Cortland Evening Standard, Monday,
September 17, 1894.
Celebrated Cortland Physician Has Passed Away.
Henry Anderson Bolles, M. D., one of the
oldest, best known and most successful physicians in this section of the state,
died at six o'clock last evening after an illness of about two years. Although
in feeble health during this period, he visited his patients until five weeks
ago, since which time he has been confined to his bed. Even then he did not
give up, but in bed presented for his patients for a week longer.
The deceased was 68 years, 6 months and 9
days of age. He was born in Guilford,
Conn., and came to Cortland when between four and six years old. He was
graduated from Homer academy at the age of twenty years and in July, 1853, he
was married to Miss Viola A. Kinney of Homer. He studied medicine with Dr.
Robinson and was graduated from Syracuse Medical college and the medical
department of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. For ten years
after graduation he engaged in practice in Cortland. The next ten years he
devoted to traveling and lecturing and then settled down in Cortland and
continued his practice until the time of his death. During the period of
traveling and lecturing he made many warm friends all over the country and his
efforts were very successful. He was a specialist in curing cancers and
difficult cases, and for a number of years people came from all parts of the
United States to be treated by him.
Dr. Bolles was a member of the First Baptist
church of Cortland, has been an active worker for the cause of temperance and
for the past thirty years has been a member of Cortlandville lodge, No. 470, F.
and A. M. He was a most highly respected citizen and was liked by young and
Besides his wife he leaves a brother, Ensign
G. Bolles, and a niece, Miss Sadie Viola Bolles of Chatfield, Filmore county,
Minn., two nephews, Dr. Cassius Henry Bolles of Dennison, Ia., and Dr. Theron
Bolles of Fountain, Filmore county, Minn., and a cousin, Mrs. Charles Munson of
The funeral will occur at 2 P. M. Wednesday.
All of his friends are invited to attend. Rev. H. A. Cordo, D. D., will
officiate at the house and the Masonic ceremonies will be observed at the
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Levi P. Morton. |
Believe it to be a Republican Year.
SARATOGA, N. Y., Sept. 17.—Every train
to-day brought from a score to a hundred or more delegates and boomers, and the
Spa by noon had put on a convention aspect. Summer guests who still linger at
the hotels and cottages were lost in the crowd of politicians who promenaded
Broadway in squads and showed the ribbons of several of the candidates for the
second place on the ticket. There are no Morton badges and no Fassett badges.
The former would be too numerous, and the latter too few. That all believe this
to be a
year in the Empire state is evident.
All of the candidates, however, cannot
prevent Levi P. Morton from being nominated on the first ballot, and few will
be surprised if he is nominated by acclamation.
For Lieutenant Governor Congressman James W.
Wadsworth is believed to be a certain winner. Senator Charles J. Saxton is
still working industriously for the place. George W. Aldridge is also hustling.
George E. Green has decided to be satisfied with the presidency of the league
of Republican clubs.
Commodore Vedder is also said to be in the
race for second place. The contest for the judge of court of appeals'
nomination rests between Judge Albert Haight of Buffalo, Judge S. A. Kellogg of
Plattsburg, Jesse Johnson of Brooklyn and Judge P. C. Williams of Watertown.
The indications are that Judge Haight will be selected.
The ticket, with Morton from Dutchess,
Wadsworth from Livingston, and Haight from Erie, will be a geographical
combination hard to beat, and the supporters other candidates recognize this.
There is the best possible feeling here and whatever the selection of the
convention may be, all factions may be counted upon to unite on the ticket.
Chauncey M. Depew is expected to nominate
Mr. Morton and it may be that his eloquence and the haste of the delegates to
get on board the band wagon, may stampede the convention.
Treaty With England Ratified. Rigid Censorship Over Press Dispatches by Chinese
Makes Authentic Information Impossible—Japan Transporting Troops to
China—Reports That the Japs Are About to Invade the Kingdom.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 17.—The steamer Oceanic
arrived here from Hong Kong and Yokohama, bringing Japanese advices to Sept. 2.
Little or no intelligence was brought from
China direct and the following notice which appears at the head of the
editorials in the China Gazette, a
newspaper published in Shanghai, seems to indicate the difficulty of obtaining
reliable information from Chinese sources:
"In the present situation of affairs,
it is utterly useless to attempt to get any reliable information over the
Chinese wires, or from Chinese sources and we are compelled, therefore, to wait
until the Japanese official accounts of the progress between China and Japan
are first published in the latter country and then get them telegraphed here.
The Chinese have by their disgraceful mendacity in the Kow Shing affair, and their
refusal to transmit any telegram which does not glorify them and mislead the
public as to the true conditions, cut themselves off from all chance of their
reports being believed by the people who want to get at the truth."
