Cortland Evening Standard, Friday, April 4, 1902.
Abner McKinley Would Have No Dealing With Walter Christmas.
Says No Congressman Was Ever Approached—Washington Lawyer Was to Get $50,000—Senator Lodge Makes Statement—Melville E. Stone Testifies—Niels Gron Again Heard.
Washington, April 4.—Mr. Hansen, the next witness before the house committee, said that his business was that of an attorney in New York. He said that in 1899, Christmas told him of the movement to sell the Danish islands to the United States and of Denmark's willingness to pay liberally in case of a sale. Christmas desired Hansen to act as counsel. Witness called on Abner McKinley and asked him if he would become associate counsel.
Mr. Hansen said that Mr. McKinley said that he would have nothing to do with the matter.
Later Hansen said he talked with Colonel Brown and requested him to ask the president if there was any intention of buying the Danish islands. Colonel Brown made the inquiry, the witness said, and was referred by the president to Secretary Hay. When Colonel Brown returned to New York he told Mr. Hansen that the United States did intend to buy the islands. Mr. Hansen then accepted Christmas' proposition, telling him, however, he desired no compensation except to be appointed attorney for Denmark later if the negotiations were successful.
Later Mr. Hansen said he refused to stand sponsor for Christmas and witness learned from Colonel Brown that the president desired no further dealing with Christmas.
Mr. Hansen stopped his testimony to allow Mr. Lodge to make a statement. The senator said Christmas spoke to him about the Danish transfer, but he told Christmas that there was no use of his staying here, because the Danish minister would attend to the negotiations. The senator specifically denied language attributed to him by the Christmas report.
Resuming his testimony Mr. Hansen told of learning afterward that Christmas had been clothed with authority by Denmark. Christmas wanted him to guarantee a contract of $50,000 to a Mr. Evans, this amount to come out of Christmas's expected compensation. Hensen endorsed the contract, the expectation being that Evans would act as counsel at Washington. Later, M. Hansen said, Christmas wrote Evans a sharp letter repudiating all connection with him. The witness stated with emphasis, in reply to Mr. Hitt, that from all his knowledge of the subject he was positive that no senator or representative ever had any personal interest in the negotiations or was ever approached.
Melville E. Stone, general manager of the Associated Press, testified next. He said that he had general charge of all news matters of the association and had full knowledge of all contracts and business affairs. In response to Mr. Dalzell's inquiries, Mr. Stone said he had never met Christmas, had never seen him and his only knowledge of the man was from the general gossip on the subject recently appearing. Mr. Dalzell asked if Christmas ever had any contract with the association. Mr. Stone answered that there was no such contract; there could not have been anything of the kind without his knowledge; the idea of such a contract was absurd.
August Reynert, a New York attorney, told of meeting Christmas and agreeing to act as counsel in the sale of the islands. Mr. Reynert said he never did any work and never received any pay.
Richard P. Evans, an attorney of this city, was next sworn. Christmas desired to employ his services, he said, in connection with the Danish matter and a contract was made. A copy of the contract was produced reciting that a contingent fee of $50,000 was to be paid Evans on the successful conclusion of the negotiations. The witness said he had never offered any inducement to any one in congress in connection with the matter.
Niels Gron made a brief supplementary statement, saying his sole mission was to place the facts before congress and the public, not to make bribery charges.
The committee then adjourned until Monday.
Progress of Wireless Telegraphy.
The progress of wireless telegraphy continues to interest the public mind, and there seems to be good ground for hope of its ultimate success as a practical means of communication.
Signor Marconi is again at work on this side of the ocean and work is to be pushed on the Nova Scotia station at Table Head. Meanwhile the full text of his agreement with the government of Canada has been published, and its provisions certainly indicate expectation on both sides that wireless telegraphy on a commercial basis is near at hand. Canada agrees to pay $80,000 toward the erection of a station in Nova Scotia and to accept the Marconi company's messages for transmission over the government's telegraph wires at as favorable terms as are given to any one. The company agrees to send messages between Canada and Great Britain as cheaply as between Great Britain and the United States and at rates which shall be at least 60 per cent less than those now charged on cable messages.
