The Cortland Democrat, Friday, September 21, 1894.
Road House Goes up in Smoke.
The "Road
House" kept by W. R. Jones and located between this place and McGrawville was burned with nearly all its contents last
Tuesday morning. At 2:30 o'clock, one of the female boarders discovered that the
rear of the building was on fire and she gave an alarm. The proprietor and his
son and the other female boarders got out of the building and with a little
clothing dressed in an open field. Jones' son lost a fine gold watch and the
handsome furniture was a total loss. The fire is supposed to have caught from
the kitchen stove.
Mr. Jones estimates
the loss at between $7,000 and $8,000. He is making arrangements to rebuild at
once. There was an insurance of $2,000 on the building and $1,500 on the
furniture. The traveling public could get along without this institution.
[This last sentence and placing Road House in quotes seems to imply there was a common name for this house—CC editor.]
[This last sentence and placing Road House in quotes seems to imply there was a common name for this house—CC editor.]
A Ride to Little York.
Quite a large party
of young ladies and gentlemen left Mrs. Benjamin's on Court-st., Tuesday
evening at 6 o'clock, for Little York to partake of a chicken supper and then to
trip the light fantastic and indulge in cards until the small hours in the morning
when they started for home. The following is a list of those present:
Mrs. Pudor of
Savanah, Ga., Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brockway of Homer, Mrs. Vose of Joliet, Ill.,
Mr. and Mrs. Osgood of Boston, Mass., Miss Minnie Fitzgerald of Chicago, Miss Telson of Savanah, Ga., Miss Kline of
Binghamton, Mr. Morris Sanders of Buffalo, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hollenbeck, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Stillson, Mr. and Mrs. Art Stillson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walrad, Mr.
and Mrs. W. R. Cole, Mrs. Ella Butler, Misses. Belle Fitzgerald, Maude
Fitzgerald, Ella Van Hoesen, Hattie Allen, H. E. Turner, Frank Hudson, Grace
Duffy, Cornelia and Mary White, Cornelia Brown. Jennie Putnam, Carrie Halbert,
Julia Sugerman, Clara Keator, Messrs. Fred McDowell, Orson Kinney, H. J.
Woodnansee, T. Harry Dowd, E. C. Alger, Cortland.
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Prohibition cartoon. |
Prohibition Convention.
Th. Prohibition
County Convention of Cortland County, N. Y., was held in the W. C. T. U. rooms at No. 12 West Court-st., September 4,
The convention was
called to order by the county chairman, M. L. Decker of Cortland. After electing Joseph S. Cass of Taylor to the
chair, and Ernest V. Bowker of Cortland as secretary, the convention was opened
with the usual prayer by Mr. H. S. Hinman of Cortland.
The following
county nominations were made, viz:
For member of
assembly—George N. Copland of Homer.
For sheriff—Joseph
S. Cass of Taylor.
For county clerk—C. F. Cobb of Scott.
For district
attorney—No nomination.
For superintendent
of the poor—John White of Cortland.
For coroners (full
term)—Mr. Fairbanks of Homer, Anson Shaw of Cortland.
To fill
vacancy—Dell June of Blodgett Mills.
Messrs. George
Allport, Charles W. Collins, Ernest V. Bowker of Cortland and Mr. Fairbanks of
Homer were elected as delegates to attend the Congressional Convention.
A special feature
of the convention was manifest in the unity of sentiment which prevailed
throughout. Wire-pulling, deals, fusion and contentions were made conspicuous
by their absence.
The convention
closed without date.
E. V. BOWKER, Sec'y.
Death of Dr. H. A. Bolles.
Dr. Henry A.
