Sunday, August 6, 2017


Cortland Rural Cemetery, Section E, Lot 2.
Cortland Evening Standard, Thursday, September 20, 1894.

Interesting Biographical Sketch Given by Dr. H. A. Cordo.
   The funeral of Dr. Henry A. Bolles was held at his late home, 82 Railroad-st., yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock and was largely attended by residents of Cortland, by brother physicians and by the Masonic fraternity. The services were conducted by Rev. H. A. Cordo, D. D., pastor of the Baptist church, who read appropriate selections from the Scriptures, offered prayer and made fitting remarks, which were largely of a biographical nature. A quartet consisting of Mrs. Elizabeth Greenman, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Graham and Mr. A. D. Blodgett sang "Angel's Visits" and "Fleming."
   The impressive Masonic burial service was employed at the grave.
   The floral tributes were very numerous and beautiful. The body rested in an exceedingly handsome coffin of large size covered with black broadcloth, with conical decorations, insulated spiral pillars and Tuscan capitals. The undertakers were Beard & Peck. The bearers were Messrs. S. E. Welch, Henry Kennedy, H. M. Kellogg, George Conable, Damon Conger and J. S. Squires.
   Among those from out of town who attended the funeral were Dr. and Mrs. R. D. Eastman of Berkshire, Dr. Arthur Newcomb of Baltimore, Dr. J. H. Robinson of Homer and Mr. W. S. Peck of Syracuse.
   Dr. Cordo's remarks at the house were as follows:
   It is a wonderful peculiarity of the Bible that for every occurrence in life, every event, every calamity, every Providential dispensation, it has some appropriate word of instruction, of counsel, of admonition. It is a word wonderfully adapted to every human need, admirably suited to every human trial, trouble, grief. When death comes, when bereavement brings its dark clouds closely about us, it is well to say with one of old, "Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life." These are the words we now need. When a Christian dies it is eminently proper to ask what words of inspiration most fittingly belong to him? Usually the most fitting word will come to mind. The word which comes to me now as appropriate for our thought in connection with our departed brother is this: "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.'' Life is a scene and place of conflicts. A fight is appointed of some sort for all of us. It is a fight with circumstances, with calamity, with impositions handed down to us by heredity, with disease, with weakness, with various disabilities—physical, mental, often moral and spiritual. The fight is on at our very birth, and keeps on till the day of our death. We cannot escape it. Concerning it we have a duty. We are to maintain this fight at any cost. We are to fight a good fight.  We are to be brave, not weak, not cowardly.
   Furthermore, we have a course to run. We cannot abandon the highway of human life. We are to walk our appointed path, to run our appointed race, not falling out by the way, but keeping on it, finishing our course, nobly, manfully, courageously, Christianly, enduring unto the end, keeping fidelity unto God and man until death.
   We are also to keep the faith. This indicates our union to the Lord Jesus Christ. We are to believe in him. We are to adhere conscientiously to all that is associated with his teaching. We are not to depart from the faith, nor to deny the faith, nor to misrepresent the faith. Not only are we to keep the faith, we are to let the faith keep us. It will keep us in peace, in quietness, in trust, in hope. It will hold, support, guide us as nothing else can. It will never deceive nor desert us. Keeping the faith and permitting the faith to keep us is what we need. It will never disappoint. It is not a reed shaken with the wind.
   The words I have thus dwelt upon briefly are in all their natural, moral and spiritual signification true of our departed brother. He has fought a good fight, finished his course, kept the faith, as a Christian man, as a follower of the divine Christ.
   A special conflict with pain and suffering was appointed our brother from his birth. He had a real contest with pain of the extremist kind. During the past few years especially he has been a martyr to pain. He made a brave, determined fight against the ravages of disease. He had strong will power, great persistency of purpose. The question often occurs, why are we afflicted as we sometimes are?  There is a mystery about it. There is a ministry in it. Many of the reasons we may never know. There is one blessed reason we do always know, "Whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth."
   Dr. Bolles was a New Englander by birth, a native of Guilford, Conn. Though a small state, it is something of an honor to have been born in Connecticut. Her people are an intelligent, enterprising, industrious, persevering people. From his native place he came, when a lad of six years to this locality and in our town received his early education. His literary equipment was secured at the old Homer academy—a school of some renown in those early days. His medical education was received at the Syracuse Medical college and the University of Pennsylvania.
   Dr. Bolles was largely a self-made man, ambiguous as that designation may be. He had his early struggles and difficulties. He mastered them. He made situations and circumstances his servants. He wrought victories and discouragements. His life had a conscientious plan which was worked out in an upright and conscientious way. His purpose he steadily pursued to its legitimate end and reaped the reward of his application, devotion and diligence.  Life with him and for him meant, not indolence, but industry. He was a toiler, not a laggard. With persevering energy he worked in his chosen profession, gradually coming into greater prominence by his professional skill and taking rank as one of the most successful practitioners in this part of the state.
