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David B. Hill. |
Cortland Evening Standard, Thursday,
September 27, 1894.
Hill for Governor.
David B. Hill has ability, courage and a
genius for political trickery. He is destitute of all conscience and of all
respect for decency, fairness and honesty in attaining his ends, and is
possessed of a political ambition which is utterly unscrupulous in the means it
employs and defiant of the moral sense of the state. His capture of the
Democratic nomination for governor illustrates the leading traits of his
character. He has been planning to get it for months. His championing the cause
of President Cleveland in the senate, and his final consent to the confirmation
of many of the president's appointees were steps towards conciliating favor
with the executive and the anti-snappers, and were the preliminary moves in his
cunning game. His speech as temporary chairman of the convention—praising the
administration and speaking of the tariff bill in terms of commendation which
branded him as a traitor to his party in not supporting it—was another step
towards the goal at which he aimed and to reach which he had ordered Flower out
of the race and raised up a cloud of petty candidates to conceal his
machinations. His boom was carefully and secretly planned, and sprung on the
convention with a desperate effort to make it appear spontaneous. But no one is
deceived—certainly not the Cleveland men.
Senator Hill knows that if he is elected he
can force his party to nominate him for the presidency. If he is beaten he can
still hold on to his senatorship and wait for something else to turn up to his
advantage. The prize is a great one and he will play his biggest cards to win
it. Whether the followers of Grover Cleveland in this state will aid the
presidential aspirations of their bitterest and most relentless and
contemptuous foe by voting for him for governor remains to be determined. If by
any chance he could be elected this fall, they would be ground under his feet
in state affairs, and in national would be dragged at the tail of his political
chariot. How would they relish such, a future?
With all his shrewdness, however, there is
one thing which David B. Hill lacks, and that is all appreciation of the fact
that public sentiment can be outraged to such an extent that it will rise in a
whirlwind and sweep away the reckless wretch who defies it. He does not
realize, either, that there is such a condition of affairs just now in the
state of New York, and that more than any other man in the state he is the
special object of contempt and detestation on the part of all good citizens who
are not blinded by partisanship.
If Maynard deserved to be beaten by 100,000
majority, David B. Hill should be wiped out by 200,000. The luckless judge was
only the tool and catspaw of the present Democratic nominee for governor. It
was Hill who planned and engineered the senate steal. If McKane merits the
prison stripes he is wearing, David B.
Hill, as the instigator and promoter of the schemes and methods of
political infamy in which McKane was but a humble imitator, merits them still
more. If "Bat" Shea deserved a sentence of death for murdering a
Republican who resisted the outrages upon the ballot box attempted in the
interest of Hill and Murphy and their heelers, what must be said of the United
States Senator candidate for governor who is known to have directed the course
and guided the pen of Roswell P. Flower in every important act, even in the
veto which made the crime of the Troy plug ugly possible and encouraged him to
commit it?
The people of this state have squared
accounts with Maynard. Flower has escaped them. They are now to take a whack at
Hill, and he will have been as not only the obloquy which rests upon his party
as a whole, but will also have to pay the penalty of his own defiant iniquity.
Election night will tell him what the voters think of him.
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This building was used at the Dryden Fair until 1917. Later it was used to store road machinery. |
Interest to Cortland People—A Big Crowd.
Twelve thousand people are estimated to have
been packed like herrings within the limits of the Dryden fair grounds
yesterday. Cortland county furnished her full share of visitors.
The one-mile open bicycle race was run in
heats, the best two out of three winning. The entries were Frank Burke, Louie
Hitchcock, Harry Tucker, Jonas Wood, James Maynard and William Campion of
Cortland and Mr. Robinson of Dryden. In the first heat Burke crossed the tape
first, Campion second, and Maynard third. The second heat was also won by
Burke, Maynard second, Robinson third and Campion fourth.
In the first heat Robinson, who rode The
Cortland and was playing for second place, had a bad fall. Both he and the wheel
escaped injury. Campion and Robinson then competed for third place. The latter
won. The first three places in the race were won on The Cortland wheels,
manufactured by the Hitchcock company.
Owing to the great crowd, which partially
filled the narrow track, the Hitchcock cycle drill corps were unable to execute
all their movements. Those that were executed were well done and the Cortland
wheelmen were unquestionably the favorites.