A curious statement comes from London that the British admiralty, which has employed the wireless system in naval maneuvers with excellent result, is inclined to oppose the commercial development of Marconi's system and that naval ships have received orders to intercept, if possible, messages sent by Marconi's secret system in order to show that the system is not, in fact, so far perfected as to prevent messages from being intercepted. From Germany comes the statement that the Arro-Slaby system of wireless telegraphy has been definitely adopted and that the German government has forbidden Signor Marconi from erecting stations on the German coast holding, it is said, that he is trying to obtain a world monopoly of wireless telegraphy when, in fact, apparatus not covered by his patents can be used with good results.
Thus in various ways and in distant quarters of the globe efforts are being made to get practical results, and the outlook for wireless telegraphy is encouraging.
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John Truck. |
Dr. Pilgrim and Dr. Talcott—Report on Prisoner's Mental Condition When Crime was Committed and At Present Time, and if Insane, to What Degree.
ALBANY, N. Y., April 4.—There was filed late yesterday afternoon with the secretary of state the appointments by Governor Odell of two prominent alienists to examine and report on the mental condition of John Truck, the condemned Cortland county murderer, now awaiting the infliction of the death penalty in Auburn prison.
The official document, as filed with the state department, names Dr. Charles W. Pilgrim of the Poughkeepsie State Hospital for the Insane, and Dr. Selden H. Talcott of the Middletown State Hospital for the Insane, as the commission which shall perform the delicate and responsible work assigned to it by the executive. The assignment of specialists to pass upon Truck's sanity is in accord with the request of his counsel, as set forth at the hearing before the governor in the executive chamber on Thursday morning, when an application was made for the commutation of the condemned man's sentence on the ground of insanity.
Dr. Pilgrim and Dr. Talcott are directed by Governor Odell to report the results of their inquiry and the conclusions arrived at to him in writing as speedily as possible.
The commissioners are to show in their report the prisoner's mental condition; also, whether or not he was insane at the time of the homicide of which he was convicted and if, in the opinion of the commissioners, he was then or is now insane, they are requested to state the nature and extent of such insanity.
The Captain Thought Less Than a Dozen No Audience.
Captain Louis de Villiers, who was to have discoursed on the Boer war at the Opera House last night, dismissed his audience of less than a dozen people after giving a short talk. It has been variously reported that the captain is in this country to keep an eye on the American Boer sympathizers in a general way, but more particularly to devote his attention to finding out what the Irishmen in this country are doing to help the Irish revolutionary party in Ireland, and to learn what he can of the secrets of the Clanna-Gael. He has been a mystery ever since he struck the United States, and the report is current that he is an English spy instead of a Boer partisan, as he represents himself.
Last night, after he dismissed the handful at the Opera House, he collected a crowd in the Cortland House and gave a bitter tirade upon the English treatment of the Boers. He signed the hotel register, "Captain Louis de Villiers, Boer or Briton (?), Pretoria, S. A." He is short and chunky, wears a short, stubby beard, and was dressed in a Khaki uniform.
James Hollenbeck Miscalculated the Distance or Speed.
James Hollenbeck of Caroline was struck yesterday morning by a northbound Lehigh Valley train about 3 miles south of Dryden [current Jim Schug Trail in Dryden, N. Y.—CC ed.] while trying to pass the crossing ahead of the train. It is believed that he miscalculated the distance and speed of the train, as there was nothing to obstruct the view and the engineer saw him looking at the approaching train and whipping up his horses. Both horses were killed and the wagon smashed. Hollenbeck was thrown a number of feet. One arm was broken, his right leg was badly fractured and his shoulder either severely dislocated or broken. There was also an ugly scalp wound.
The train was stopped and the injured man taken on board and brought to Dryden, where he was attended to by Dr. Montgomery. The physician thought his patient might possibly live. Hollenbeck is 35 years old and a widower.
Mourin, Wolfe & Co. of Homer Lease the Baldwin Place in Cortland.
