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J. P. Cleary, Rochester police chief. |
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Cortland volunteer fireman and former Fire Chief M. F. Cleary in fireman's uniform. |
Brother Entertains a Small Company.
Mr. M. F. Cleary and family last evening
delightfully entertained a party of gentlemen at an informal reception in honor
of his brother, Major J. P. Cleary of Rochester. Their pleasant home on South
Main-st. never looked more inviting than on this occasion. Cards were the order
of the evening till 11 o'clock
when light refreshments were served. The time was spent in a social way till
midnight, when the party broke up, all enthusiastic over their fine
During the evening a number of exceedingly fine
musical selections were rendered by Messrs. Charles F. Brown, C. N. Hardy, T.
Harry Dowd and James Walsh.
Those present were Hon. J. E. Eggleston, Rev.
J. J. McLoghlin, Attorneys Thomas E.
Courtney, James Dougherty, T. Harry Dowd, E. E. Mellon, Messrs. James Walsh,
Henry Corcoran, James P. Maher, Robert Ennis, Morgan Edwards, Edward
Fitzgerald, George W. Fisher, Jesse Vandenberg, S. S. Jones, B. H. McNiff, S.
P. Bloomfield, Walter Cavenaugh, E. G. Barnes, C. N. Hardy and Thomas Phalen.
After the guests had departed the immediate relatives
and friends spent about two hours very pleasantly in songs and stories. Some of
the latter were exceedingly interesting, especially those of Mr. Cleary of
Rochester. The latter is superintendent of police at that city and is past
commander of the G. A. R. of New York state. His life has been an eventful one
and his reminiscences will long be remembered.
History of the Police Department of Rochester,
N.Y.: from the earliest times to May 1, 1903 by William F. Peck
Joseph P. Cleary,
chief of police of Rochester, was born March 11, 1844, in the city of Limerick,
Ireland. Coming to this country when twelve years old, he made Rochester his
home and has since resided here. Up to the outbreak of the Civil war Mr. Cleary
was employed in the nursery business.
In the
spring of 1861 he enlisted in Company E, Thirteenth New York infantry,
commanded by Captain F. A. Schoeffel, and served two years, the term of
enlistment, being mustered out as color sergeant at Rochester in May, 1863.
During the service of this regiment, while assisting a wounded comrade at
Gaines Mills, Mr. Cleary was captured and was imprisoned for some time at Libby
prison and later at Belle Isle. He was exchanged on August 6th of the same year
and joined his regiment at Harrisons Landing, Va. Twenty-four days later, at
the second battle of Bull Run, Corporal Cleary was severely wounded and lay on
the battlefield for five days, being finally paroled and sent under a flag of
truce to Washington.
After spending some time in the hospital he was exchanged
on the 11th of December, 1862, and rejoined his regiment in time to participate
in the battle of Fredericksburg. The term of his enlistment having expired he
re-enlisted on June 29, 1863, in the Fourteenth heavy artillery, as sergeant
major of the regiment. On the second day of October of the same year he was
promoted to the rank of second lieutenant of his company and performed garrison
duty at New York harbor until April, 1864, when his regiment received marching
orders to proceed to Washington, where it was attached to the Ninth army corps,
commanded by General Burnside, and joined the Army of the Potomac under Grant
at Warrenton Junction, Va. Lieutenant Cleary was acting adjutant of the
regiment at that time, and took part in the battles of the Wilderness,
Spottsylvania Court House, Petersburg, North Anna river, Weldon railroad and
Cold Harbor. On the battlefield of Cold Harbor he was promoted to be first
lieutenant for gallantry in action, and in September, 1864, was promoted
captain at the battle of Pegrams Farm, after which he was assigned to command
six mortar batteries attached to the artillery brigade of the Ninth army corps
in front of Petersburg. In March, 1864, he was again wounded on top of the head
by the explosion of a shell. In the same month he was promoted to major. While
on leave of absence twenty-four hours from his battery, visiting at
headquarters at Fort Stedman, the enemy attacked and Major Cleary took command
of Fort Stedman during the battle after the commanding officer had been
captured. For his conduct in this battle he was brevetted major of United
States volunteers by Congress, and a short time later was made full major of
the regiment. Just before the close of the war he was brevetted
lieutenant-colonel of New York state volunteers by Governor Fenton for gallant
conduct during the war. He came home to Rochester in command of the first
battalion, Fourteenth New York heavy artillery, and was mustered out as major
of his regiment August 26, 1865.
Cleary is a member of the military order of the Loyal Legion. He has served for
three years as a member of the board of trustees of the New York State Soldiers
and Sailors Home at Bath, N. Y. He has always taken a prominent part in the
Grand Army of the Republic, and in 1892 was unanimously elected and served as
department commander of the G. A. R. of New York state.
