Cortland Evening Standard, Saturday, April 5, 1902.
Provided by Mr. Rhodes For Each State and Territory.
Desire to Encourage Union of English-Speaking Peoples—No Disqualification For Race or Religion—Annual Dinner and Reunion of Students and Scholarship Graduates.
London, April 5.—Mr. Rhodes divides the £100,000 bequeathed to Oriel college into several funds, indicating concisely how he wished them to be applied, and adds this characteristic sentence:
"And, finally, as college authorities live secluded from the world and so are like children as to commercial matters, I would advise them to consult my trustees regarding the investment of these various funds, so far as they would receive great help and assistance from such advice."
Regarding the American scholarships, Mr. Rhodes says: "Whereas I desire to encourage and foster an appreciation of the advantages which I implicitly believe will result from a union of English-speaking peoples throughout the world and to encourage in the students from the United States who will benefit by these scholarships an attachment to the country from which they have sprung; but, without, I hope, withdrawing them or their sympathies from the land of their adoption or birth."
The will provides that the executors may at their discretion delay establishing any territorial scholarships until such time as they may think fit, but it provides also that the territorial scholarships, once established, shall not lapse upon the admission of the territory to statehood.
Another provision is that no student shall be qualified or disqualified for election to a scholarship on account of race or religious opinion.
Mr. Rhodes desires that the students should not patronize any particular college but distribute themselves throughout the university. Trustees are allowed to suspend or remove any scholar, at their discretion.
Mr. Rhodes expresses the hope that the trustees will arrange an annual dinner and reunion for all students and scholarship graduates who are able to attend and invite thereto as guests "persons who have shown sympathy with the views expressed by me in my will."
Of Especial Interest to Americans.
W. T. Stead has written the following for the Associated Press:
"The will of Cecil Rhodes is in every respect worthy of its author.
"What renders this will of exceptional interest to Americans is the fact that it reveals for the first time, under his hand and seal, that he was no mere British imperialist, but that he was essentially a citizen of the United States of the English speaking world.
"Mr. Rhodes' first will was made in September, 1877, when he was a young man of 24. At that time he was only beginning to amass the wealth which, before he died, had made him a multimillionaire not in dollars, but in pounds sterling. His last will was dated July 1, 1899. But the two documents are essentially alike in sentiment. They both embody, in express terms, what was ever the master thought of this master mind, the necessity for promoting the reunion of the English-speaking race.
"Mr. Rhodes' will appoints a well known group of seven of his friends as general executors of his estate. This group is further charged to undertake the duty of acting as trustees for the educational endowment fund of exceptional interest, which will provoke the liveliest discussion and excite the keenest interest throughout both the United States and the British empire, for both communities share in the benefit of Mr. Rhodes' bequest. Mr. Rhodes was a graduate of Oxford and a student at Oriel college, to which by the way he has left a special bequest of $500,000. He has made Oxford university. in whose glories the American descendants of its founders share equally with those who still inhabit the old country, the center of his educational scheme, and he has left a sum, which may be roughly capitalized as representing $10,000,000 for the foundation of Anglo American scholarships, tenable at Oxford, for three years. To his thinking, the university, better than any other institution, naturally affords a vivifying center of race unity. It is free from all political complications, and a residential university, with the old traditions of Oxford, seemed to him the best fitted for the purpose he had in view."
Incorporation Papers Filed with the Secretary of State.
ALBANY, April 5.—Articles incorporating The Cortland Science club of the city of Cortland, have just been filed with the secretary of state. Its objects are set forth to be the acquisition and maintenance of a library and museum, co-operation in the study of science, art, history and literature, and generally the pursuit and dissemination of knowledge. The directors of the club for the first year are the following residents of Cortland: William M. Booth, F. W. Higgins, U. S. Milburn, A. J. Murray, L. H. Tuthill, D. W. Van Hoesen and F. E. Whitmore.
The Oleomargarine Industry.
According to figures furnished by the census bureau, the manufacture of oleomargarine has become an industry of no small proportions. Before the law of 1886 imposed a tax upon it and compelled its identification as something besides an imitation of butter there were no trustworthy statistics of the advance it had made, but in 1887 over 21,500,000 pounds were produced. The subsequent advance was fairly steady in spite of the opposition of the dairymen, and the production in 1900 was over 107,000,000 pounds. Practically all of this was consumed in this country, as oleomargarine figures little in our exports.
The United States is, however, third in the list of countries producing this article, 123,000,000 pounds being made annually in the Netherlands and 220,000,000 in Germany. In the United Kingdom, which comes next to the United States, only 82,000,000 pounds are made, but 110,000,000 pounds are imported, mainly from Germany.
