Cortland Evening Standard, Friday, April 11, 1902.
General MacArthur Before the Senate Committee.
General Attributed Large Proportion of Filipinos Killed to Good Marksmanship of American Soldiers—Efficiency Against Inefficiency—Mabini Sent to Guam.
Washington, April 11.—General MacArthur was again the witness before the committee and he began his statement with reference to the burning of villages by the native forces in 1899. He said the order for this destruction had been issued by General Luna and that he found that this was due to the fact that Luna had been a student of Napoleon's campaigns and had conceived the idea that he could compel the American forces to retreat as the Russians had forced the French conqueror to retreat from Moscow.
In this connection General MacArthur read a number of orders issued by himself, directing the conduct of troops in the field and enjoining the utmost kindness in the treatment of captured and wounded members of the enemy's forces. In one of these orders the American forces were instructed to kill if possible the enemy found fighting and with arms in his hand, and in reply to questions General MacArthur said that in war the prime object is to disable the enemy and to kill him if possible when in battle.
To the good marksmanship of the Americans he attributed the large proportion of Filipinos who were killed in battle to the number of wounded.
Senator Patterson asked a number of questions in this connection intended to bring out the fact that the number of killed among the Filipinos was so much out of proportion to the number wounded as to require an explanation. General MacArthur held to his position that the disproportion was no greater than was to be expected under the circumstances. "An increased death rate in the American army might have been more satisfactory to some arguments," he said, "but I nevertheless consider it very fortunate that such was not the case."
Pressing his questions Senator Patterson asked if the killing of 90 Filipinos to one American was not "simply slaughter."
"No," replied General MacArthur, "not when your adversary stands up and fights you."
"Then if under these conditions with such disparity of casualties the Filipinos stood up and fought, are they not the bravest people that ever went to war?" asked Senator Patterson.
"They did not stand up and fight after the first battle," replied the witness.
"Then if they did not fight is it not true that their killing was nothing more than slaughter?"
''No; that is not the case. The war was the most humane that was ever fought. It is simply a question of efficiency against inefficiency."
Speaking of the educated Filipinos General MacArthur said that many of them were men of good character and generally showed ability. Among others of whom he spoke was Mabini who, he said, had a dream of a Polynesian confederacy.
"Where is he now?" asked Senator Patterson.
"In Guam," laconically responded the witness.
"How did he get there?"
"I sent him because he was an agitator."
Then followed a long colloquy in which General MacArthur explained that after he had released Mabini he continued his agitation.
"His agitation in support of Philippine independence," suggested Senator Patterson.
"His agitation in support of the insurrection," insisted General MacArthur.
The statement was made that next week a number of enlisted men would be heard as to the practice of the water cure in the Philippines and that soon afterward Admiral Dewey and General Anderson would be requested to testify.
Boers Accept Terms.
London, April 11.—The Financier and Bullionist publishes a dispatch from Pretoria this morning declaring that the Boer leaders have accepted the British terms, that peace has been arranged, and that the terms of peace have been cabled to the Boer agents in Europe.
Other unconfirmed statements of a similar character are in circulation in London today. It is said that Frederic Rutherford Harris, ex-secretary of the British Chartered South Africa company, has received a telegram to the same effect but nothing of any official or really reliable nature concerning the matter is known.
The Central News is informed that a telegram was received in London this morning from Pretoria saying that Mr. Steyn and Generals Dewet and Botha had agreed upon terms of peace. The telegram indicates that the British terms have been accepted and that peace has been arranged.
Found Many Children Who Should Have Been Cared For.
Albany, N. Y., April 11.—The state board of charities has been conducting an investigation in the central and western sections of the state, including the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth judicial districts. As a result it has discovered that there are 549 children who have been in orphan asylums in that locality for the past five years or longer who ought to have been placed in families, or who have parents or relatives able to care for them.
Fruits of Co-operation.
Something of an idea of the magnitude of the business of the United States Steel corporation and its ranking importance among the sources of the nation's wealth is shown by the announcement that its net profits during the past year reached the enormous sum of $111,000,000. The Steel Corporation claims about 80 per cent of the entire iron and steel output of the country. If this be true and it be assumed that the outside concerns have made the same average profit, the total net revenues for the iron trade as a whole have amounted to some $135,000,000 during the last twelve months. This is nearly twice the sum which the treasury took in during the fiscal year 1901. It is equal to a quarter of the entire year's receipts of the federal government from all sources and more than half the $243,000,000 which was collected from customs during the twelve months ending last December.
From these comparisons the true proportions of the iron trade income are brought into clear view. No other industry comes anywhere near it in point of profits. The mining and transportation of coal hold second place, and cotton manufactures probably hold the third.
No doubt the essential reason for the great excess of the profits in the steel and iron trade over those of other industries is that the cost of manufacture has been vastly lessened by the system of co-operation which now prevails. The placing of many plants under a common management and operating them by common methods is the true secret of the United States Steel corporation's marvelous earning capacity. It furnishes a striking example of the power of the "community of interest" idea when applied to industry, whatever may be the ultimate effect upon the industrial system by the general adoption of that idea.
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Curved Dash Oldsmobile, black with red trim. |
A New Automobile.
The latest addition to the number of automobiles in Cortland is the one just purchased by Mr. F. W. Melvin, the local manager of the Standard Oil Co. The machine arrived yesterday and was given a short test on the pavements. Mr. Melvin was very much pleased with its working and expects to put it into active operation as soon as the condition of the roads will permit.
