Cortland Evening Standard, Tuesday, April 8, 1902.
He Never Gave Major Waller Power of Life and Death.\
Tells of the Capture of Insurgent General Lukban—Difficulties of the Expedition—Tour of Inspection of Mindanao and Samar—General Chaffee to Receive Gueverra's Surrender.
Manila, April 8.—General Jacob H. Smith, commanding the American forces in the island of Samar, was the only witness yesterday at the trial of Major Waller of the marine corps by court martial.
General Smith denied that he ever gave Major Waller power of life and death exceeding general order No. 100. He said he received the first news of the killings at Basey, where Major Waller and Lieutenant Day of the marine corps, are charged with having killed three natives, from General Chaffee. General Smith explained that his order to Major Waller about not being burdened with prisoners meant that he should disarm and release those prisoners who were not charged with serious offences. He said that he did not understand the meaning of Major Waller's telegram about ''expending 11 prisoners."
The official report of Lieutenant Strebler of the Philippine scouts on the capture of the insurgent General Lukban has been published and is endorsed by General Smith. The latter considers the report to be concise and graphic. It is impossible for any one not acquainted with the island of Samar, says General Smith, to realize the difficulties and hardships of the expedition. Strebler's command is entitled to the highest praise for one of the most important captures ever made in the Philippines. General Smith strongly recommends that Strebler be given a commission as first Lieutenant in the regulars and that Sergeant Lora be made a second Lieutenant of the native scouts. These recommendations have been endorsed by General Wade and approved by General Chaffee. General Chaffee thinks, however, that congressional action may be required in order to obtain the desired commission for second Lieutenant Strebler. He has already given Sergeant Lora a commission as second lieutenant in the scouts.
Generals Chaffee and Sanger left here on board the United States Gunboat Princeton, on a tour of inspection to the Zamboanga district of the island of Mindanao and the island of Samar. They will probably be absent until after April 15, upon which date Gueverra, Lukban's successor in Samar, will surrender.
Re-Enacts All Existing Laws and Extends Them to Colonies.
Washington, April 8.—The house passed the Chinese exclusion bill after having incorporated in it several amendments which increased the drastic character of the measure. The principal one not only excludes Chinese by birth and descent but all Chinese of mixed blood. The chief struggle was over an amendment to prohibit the employment of Chinese sailors on American ships. An amendment covering this proposition was ruled out at first on a point of order but was subsequently modified to evade the ruling and was adopted 100 to 74.
As passed the bill practically reenacts all the existing exclusion laws and incorporates with them the existing treasury regulations. It extends these exclusion laws to the Philippines and other possessions of the United States and forbids Chinese laborers in our colonial possessions from coming into this country. By the terms of the bill the Philippine commission is directed to adopt proper measures for the enforcement of the provisions of the bill in the Philippines.
The conference report on the war revenue tax repeal bill was adopted and the bill sent to the White House.
Late in the day Mr. Fowler moved the passage of the senate bill to extend the charters of national banks for 20 years, under suspension of the rules. The Democrats were taken completely by surprise. As it was after the usual hour for adjournment and the attendance was slim the Democrats attempted to filibuster but a call of the house finally secured a quorum and the bill was passed.
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John Truck. |
Make a Careful Examination of John Truck.
Dr. Pilgrim and Dr. Talcott Spend Several Hours With the Murderer Upon Two Separate Days—Testimony Also Taken from All Who Have Watched the Man And His Actions Since He Has Been in Prison.
Auburn, April 8.—Governor Odell will know tonight whether or not John Truck, the Cortland man convicted of murder in the first degree and sentenced to die in the electric chair at the prison here, some time during the week beginning May 5, is sane. The examination which the governor ordered made was completed today and Dr. Charles W. Pilgrim, superintendent of the Hudson river hospital and Dr. Selden H. Talcott of the Middletown state hospital have forwarded to the state executive the verdict of their examination. The alienists came to this city late yesterday afternoon and for four hours they had Truck under their careful and skilled eyes.
Testimony of those who had watched over the man and knew of his actions since he has been in the prison was taken and this occupied the rest of the day. This morning the examining physicians were at the prison again and for over an hour the condemned man was carefully examined. When this was over the physicians dictated their reports to Warden Mead's stenographer, John N. Ross, and he at once made a typewritten report which was at once mailed to Governor Odell. Neither Dr. Pilgrim nor Dr. Talcott wished to say anything about the man's condition. They spoke of the examination, but said they did not want to make the result public until it had been received by the governor, which will be this evening.
