Tuesday, August 29, 2017


John J. McGraw.

The Cortland Democrat, Friday, October 12, 1894.

"Mickey" McGraw.
   "Mickey" McGraw, the great third baseman of pennant winning Baltimore team, and who held out so long against playing the Temple Cup series under the rules and regulations imposed by the committee having the matter in charge, is a product of Cortland county. His home is in Truxton where his relatives live. In the first game at Baltimore on Thursday, it is said that he deliberately ran into Ward at second base, knocking the ball out of his hand. When he was nailed at the plate a little later, while trying to score, it is said to have so irritated him that he tried to gouge Catcher Farell's eyes out.
   McGraw is, nevertheless, a wonderful third baseman and a great all around ball player. Syracuse tried to get him a number of years ago, but was too slow and he went elsewhere—Syracuse Herald.

Trolley in McGrawville.
Proposed New Road.
(From the McGrawville Sentinel, Oct. 11.)
   Surveyors for the electric road have been working between McGrawville and Cortland the past week for the purpose of determining the most feasible route for the company to reach McGrawville. The original idea was to follow the main road from Port Watson bridge to Cortland hill, thence around the hill by the way of Polkville and up to the main road again at A. A. Wellington's; thence along the main road to W. L. Bean's and thence across the flat to Elm street in this village.
   The laying of the tracks around the hill by the way of Polkville will prove an expensive and unwise outlay of money and the Electric company are unwilling to undertake it. Therefore it is now proposed to petition the road commissioner to open a new road around the hill, starting easterly across the flat just north of the railroad bed, curving around the base of the hill to A. A. Wellington's corner. This would prove an immense saving to the Electric company, not only in shortening the distance over which they would have to equip their line with ties, rails, trolly wires and poles, but an every day saving in power so long as the company continues to operate the road.
   Attorney Bronson assured the Sentinel reporter Tuesday that if the laying out of this new road is consummated the electric road will be built to McGrawville within sixty days.
   In years past the Sentinel has on several occasions urged the opening of a road around the south side of Cortland hill as a matter of every day convenience to the people of the central and eastern part of the county, and we shall hail with delight any steps that may be taken in that direction. With Cortland hill out of the way the road to McGrawville would be one of the most pleasant driveways leading from the county seat, and the expense of laying out the new road will be a mere trifle as compared with the present daily loss of horse flesh and time in climbing the mountain that now lies in the pathway.

Tug-of-War Team.
   A tug-of-war team, consisting of Chas. Seabrook, Fred Hartman, William Magher, and Tobias Robarsh (anchor), all of the Howe Ventilated Stove company's shop, has been recently organized. They met for their first practice last Thursday night in Smith & Brown's storehouse, pulling on a 3,500 lb. steel spring. The result was that the spring is in the shop for repairs, and the boys are beginning to think their chance for the state championship is good.

Hospital Chorus.
   The first rehearsal of the hospital chorus was held Wednesday evening at the C. M. B. A. rooms, Empire Hall.
   A very enjoyable evening was spent in studying compositions of Mendelssohn and Woodard. The chorus, though excellent in quality, is inadequate in volume to the work planned for it. Oratorio music, to be effectively rendered, should be sung by a large number of voices, not less than forty, and unless the requisite number can be secured, the character of the entertainment will have to be changed.
   The opportunity for studying this class of music under a thoroughly competent instructor is seldom offered to Cortland musicians and it is one they cannot afford to lose.
   Our Cortland singers especially should make an effort to avail themselves of its advantages. The next rehearsal will be held Wednesday evening, Oct. 17, commencing at 7:30 at Empire Hall.

Hospital Donations.
   The following gifts were relieved at the hospital during the month of September:
   Flowers, Baptist church, Mrs. J. J. Walker, Homer Avenue church; old linen, Mrs. Jayne, Mrs. J. J. Walker; bread, Mrs. C. Warren; hair brush, Mrs. W. H. Clark; gallon brandy, E. Dodge; two comfortables, bed blanket, sheets, mirror, Miss E. Ormsby; two bottles tomatoe sauce, Mrs. Lucus; tomatoes, Mrs. Hyatt; vegetables, Mrs. Goodrich; three comfortable, Miss Booth; comfortable, Mrs. H. S. Rose; three bushels potatoes, Rev. Mr. Weatherwax; clock, slippers, nightshirt, Mrs. Judd; sweet pickles, Mrs. Miller; material and making of mattress, Beard & Peck. Omitted from previous list: Dressing jacket, Mrs. J. L. Robertson; server, Mrs. Aben Smith.
   Cash Donations—B. A. Benedict, $2; B. F. Taylor, $5; a friend, $5; A. Sager, $5; Stillman Benjamin, $5; D. Bauder, $5; A. D. Wallace, $5; E. E. Ellis, $.50; S. S. Knox, $10; Maher Bros. $2; Mrs. E. O. Rickard, $ 25; Mrs. John Garrity, $.50.