The machine was purchased through the City Cycle Co., and is what is known as an Oldsmobile and is manufactured in Detroit. It has a four horsepower gasoline motor, and is finished in black with red trimmings. Mr. Melvin examined very carefully a number of machines before making his purchase and selected the Oldsmobile as the one best adapted to his needs.
Now Up to Date and in Fine Working Condition.
The [Cortland] fire alarm system was connected with the new storage battery at the engine house last night, and this is now supplying the electrical current for the system. The work has been in charge of William F. McCarthy of the Syracuse Electric Co., from which firm the equipment was furnished.
The storage battery consists of fifty jars, arranged in series connection and in two banks, each bank being charged independently of the other. They are charged with a motor generator which is connected with the Traction company's line. The battery will need to be charged every four or five days, and about six hours are needed for the charging. A fine switch board with modern appliances has been put in, and the whole system is in up-to-date condition.
In relation to the alarm system as it now is, Mr. McCarthy states that it is in excellent working order and compares very favorably with other cities of the state.
In charge of Prayer Meeting at Presbyterian Church.
Speaks of the General Work of the Army and of the Local Work—Saloons Visited—Friends Looked Up—The Weekly Meetings—Conversions Frequent—Financial Side of the Work.
About once a year the Salvation Army seeks to present its work at each one of the churches of the city, both for the sake of informing the public of what is being done by the local corps in the home work and also in the hopes of securing financial assistance to carry on the work. Last night the Salvationists were present in a body at the prayer meeting of the Presbyterian church, and after Scripture reading and prayer by the pastor, took charge of the service.
An address was made by Captain W. H. Boorman, who since last November has been in charge of the work in Cortland, and it was of great interest to all of the large congregation present. Captain Boorman has been in Salvation Army work for fifteen years, for the first six years in England, of which country he is a native. Nine years ago General Booth sent him to Canada and subsequently he was transferred to the United States. He related many incidents that had come under his personal observation showing the work of the Army, and how it is able to reach a class of people the church seems powerless to get at. The object of the church and the Army is the same—the salvation of souls—and the latter is simply supplementary to the former and an aid to it. The flag and the drum may seem to many out of place in worship, but they serve to attract notice and to bring passersby to a halt, and thus very many times helpful words come to ears that would never under other circumstances think of listening.
The Local Work.
In reference to the local work Captain Boorman said that at least once every week every saloon in the city is visited, and in every place of this kind but one the representatives of the Army are treated respectfully and even cordially. They are frequently asked to look up and find some son or brother or husband who has disappeared and is believed to be at some of these places drunk and get him home. They had such a request last night and after the meeting they were to separate and go to different saloons to search for him till he was found. They have a good attendance at their Saturday night meetings and on Sunday nights the room is filled to the doors and people are frequently turned away. Some one may ask why do people go there who would never go to a church. The Captain said frankly that in many instances he could not tell. In some cases he thought there was a feeling that if one were to go to church he must wear better clothes than he need to in coming to the Salvation Army hall.
Some Statistics.
Captain Boorman gave statistics showing the number of conversions in this county last year through the work of the Salvation Army. There were a number of conversions in Cortland. Some may fall back, but more continue to lead a life of usefulness and respectability and, though here and there a back- slider is found, it is well worth the effort for the sake of the one saved. Statistics were also given to show how little it costs to support this work, and how cheaply the Salvationists live. A slum girl in New York is supported for $2 a week. A girl can be kept at the Rescue House for three months for $25. Every officer is obliged to see that all his local expenses are paid, such as hall rent, gas, heat, etc., before he is permitted to take one cent of salary from his receipts. Consequently the local Salvationists have only been to secure enough to live upon, and part of this support has come from kind friends. But how much more work could be done if there could be a little better financial support.
During the course of the evening Mrs. Boorman sang a fine soprano solo with violin accompaniment by Mrs. Lawrence, and Mrs. Boorman and Mrs. Lawrence also sang some duets.
No collection was taken at this service but baskets were placed near the doors and al the conclusion of the service an opportunity was given to any who cared to do so to deposit anything they liked in the baskets. A little over $13 was realized and was turned over to the local corps.
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Miss Mary F. Hendrick, English Teacher, Cortland Normal School. |
—The last case of smallpox was discharged from the Binghamton hospital Wednesday. The epidemic coat the city government $8,500.
—The Normal school closed this afternoon for a week's vacation, beginning again on Monday, April 21. This is the middle of the spring term and the Easter vacation is postponed till this time.
—The funeral of the late Frank C. Welch will be held at his late home near McGraw on Sunday at 2 o'clock P. M., Rev. E. J. Noble officiating. Burial at the Cortland Rural cemetery.
—The representatives of the different clubs in the city meet tonight at Miss M. F. Hendrick's, 10 Church-st., to take preliminary steps toward the organization of a civic club and to hear the reports of committees previously appointed.
—A regular meeting of the Men's Bible class of the Presbyterian church will be held this evening at the home of Mr. T. H. Wickwire, 55 Tompkins-st. Miss Lucy I. March and Mr. Robert Kelsey of Oswego will sing several solos during the course of the evening.
—New display advertisements today are—Mutual Life Insurance Co., Life Insurance, page 4; M. A. Case. Dry goods, page 6; F. E. Brogden, Celery Bitters, page 7; C. F. Thompson, Groceries, etc., page 6; H. W. Mitchell, Meats, page 5; A. S. Burgess, Spring clothing, page 8; New York Store, Dry goods, millinery, etc., page 5.
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