Yesterday afternoon the Hitchcock company
gave an exhibition of the bearings upon their wheels. The front wheel was given
one turn and it ran twenty-four minutes before stopping.
An exhibit that probably attracted more
attention than any other business exhibit was that of Mr. George E. Butler, the
Cortland photographer. A large magnifying glass, about a foot in diameter, was
placed so that people could look into it. On doing so a regular baby show was seen.
Photographs of babies of all kinds were magnified to life size.
Probably the concern that took in the most
money, outside of the agricultural society, was the merry-go-round. It was
packed from morning till night and at one time one could not get within five
feet of the horses.
This afternoon Beard & Peck have
the ladies' driving contest. There are eleven entries and the contest will
undoubtedly prove amusing as well as exiting.
TRUXTON, Sept 26.—A new baseball team was
organized here last week for the purpose of playing a series of games this
fall. The team will be known as the Active baseball nine and consists of the
following players: George Henry, pitcher; Henry Burnham, catcher; Ben Beard,
1st base; Cool Beattie, 2nd base; Charles Beattie, 3rd base; Roge Connors, R.
F.; John Curtis, L. F.; Pat Connors, C. F.; Harry Reakes, S. S.
The new team went to McGrawville last
Saturday where they crossed bats with the McGrawville team. The game was very close and exciting, and some
very fine plays were made by both teams. The Truxton team played an extra fine
game, and although a few wild plays were made in the first few innings, during
the latter part of the game they played without an error, winning the game in
the nine innings by one score with only one man out. Henry pitched an extra fine
game, striking out thirteen men. He was well supported by Burnham. A large
number of people witnessed the game and they were very noisy in the first few
innings when the home team were in the lead, but when the visitors were in the
lead they tried in every way possible to rattle our boys, but to no avail.
Mr. A. E. Seymour of McGrawville umpired the
game in a fair and impartial manner. The boys all speak in the highest terms of
the way the McGrawville nine used them, the McGrawville team doing
everything in their power to make it pleasant for our boys. A return game will
be played here next Saturday. No one should fail to see it. The score was:
Reakes, 6 4 1
Curtis, 6 1 4
Henry, 6 1 5
Burnham, 6 4 1
Beattie, 6 2 4
Beattie, 6 3 1
R. Connors,
6 3 2
P. Connors,
6 3 3
Beard, 6 1 4
[Totals.] 22
Only one out when winning run was scored.
Evans, 7 1 5
Tucker, 6 2 3
Waters, 6 4 2
Pudney, 6 3 1
Gross, 6 2 3
Dunbar, 6 2 3
Chapin, 4 1 3
Pymn, 6 2 3
Jackson, 6 2 3
Gross, 2 1 1
[Totals.] 20 27
The score by innings was:
Innings. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total Runs.
Truxton 0 3 0 0 6 5 1 6 1 22
McGraw' 3
0 0 4 3 2 4 5 0 21
Mr. A. R. Bryant, whose furniture factory
was burned at DeRuyter a few weeks ago, has leased land in the rear of the
Baptist church of Mr. Alex Lansing and will rebuild his factory here. Ground
has been broken and masons are at work laying the foundations for the new
buildings. We are told there are to be three buildings, one will be 100 by 40
ft., two 80 by 36 feet. The work upon the buildings will be pushed rapidly and
it is intended to have it in operation by Jan. 1. About 25 hands will be
employed on the new factory. It will be a great addition to this place and we
wish them success.
Messrs. James Beattie and Elmer Arnold of
Preble were in town Monday.
Mr. Patrick O'Donnell is attending the
Democratic state convention at Saratoga.
A new iron bridge is to be placed over the
Labrador creek near the Stevens farm. The foundation is being laid. Road Commissioner Daley has the work in charge.
Ex-Mayor Cleary of Rochester, Mr. and Mrs.
M. F. Cleary and Mr. Joseph Cleary of Cortland were the pleasant guests of Dr.
C. H. Webster and family Sunday. [Major Joseph P. Cleary of Rochester was Chief of Police at Rochester, N. Y. and served for over 20 years. He was not an ex-mayor--CC editor.]