◘ Take Morton's barrel from the canvass and what would be left? A very poor old man who has been made to believe he is a statesman.
◘ The most important factors on the Republican side in the pending campaign will be Tom Platt and Morton's barrel. With these signs they hope to conquer.
◘ Do the people of this great State want Tom Platt for Governor? If a majority of the citizens vote for Morton, they will have the satisfaction of knowing they have elected Tom Platt to that great office. What an elegant Governor Tom Platt would make.
◘ Under the operation of the McKinley bill the price of wool dropped steadily. The Wilson bill allows wool to come in free and ever since this excellent bill went into operation, domestic wool has advanced in price and foreign wool has declined. Does protection protect? Not much.
Morton is a very respectable old gentleman, but he is a back number and should be allowed to spend the remainder of his days in peace. He never yet delivered a speech and he has never written an article that anybody remembers to have read. He is neither a writer nor speaker nor is he a thinker. Who will be Governor of the great Empire state if he is elected? Tom Platt.
◘ There is scarcely any market for horses and prices rule very low. They bring low prices because there are more horses than the needs of the country require. At present there are a score of horses for sale where there is but one buyer. When there are a score of buyers and only one horse for sale, the price rules high. The law of supply and demand fixes the price on everything and all the McKinley bills in the Universe cannot change this universal common sense law.
◘ Some three or four weeks ago the DEMOCRAT asked the Standard to enlighten an anxious public as to the time when Miles E. Burlingame tried his first case in a court of record, but the editor of the Standard has seen fit to observe the strictest silence with regard to the question. Evidently our neighbor does not know or else he, for some unaccountable reason, declines to furnish the information. Now that we have failed to obtain the required information from the Standard, we beg leave to put the question to any citizen of the state or county and the answer will be published in these columns. When and where did Miles E. Burlingame the Republican candidate for district Attorney try a case in a court of record? Will some one answer?

Democratic County Ticket.
   The Democratic county convention held in this place on the 3rd inst. selected a very strong ticket for the suffrages of the voters of the county at the ensuing election, and if merit counts for anything the entire ticket will be elected.
   Mr. Edgar L. Adams, the nominee for the office of Member of Assembly, is the editor of the Marathon Independent, the only paper of the kind we know of that is true to name. The editorial columns of the paper are always bright and newsy although politics is entirely eschewed, and through its eminently fair course it has secured a very large and paying patronage. Mr. Adams is serving his second term as President of the thriving village of Marathon, is secretary of the board of education of Marathon academy and has held that office for four years. He is also trustee of the Peck Memorial Library association, director and vice president of the Climax Road Machine Co., and for the past three years has been secretary of Marathon Lodge, F. A. A. M. Mr. Adams is an educated and well informed young man who would bring to his duties those excellent business qualifications, which have contributed to his success in one of the most difficult and exacting professions in life, and these, backed by a quick and intelligent mind and a reputation for strict integrity, make him a model candidate. He would be a representative of the whole people and would always be found on the side of right and justice.
   Wallace W. Wood, the candidate for sheriff, is a resident of Cincinnatus, and is pretty well known throughout the county. He has represented his town in the board of supervisors for several terms, has held the office of constable and collector in his town and has always been found able and faithful in the discharge of his duties.
He is in the prime of life and is an all round business man and good citizen. A better selection could not have been made and his nomination should be ratified by the people.
   Charles B. Warren, the nominee for county clerk, would make an excellent official. He is a careful, competent and thorough business man, and is highly esteemed by the citizens of McGrawville, where he has been in the mercantile trade for many years. He retired from business pursuits two or three years since, although he is yet a middle aged man. He would make a first class official and we hope to see him elected.
   Edward W. Hyatt, of Homer, is the candidate for the office of district attorney. This is a most important office and should be filled by a man who is not only capable but honest. Such a man is Mr. Hyatt. If elected he will discharge his duties with fidelity and intelligence. The people's interests will be cared for and there will be no dickering with criminals or mercenary complainants. Indictments will be tried and rascals will be punished. A district attorney is the people's lawyer, and it is his duty to punish criminals. Mr. Hyatt will do his duty at all times and under all circumstances. He is very popular in Homer and we predict his election.
   Frank M. Hazard, the nominee for the office of superintendent of the poor, is an active and enterprising young business man of the town of Scott. He is just such a man as the office needs and will poll a large vote. His integrity is unquestioned and his abilities are of a high order.
   Theron O. Brown, the nominee for Justice of Sessions, is a well known magistrate residing in the town of Taylor. He has served in the same capacity before and discharged his duties with credit.
   Dr. Rollin A. Goodelle is a well known and highly respectable physician of Homer. He was elected Coroner in 1882 and made an excellent official. There should be no question about his election in 1894.
   Dr. Hermon D. Hunt has been a practicing physician in the town of Preble for many years and is a man of fine abilities. He has represented his town in the board of supervisors for two terms and filled the office most acceptably. He should be chosen with Dr. Goodelle for one of the long term coroners.
   Dr. David K. Allen is one of the old Democratic war horses of the town of Freetown. He enjoys an extensive practice and is a most excellent citizen. He should be elected to fill the short term in the office of coroner.
   The ticket makes a harmonious whole and is strong in all its parts. If the Democrats of the county do their full duty they can count on an election with the aid of those Republicans and Independents who are opposed to combinations and crooked conventions.

