Cortland Evening Standard, Wednesday, April 9, 1902.
Transport Service From San Francisco.
Waste in Buying Materials—No Adequate Supervision of Repairs—Lack of Methods of Subordinates—Favoritism to Certain Firms—Methods Have Been Improved.
Washington, April 9.—Secretary Root sent an answer to the house resolution, adopted on March 15, calling upon him for all facts that have come to his knowledge as to the conduct of the transport service between San Francisco and the Philippine islands. The answer includes the reports of Inspector General Chamberlain and Lieutenant Colonel Maus.
Major General S. M. B. Young, in transmitting the report of Lieutenant Colonel Chamberlain, submits an analysis of the report showing no adequate supervision to any feature of the fitting out of transports for a long time after the service was inaugurated. General Young said:
"In the case of the 'Hancock' involving an expenditure approximating if not amounting to half a million dollars, the matter of indicating needed repairs was put into the hands of officials unknown to transport regulations, under verbal orders and plenary power given by the honorable secretary of war to insure more sanitary arrangements on that transport."
General Young also specifies the case of "an inexperienced man, who knew nothing about paints, being employed to supervise painting, in a business where the painting bill of a single firm in two years and two months amounted to $343,074."
In other respects, it is stated, the report shows that work was given out and supplies for general use, such as the fitting up of cabins, were purchased without due regard habitually to the protection of the government's interest.
Prices paid for material were often strikingly in excess of the then current market prices for the same articles of like quality, and supplies were purchased in open market without advertising. It is further stated in General Young's summary that "preference seems to have been shown special firms to the point of ordering from them articles out of their line of business, these firms at the same time charging exorbitant prices, to the extent in a few instances of 100 per cent in excess of ruling market rates."
In his conclusion Colonel Chamberlain says most of the abuses were unavoidable and that there has been gradual improvement. He says that there are but three firms in San Francisco equipped for extensive repair work and that they had an understanding among themselves by which there has been no real competition. He says one of the most notable abuses has been the use of the great quantities of high priced disinfectants. "The transport Thomas," he says," used $9,295 worth on five trips. He says there also has been an excessive use of high priced patent cleaning and polishing material, the Thomas using $3,243 worth in five trips. He adds that this abuse has been remedied.
He says further on that the transport Meade was purchased when 27 years old for $400,000 and she has since received $580,000 in repairs.
In a report dated Aug. 20, 1901, Colonel Oscar F. Long, general superintendent of army transport service at San Francisco, answers Colonel Chamberlain's inspection report. He points out the magnitude of the service, suddenly brought into existence and the systematizing of affairs as fast as possible. He says the service has survived the period when it was most subject to criticism and that now its methods and means have acquired success.
The numerous other reports enclosed from Colonels Maus and Sanger and from a great number of subordinate officers all seem to agree that the abuses are the result of lack of method on the part of subordinates.
There is no charge affecting official integrity.
The withholding of these reports from the senate military committee subjected the secretary to criticism by the minority members at Monday's meeting. It appears that the secretary held that according to the exact language of the senate resolution these reports were not asked for.
The house resolution was in general terms calling for "all facts that have come to his knowledge as to the conduct of the transport service," so the secretary has included these two reports in the papers submitted to the house yesterday.
Brought Together by the Thousand for South Africa.
St. Joseph, Mo., April 9.—Britlsh officers at Lathrop, Mo., 40 miles southeast, in charge of the British remount commission, fear an investigation will be ordered and they may be compelled to close the business they are carrying on here. They have bought 1,800 acres of land and have leased 8,000 acres more. Major J. Moore of the British army is in charge. Last year 47,939 horses and mules were shipped from here to South Africa. This year 72,000 have been shipped. There are now 5,000 horses and mules on hand and a shipment will be made this week.
A Wonder of Surgery.
The wonders of surgery grow more marked each
year, or rather perhaps because so many wonderful operations are now so
commonly performed, they excite less surprise each time than a lesser
accomplishment would have done in former days. But to cut away a section of a
back bone and replace it and to have the patient survive the operation and have
a fair prospect of recovery is unheard of and still makes one almost gasp for
wonder. But still this is exactly what has happened in the case of Mrs. Frank
C. Moran of 103 West 78th-st., New York City. The lady had been suffering for
some time and her life was despaired of. Dr. Cornelius Dumont, the family physician,
consulted Dr. Frankel, who diagnosed the case as a tumor growing against the
spinal cord. It was found that in order to get to the tumor in the place Dr.
Frankel had located it, a section of the backbone would have to be removed, and
Dr. Hartley, wielding the knife, cut out a section nearly 8 inches in length. A
tumor was found pressing against the spinal cord at the spot described by Dr.