All this indicates that the substitute for butter is making its way in commerce and statistics without keeping up the pretense of being something else, however it may be in retail shops and on boarding house tables. No one doubts that oleomargarine, when properly made of beef fat and lard, with the other necessary ingredients, is entirely wholesome, and it is better than poor butter. Even when cottonseed oil is used it is wholesome enough if one likes it. Most of us would prefer fine creamery butter, but there is no reasonable objection to oleomargarine if it is distinctly labeled and sold and served for just exactly what it is. It is cheaper than good butter and better than cheap butter, but when it masquerades as real butter it becomes a fraud upon the consumer and operates as an injustice to the dairying interests of the country.
Baseball and Basket Ball—Independent Team of the Former.
The baseball players of Cortland have taken steps to organize an independent team by [electing] James H. Hinman temporary manager. The team will be made up of all Cortland players, with the possible exception of the battery, and already games are being scheduled for the season. It is thought by the players that Cortland will support a good independent team, and with a little encouragement from baseball enthusiasts they will undoubtedly be in a position to give some excellent exhibition games.
Next Tuesday evening the Y. M. C. A. basket ball team will play a benefit game with the All-Syracuse team, the proceeds to go to the baseball team. The Syracuse boys play a fast game, and a fine exhibition of basket ball will be seen.
Not a City Block at All.
A surveyor was seen setting stakes in the Randall gardens this morning and the report went out at once that a new business block was to go up at the corner of Main and West Court-sts. Mr. W. R. Huntington laughed when questioned in regard to it and said he hadn't heard anything about a new block there, but he did know that they were planning to connect the house with the sewer and were setting stakes to mark the course of it.
Notice for Veterans.
All veterans of the civil war, whether they are members of the G. A. R. or not, are requested by Grover Post, No. 98, G. A.R., to meet at G. A. R. hall, Sunday, April 6, at 3:30 o'clock P. M., to march in a body to the Opera House to hear Gen. O. O. Howard, who speaks at 4 o'clock. Seats will be reserved for the veterans.
Was That of Dr. F. J. Cheney on "Great Citizenship" at Mt. Kisco.
Under the above heading the Mt. Kisco Recorder of March 28 speaks as follows of the lecture of Dr. F. J, Cheney in that place recently:
The second lecture of the Public School course was given by Dr. Francis J. Cheney, principal of the Cortland Normal school, on last Friday evening. Those who failed to hear him missed one of the best lectures ever given in Mt. Kisco. From the moment he stepped upon the platform, he commanded the respect and admiration of his hearers—not only because of his dignified appearance, but for his graceful manner, his choice language, and his masterful eloquence.
His subject was "Good Citizenship," and be pictured in eloquent terms his conception of what the true American citizen should be.
First, he pleaded for an intelligent citizenship—men who were intellectually capable of having a part in the conduct of affairs of state.
Secondly, for patriotic citizenship. And his picture of the men who composed the confederation of states in Philadelphia in 1788, the prejudices they had to overcome, and the difficulties to meet, was a masterpiece.
Next, he spoke for unprejudiced citizenship. Because one did not view a question from our own stand point, was no reason why he should not receive our toleration and respect. He illustrated it principally by the prejudice in the schools against teachers of other religious beliefs.
Lastly, he pleaded for Christ-like citizenship—following his example who was the perfect man.
Dr. Cheney spent two whole days traveling from his home in the central part of the state to come to Mount Kisco at the request of Mr. Hembdt, without any other compensation other than his bare traveling expenses. He is a very busy man, and it certainly should have been incumbent upon the people of this community to support such an effort by their presence as largely as possible.
Unfortunately Dr. Cheney came on an evening upon which there were a number of other meetings that necessarily drew largely from the lecture.
—New display advertisements today are—E. MacClain, Life Insurance, page 7.
—The new Cortland orchestra will hold its second dance in Red Men's hall this evening.
—C. H. Warren has renewed his lease of the rooms in the Sager block for a term of years.
—Quarterly meeting will be held at Elm Stump church April 12 and 13 by Rev. W. N. Bailey of Vestal, N. Y.
—Mrs. Annie Cassedy of Philadelphia will speak at the Free Methodist church tomorrow at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.
—The regular meeting of the Y. M. C. A. Auxiliary will be held in the Y. M. C. A. parlor Tuesday, April 8, at 3 P. M.
—Mr. George I. Crane, who has leased Farmers' hotel on Port Watson-st., takes possession of the premises on May 1.
—The Easter music, including a solo by Miss Strowbridge and the cantata, ''Death and Life," will be repeated at the Universalist church tomorrow morning.
—A regular meeting of the board of managers of the hospital will be held Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Hyatt. A full attendance is desired.
— Mr. Robert Kelsey, the tenor of Grace Presbyterian church choir of Oswego, will be in Cortland over Sunday and will tomorrow morning at the Presbyterian church sing a duet with Mrs. Head.
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