   Ed Robbins' new cigar case is a dandy. Have you seen it?
   Mr. H. M. Kellogg of this village has been appointed G. A. R. inspector for this county.
   Don't forget Geo. J. Miller's auction sale of agricultural implements to take place to-morrow at 1 o'clock. See advertisement on this page.
   Col. A. Greene and Mr. A. D. Kingsbury were re-elected elders of the Presbyterian church in this village last week. Mr. Lewis Bouton was re-elected deacon at the same time.
   The Alpha Chautauqua Circle will meet with Mrs. T. J. Doubleday, 44 Port Watson-st., Saturday evening, Oct. 13, at 7:30 o'clock. A full attendance is desired, it being the annual election of officers.
   George McChesney of Syracuse has taken possession of Hotel Windsor in Homer. He has many friends in this county and will make a popular landlord.  Mr. F. H. Nichols, the former proprietor, goes to Syracuse where he will keep a livery.
   A small audience attended the performance entitled "Enemies for Life" in the opera house, Wednesday evening, probably on account of the severe storm, but those who did go were well payed [sic] for their trouble The entertainment was an excellent one in every respect.
   The regular meeting of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union will be held at their rooms Saturday, Oct. 13. Consecration service to commence promptly at half past two after which reports will be given by the delegates in attendance at the State convention recently held at Jamestown, N. Y.

   A cyclone visited Nebraska Tuesday and floods prevailed in Oklahoma.
   Mrs. Fred Anthony of Corning has deserted her husband for the company of a negro.
   Salt has been discovered 1,000 feet below the surface at Ithaca, and the stratum is 300 feet thick.
   William Carmody who lives on the outskirts of Binghamton fed his hogs on spoiled lemons one night last week and the next morning the hogs were all dead.
   Vassar College opens with nearly 200 new students; this will bring the total number this year close up to 500. Every room is taken and the neighboring cottages are filled.
   A vein of gas was struck at Pulaski, Thursday, which blew out the drill and threw stones and dirt sixty feet in the air. It is the most powerful vein ever struck in the state.
   It is rumored that there is a possibility of a change in the management of the Lehigh Valley R. R. Co., by which Governor Pattison will become president and A. A. McLeod general manager.
   Arthur Burt, indicted for burning his uncle's barn in the town of Lisle, was brought before the court at Binghamton, Tuesday, and pleaded guilty. The judge sentenced him to three years and four months imprisonment.
   While George Rathbun of Cooperstown was hauling in a seine in Otsego lake he brought to the surface an old Indian canoe, or dugout, sixteen feet long. It is in a good state of preservation and bears the marks of the blunt instrument with which it was made.
   The effort to get home laborers to put in the Manlius water works proved a failure although the contractor offered $1.25 a day to all who would apply. The work is being done by Italians. "There are men,'' says the Eagle, "who prefer to lay around and be supported by the town."
   Joshua S. Helmer, ex-President of the wrecked Merchant's Bank of Lockport, was convicted last week of making false reports of the bank's condition to the bank examiner, and has been sentenced to five year's imprisonment. He maintains that he was innocent. He was very prominent in church and social circles, and it is said had planned to go to India as a missionary had his trial resulted in acquittal as he expected.
   Twenty-two burglars have been landed in jail during the last month by the postoffice inspectors, and the work of those officials has been equally lively in other directions, fifteen offending postmasters have been apprehended, two assistant postmasters, three clerks in postoffices, two letter carriers, two railway postal clerks, four mail carriers, three other postal employes, and seventy-eight patrons of Uncle Sam's postal service who have not been patronizing it in a legitimate manner—Binghamton Republican.
   Stearns & Co., wheel manufacturers of Syracuse, are experimenting with a bicycle flying machine which is now almost ready for trial and will be shipped to Saratoga for that purpose in a day or two. The machine is kept in the air by gas and is to be propelled by a bicycle arrangement with fan shaped revolving attachment. Mr. Stearns says that the idea is not his own but bad been suggested to him by a friend and that it seemed feasible and accordingly he is going to give it a trial.

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