Frankel and this was cut out. It is expected Mrs. Moran will recover.
New Contract Presented to the Common Council.
Several Changes Suggested from Former Contract—Water Company Makes Concessions from First Demands—Term is for Ten Years, Option to City of Ten Years More—Seemed Satisfactory to Common Council—Contract to be Drawn on That Basis.
At the adjourned meeting of the common council last evening an agreement was reached between the city and the Cortland Water Works company. This will be reduced to contract form at once by City Attorney Fred Hatch and will be ready for final action at the regular meeting of the common council next Tuesday night.
The proposed changes in the contract with the company are: First, that the city shall pay for sewer flushing at the rate of 6 cents per 1,000 gallons; second, that a half rate shall be paid for schools; third, that a minimum rate of $5 be charged for kitchen faucets when a meter is used; fourth, that a flat rate of $6 for kitchens be charged in all cases where no meter is used. The contract is to be for ten years.
City Attorney Hatch stated that he had been busy since the last meeting negotiating with the company in the matter, and while the rates for water to flush the sewers had seemed too small to the water company, yet it had consented to it. The contract would also wipe out all claims of the company against the city for excess of water used in the sewers during the last few years, which they claimed was $19,500. He said that in the matter of flushing the sewers, the company bad given an option between the 6 cent meter rate and a flat rate of $1,000 per year. He had talked with the members of the board of public works in regard to sewer flushing, because their board had to pay the bills, and these seemed to be in favor of the meter rate. He said that the company had come down from 10 cents to 6 cents per 1,000 gallons.
Mr. B. F. Taylor of the Water company was present. In regard to the 6 cent rate he said that it had been shown that the sewers could be kept clear by using 30,000 gallons of water per day. This would cost $1.80 by the day, or $657 a year. He held also that the more there are who use the sewers, the less water it will take to flush them, and he thought that in a few years the sewers could be kept open with much less water than at present.
He said that the company would insist upon a small rate for schools merely to induce the schools to be more economical in the use of water. He said that when they were giving the schools free water they would keep the faucets turned on all day, allowing the water to run to waste. The half rate would cost about $25 per year for each of the four schools. The half rate is 2 cents for each 100 gallons.
In regard to the $5 minimum rate for meters, Mr. Taylor said that formerly there was no minimum rate and a few people used only a little water, some as low as 40 cents worth in a year. He thought the company ought not to be obliged to keep an account and make collections four times each year for such small sums. He thought this rate would affect not more than a half dozen people.
In relation to changing the flat rate for kitchens to $6 in all cases, he said that when the company gave a $5 rate to five-room houses there was much dissatisfaction among the customers. Those who had to pay $6 could not understand why they did not get water at the same rates as some one else. This rate, he thought, would affect about four or five families.
The aldermen favored the meter rates and also gave it as their opinion that Superintendent Becker should have charge of the sewers and make the inspections. They urged that the amount of water had been cut down to as low as 26,000 gallons a day under his direction.
The rates for hotels, boarding houses, shops, offices, restaurants, stores, laundries, etc., will remain the same in the new contract as they are in the old one. The hydrant rentals will be $33.33, as under the old contract.
Alderman Richards thought that a clause should be inserted in the contract giving the city the option to renew at the end of ten years for a period of ten years longer. Attorney Hatch held that such a clause would be binding on the water company, and optional with the city to accept. Mr. Taylor consented to this part of the contract.
The city attorney suggested that a clause should be inserted annulling the agreement should the city at any time decide to build its own water works. This was strongly urged by Mayor Brown, but some of the aldermen claimed that the clause should be left out in order to protect the pavements against further piping. This matter was left to the city attorney to adjust.
In relation to the rate for sewer flushing the city attorney said that the company had been generous in their charges. He knew that it had just refused a 100,000 gallon per day contract from a railroad company at a 5 1/2 cent rate. This he thought verified Mr. Taylor's statement that the company was not seeking large revenues from the city, but trying to use its water economically.
An expression of the aldermen in regard to the four changes in the contract was taken and all of them favored the terms that the city attorney had made, and he was authorized to draw up a contract.
Alderman Richards said that two more fire alarm boxes were needed in the south section of the city. He stated that there is no box that is available south of Union-st.
And a Suggestion for the Welfare of the City.
To the Editor of The Standard:
Sir—A half decayed banana lay on the sidewalk in front of one of the fruit shops on Main-st. Whether it had been thrown there by the proprietor of the shop in order to rid his stand of unsalable fruit, or dropped by a disappointed buyer, makes little difference; it lay, soft, silent, slippery, and dangerous, waiting for its victim, who was not long in appearing. A group of people returning from an evening gathering approached; the electric lights burned low, the banana lay very still waiting, as a trap awaits the unsuspecting mouse. One of the group—a lady—set her foot upon it unawares, was thrown violently to the pavement, and received an injury to the knee from which she has not yet recovered, though some weeks have passed. This is but one of many similar occurrences.
