night.
—In police court this morning Henry Wittenberg
was sentenced to three days in the county jail for public intoxication.
—Chief Sager this morning took Thomas Bacon
and Thomas Gurnes to the Onondaga penitentiary on the charge of vagrancy.
—F. M. Maricle and Jay Morgan have opened a
blacksmith shop in the old Graham stand on the corner of Homer-ave. and North
—Farmers regard golden rod as a nuisance
exceeded only by the Canada thistle, as is fills the meadows, chokes out the
grass, and ruins the pasturage.
—Mr. J. K. Parker has opened a barber shop
in the Emerald Hose Co.'s building on Railroad-st., where he will be pleased to
see new as well as old friends.
—Father Joyce will officiate at St. Mary's
church during the absence of Father McLoghlin, who has gone to the [World's]
Fair. Sunday there will be only one mass and that at 9 A. M.
—Estimates furnished by the most competent
judges place the damages to the growing hop crop in central New York, caused by
the recent storms, at from 5 to 10 per cent.
—A meeting of the local visiting committee of
the Cortland county alms house will be held Wednesday, Sept. 13 at 2:30 P. M.,
at the residence of Mrs. Lucy K. Shankland, 36 Tompkins-st., Cortland.
—The regular semi-monthly mothers' meeting
(west) will be held at the residence of Mrs. A. J. Williamson, 17 Park-st.,
Thursday, Sept. 14 at 3 P. M. Subject—"Training the Affections." All ladies
are invited.
—A reception to Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Clarke
will be given Tuesday evening from 8 to 10 o'clock at the residence of Mrs.
Ardell Van Bergen, 78 Tompkins-st., to which all of their friends are cordially
—The Forty-fifth Separate company have
accepted the invitation of the management of the state fair to be present at Syracuse,
Sept. 16 and assist in acting as an escort for Gov. Flower, who will be there
on that day.
—The telephone exchange now has fifty-two
phones on its list. The additions are the Hitchcock Mfg. Co., Maxon &
Starin, Cortland Door and Window Screen Co., John O'Connell's residence and
Martin & Call.
—G. F. Beaudry has been granted the exclusive
privilege at the state fair at Syracuse
for the sale of confectionery and nuts, and the exclusive privilege for the
sale of pop corn has been granted to the Hitchcock Mfg. Co.
—A small black dog belonging to Mr. J. T.
Beach was reported to be mad Saturday afternoon in the rear of Lownsberry's bakery.
He ran to Mr. Beach's barn on Grant-st., where he was shot. It was afterwards
learned that the dog had been poisoned.
—The annual corn roast of the Cortland Wheel
club will be held at Mr. E. C.
Rindge's stock farm Thursday evening. All Cortland wheelmen, whether members of
the club or not, are invited to join. The start will be made from the club
headquarters at 7:15 o'clock, sharp.
—The medical journals are full of warning against
the pernicious habit that comes from the stooping attitude now so generally
assumed by bicycle riders. They say it will result in the death or deformity of
the whole race of riders who adopt this monkey-on-a-stick position.
—All interested in the Chautauqua movement
are cordially invited to attend a meeting at the Y. M. C. A. rooms on Wednesday
evening Sept 13. The meeting will be addressed by Rev. W. H. Pound, Secretary
F. A. Ingraham and others. There will also be singing of Chautauqua songs by a
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