   As a man and citizen Dr. Bolles was honest, honorable, upright in all his dealings in the community. In his relations as a man among men he held fast to integrity as the basis and guide of his action. But to you who have known him longer than I, I need not say more concerning his character as a man and citizen.
   In his home life he was a genial, sympathetic, loving husband and companion. His character there shone like pure gold to those who were associated with him in the home and family. The young were ever welcome there. He delighted to show them his books and pictures and engage them in conversation along lines of thought that would be helpful. In his home he will be greatly missed.
   A word or two of Dr. Bolles as a Christian man. He was decidedly a Christian man. He did not make a profession of of religion until late in life. In his early manhood he came into a skeptical habit of thought. In an emphatic sense he was an unbeliever. Many of his associates were of the same way of thinking. Skepticism had strong hold upon him. On one occasion he went to Syracuse to hear a lecture by the infidel and atheist, Robert G. Ingersoll. He came home disgusted thoroughly by what he had heard. He saw the utter hollowness and illogical nature of atheism and infidelity. Just at that time a series of meetings had been commenced in the Baptist church in Cortland under the direction of the noted evangelist, Dr. A. B. Earle of Boston. During Mr. Earle's stay of ten days there was scarcely any sign of religious interest. After his departure the meetings were continued by the church and in a little while "showers of blessing" began to descend. The Holy Spirit was poured out in great power. Dr. Bolles attended these meetings, became interested for his soul's salvation, and in due time declared himself a Christian believer. He made a public profession of religion sixteen years ago and was received into the fellowship of the First Baptist church of Cortland.
   During these years he has been a faithful Christian man. Several years ago he was elected a deacon of the church and held this office until his death. Until seriously impaired health prevented, he was regular in his attendance at the Sabbath services and prayer-meetings of his church. His religious addresses and prayers were always helpful and stimulating. As a Christian, he possessed the humble childlike spirit. Dr. Bolles was a teacher for many years in the Sunday-school of his church. His lessons were always prepared with painstaking care, and the instruction given was valuable and profitable. Dr. Bolles was also a lay preacher in his denomination. He has preached in the pulpit of his own church. Many of the small churches in this vicinity have enjoyed and been profited by his ministrations. His discourses were always characterized by a fine literary finish and were listened to with pleasure and profit.
   At the time of his conversion, and as one of the best proofs of it, Dr. Bolles went to McLean—at that time a place full of all sorts of infidel and atheistic opinions—and there told the story of his change of views and change of heart. He spoke very kindly, yet positively, and with words of great tenderness and power exhorted his former associates in unbelief to go with him, in allegiance and dedication to the service of God. Those who listened to that address speak of it as one of remarkable interest and effectiveness. Like Saul of Tarsus, "Straightway he preached Christ, that he is the Son of God." Dr. Bolles believed in the manliness of Christianity. He believed that Christianity contributed to the highest, noblest manhood and that it was a manly thing to become a Christian. In these days when infidelity is putting in a loud claim that it is manly to doubt, to disbelieve, to deny, to break down and destroy the Christian faith, the testimony and example of our departed friend, on the side of Christ and his truth, are valuable to all men, especially to young men.
   It is well known by all who knew him that Dr. Bolles was an earnest, enthusiastic, unswerving temperance man. He took the field as a lecturer against the iniquitous liquor traffic, and in all possible ways tried to advance the cause of sobriety and right living among men. In Paul's epistle to the Colossians he mentions the names of many who were his fellow workers in the kingdom of God, and among them speaks of "Luke, the beloved physician." Such was Dr. Bolles among his numerous patients. He was kind and gentlemanly, sympathetic and generous. He has written many a prescription and given medicine and professional service to the poor, for which he received no pay except the consciousness that he was doing the will of the great physician and healer Christ. Many of the poor of this community will miss the kindly face and helpful benefactions of the doctor who, in a quiet way, was accustomed to send at Christmas time, some of the good things of this life to those who otherwise would not have received nor enjoyed them. Many children also will hereafter miss the Christmas gifts which used to be bestowed by his loving and generous hand. He rests from his labors. May his influence be perpetuated in many who shall be of his spirit, take up his work and carry it forward in the Master's name.
   Dr. Bolles had a true, living, Christian experience. It was not merely formal. Christianity with him was a life, having its source in Christ, a life to be lived and realized in this world as well as in the world to come.
   But these words must cease. On a Sunday afternoon two weeks ago I sat beside the doctor's bed. He took my hand and warmly pressed it. He gave me a message. I give it to you his kindred, to you his fellow physicians, to you his neighbors and fellow citizens, to you of the honorable Masonic order to which he belonged, to you of the church with whom he was joined in loving fellowship. This was his message, "I am growing weaker, I feel I shall not come out of this. But my faith and hope in Christ were never stronger than they are to-day. I am not afraid to die. I know whom I have believed. I have not trusted in him in vain."
   Our brother has fought a good fight, he has finished his course, he has kept the faith, he has received the crown of life.

