The Cortland Democrat, Friday, August
25, 1893.
the Gallows, But Was Killed by a Train—Madison County's Famous Murder Case
(Syracuse Herald,
Aug. 23, 1893.)
John Kief, the alleged Madison county
murderer, who was imprisoned in the Morrisville jail for seven years for the
killing of Albert D. Howard in 1886, and was discharged a year ago, was killed
on the West Shore railroad at Canastota at 8 o'clock this morning. Kief, who
for the last year has been running a blacksmith shop at Clockville, drove into
Canastota last night, and during the evening was seen in several saloons
drinking and carousing. He wandered early this morning to the railroad tracks.
He had gone only a short distance when the train which left this city at 1:25
o'clock came along and struck him. The wheels passed over his body, severing
the head and the right arm and leg.
The engineer of the train says that he did
not see anyone on the track until he was within twenty feet of the victim. This
was too late to avoid the accident, as the train was running at a high rate of speed
and could not be stopped in that distance. As soon as possible the train was
backed up and the body picked up and carried into the baggage room, from where
it was removed to the morgue. The identity of the dead man was established by
several persons who knew him and by letters in his pocket from Mrs. Carrie C.
Howard of Utica.
Mrs. Howard was the wife of the man for whose
murder Kiel was arrested as an accomplice. Kiel was working for Howard, who was
a wealthy farmer living near Morrisvllle, and was trusted in many ways by his
employer. Kief and Mrs. Howard, it was alleged, had become infatuated with one
another. Howard and his wife frequently quarreled, and after one of these Kief
was discharged from Howard's employ. A few days later Howard died and was
burled. Kief immediately returned to the house to work. It was only a short
time before it became talked about that all was not right about Howard's death,
and his body was disinterred and an autopsy made. From this it was learned that
he had been poisoned.
Kief and Mrs. Howard were immediately
arrested, and the trials which followed were among the most sensational ever
held in Madison county. Mrs. Howard was arraigned first, and to the surprise of
the people assembled and Justice Forbes, who presided, she was acquitted. In
releasing her from custody Justice Forbes said: "You are discharged, but
be careful you don't do it again." The trial of Kief followed, and he was
convicted of murder in the first degree. His counsel made a strong fight, and
appealed the case. A new trial was ordered, and in this one the jury disagreed
and Kief was returned to the Morrisville jail. He was now compelled to remain
in the jail because he was short of funds and could not carry on the fight.
His attorney filed with the lower court a
notice of appeal to the General term for a change of venue and a year ago it
was granted, the case being sent to Chenango county for trial on the first grounds
that Kief could not have a fair and impartial trial in Madison county. Six
years had elapsed since the murder was committed, and the important witnesses
in the case had either died or moved away, and when Kief was arraigned in
Norwich the prosecution withdrew the charges and Kief was a free man.
During his incarceration Kief had unusual
liberties for a criminal. He was allowed to roam about the jail yards and in the
roadway at his pleasure. He was allowed many visitors, among them women who
were infatuated with him. Two of them, it is said, fell victims to his wiles.
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Photo copied from Grip's Historical Souvenir of Cortland. |
Veteran Legion.
At a preliminary meeting of the Union Veteran
legion held Monday evening in G. A. R. hall, W. J. Mantanye was chosen
temporary chairman and E. M. Seacord, secretary. The following officers were
Colonel—Wm. J. Mantanye.
Lieut. Colonel—Samuel M. Byram.
Major— Wm. H. Morgan.
Adjutant — Ed. M. Seacord.
Surgeon—Dr. H. C. Hendrick.
Chaplain—Nelson W. Smith.
Quartermaster—L. P. Norton.
Officer of the Day—B. E. Miller.
Sergt. Maj.—D. R. Montgomery.
Q. M. Sergt.—John Miller.
Officer of the Guard—Lyman Jones.
Other officers will be chosen or appointed
after the muster. The muster will take place in the same hall next Monday
evening at 7:30 o'clock and it is particularly desired that every member
be present. Col. Jas. J. Smyth, the mustering officer, will be at the Cortland
House Monday, and as muster can only be had on presentation of discharges or
adjutant general's certificate of service, these documents should be left with
him before noon of that day in order to give him time to examine them.
W. C.T.
U. Convention.
The annual meeting of the [Cortland County]
W. C. T. U. occurred Saturday, August 19.
The annual reports from the thirteen departments
of work undertaken by the union attested to the interest and progress made
during the past year.
A brief extract from some of these reports
will indicate the tendency and aim of this organization.
Nothing has interfered with the regular
fortnightly gatherings, only one having been omitted during the entire year,
that upon the exceedingly stormy Saturday proceeding Christmas.
department has been presented at each of these meetings, the program being in
charge of the Superintendent of said department.
The Evangelistic Superintendent reports as
Thirty-eight Sabbath morning prayer meetings;
24 consecration services; Sunday P. M. gospel temperance meetings; 1 Sunday P.
