Monday, February 22, 2016


Emma Peek, "Madame Marantette."
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, September 4, 1891.

New York State Fair.

   The New York State Fair, conducted by the New York State Agricultural Society, has celebrated its Semi-Centennial, and this year starts out on the home stretch to complete its hundred years of success as a practical teacher by object lessons of the knowledge most useful to the farmer, the stock breeder, the fruit grower, the mechanic and the merchant.
   The buildings themselves are worthy of especial mention. They are the result of long investigation on the part of experienced exhibitors and managers of fairs, who studied the convenience of both exhibitors and visitors as well as the comfort of the animals, and the general effect as a part of the whole plan of the grounds. 
   There are seven of these buildings—two for horses, three for cattle, one for sheep and one for swine. Each are 400 feet long and forty feet wide. They are floored with plank throughout and the roofs are covered with sheet iron. Two rows of stalls extend the full length of the buildings, being separated by a twelve foot passage way and having a six foot walk on the outside. The buildings are placed in rail fence fashion, so that the visitor starting at one end accomplishes a distance of one-half mile, almost without setting foot on the ground.
   Conveniently near are the switch tracks of the West Shore R. R. (connecting with the New York Central & Hudson River R. R.), and the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western R. R., which run into and through the grounds, exhibits thus being unloaded most conveniently and with the least delay and risk possible.
   At the south of the Stock Buildings are rows of attractive structures, erected permanently by prominent exhibitors, in which to display their goods to best advantage. Beyond these is the Executive Building, containing the offices of the President, Secretary, Treasurer and General Superintendent.
   Machinery Hall is the principal building at present used for general exhibits, Domestic Goods, etc. It is 300 feet long and 70 feet wide—a strong, handsome structure, also covered with iron roofings. Besides the buildings already described are the Railroad Depots, etc.
   Nearly $150,000 has already been expended on these grounds for buildings, railroads, etc., and each year permanent additions will be made, which will gradually make the New York Fair Grounds the most commodious and complete, as they are now the most accessible (being near Syracuse, in the centre of the State, and bounded by the N. Y. C. & H. R. R., W. S. R. R and D. L. & W. R. R.)
   So much for the grounds and buildings; and the description but poorly portrays the partial completion of the ideal Exhibition Grounds of this country.
   In preparation for the Fair this year, additional prizes were added, and other changes in the list of premiums made, which increases the total amount offered in prizes to $25,000.00—nearly double that of previous years.
   But this year a condition was made regarding entries of cattle and horses (viz., requiring a deposit of one dollar for the former and three dollars for the latter, each head, which is to be returned in all cases where stock entered is actually brought to the Fair and exhibited), which has resulted most satisfactorily to the managers, ridding the fair grounds of an incubus of inferior stock which is unworthy of a premium, and is only entered to secure advertising in the catalogue and keeping at the fair, all for the sum of one dollar—the entire fee. The result is a large list of entries in all classes, but of the finest specimens each of its kind. The entries of Sheep and Swine are about the same as last year, Poultry more than double, Farm Produce is represented by four times as many entries as last year, while in the Domestic Hall—Art, Needle Work, etc.—the number of articles to be shown are nearly doubled.
   A special effort is being made to secure a grand show of Fruit, and there is good reason to believe that this department of the Fair will far exceed the record of any previous in the history of the Society.
   A liberal number of entries of Farm Machinery, etc., have been made, and the plan to centralize this class of exhibits at the New York State Fair promises to be successful.
   The total number of entries this year far exceed that of last year, which was the largest in the history of the Society up to that time.
   A departure from the conservative policy of the Society, in vogue so many years, which will be hailed with joy by those interested in the development of "horse intelligence," feats of skill in horsemanship, etc., will be attempted.
   Mr. George Pepper, with his troop of jumping horses and ponies will give daily exhibitions.
   The famous Roseberry (which has recently jumped seven feet five inches high) will attempt to beat the record.
   Two and three horses abreast will jump over five hurdles four feet high, etc., etc.
   The most celebrated lady rider in the world, Madame Marantette, will give daily exhibitions of skill in driving, riding, jumping hurdles with two horses, running tandem, etc., etc.
   Also Jeakles Pony Hippodrome will be on hand every day to amuse the children, with chariot races, trained trick ponies, etc., etc.
   It should be understood that no extra charge will be made to see these attractions, each of which in itself is worth the price of admission.
   The facilities for reaching the grounds, as before noted, are unequalled, and none of the vexatious delays from changing cars, etc., need be feared.
   The New York Central, the West Shore and the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroads will run excursion trains at reduced rates directly to the grounds, where their own depots are located.
   No intoxicating liquors can be sold or given away on the grounds—no objectionable side shows are permitted.
   Every part of the exhibition is instructive and entertaining, and we are confident that an opportunity to see so much at such slight cost, comes at best but once a year, and can only be found at the New York State Fair.