Buried at Cortland Rural Cemetery: 

Bolles, Henry A., b. 1826-Mar-8, d. 1894-Sep-16, age 68, Section: E, Lot: 2, Male

Meeting of the C. F. D.
   At the special meeting of the Cortland fire department last evening it was voted to attend the funeral of Richard McMahon in a uniformed body. It was also voted to hire the Cortland City band. Messrs. A. G. Bosworth and E. D. Mallery and Dr. G. A. Tompkins were appointed a committee on resolutions and the meeting was adjourned till 7:30 o'clock to-night when the resolutions will be presented and acted upon.
   The department was well represented at the funeral this morning. Chiefs A. G. Bosworth and F. J. Burnes were in charge of the department.

The County Fair.
   The downpour of rain this morning put an end to all thought of any races to-day, but the clearing skies of the afternoon drew about 500 people to the fair grounds, where cattle are being exhibited and judged. If the good weather continues to-morrow it is believed that the track will be in good condition and an effort will be made to finish the races.

The First Banner.
   This morning George A. Crossman put up in front of the headquarters of the Republican league a Morton and Saxton transparency which he believes to be the first banner of its kind erected in the state. It is a very attractive looking object. The design was Mr. Crossman's. The figure is octagonal and is eight feet high over all. The faces of the two candidates look down Railroad-st. and look up Railroad-st. from two sides. On the front is a coon with the motto, "Protection to American Labor and for Home Industry." The painting is the work of Fred Pike, and the faces were on the cloth forty-five minutes after the news of the nominations was received in Cortland. The transparency would have been put up yesterday but for the deluge of rain. An incandescent light will make it a conspicuous object to the evening.

