Cortland Evening Standard, Monday, April 7, 1902.
Philippine Government Bill in Senate; Cuban Reciprocity in House.
Washington, April 7.—The expectations of friends of the Chinese exclusion bill is that its consideration by the senate will be concluded by the middle of the present week, if not before. The Philippine government bill will be taken up immediately afterward. This bill probably will occupy attention for a longer time than any measure since the Philippine tariff bill was passed, and the Democratic members of the committee on the Philippines are now very industriously engaged in preparing for the debate. They do not profess to be able to defeat the measure but say they will make strenuous efforts to secure material amendments. They object to various features of the bill and will charge that its primary purpose is to permit the granting of franchises.
They also will take exception to the unqualified continuance of the administration of affairs of the archipelago without making any provision looking to any form of self-government for the Philippine people. Other points of controversy will be the disposition of the friars' lands and of the public lands. Strangely enough, in view of the recent controversies, the currency provision for the present at least seems to be the one feature on which there is harmony among all factions.
There is general preparation about the senate for the Cuban reciprocity bill, as it is already apparent that when it comes up for consideration in the senate its passage will be stubbornly resisted.
The conference on the oleomargarine bill probably will take place during the week, and as the senate made a vast number of amendments to the bill the conference may be somewhat prolonged.
In the House.
Washington, April 7.—The great battle over Cuban reciprocity which created such a protracted struggle among the Republicans both in caucus and in the committee on ways and means will be fought out on the floor of the house this week. The ultimate passage of the Payne bill providing for a 20 per cent reduction on the products of Cuba after the negotiation of a reciprocity treaty and the enactment of our immigration laws by the republic of Cuba, is regarded as a foregone conclusion, but the situation is a complicated one owing to the divisions among the Democrats as well as the Republicans.
How far the Republican opponents of the proposed legislation will carry their opposition is not definitely determined. The strength of this opposition has dwindled until it probably numbers less than 30. On the other hand, up to the present time a large majority of the Democrats favor the greatest possible freedom of trade with Cuba and would vote for a deeper cut than the ways and means bill proposes. Others like Newlands are in favor of the immediate annexation of the islands and quite a number under the lead of the Louisiana members will oppose strenuously any tariff concessions whatever.
It is hinted that the attitude of the Democrats in the senate who have fixed on a program of opposition there may result, before the vote is taken, in more unity of action on the part of the Democrats of the house. Some of the Republican opponents of the bill will speak against it but the leaders of the Republican opposition show a strong disinclination to participate in the debate on the ground that there is no hope of defeating the bill and that their speeches would become Democratic campaign material in the coming congressional campaign.
The bill will be brought up on Tuesday as a revenue bill, which is privileged under the rules.
The only amendments which will be held to be germane and in order will be those increasing or decreasing the amount of the concession and the leaders feel reasonably safe in the prediction that the caucus decision for 20 per cent reduction will stand. It is their hope that on the final vote the bill will be passed by Republican votes.
The Chinese exclusion bill, which will come to a final vote today, will command practically every vote in the house. The only question is as to how far the majority bill will be amended by the insertion of provisions to make it more in line with the more drastic substitute which has been offered by the minority.
◘ It is of course to the credit of King Edward that he has placed $150,000 at the disposal of the London authorities for the purpose of providing a dinner for 500,000 of the very poor in celebration of his coronation, though in the end the money comes out of those of his subjects who are able to pay taxes; but that does not materially matter. The regrettable thing is that there should exist in London so vast an army of poverty stricken creatures that half a million of them will accept a free dinner and thank God and the king for the charity.
◘ Anent the reports that the German ambassador to Washington was to get his walking papers for alleged conduct unbecoming a gentleman and diplomat, it may be observed that Dr. Theodor von Holleben is dining at the White House and that Mr. Emile Witte is not.
◘ The report that Turkey had refused to refund the ransom in the kidnapping case was disposed of by the announcement from the state department that no demand has been made on her for such action. Nevertheless the presumption as to what she will do when the demand is made is undoubtedly correct. [Delay.] It is the Turkish habit.
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Major General Oliver Otis Howard, post civil war. |
Thoroughly Opposed to the Idea—United States Needs Some of the Chinese as Special Laborers—An Opportunity to Gain Everlasting Friendship of Chinese Nation.
Major General Oliver Otis Howard, U. S. A., was in Cortland over Sunday to speak at the Y. M. C. A. anniversary exercises. The greater part of the last year has been spent upon the Pacific coast where he has been studying the Chinese question to a considerable extent. He is greatly interested in the Chinese exclusion bill now before Congress and is violently opposed to it in its present form. He was interviewed by a STANDARD man as to his opinions and ideas upon the subject and said:
The immigration or exclusion of the Chinese is now the question under consideration before the senate of the United States. The friends of these people who have personal acquaintance with so many of them, for there are 5,000 Christian Chinese in this country, are appealing to all fair minded men for help to lessen the hard and unjust features of the pending legislation. It is not the immigration of Chinese as a whole that they want, nor the influx of undesirable coolie labor, but proper equal regulation of our immigration laws and the just and equitable permission for Chinese merchants, students, boys and girls, and professional men to enter our country with their wives and families. They have not assimilated with our people or civilization because this has not been permitted under the present laws of the United States. Many of the Chinese already here say, "Give us a chance and we will settle and become good permanent citizens."