He was
appointed patrolman in the Rochester police department December 1, 1866, when
S. W. D. Moore was mayor and H. S. Hebard and Jacob Howe, Sr. were police
commissioners. November 12, 1877, he was made day roundsman-at-large and about
a year later was appointed to detective duty. A short time after this he was made
lieutenant and assistant to Captain P. H. Sullivan. On Captain Sullivan's death
in May, 1882, Major Cleary succeeded him as night captain, and a short time
later was appointed day captain. In 1885 he was made acting chief of police and
on the resignation of Chief McLean, October 3, 1885, he was appointed chief of
police, which position he has held continuously up to the present time.
As chief
guardian of the peace of the city of Rochester, Major Cleary's face is familiar
to all Monroe county residents. His services in war are only excelled by his
services to this city. He is a man of sterling character and is held in high
esteem by the community at large.
No Fair
To-day, Good Prospects for To-morrow.
On account of the heavy rain which came on
about 8 o'clock yesterday afternoon it was impossible to do more yesterday than
complete the judging of stock. There was a great amount of stock shown, more
than for some years. Because of the poor attendance on account of rain and the
belief that nothing would be done, there was a great pressure brought to bear
upon the officers of the society to declare the fair off and pay no premiums,
but after consultation with exhibitors an agreement was reached to award the
prizes and to pay fifty per cent of the premiums, the exhibitors agreeing to
divide the loss with the society.
Nothing is going on to-day, but tomorrow afternoon
there will be horse races. The bicycle races are postponed indefinitely on
account of the utter impossibility of running the road race. They will occur
later and due notice will be given.
Tomorrow there will be two races, the
free-for-all race, and the race for green horses. The latter is expected to
create lots of fun. Among the animals entered will be the horses of G. P. Squires,
Lawrence Brink and William McIntire of Marathon, Lewis Rogers of Whitney's
Point, James C. Keeler, L. I. Hatfield and Wickwire Brothers' Daisy of Cortland.
The admission will be 25 cents to everybody,
no season tickets being accepted.
Workers of All Branches Respond to the Call For a General Strike. Labor Leaders
Prepared For a Stubborn Contest—Contractors and Manufacturers Surprised at the
Completeness of the Strike—Strikes Elsewhere.
BOSTON, Sept. 21. — The ready-made clothing
industry of this city is completely paralyzed by a strike of the operatives.
At an early hour a committee from the United
Garment Workers' union, acting upon instructions from the Clothing Trades
District council No. 2, commenced the war by calling out every operative, pressman
and baster employed in the 250 shops here. By noon 2,000 were out and at the
close of the day fully 5,500 clothing workers had joined the strike.
The issue of the strike is now clearly defined
as being an endeavor to secure the abolition of the lumping and sweating system
and the adoption of the weekly wage system and the nine-hour a day. Although
the contractors favor the demands of the operators they claim that, as the
wholesalers decline to grant any thing, their hands are tied.
Both contractors and manufacturers are surprised
at the completeness of the strike. It was expected by the trades council that in
some shops a few operators would refuse to come out, but the doubtful ones were
among the first to leave and it is confidently asserted that not a contractor
within a circuit of five miles can obtain an operator.
Early in the day a number of contractors had
conferences with the committee of employes and afterwards the contractors held
a meeting lasting for five hours. They decided that an effort should be made to
induce the manufacturers to increase their prices, and a committee was appointed
to draw a bill of prices in conformity with the demands of the employes and to
present the same today.
The strikers held a monster massmeeting in
Wells Memorial hall and it was the sentiment of the meeting that no one should
return to work under the old conditions.
The clothing trade district council are drawing
up an agreement for the signatures of individual contractors who have pledged
themselves to accede to the demands of their employes and who will also give
bonds that they will abide by the agreement.
A number of wholesale merchants were seen by
a reporter and the general consensus of opinion is that the operators have struck
just at the right time and the manufacturers will have to increase their prices
fully 40 per cent.
River Strike Situation.
FALL RIVER, Mass., Sept. 21.—The striking
weavers succeeded in inducing the weavers at the Seaconnet mill to leave their
looms. The mill is still open and the management expects that the strikers' places
will be filled today. More operatives are returning to work at the Durfee
mills, and 1,513 looms, nearly the full number, were running.
of the Sweated.
The Newark cloakmakers sewed 18 hours a day
to get money enough to live on the other six. They struck for a reduction of
hours of labor from 18 to 10. There does not seem to be anything very
unreasonable about their demand. It has been predicted that the eastern strike
among the garment makers will sound the deathknell of the whole sweating
system. For this let all men pray.