Introduced in the Appeal for Clemency for John Truck.
In the appeal for clemency for John Truck, the condemned murderer of Frank W. Miller, which was made before Governor Odell last week Attorney McCrahon introduced two affidavits, one by Michael M. Mara, clerk of the surrogate's court of Onondaga county, and the other by Attorney Alexander E. Oberlander of Syracuse.
In his affidavit Clerk Mara said that in 1875 he worked on a farm with Truck for Hiram Lewis at Otisco, N. Y., and became well acquainted with him. Mr. Mara says that at that time Truck was given to the habit of relating wild and strange stories of experiences he claimed to have had on the prairies in the West hunting buffalos and wild animals. Truck claimed he had traveled all over the United States, grossly exaggerating and lying with no aim or object in view, and for no other apparent purpose than to entertain those who might be listening. In the evening after the day's work was done, Mr. Mara says Truck related time and time again stories of wild adventures and dangerous places and narrow escapes of times, things and places where he never was. Mr. Mara says he never considered Truck of sound mind. He had heard Mrs. Lewis say that Truck's condition of mind was supposed to have been brought about by an injury received by him in the head. Mr. Mara states that at the time of Truck's trial he felt confident Truck would not be convicted of murder on the theory that Truck was insane, and that he regrets now that he did not volunteer as a witness in Truck's behalf.
Attorney Oberlander in his affidavit said that as a young man he spent his summer vacation at Otisco and that Truck was commonly called by the boys in the town as "Foolish John." At the time of the trial Attorney Oberlander did not know that Truck was the one who had lived at Otisco, and for that reason he was not called as a witness for Truck. He says that Conrad Litz, now confined in the Onondaga county house is a half brother of Truck's mother, and that Litz is foolish and that he is irrational on the subject of marriage.
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Attorney Orris U. Kellogg. |
Board of Public Works Considers Further Paving.
Macadamize Remainder of Port Watson-st. and Thus Provide Means for Carrying Off Surplus Water—C. W. Collins Would Also Improve Clinton-ave. Sewer Extension.
The matter of caring for the surface water in the eastern portion of the city occupied the attention of the board of public works last evening. A petition signed by Mrs. Julia E. Hyatt and stating that water had been diverted from its course on South Main and Tompkins-sts., down Port Watson-st. and upon her land on the corner of Hyatt and Port Watson-sts., was read. Immediate action to restore the land to its former condition was demanded.
Hon. O. U. Kellogg came before the board and said that he had a suggestion or two to make. He reviewed the causes of the overflow of water in the section referred to, and stated that it is very evident that the city, must take action in the matter of carrying the water to the river. He said that the Blodgett Mills road from the south line of the corporation to the Lackawanna railroad would without doubt be improved the coming season under the Higby-Armstrong act, and he suggested that the city pave Port Watson-st. from the end of the asphalt pavement to the bridge with the same materials that the state uses in constructing macadamized roads. In doing this the street would be graded and gutters would be provided sufficient for carrying off all the water. The cost of these roads is about $6,000 per mile, and it was his impression that such a pavement could be put in for less money than a sluiceway independent of it could be built for, and the road, which is always in bad condition, would be placed in a very satisfactory condition besides.
He also suggested that the same kind of a pavement be built to connect Port Watson-st. with the strip of road to be built by the state, which will be extended only to the south line of the corporation. About two-thirds of the expense of building that strip, he said, would fall upon himself, but the residents all along the road to Blodgett Mills would ask that the road be improved all the way from the railroad crossing south of his place to Blodgett Mills, if the city would fix the road within its limits between the city line and the asphalt pavement.
In speaking of the strip of road that is to be built this summer from the city line to the Lackawanna crossing, Mr. Kellogg intimated that an overhead crossing would be constructed at the point where the road crosses the Lackawanna tracks and goes over the hill toward Blodgett Mills. This is a particularly bad crossing, and such an arrangement would meet with most hearty approval.
In regard to the right of the city to build a pavement of this kind, Mr. Kellogg said that there was no question as to the city's right to determine upon the kind of pavement that should be built. He said that there is no one on Port Watson-st. who would be embarrassed by having to pay his share of such a pavement.