The Oceanic brings the following
YOKOHAMA, Sept. 2.—The revised treaty
between Japan and England was ratified at Tokio Aug. 25.
For the first time the United States has
failed to take advantage of Japan's desire to treat primarily with the great
republic in an international transaction.
The opinion expressed in Japan is that
negotiations at Washington might have been concluded long ago if the state
department had been disposed to act upon Japanese proposals. As it is Great
Britain stands ahead in the enactment of the treaty which the Asiatic empire
has been urgently striving for more than 20 years to secure. On the previous
occasion the business was barely brought to a conclusion by Count Okuma, but at
the last moment his plans were defeated by the violent public demonstrations in
Japan against his method of adjusting the vexed question of the judiciary.
It was, therefore, thought expedient to keep
these latter negotiations strictly secret and to allow none of these conditions
to become a subject of popular discussion until the affair was absolutely
The announcement first made by the emperor
was a surprise to everyone, though vague rumors of what was contemplated had
circulated during the past few weeks.
The treaty confers no immediate advantages
on Japan. At least five years must elapse before it goes into operation, and it
is for Japan to say whether or not the interval shall be longer, but until 1899
everything must remain as it is now.
The purpose of this delay is that Japan
shall perfect her judicial system to an extent warranting the abolishment of
English law courts. The existence of foreign tribunals is one of Japan's chief
grievances, and this, so far as Great Britain is concerned, will cease at the
appointed time.
The other grievance—interference with the
tariff—will be done away with [in] 1910, when complete autonomy will be resumed
by the simple process of terminating the treaty.
All persons concerned in preparing and
negotiating the treaty have been honored with high marks of consideration by
the Japanese government. The minister of foreign affairs, Mutsa Munemitzu, has
been raised to the peerage with the title of viscount and a grant of 40,000 yen
(about $200,000 in gold.)
As minister at Washington five years ago this
official was well known and very popular in the eastern part of the United
He negotiated the Mexican treaty with Japan,
memorable as the only one previous to the instrument just enacted, in which
Japanese autonomous rights were recognized.
Chinese and Japanese still continue to play
the game of hide and seek at the mouth of the Gulf of Pachili with the ships of
the middle kingdom, and conceal themselves so effectually that foreigners in
the open ports cannot speculate as to their position.
Japanese can accomplish little more than to check the transportation of Chinese
troops to Corea, and in this they have so far succeeded that further reinforcements,
if undertaken at all, will go by land. But it appears to be doubted that China
intends to strengthen her forces in the peninsula further. Most of the bodies now
in motion are said to be making their way toward Tien Tsin and Pekin, the defense
to the approaches to the capitol being considered of the first moment. The whole
country between the capitol and the gulf is in great agitation. Correspondents from
the interior write to a China Gazette
that intense terror pervades the entire north of the empire.
The report is circulated that Li Hung Chang,
though now 74 years old, will be ordered to take personal command of the armies
on the continent, notwithstanding the dissatisfaction of the court with the results
of his management up to this time. The humiliation inflicted upon him has gone
no further than the withdrawal or suspension of his decorations and the appointment
of two high officials to watch his proceedings. But if the navy or army should
meet with serious disasters, his position will be extremely dangerous.
Failure that cannot be kept from exposure is
the only one unpardonable crime in Chinese statesmanship.
While the military activity is chiefly shown
in the north, considerable attention is given to strengthening fortifications
along the coast.
The inactivity of the armies in Corea gives
rise to various surmises, particularly in Japan, where apprehensions are freely
expressed. The armies have been within a day's march of one another for some time.
Fleet Sails For China.
LONDON, Sept. 17.—A dispatch from Shanghai
says that news has reached Tien Tsin that a fleet of 21 Japanese transports,
conveying 10,000 troops, sailed a few days ago from a Japanese port. It is
supposed that it is the intention of the Japanese commander to land his forces
at some point on the Chinese coast. The Chinese fleet under the command of
Admiral Ting has sailed south for the purpose of intercepting the Japanese.
Orders have been sent to all the Chinese ports to maintain a most careful watch
for the approach of the enemy.
The correspondent of The Times at Yokohama says: Large reinforcements
of Japanese troops have gone to Corea. Wagers are being made in Tokio that the
Japanese army will occupy Pekin, the capitol of China, or Muken, the capitol of
the province of Leao Tong, Manchooria, on Nov. 8. [sic]
County Fair.
The annual fall fair of the Cortland County
Agricultural society will begin Tuesday of
this week and continue through Wednesday and Thursday. Two carloads of cattle
and one of poultry have already arrived and been taken to the grounds.