M. gospel temperance meeting at the East side reading room; 1 all day prayer
Especial attention is called to the Sunday morning
prayer meeting, held at headquarters each Sabbath morning at quarter before ten
o'clock, having for its especial topic the outpouring of the spirit upon Pastors
and people of the congregations of our own community. A cordial invitation is
extended for these meetings.
The Loyal Temperance Legion department
One hundred and ninety members, 147 of whom
are pledged members. These are divided into three companies, A. B. and C.,
according to age and acquirements [sic.] There are seven graduates and one seal.
Co. B. has a circulating library of sixty
books which were drawn one hundred and eighty-seven times during the year.
Articles were made and sent to the exhibit and
sale of the children [sic] at the World's Fair.
The department for missionary work among
lumbermen, miners, soldiers and sailors, and Freedmen has done much in sending
boxes of clothing and literature. Thirty-four volumes of Theological Work were
sent to a Home Missionary in Minna. The departments were enabled to do this
through the generous gift of Rev. J. L. Robertson, from whose library they were
Especial attention has been given to the needs
of the Mariner's Temple at New York, to which the late J. F. Avery devoted so
much of his life.
Hampton agricultural and normal institute,
and Cortland Hospital have been remembered and contributions have been made to
Ship's libraries.
Mothers' meetings have been energetically
pushed during the year. Four branches are carried on, in the north and south, east
and west portions of this town each with a leader who conducts the meetings. There
is an increasing interest and attendance on this line of work.
Social purity is taken up in those
gatherings, literature distributed and discussions carried on, upon topics helpful
to mothers.
Much has been done in the departments of Sabbath
observance and Sunday school work in the way of agitation and education.
The department of literature reports eighteen
dollars and forty cents expended for books, tracts &c. Ten thousand seven hundred
papers of literature distributed, also two hundred papers given away and
forty-four books or pamphlets. It is impossible to gather results in either of
the foregoing departments of work, but the Superintendents have been untiring
in their efforts.
From the Scientific Temperance Instruction
report we glean as follows:
The school commissioners and representatives
of the several towns recommend the ''Pathfinder Series'' and Steele's ''Physiology"
(revised) for use in schools throughout Cortland county.
A series of temperance physiologies was last
March adopted by both Normal and Union school boards.
The Union schools had been doing good work along
this line, but since the action of the board the subject is pursued with renewed
interest. According to the action of the Normal school board the subject is to
be taken up systematically in September at the beginning of the winter term.
Methods and training in the lower departments are to be given the student-teachers
that when they graduate, they may be as well fitted to teach this branch as any
The law requires that "Physiology with special reference to the
effects of alcohol and other narcotics on the human system shall be taught all pupils in all schools.
The books adopted and recommended in this
county have been thoroughly revised by Mrs. Mary H. Hunt, National and World's
Superintendent of Scientific Temperance Instruction of the W. C. T. U. and will
in every way meet the above requirements.
It is very gratifying to those interested to
know that the law is now to be carried out in our own schools.
Upon April 1st of this year the W. C. T. U. assumed the
carrying on of the East Side reading room. The committee who began the work felt
that they could carry it no longer and made over the property gathered by them
for the work to the union, who had the rooms renovated and adorned, added
papers, periodicals, looks and games and reopened the rooms the public.
At first the games seemed the attraction,
but these have been more and more superseded by the reading matter until it now
occupies the prominent position.
A circulating library has been established,
and both interest and attendance are on a steady increase as the following
figures show:
Average attendance.
April, 11.
May, 15.
June, 14 ½ [sic.]
July, 17 ½ [sic.]
Largest attendance, July 6, 31.
Average attendance, April 20, 15.
A Loyal Temperance Legion has been opened,
which meets every Sunday P. M.
A mothers' meeting is held once a month.
While the shops are closed the reading room
is kept open during the day as far as possible.
The W. C.T. U. commends the work of the East
Side reading room to the prayers and the charity of our citizens and earnestly
solicits their aid in carrying on the work of the W. C. T. U.
While we earnestly wish more had been gleaned
for the Master we adopt the closing words of one of the Superintendents in her
report "when we do anything for God, the very least thing—we know not where
it will end or what work it will do for Him."
Trusting Him for the fruitage, we leave our
seed sowing for another year, in His hands.
The following officers were elected for the
ensuing year:
President—Mrs. P. H. Patterson.
Vice-President—Mrs. James S. Squires.
Cor. Sec'y—Mrs. Edith Cotton.
Rec. "
—Mrs. Frank Watson.
Treasurer—Mrs. M. H. Yale.
Vice-Presidents from churches:
1st M. E. church—Mrs. E. J. Barnes.
Presbyterian—Miss Sara E. Collins.
Baptist—Mrs. J. Leroy Gillett.
Universalist—Mrs. Eben Mudge.
Congregational—Mrs. Etta Welch.
Homer-ave.—Mrs. J. J. Bouton.
Free Methodist—Mrs. Ida Lowell.
Episcopal—Mrs. W. H. Shankland.
Catholic— Mrs. Chas. Corcoran.
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