The proposed law now pending in Congress is unfair and unjust to a friendly and especially weak nation. Think of throwing a citizen of England, Germany or even Japan into jail for stepping foot on our shore. We might exclude them by law, but if they knowingly entered as the Chinese do, it would be impossible to treat them as we do the Chinese—cast them into prison, heap upon them indignities and maltreat them as criminals—without going to war; but China can not retaliate and so this treatment is wholly un-American in principle, certainly being unfair class legislation.
Our people should awake to their own interests and write their representatives immediately to modify this proposed exclusion law. Our interests are affected in many ways. The coming St. Louis exposition already sees the valuable Chinese exhibit excluded. The steamship and transportation companies see their business much affected by the prohibition to employ Chinese sailors; and the agriculturists of the Pacific coast have appealed for help, as they say that Chinese labor on their farms and in their vineyards has become a necessity. We know of the great need on the Pacific coast of domestic servants whose positions are so ably filled by the Chinese and which is not cheap labor at $25, $30 and $40 per month in these positions.
The lack of the proper development of the great Northwest is due, say a great many able writers to the lack of proper labor which can so easily be furnished by the Chinese and still not be in competition with our own laboring people. Our own labor unions should be protected, but they should not be allowed to prevent the proper development of a portion of our great country.
Is it generally known that very neatly all of the Chinese in this country, which hardly number over 100,000, have come from but one province, that of Canton? Why then fear an influx of an overwhelming number of orientals? They are more tenacious of their own land than we are, for the Anglo-Saxon race have migrated pushing out and occupying territory all over the world, and even to their shame deprived native populations of their rightful heritage.
It was intended in the present law that only the coolie laboring class of Chinese should be excluded. There were certain specified classes such as merchants, students and the like exempted from the provisions of law, but under the decision of the treasury department the law has been interpreted very narrowly and all classes not happening to be mentioned in that exemption are classed as coolie labor and prevented from entering though they might be desirable immigrants from a business point of view. For example, a student is interpreted to mean one who has graduated at some institution and so all boys desiring admittance for the purpose of studying English are prohibited entrance. Wives of all Chinese men now in this country should be permitted to join their husbands. This has been denied even to the wife of a student at Yale, for the president and the members of the faculty of that university applied by letter to the secretary of the treasury.
Already large numbers of our citizens see the advantage of the admission of Chinese, under certain restrictions, to our shores as is shown by the resolutions passed by the boards of trade of San Francisco, Portland, and other coast cities.
Of course the Chinese are often anxious to enter our country, but in most cases they are urged to do so and are guided by white men known as steerers. These men called steerers receive large commissions for supplying Chinese for various trades in our cities. Their methods are underhanded and corrupt. Such a law as is now proposed and pending before congress fosters such corruption. Lawyers and others bleed the Chinamen of their money purporting to assist them, while others less scrupulous blackmail these poor men until it is impossible for them to do business or even stay when they are properly here. Then there are the large class of government officials ready and seeking to pounce upon them to show their superior officers their zeal in executing the law, but are pushed by money or receive perjured testimony which is obtained by bribery. The Chinese testimony is not admissible under the law, so this law engenders all these corrupt practices and is a stain upon our honor as a Christian nation.
Besides all these reasons for the [enactment] of a just and equitable immigration law and not a single expulsion law from the business point of view, there are the more humanitarian and Christian reasons of doing unto others as we would be done by, especially as we are soon to negotiate a new treaty with China and ask China to give us fair and equal trading privileges with other nations. It is folly and it is wickedness to make hundreds of millions inimical where now we can make them friends.
Barber Shop Refitted.
Mr. W. F. Hughes of the Alhambra barber shop has added much to the comfort of his patrons by securing new furniture for his place. A new Georgia pine floor has also been added.
The New Reservoir for Ithaca's System of Water Works.
The Ithaca Journal of Saturday speaks as follows of the new reservoir to be built in that city to supply water:
When the 90-foot dam to be built by the Ithaca Water company in Six Mile Creek is completed, a lake about a mile long and with varying widths will fill up what is now a valley between the hills through which the small stream flows. The lake will greatly change the appearance of the gorge above Van Natta's mill.
The new impounding reservoir, practically a dam, will be built some distance from the plant. It will join two rock banks. When the water is checked and reaches the level of 90 feet it will back up beyond what is known as Potter's Fall. This fall is about 70 feet high. When the lake is formed the falls will disappear.
A large amount of land on either side of the stream will be purchased by the Water company in order to form the lake. It is estimated that something like 700,000,000 gallons of water will be contained in the area. With the estimated consumption of 4,000,000 gallons daily, it will be seen that this lake would hold a supply which in dry weather would hold out for at least four months.
—The Wide Awake Literary club will meet tomorrow evening with Mrs. P. A. Bunnell, 58 Fitz-ave.
—The Loyal Circle of King's Daughters will meet Tuesday, April 8, at 3 o'clock at the home of Miss Mary Oday, 76 Raiłroad-st.
—Mrs. H. C. Cleaves entertained about twenty-five lady friends last Friday afternoon at a 6 o'clock tea. A very enjoyable occasion is reported.
—"The Actors' Holiday" is booked for the Opera House on Saturday night of this week and Prof. John Reynolds, the mesmerist, for all of next week except Friday night.
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