R. B. Smith Resigns.
   Mr. R. B. Smith, for the past twenty years a member of the Local Board of the State Normal school in this place, forwarded his resignation to Superintendent Draper last Thursday and on Monday received a reply from Mr. Draper accepting the same with regrets. Mr. Smith and the late Henry Brewer, were the only members of the board that supported Dr. Hoose in the late controversy. As it was perfectly plain that the successor of Mr. Brewer would be in sympathy with the majority of the board, Mr. Smith felt that it would be better to have the entire board in harmony, and as his opinions would have very little if any weight with the other members, he thought best to resign. This will give the majority an opportunity to have a board that ought to work in harmony together.
   Mr. Smith did not give Superintendent Draper his reasons for resigning nor was it necessary as no man in the world ought to know those reasons better than Mr. Draper. Mr. Smith is a man of ripe judgment and of the highest respectability and it will not be an easy matter to fill his place in all respects. While the citizens of this village will be sorry to learn of his retirement, they will appreciate the fact that he could not well do otherwise and retain his self respect.
   There are now two vacancies on the board, which will doubtless be filled soon. It would be well if the people could have something to say in the selection of these men, but with Draper in the Superintendent's chair and Clark in the Local Board, the wishes of the people will be ignored entirely. [Local board members were appointed by the State Superintendent of Instruction—CC editor.]

Opening of the Normal School.
   The school opened on Wednesday with Dr. F. J. Cheney as principal. The Local Board had taken the precaution to fasten the windows and lock the doors securely, evidently anticipating that Drs. Hoose or Sornberger or both of them, would appear and open the school in spite of them. Rumors of that sort had been set afloat by certain parties but there was never any foundation for them. The attendance is large, notwithstanding the late controversy and every true friend of the institution will be glad to know that its future prospects are flattering.
   The DEMOCRAT made as good a fight as it could against great odds for the retention of Dr. Hoose, believing that it was wise to do so and it has no apologies to offer for its course during the unpleasantness. It was forced to antagonize some of its most valued friends in the course of the engagement, but this it has often done before and probably will do again in the cause of justice. One's friends cannot always be expected to range themselves on the right side, consequently they must expect to be wounded in the conflict that follows.
   Now the conflict is over and peace should reign. Dr. Cheney occupies no enviable position and the path of the new members of the faculty will not be strewn with roses. The DEMOCRAT advises all citizens to support and encourage the new principal and every member of the faculty in their efforts to advance the interests of the school. The students will be studying their own interests by doing the same and we sincerely hope they will be found doing their entire duty. There is no inconsistency in doing this while keeping an eye on Draper and downing him at the first opportunity.

George R. Woods of Union Square Drops 90 Feet From a Balloon.
   OSWEGO, Sept. 2.—George R. Woods of Union Square, this county, met with a frightful accident at the Oswego county grounds this afternoon, which resulted in instant death. One of the attractions was a balloon ascension and parachute jump by Prof. J. J. Frisbie. Woods was one of a number of volunteers engaged in holding the big gas bag on the ground while it was being inflated with hot air. When everything was in readiness and Frisbie was getting his parachute ready, smoke was seen issuing from the balloon.
   The cry was started that the balloon was burning and the volunteers all let go except Woods. In an instant he was whirling in the air and the horrified spectators saw that he was entangled in ropes. When about 25 feet from the earth he partly disengaged himself and let go. The ropes, however, were around his legs, and he was soon shooting rapidly upward, feet first. He kicked furiously for a minute or two, and then his body shot downward, head first. When he was picked up he was dead. About 10,000 persons witnessed the accident. Woods was 22 years old. He fell about 90 feet.