Mourin, Wolfe & Co. of Homer, who conduct branch stores in Little York, Preble and Tully, have taken a three years' lease of the produce store of E. H. Baldwin at the Lehigh Valley crossing on Port Watson-st., and will take possession April 15. In addition to the produce business carried on by Mr. Baldwin, the new firm will handle feed.
The new Cortland dealers have been made agents for the Diamond mills of Buffalo, to sell their goods in a territory that reaches from Freeville to Canastota on the Lehigh, from Binghamton to Jamesville on the Lackawanna and from Chenango Forks to Sherburne on the Utica division of the Lackawanna. Mr. U. S. Wolfe of the firm will have charge of the opening, but it is not known as yet who will be placed here permanently.
Mr. Baldwin is now traveling salesman for Cheney & Co., makers of Emery wheels, Manlius, N. Y„ and is at present in the state of Michigan.
To Be Operated by New Storage Battery Now Being Installed.
William F. McCarthy of Syracuse is in Cortland today to install the new storage battery for the fire alarm system. The work will all be done before the system is disconnected from the present gravity battery, in order that there may be no time at which a fire alarm might not be sent in. The [charging] electricity to run the new battery will be furnished by the Cortland & Homer Electric Co. Mr. McCarthy is an expert workman from the Electric Supply Co.'s factory in Syracuse, where the battery was purchased.
Had Been Prominent in Many Ways During His Residence in Cortland.
The funeral of Burton B. Morehouse, who died last Tuesday, was held from the residence, 110 Tompkins-st., at 2 o'clock this afternoon and was largely attended by relatives and friends. Dr. Oscar A. Houghton of Clifton Springs, assisted by Dr. David Keppel, conducted the services. Four grandsons acted as bearers. These were Burton L. Gallagher of Cortland, Harry and John Gallagher of South Cortland und Edward McNish of Dryden. The trustees of the Cortland Rural cemetery, of which the deceased had for twelve years been the superintendent, attended in a body.
Mr. Morehouse was born in Litchfield county, Conn., west of Washington Green and near New Milford, 1830, on the first hour of the first day of the first month. He was an only son and youngest child of Lemon and Betsey Morehouse, who were both natives of Connecticut. In 1837 the family moved to McLean, Tompkins Co.
Fifty years ago the second of last October he married Miss Mary Hile [sic] of Dryden, who survives him, and in 1864 they moved to a farm near South Cortland. In 1889 he retired from farming and was largely engaged in bridge building, and in the year 1898 he had built every iron bridge except two that were then in use in the town of Cortlandville.
Three children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Morehouse: Mrs. Emma Gallagher of South Cortland, Mrs. Ella Adams of LaGrange, O., and Mrs. Jeanie McNish who died in 1883.
Mr. Morehouse served as commissioner of highways of the town of Cortlandville for a number of years, and as a member of the board of health for fifteen years. In April, 1890, he was chosen as superintendent of Cortland Rural cemetery, and held that position with the best of satisfaction. He has added many improvements and embellished the grounds in various ways until it may be stated that the cemetery has become the spot of beauty that it is under his management. Throughout the grounds, and independent of private efforts, he kept up a fine display of beautiful lawns and flower beds.
Mr. Morehouse was one of the pillars of the First M. E. church, where he had served as trustee and steward for many years. His counsel in all the affairs of the church was received and found to be excellent, and he will be missed greatly in the church of his choice.
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Judge Rowland L. Davis. |
—The office of Mourin, Wolfe & Co., Homer, has been connected with the Empire State Telephone exchange.
—The telephone number at the new Office of City Judge R. L. Davis in the old savings bank building is No. 271.
—New display advertisements today are—C. F. Brown, Photo supplies, page 6; New York store, Bargains, page 6; C. F. Thompson, Strawberries, page 6; Corner grocery, Strawberries, page 6; W. A. Stockwell, Insurance, page 7; Baker & Angell, Shoes, page 6.
—Sylvan Beach is to have a Midway. Articles of incorporation have been filed by the promoters of the scheme. The capital stock of the association is $3,000 and its object is stated to be "to conduct public amusements to the Beach."
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