The sweating system in clothing-making seems
to have grown to its present iniquitous dimensions without its being anybody's
fault in particular. The competition among the merchants, manufacturers, contractors
and working people themselves is so tremendous that no other result could have
been looked for. The wholesale merchant sells to the retail. The retail man
must make his profit. So must the wholesale man. The manufacturer sells to the
wholesale merchant, and the manufacturer must make his profit. In order to make
this still larger, the manufacturer lets out the clothing in large quantities
to contractors, who make it at so much per lot.
The contractor must make his profit too. He
gives the work to poverty stricken wretches who cannot do anything else. He
naturally wants to get all he can. Consequently he grinds down the wages to the
lowest cent. It does not matter to him whether the sewer lives or dies, just so
he can get the sewing done a little cheaper and so get larger returns.
This is the result of that glorious system
of competition which some economists call the soul of trade. In some cases a
man has had to sew 18 hours a day to earn $12 a week. The hapless wretches even
sew on Sunday at times. The worst, saddest part of it all is that for every
white slave who is ground to death in this torture mill there are two to take
his place.
From this [time] on the annual parade of the
G. A. R. will grow
smaller. In a few years more the old boys who are left will be conveyed in
carriages in the procession at the annual encampment. Already many are unable to take part in it
because of the infirmities of age. Already a considerable number have lost
their lives by overexertion and exposure at the annual parades. Year by year,
as the old boys close up ranks to fill gaps, the column becomes shorter. Well,
the war closed nearly 30 years ago.
Henry Watterson, the ex-Confederate soldier,
making a speech that made the old Union boys weep at the Grand Army meeting, is
one of the spectacles of the season.
—The annual reunion of the One Hundred
Thirty-seventh regiment will be held September 25 at Owego.
—The Binghamton Herald has already started the boom of Mayor George E. Green of
that city for governor in 1897.
—Cortland county was honored at the Republican
state convention by the selection of Hon. B. F. Lee as one of the vice-presidents.
—Pullman conductors are now wearing a gold
stripe on their coat sleeves for every five years' service. The new order went
into effect this week.
—Miss Marion Jennison, sister of S. A.
Jennison of this place, died at Hunts Corners, N. Y., Thursday evening. Funeral
on Sunday, the 23d, at 12 M.
—A horse and carriage fell into the sewer
ditch on South Main-st. at about 7:30 o'clock last evening. Little if any damage
was done as far as known.
—In police court this morning George Goodell
was sentenced to ten days or ten dollars, and Nelson Adams three dollars or three
days. Both were up for public intoxication.
—Canton Cortland, No. 27, have received an
invitation from Canton Binghamton to be present at the laying of the corner
stone of the Commercial Travelers' home on Oct. 9.
—There was a very large exhibition of horses
and colts at the fair yesterday. The judges were Messrs. G. P. Squires of
Marathon, Lewis Rogers of Whitney's Point and E. B. DuChette of Cortland. Judge
DuChette with great dignity tied on the ribbons.
—The dance which was to have been held at
the armory last night under the auspices of the Cortland City band was unavoidably
postponed on account of the condition of the [flooded] floor. It will be held some night
next week at a date to be announced later.
—The commissioners appointed to consider the
expediency of a road from Ithaca
northward along the west shore of the lake have decided that it is advisable to
build it. This will be a convenience to the cottagers along the lake shore and
the road will afford one of the finest drives out of Ithaca.
—The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. L. R.
Lewis will be pained to learn of the death to-day of their infant daughter. She
had been ill for several days with cholera infantum, but hopes were entertained
until recently of her recovery. The funeral will be held at the home of her
parents, 60 Lincoln-ave., Sunday at 3 o'clock, P. M.
—Mr. G. J. Mager has on exhibition in his
store window a large and beautiful photograph of the late tragedians Booth and
Barrett, two of America's most distinguished and favorite artists. The
photograph was taken from life by Landy of Cincinnati, O., when the great actors
were on their last Western tour. Mr. Booth appears in a sitting and Mr. Barrett
in a standing posture. The picture in handsomely framed, and as only a limited
number of copies are in existence, forms a rare and valuable souvenir of two
noted men.
Mr. Henry Salisbury has sold his carriage repair
shop on Port Watson-st. to Messrs. Neil Jennings and John Livingston of The H.
M. Whitney Co. The new firm take possession Oct. 1, and expect in addition to
carriage repairing to build new work. Mr. Salisbury, whose work during the past
three years has been very highly spoken of, has not yet decided what he will
Card of
Mrs. H. A. Bolles desires through the columns
of The STANDARD to express her deepest and most heartfelt gratitude to the neighbors
and friends who assisted in so many ways during the illness and at the time of
the death and funeral of her husband, the late Dr. Bolles, to the members of
the W. C. T. U. and others who furnished such beautiful flowers, to the singers
who rendered such appropriate music, and particularly to the Rev. H. A. Cordo,
D, D., for the admirable address and timely remarks at the funeral.
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