Emeralds vs. Whitney's Point.
   Emeralds went to Whitney's Point last Tuesday to play a game of ball on the fair grounds with the club of that place. The Binghamton Republican of the following morning gives this account of the game:
   The feature of the afternoon was the ball game between Emerald's nine of Cortland and the Whitney's Point team for a purse of $50. Southern and McCullough acted as the battery for Cortland, while King and Crandall filled the points for Whitney's Point. Both nines played a medium game and the pitchers were freely hit. In the sixth inning, as the score stood 15 to 9 in favor of Cortland, Whitney's Point refused to continue the game unless Wallace Dunham, who was acting as umpire, was removed.
   The game broke up in a row, but arrangements were finally made for two umpires, each team selecting a man and the nines again took the field. Cortland then began pounding Ring, ending the game with a score of 13 to 25 in their favor. The crowd favored Whitney's Point throughout and on several occasions the ball was lost in the dense mass of people which surrounded the diamond, much the detriment of the visiting team.
   The Emeralds brought home the money although they had something of a struggle to obtain it.

A Question of Law.
   Last Tuesday the case of Herman R. Call against the Cortland Omnibus and Cabinet Co. was tried before Justice Dorr C. Smith and a jury. The action was brought to recover for labor. The fact that plaintiff was an employe at the defendant's works was conceded. The plaintiff maintained that he was working for the company; the defendant claimed that he worked for a contractor. Evidence was produced showing that the contractor had absented himself from town without paying the plaintiff for his labor. The jury took a long time to decide the question and finally reported that they could not agree. A new venire has been issued and a new trial granted for the 28th inst. John Courtney Jr. appeared for the plaintiff. George S. Sands for defendant.

A Fine Display.
   Geo. I. Pruden, the popular photographer of this place, strives always to be abreast of the times, and his latest step is one that surely commends his efforts to the attention of all. A few days since Mr. Pruden caused to be placed near the stairway that leads to his gallery, a fine show case. The case is half-round in shape and measures about four by seven feet, with glass extending about two-thirds of its height. Several glass shelves are placed inside, on which rest many easels containing some of Mr. Pruden's best efforts in the photographic art. The case is lighted at night by an incandescent lamp, and the whole arrangement is one that is pleasing to look upon.
Married at the Vanderbilt.
(Syracuse Herald.)
   Uncle Rufus T. Peck, Cortland's candidate for [State] Senator, was meditating over his prospects for the nomination in the Vanderbilt House lobby a little before noon to-day, when Clerk Porter B. Jones tapped him on the shoulder and asked him if he wouldn't kindly step up into the parlor and be a witness to a marriage. Mr. Peck politely but firmly declined.
   "It will make you popular and you'll be flooded with invitations to act in a similar capacity," said Mr. Jones. Uncle Rufus, however, couldn't see the matter in that light. Mr. Jones exerted all his powers of persuasion, but without success, the Cortland gentleman turning a deaf ear to the intimation that his presence as a witness would be generally regarded as a good omen in his Senatorial canvass.
   Thomas R. O'Neill was then appealed to, but he also refused to act. A witness was at last found in the person of Peter B. McLennan, and the ceremony went on.
   The parties were Mr. Orrin Snell and Miss Frankie Doty, both of Mehoopany, Pa. The groom was about thirty years old and the bride perhaps twenty. The couple came here this morning and they left on their bridal trip just after dinner.

A Senatorial Situation.
   The fight in the Republican ranks in this Senatorial district is growing very warm and may be summed up about as follows: U. S. Senator Frank Hiscock's term expires March 4, 1893. The State Senator elected from this district this fall will take part in the election of his successor and Mr. Hiscock wants to succeed himself. Neither of the Onondaga candidates for the office would vote for him. Peck has promised that he will vote for him if elected.
   The present State Senator from this district, Francis Hendricks, would like to be elected to Congress in place of Hon. Jas. J. Belden. If Peck is elected State Senator, Cortland county's claim for recognition would be silenced for the next twenty-five years, and Hendricks would be in position to say to the Republicans of Cortland county, "I gave you the Senator last year while James J . Belden opposed you. Why should you not give me your delegates for the Congressional nomination this year? You can get nothing from Belden and you never would have been recognized but for me." His claim for the delegates as against Belden would be a strong one and would likely be recognized. Then with considerably less than half the Onondaga county delegates he could wrest the nomination from his enemy, Jim Belden.
   To bring about this result, which will further the interests of both Hiscock and Hendricks, they have combined to down Belden. Neither Hiscock or Hendricks care for Peck or Cortland county. They simply propose to reap all the benefit from Peck's nomination and election themselves.
   Peck's nomination and election then really means the re-election of Frank Hiscock to the U. S. Senate and the election of Francis Hendricks to Congress, and as a result, the downfall of Belden.

Madame Marantette or Emma Peek, find a grave:

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