Tuesday will be devoted to the entry and
arrangement of articles for exhibition, three-minute class trotting race, colt
race, ladies' riding and driving exhibition, public matrimonial union in the
judges' stand of which Beard & Peck will be managers.
On Wednesday will occur the general exhibition
of live stock, agricultural implements, free-for-all trot and pace, green race
for horses that have never started, ladies' harnessing, hitching and unhitching
contest, also a general exhibition of gentlemen's roadsters and carriage
On Thursday there will be the awarding of
premiums and prizes, a great bicycle tournament and the 15-mile road race, 2:30
class trotting, double team race, trot and pace, a grand baby show in the grand
stand at 11 o'clock sharp, on the last day. The prizes for the bicycle races
are among the finest ever offered for a similar contest in Cortland. They were
this afternoon put upon exhibition in the window of G. F. Beaudry's and are
exciting much admiration and interest. Among the prizes are two high grade
of News From Our Twin Village.
Mr. Charles L. Brockway of Syracuse is in
Mr. Fred Corbin went to Whitney's Point this
morning, where he has accepted a position with a local jeweler.
Mr. Holly Van Bergen spent Sunday with his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mills Van Hoesen, on South Main-st.
Mr. William Simmons of New York City spent
Sunday at the Hotel Windsor.
Among the Homer people in Syracuse to-day
are Mrs. J. J. Murray, Mr. J. H. Starin and Mrs. F. B. Maxon.
Mr. F. C. Atwater left town this morning for
Saratoga to attend the State Republican convention.
Mrs. Tifft of Ithaca is the guest of her
daughter, Miss Julia Tifft.
Mr. Chas. L. Kellogg left town this morning
for New York City, after spending several weeks' vacation with his mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Patterson and two
children are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Proper on Warren-st.
Mrs. John Nichols of Syracuse is visiting
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Nichols at the Hotel Windsor.
Mr. Edward L. Kellogg of New York City
arrived in town this morning. He will spend a few days' vacation here with his
mother and sister, Mrs. W. A. Kellogg and Miss Kellogg.
The dago, who furnished music for the
opening ball at the hotel in Preble on Friday evening, spent the following day
in this village collecting spare change which he beguiled from the citizens by
grinding out "Daisy Bell" and "High School Cadets."
M. Della
Papa Has Leonardo Di Simone Arrested.
The Dagoes, who are at work on the sewers,
were in trouble again Saturday afternoon. Mr. Della Papa, who sells the men
provision and secures them jobs for a nominal fee, had a warrant sworn out for
his bookkeeper, Leonardo Di Simone,
who, he claimed, had appropriated the books of the establishment. Deputy
James Edwards served the warrant Saturday afternoon and by the time he had
reached police headquarters with his man about twenty-five sympathizing Italians
were at his heels.
The case was adjourned till 7 o'clock in the
evening, when the whole gang again appeared. Both men could talk English until
the discussion got up to fever heat when English was not quite fluent enough
and they relapsed into their native tongue. Between an interpreter and Thomas
Courtney, who was attorney for the defendant, the matter was settled by the
latter giving up the books. He was then discharged.
—Lincoln lodge will hold a social at at the
home of Miss Hale, 99 Pendleton-st., on Wednesday evening, Sept. 19.
—The postponed supper of the King's Daughters
will be held at the vestry of the Universalist church on Wednesday evening,
Sept. 19, at 6 o'clock.
—The D., L. & W. report this the banner
year in passenger traffic, more people having been carried than any previous
year. —Binghamton Republican.
—A company of Binghamton ladies are to black
up and give a minstrel show in the near future at Stone opera house for the
benefit of the Commercial Travelers' Home.
—The funeral of the late Dr. Bolles will be
conducted by the Masonic fraternity at 2 P. M. Wednesday afternoon. All Masons
are requested to attend the meeting Tuesday evening, as business of importance
will be brought before the lodge.
—Two hundred and thirty names have been
drawn from the jury box in the murder trial of Charles Wilson at Syracuse and
nine have been accepted. An extra panel of one hundred more has been summoned
for to-morrow to try to secure the other three men.
—Dr. H. A. Bolles, who died last night, was
the first subscriber to the Cortland Daily STANDARD. His name was the first to
be entered upon the subscription books, when the paper was started in March,
1892, and a year's subscription was at that time paid for in advance.
—"Men and Women" at the Opera House
Saturday evening was one of the best plays that was ever presented in
Cortland. The company was a strong one, and
interest and enjoyment increased from start to close. The unexpected shower
proved quite a surprise and was quite unwelcome to those who had gone without
wraps and rubbers.
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