Mr. Willard Jaquith finishes his work for
Westcott and Stanton this week. He has taken a school near his home in Sheds
and will enter upon his duties Oct. 1. Willard, during his stay here, has made
a host of friends who are sorry to lose him. We wish him success in his new
Mr. Newell Baldwin is working for Mr. A. R.
CRAZY PAT. [local correspondent.]
of the Schools.
The faculty of the Homer academy have been
in town to-day visiting the Normal and public schools. They dined at the
Cortland House at noon. Those in attendance are Prof. L. H. Tuthill, Misses N.
M. Coon, F. H. Alvord, C. H. Barker, J. Barker, C. Carpenter, M. Flag, Whitney,
Tifft, Brown and Grimm.
One hundred twenty of the lady friends of
Mrs. H. L. Rogers were received at her beautiful home on Tompkins-st. from 3
till 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Dainty refreshments were served and all the
guests were delightfully entertained.
The out-of-town guests present were Mrs.
William H. Robertson of New York, Mrs. Esther Porter and Mrs. George A.
Brockway of Homer.
A Truthful Compliment.
"Cortland streets are the worst in the
state and those which are torn up for sewers and street railways are not the
worst ones either," said a disgusted Homer man who had been making a visit
to our sister village this week.—
Homer Republican.
There was a pretty home wedding last night
at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Pike at 13 East Main-st., when their
daughter, Miss Maud Winifred, was married to Mr. Fred J. Potter of Cortland.
The parlor where the ceremony was performed was plentifully and tastefully
trimmed with flowers. The bridal party led by Miss Hazel Peck, who acted as
bridesmaid, entered the parlor to the strains of the Lohengrin Wedding March
played upon the piano by Miss Alberta Waterbury.
The bride wore a gown of white brocaded
silk. After the ceremony, which was performed by Rev. W. H. Pound, choice refreshments
were served. The presents were very beautiful and numerous.
Mr. and Mrs. Potter left on the 11:20 train
last night amid a shower of rice and old shoes for parts unknown. After Nov. 1
they will be at home to their friends at 13 East Main-st.
The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Wood,
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Waterbury, Mr. and Mrs. Smith Job, Mr. and Mrs. L. F.
Stillman, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dustin, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Peck, Mr. and Mrs. C.
H. Drake, Mrs. Sarah Potter, Mrs. Daniel Tucker, Mrs. Duane Howard, Mrs. L.
Perkins, Misses Clara Coville, Eleanor Howard, Eva Job, May Hollister, Maud Stillman,
Nellie Tucker and Hazel Peck of Cortland; Mrs. L. A. Pendleton of Rochester and
Misses Ethel and Lulu Potter of DeRuyter.
—According to the report of the internal
revenue department this state has 48,455 liquor dealers.
—The Cortland City band left this afternoon
for Homer, where they act as escort in the Field day parade.
—The regular meeting of the Woman's Relief
Corps, No. 96, will be held next Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock sharp. A full
attendance is desired.
—A cave in occurred on the sewer ditch on
Argyle Place this morning. The falling mass of earth broke off about forty feet
of gas pipe and until the gas could be turned off it was as free as air.
—The Cortland City band has proven
themselves one of the best uniformed organizations in this section. Cortland people
will undoubtedly prove their appreciation by attending the dance at the armory
to-morrow evening.
—Mrs. J. S. Barber entertained in an informal
way a company of her lady friends from 3 to 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon. In
the evening from 8 to 11 o'clock another company of younger ladies were also
entertained by Mrs. Barber.
—The supplementary proceedings against P. H.
and D. McGraw before
James Dougherty as referee, on a judgment obtained by Hon. A. P. Smith, were
adjourned at noon yesterday to be continued Tuesday morning at half past 10
—Prof. O. F. Lewis of Saratoga has invented
a flying machine. He has passed his rough plans over to E. C. Stearns &Co.,
the bicycle manufacturers of Syracuse to experiment with and to build. It has a
balloon and is operated with bicycle machinery.
—The special excursion train to Ithaca leaves
the E. C. & N. station at 7 o'clock sharp to-night, and will
return after the opera "Maid of Plymouth" to be presented by The
Bostonians. A special street car will run to Homer upon the return of the
special from Ithaca.
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