Why is it that civilized human beings, who claim to value the lives of their fellows, constantly betray their real indifference to their safety by laying snares for them on the common thoroughfares? A banana or orange skin on the sidewalk is a continual menace, yet men, eating fruit on the street, carelessly drop the refuse at their feet, instead of taking the very slight trouble of throwing it beyond the curb, in lack of provision on the part of the city of a better receptacle for garbage. Certainly the sidewalk is not that receptacle.
In the name of common cleanliness, and of a proper regard for others, let the walks be kept free from such deposits. We cannot call ourselves a truly civilized community, while such slovenliness and indifference to public safety continue to be practiced. If each individual would form a purpose to make the world a little cleaner than it would otherwise have been, and to leave it, at least, no worse for his having lived in it, what an improved state of things we should soon find, and with an incalculably small outlay of trouble, and little or no expense.
The walks can be kept safe and comparatively clean, first, by dropping no fruit or other refuse upon them; second, by ejecting saliva or tobacco juice across the curb, and third by removing from them by a thrust of the foot, any dangerous or unsightly object already deposited there. Even as trifling an act as this is a long step toward better conditions. ***
Cortland, April 8, 1902.
Paper by N. H. Gillette Before the Cortland Science Club.
Mr. N. H. Gillette before the Cortland Science club last Saturday evening gave a clear and comprehensive view of the modern theory of world making. He called attention to the fact that it is only 400 years since mankind began to have an intelligent comprehension of the planetary system. Two thousand years ago it was rank heresy to even intimate that the earth was not the center of the universe. The leader of the then new theory of the solar system was Copernicus, who assumed that the earth and all the planets revolved about the sun as a center. He escaped the customary fate of reformers by dying, but the illustrious Galileo who confirmed with his telescope the theories of Copernicus was made to suffer a long and distressing imprisonment.
After paying further tribute to the great men who laid the foundations of the knowledge of astronomy Mr. Gillette turned his attention to the process of world making. It takes matter to make worlds. In what condition was matter before worlds were made? We know of what the earth is made and were it vaporized by heat such a vapor would be called fire mist, occupying an infinitely larger space than it now occupies.
It would be interesting to inquire what matter was before it was a fire mist. There is no known remoter condition of matter than as mere vapor or gas. All terrestrial substances are capable of volatilization, so by reversing conditions all gases may be liquefied and then consolidated. Counting the fire mist as the first stage, the nebulous would be the second. Gravitation now exists. Matter even in its finest state was endowed with motion. Gravitation will give us a formation of centers. We shall get a rotation due to the existence of motion. As the condensation goes on rotation is accelerated; the motions of the particles of dust would be more violent; the collisions would produce more heat, and therefore more light. This stage is called the nebulous.
Taking the solar system as typical of all systems this nebula first condensed into a nebulous star, the star being the sun. As the fiery atmosphere contracted and became condensed through the loss of heat by radiation into space, and under the combined attraction of gravity, cohesion and affinity, its speed of rotation increased; and the nebulous envelope became by the centrifugal force, flattened into a thin disk which finally broke up into rings, out of which were formed the planets and their moons.
Mr. Gillette then took a survey of the planets individually, giving the notable features and discoveries concerning them, and closed with an account of his visit last summer to the Lick observatory, on Mt. Hamilton in California, through whose great telescope he viewed some of the wonders of the starry heavens.
—A regular meeting of the L. O. T. M. will be held Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock.
—The regular meeting of the Kindergarten association will be postponed until May 8, owing to the Normal vacation.
—There seems to be a fad among the boys at present of training their dogs to drive and to draw a cart. At least a half dozen turnouts of this kind may be seen almost any day upon the smooth asphalt pavement. Some of the dogs drive very well indeed.
—Mrs. F. D. Smith entertained a number of ladies yesterday afternoon at her home, 6 Argyle Place, in honor of her sister Mrs. Theodora Perkins of Canandaigua. Progressive whist was in order and there were thirteen tables of players. Refreshments were served.
—New display advertisements today are—M. W. Giles, House furnishing goods, page 7; S. Simmons, Spring clothing, page 6; Smith & Beaudry, Wall paper, page 6; C. F. Brown, Paints and varnishes, page 6; Opera House, "Are You a Mason?" page 5; Baker & Angell, Boys' shoes, page 7.
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