Gleanings of News From Our Twin Village.
   A very quiet home wedding took place at the residence of Mrs. W. N. Brockway on James-st. last evening, when her daughter, Miss Fannie Brockway was married to Dr. F. H. Thompson of this place. The parlors of Mrs. Brockway's spacious residence were prettily trimmed with cut flowers and potted plants and presented a delightful appearance when the bride and groom entered the rooms at 9 o'clock and took their places at the south end of the front parlor where the ceremony took place. Rev. E. C. Olney of the Congregational church performed the ceremony in the presence of about twenty-five immediate relatives and friends of the contracting parties. The bride was attired in a stylish traveling gown of brown cloth and the groom wore a business suit of blue mixed goods. The bridal couple were attended by a nephew and niece of the bride, Master William Brockway and Miss Edith Maxon. After the ceremony the guests partook of a delicious wedding supper, after which Dr. and Mrs. Thompson departed for the station and took the 11:12 P. M. train for Binghamton. They were the recipients of many beautiful and costly presents from a large circle of admiring friends. Those present last evening were: Mrs. H. M. Thompson, Mr. Harry Thompson, Mrs. M. B. Hopkins and Miss Anna Thompson of Trumansburg, N. Y., Mrs. John C. Wheeler and Miss Henrietta Wheeler of Williamsport, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. William Phillips of Elmira, and Mr. J. H. Starin, Mr. E. W. Hyatt, the Misses Barker, Miss Blanche Van Hoesen, Miss Mary Ward, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Brockway and son Harry, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Brockway and son William, Mrs. F. B. Maxon and daughter Edith, Miss Brockway and Mrs. W. N. Brockway.

Democracy Snowed Under—Republicans all Elected.
   Mr. H. M. Kellogg has recently received a letter from Mr. A. L. DeMond of Fort Payne, Ala., part of which will be of interest to Northern readers and which we are permitted to publish. Mr. DeMond says:
   I have some good news to tell you. The county in which I live, DeKalb county, Ala., elected all Republican officers in the state election that has just been held. I have never seen such a change in public sentiment as there has been among the white people of this county since the last administration. We have elected a Republican to the legislature from this county. In his speech in accepting the nomination he said, in a speech in the court house, "I am a Republican dyed in the wool" "The Republican party has never done anything that I am ashamed of." He took this stand in all his speeches through the whole campaign and was elected on the Republican ticket in a county where the white voters outnumber the colored five to one. When such things as this occur here in Alabama and among Southern white people I think the chances for Democracy are slim. The morning after the election the Democratic paper came out with this caption—"Snowed Under."—"The Unterrified Bit the Dust—But They went Down Gracefully." (So may it ever be.)
   One of the leading lawyers here, M. W. Howard, has practically left the Democratic party. He has written a book, "If Christ Came to Congress," in which he gives the present administration some terrible blows. He was born and raised here and lives on the same street that I do. He is now at Asbury Park. The white people here don't like him much now. They say he has the "big head," since he has been North. But I must stop writing politics, because I have little to do with them.
   I have decided to take a course of study in the Theological Department of Howard university at Washington, D. C. I will leave for Washington about the 20th of September.

   —A new building is being erected on the northwestern corner of Wickwires' factory. It is the intention to move their office from its present location to the new building as soon as it is completed.
   —The orchestra of two harps and a violin which played on Tuesday evening at the Clover club rooms and last evening at the Verier-Middaugh wedding has proved quite popular. It is under the direction of A. R. Zita of Albany. The orchestra has left town now, but will return next week and furnish music for a party in Homer.
   —Mr. Mathews, who with Mr. E. B. Richardson had the chase after Ward Yarnes, who appropriated one of the latter's wheels, returned this morning. The officers are hot on Ward's track and have him traced up to last night. He in some way got rid of his stolen horse and managed to secure another wheel, which he rode to Killawog and last night purchased a ticket for Cortland. He was expected on the late freight and accommodation last night, but did not put in an appearance. Up to the time of going to press his whereabouts are still unknown.

Erie & Central New York R. R.
   Messrs. N. A. Bundy and Walter Meserole of New York City are in town to-day and a meeting of the directors of the Erie & Central New York R. R. was held this afternoon, Messrs. Bundy and Meserole submitted a schedule for the work and material for the construction of the new railroad from Cortland to the Otselic valley. A resolution was adopted authorizing the president and attorney of the railroad to look the schedule over and approve of it, if they think best. No other action was taken at the meeting, though many things were discussed.

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