The members of the board expressed much satisfaction at the idea. The board is fully aware that something must be done with the water in that section, and is only waiting to find the best way to deal with the matter. A resolution directing the clerk to write to Messrs. Allen & Farrington for an estimate of the cost of paving the street as suggested was unanimously passed.
Mr. C. W. Collins said that the residents of Clinton-ave. had also thought of paving that street with macadam, and some of the members of the board were of the impression that it made a much better roadway than asphalt.
Mr. Kellogg also spoke of the sewer outlet, stating that it was not at a point in the river that the agreement with him called for, and that the sewer refuse dammed back into the outlet of a small stream as it now is. He also complained of sewage leaking out at manholes on his premises, and of the gates near Port Watson-st. bridge being opened and thus allowing sewerage to enter the river at that point. Mr. J. E. Lonergan asked for permission to move a building from 29 North Main-st. to his lot on East Main-st. He supplied a bond in the sum of $5,000, with L. J. Fitzgerald, B. F. Taylor and J. F. Dowd as securities, and the permission was granted.
Mr. J. A. White came before the board and urged that sewer extension be made on East Main-st. He stated that he thought every resident on the street would sign a petition to the effect that they would connect with the sewer if built, and that he would circulate a petition of that nature.
A letter from Allen & Farrington, stating that they would give sidewalk rates for 11.50 each, was read. The matter was referred to Superintendent Becker.
Briggs Brothers Receive the Finest Lot They Have Had.
Briggs Brothers of Homer have just received another carload of horses, the finest lot they have had this year. They have matched pairs, general purpose horses and roadsters, also several fine single drivers. For sale at the stables on James-st., Homer, N. Y. [Paid ad.]
A Long Time Resident of Cortland County Passes Away.
Mrs. Sally Blanchard, one of the oldest residents of Cortland county, died at about 7 o'clock Sunday morning at her homeat 80 Tompkins-st., of old age, aged 92 years and 6 months. The funeral will be held from the home of her daughter, Mrs. N. J. Parsons, 88 Tompkins-st. tomorrow at 2 o'clock p. m.
Mrs. Blanchard was born in the town of Truxton in 1809 and had lived in Cortland county all her life. Her maiden name was Sally Harris. In 1835 she married J. M. Blanchard of Truxton, who died in Cortland in 1881. In 1866 they moved to the brick house on Tompkins-st., beyond the Lehigh Valley tracks. In 1876 they moved to 80 Tompkins-st., where they both died.
She is survived by four children, Mrs. J. M. Webster of Baltimore, Mr. W. T. Blanchard and Mrs. Parsons of Cortland, and Mr. J. H. Blanchard of Baltimore, all of whom are in Cortland to attend the funeral.
Mrs. Blanchard had been in failing health for nearly a year and her death was not unexpected. She was a devout member of the Universalist church of this city, and had been identified with it for nearly forty years.
—A regular meeting of the Royal Arcanum council will be held at G. A. R. hall at 8 o'clock tonight.
—The Ladies' Literary club will meet tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 o'clock with Mrs. F. W. Higgins, 61 Lincoln-ave.
—The first eclipse of the sun for this year occurs today. It is but partial and is invisible except in the extreme northern part of this continent and in Greenland.
—Mr. Lynn Way and Miss Fannie Harkness, both of Cortland, were married last Saturday evening by Rev. G. E. T. Stevenson at the home of the officiating clergyman, 16 Argyle Place.
—Cortland Chapter, No. 194, R. A. M., will confer the P. and M. E. degrees on a large class at their regular convocation Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. After the work light refreshments will be served.
—Miss Emma M. Benedict died last Sunday night, and was burled this afternoon in the Cortland Rural cemetery. She is survived by two brothers, Attorney Byron A. Benedict and Henry B. Benedict both of this city.
—The examination of James McCabe, the bartender at the Arlington hotel, who is charged with alleged violation of the excise laws, was held in city court yesterday. The decision was reserved until the evidence is signed.
—New display advertisements today are—A. S. Burgess, Clothing, page 8; Bingham & Miller, Clothing, page 7; New York Store, Dry goods, etc., page 6; W. W. Bennett. Sterling ranges, page 7; Opera House, "The Actors' Holiday," page 8; Opera House, John Reynolds, page 5; H. W. Mitchell, Meats, page 5; Cortland Fish & Oyster Co., Oysters, etc., page 5; Mutual Life Insurance Co., Life Insurance, page 7.
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