Bolles, who has been a practicing physician in this village for many years
past, died at his borne on [82] Railroad-st., at 6 o'clock last Sunday evening,
aged 68 years He was born in Guilford, Conn., in 1826 and moved to this place with
his parents at the age of four years. He graduated from the old Cortland academy
in Homer and commenced the study of medicine with Dr. Robinson of McLean and a
little later completed his studies with Dr. E. Loomis at Homer. In 1853 he
married Miss Viola A. Kinney of Homer and soon after commenced the practice of
his profession in this place.
For some years he
spent a portion of his time traveling through the States delivering medical lectures
in the principal towns. He was a successful lecturer and amassed considerable property
as a result. Some ten or fifteen years since, he settled down here and
continued in the uninterrupted practice of his profession.
twenty years ago or more he united with the Baptist church and has been a
consistent member since. He leaves a widow but no children.
Dr. Bolles was a
very charitable man and leaves many friends who will sincerely mourn his loss.
The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon, Dr. Cordo preaching the sermon. The Masonic
fraternity had charge of the services at the grave. [Cortland Rural cemetery,
Section E, Lot 2—CC editor.]
has a fine new dairy building.
The O. R. Stanford
farm in Danby, containing eighty-five acres, recently sold for $35 per acre.
The old circus
grounds at Fall Creek, Ithaca, has been divided into building lots. No more rings there.
Three boys aged
11,15 and 16 years, have been arrested in Ithaca for the robbery of Rumsey
& Co.'s store.
Prof. H. Morse
Stephens, of Cambridge, has been engaged to fill the vacancy in the Cornell
faculty caused by the death of Herbert Tuttle.
Seven car loads of potatoes were shipped from
McLean last week. F. J. PerLee is digging his white seedlings. The yield is 225
bushels to the acre.
The Union Springs Advertiser says William B. Yawger has a
kitten with two bodies, eight legs, two heads, two tails. It is now dead; the
remains will be shipped to Cornell university.
Cayuga Hose Company
No. 1 of Ithaca have decided to hold a fair at Journal hall, commencing
November 19, ending Thanksgiving evening with their annual ball. This will be
the first fair ever held by No. 1.
Chas. Chittenden, a
person employed to do odd jobs about the Farmers Hotel in Ithaca, was found
lying dead in the road near the Lake Ridge station. His death was attributed to
the excessive use of liquor.
The sudden death of
John H. Tracey, who lived on the Van Vleet farm north of Varna, occurred
Sunday. He was feeding his swine and dropped dead in the pen where his body was
found by his wife.
Mr. R. G. Johnson
of Dryden met with a serious accident Monday morning as he was driving to the
depot with Miss Georgia White, who had been visiting at his house. While
attempting to pass a circus wagon that was being washed in the creek beside the
road at the second bridge north of the [garage,] his horse shied and ran into
the bridge railing, upsetting the carriage and hurling both occupants out.
Prompt assistance was given and Miss White was able to finish her journey, but
Mr. Johnson is still under the care of Dr. Allen and appears to be hurt
internally. Carriage and bridge railing were considerably damaged, but the
horse only ran a short distance and stopped.
◘ It is Tom and Levi
now, principally Tom.
◘ Who said Tom Platt
couldn't run the Republican State Convention as he pleased? The delegates were simply his puppets and did what they were
bid to do.
◘ Levi P. Morton's
barrel will be on tap until the night of elections when the tap will be cut short off. Those thirsty Republicans
who expect to be benefitted thereby should lose no time in forming in line.
◘ The Democratic
Congressional convention for the 28th District of the state composed of the
counties of Cortland, Cayuga, Wayne. Ontario and Yates, will be held at the
Osborne House in Auburn at 12 o'clock noon on Saturday Sept. 22, 1894.
◘ Gov R. P. Flower
has announced that he will not be a candidate for re-election. He thinks that he might not be able to poll the entire party
vote and he favors nominating some man who will get the full vote of the party.
The names of John Boyd Thatcher of Albany and Daniel N. Lockwood of Buffalo are
prominently mentioned for the place.
◘ The Standard says,
"The sugar Trust has foreclosed its mortgage on the Democratic party."
The sugar trust and the other trusts and monopolies of the country have held a
warantee deed of the republican party, body and soul, for many years. The
Republican senators voted solidly in the interest of the "Sugar
Trust" while all but four of the Democratic Senators voted to destroy it.
The solid vote of the Republican Senators was necessary to enable the four
recreant Democratic senators to keep faith with the sugar kings while they
betrayed their party and the people. The Democratic party has only four rascals
to answer for, while the Republican party must answer for its entire delegation
in the senate chamber.
Sam Jones' Politics.
In his lecture to
the Alabama Chautauqua at Shelby Springs recently Sam Jones said:
"Every little
politician thinks, to make a speech he must talk about gold buggery and silver
diggery. Avarice is at the foundation of every sin. Hell itself is nothing but
selfishness on fire, and it's a wonder to me some of you old brethren don't
catch by natural combustion. A great many of you say 'I'm obliged to live.'
Well, that's a lie. I'm obliged to do right. Put God above gold, character
above chattels, manhood above money. God never made but one man and one woman,
and they are nearly as scarce now as they were then. There is many a woman in
this country who thinks she's well married, when the poor thing's an old maid
yet, for she's got no husband. A good many people are laying up treasure in Heaven
at the rate of 23 cents a year, and then the poor fools will never get there to
enjoy it. The curse of this world is little people. God's eye never looked upon
a grander sight than a royal, brave, noble, true-hearted, genuine man. [Trotter] Nancy
Hanks is a much higher bred animal than Sullivan or Corbett. I like thoroughbred
horses. I wish we had more thoroughbred people. The young folks are having a
good time, the old folks are after the dollar and the devil is after the whole
thing, and he generally gets it, too.
"I don't know
of but one politician in America who is absolutely unpurchaseable and
unbulldozable, and that is old Grover Cleveland. I'd rather run with a rascal like
a democrat than a fool like a populite. I'd rather be a rascal than a fool, for
you can reform a rascal."
The Cortland milkmen now charge five cents
per quart for milk.
Yesterday morning Mr. A. D. Wallace received
from Montana an elegant pair of elk antlers.
The Clover Club gave an informal dancing party
Tuesday evening. About ten couple attended.
Mr. George Conable of this place picked ripe
strawberries from his plants last week.
A novel bicycle race will take place on the
Dryden fair grounds next Wednesday. A grandfather will try to beat his grandson.
Maher Bros., the clothiers, offer a handsome
present to each of their customers. Read their advertisement in another column.
Mr. J. G. Bridenbecker has sold his bakery
on North Main-st. to Mrs. L. M. Clark. He expects to sail for France in about three
The popular drama "Men and Women" was
presented to a very small audience last Saturday evening. It is pretty safe to
say that a better entertainment will not be seen in Cortland this season. It
was most excellent in all respects.
The prize offered by Beard & Peck of
this village to the lady who hitches up a horse, drives a certain distance and
unharnesses in the shortest space of time will be contested for on the Dryden
fair grounds next Thursday.
The Rock Band Concert company assisted by
Miss Adele Weber, the popular dramatic reader, will give a concert in the First
M. E. church in this village this evening. The entertainment is a first-class
one in all respects. Admission 35 cents, children 25 cents.
A barn located on West-st. in Homer occupied
by O. P. Carlon and owned by George Schenck was burned to the ground at about 2
o'clock last Tuesday morning. Two horses, a buggy, a sleigh, a harness, some
tools and several tons of hay were burned. The contents were valued at $500
with an insurance amounting to $65. The barn was valued at $200.
Amos B. Maynard of Fulton came to Cortland
last Monday to visit Mr. and Mrs. George E. Ryder at 89 Lincoln-ave. At about
ten o'clock in the evening while conversing with members of the family he
suddenly exclaimed "Oh, my head!" and died immediately. His family
was notified and came for the remains the day following.
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