The Cortland Democrat, Friday, August
28, 1891.
Domicile Erected by John.
(Translated from the Vulgate of M. Goose by
A. Pope)
the mansion reared by Daedel Jack.
See the
malt stored in many a plethoric sack
In the
proud cirque of Ivan's bivouac.
Mark how
the rat's felonious fangs invade
The golden
stores in John's pavilion laid.
with velvet foot and Tarquin strides.
Grimalkin to his quarry glides;
grim, that slew the fierce rodent
tooth insidious Johan's sackcloth rent.
Lo! now
the deep mouthed canine foe's assault,
vexed the avenger of the stolen malt,
Stored in
the precincts of that lofty hall
That rose
complete at Jack's creative call.
stalks the impetuous cow with crumpled horn,
Whereon the
exacerbating hound was torn,
Who bayed
the feline slaughter beast that slew
The rat
predaceous, whose keen fangs ran through
textile fibres that involved the grain
That lay
in Hans' inviolate domain.
walks the sad eyed damsel crowned with rue,
spoils from vaccine dugs who drew,
Of that
corniculate beast whose tortuous horn
Tossed to
the clouds, in fierce vindictive scorn,
braying hound, whose braggart bark and stir
the lithe spine and reared the indignant fur
Of puss,
that with verminicidal claw
the weird rat, in whose insatiate maw
reeking malt that erst in Juan's courts we saw.
Robed in
senescent garb, that seems, in sooth
Too long
a prey to Chronos' iron tooth,
the man whose loving lips incline
Full with
young Eros' osculative sign,
To the
lorn maiden, whose lact-albic hands
albu-laetic wealth from lacteal glands
Of that
immortal bovine, by whose horn
to realms ethereal was borne
The beast
ululean, vexer of that sly
quadrupedal, who made die
The old
mordacious rat that dared devour
ale in John's domestic bower.
Lo! here
with hirsute honors deified, succinct
saponaceous locks, the Priest who linked
Hymen's golden bands the thorn unthrift,
means exiguous stared from many a rift,
Even as
he kissed the virgin all forlorn,
milked the cow with implicated horn,
Who in
fierce wrath the canine torturer skied
That dared
to vex the insidious muricide,
Who let
auroral effluence through the pelt
Of that
sly rat that robbed the palace Jack had built.
The loud
cantankerous Shanghai comes at last,
shouts aroused the shorn ecclesiast,
sealed the vows of Hymen's sacrament
To him
who, robed in garments indigent,
the damsel lachrymose.
emulgator of the horned brute morose.
tossed the dog, that worried the cat, that killed
The rat,
that ate the malt, that lay in the house that Jack built.
Orleans Picayune.
![]() |
M. F. Cleary. |
Miss Ormsby's preparatory school will reopen
Wednesday, Sept. 2d.
Fall term at the Cortland Normal school is
to open Wednesday, September 2d.
The next convention of State firemen was
voted to be held at Niagara Falls, in 1892.
A Prohibition campaign club will be
organized in rooms over Collins' store, next Monday evening.
Ninety cents to Whitney's Point, including admission
to the fair, next Tuesday. Special train at 8 A. M.
Hon. L. J. Fitzgerald has been elected Treasurer
of the Normal School board in place of Henry Brewer, deceased.
Mr. H. T. Hollister has the contract for plumbing
two new houses for Mr. E. B. Southworth
on 147th-st., New York. Mr. Hollister was the lowest bidder.
The Knight Templars' special excursion train
leaves E., C. & N. depot at 8 A. M., next Monday, for Saratoga. Fare, $4.50;
tickets good until September 3d.
Lillian Kennedy, the popular actress, will
appear in the Opera House, Saturday evening, Sept. 29th. Miss Kennedy has appeared
in Cortland before, and is a great favorite.
A harvest party will be given at the hotel in
Scott, N. Y., on Thursday evening, Sept. 3d.
Music will be furnished by F. H. Alvord's orchestra, assisted by "Happy Bill
Daniels." Bill, $1.50.
The E., C. & N. railroad will sell
special round trip tickets to Elmira and return, September
1st to 9th inclusive, good for return passage till Sept. 10th, at $2.50, with
one admission to Inter-State Fair.
Only one prize fell to the Cortland
representation of firemen at Herkimer, last week. Mr. M. F. Cleary, of Emerald Hose,
No. 4, receiving a set of silver nut crackers and picks, awarded the best all 'round
fireman present.
An exchange says: "Now is the time to
destroy burdocks. Don't go forth with the grubbing hoe and blister your hands, but
take the oil can and pour a little oil on the top of each plant. That is all.
The oil will do the rest more effectually."
Co. A, Loyal Temperance Legion, will hold
their first meeting, since vacation, on Monday, Aug. 31st, at 3:30 P. M., in W.
C. T. U. rooms, over Collins’ store. Let every member be on hand. All boys and girls
under 12 years of age are cordially invited.
Many farmers are threshing their oat crop in
the fields, notwithstanding the straw is very wet. This is deemed the only
means of saving the grain. It has been suggested that a quantity of dry bricks
placed in the bins will absorb the moisture and check molding.
At the sixty-fourth anniversary of the Cortland
Baptist Association, held with the Homer church people, Wednesday, the Rev. Dr.
H. A. Cordo of Cortland preached the annual sermon. The officers elected are:
Moderator, Dr. H. A. Cordo; Clerk, M. M. Newton; Treasurer, Rev. J. E. Usher;
Corresponding Secretary, E. P. Slafter.
The Daughters of Rebekah, No. 121, I. O. O.
F., will hold a lawn festival at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hopkins, 70
Maple avenue, this evening (Friday). Ice cream, cake and good music will be furnished.
Ample room abounds at the premises for an enjoyable gathering, to which all Odd
Fellows and friends of the order are invited.
Saturday, 29th inst., Mrs. James Ryan, as
administratrix of the estate of Jane Warden,
deceased, will sell at the Warden hotel, in Solon, commencing at 1 P. M., one
bay team, 9 and 10 years old, wagons, cutter, sap gathering utensils, bedding, furniture,
pictures, sewing machine, lumber, and other articles. Three months' credit on
sums over $10. H. G. Borthwick, auctioneer.
The next reunion of the 76th Reg’t, N. Y.
Vols., will be held at Truxton, on Wednesday, Oct. 7th, 1891. It is stated that
the citizens of Truxton are preparing a reception for the veterans of the first
Cortland regiment on this 30th anniversary of its muster in. There will be a
business meeting at 10:30 in the forenoon, and a public meeting in the
afternoon, with address by Capt C. W. Underhill, of Hamilton.
They will
be accompanied by the Hitchcock Band. The annual conclave will be held at
Saratoga. Forty commanderies will be in line in the grand procession on Tuesday,
Sept. 1st, forming a most brilliant pageant. Cortland Sir Knights and their
friends expect to return Wednesday, leaving Saratoga about 3 P. M. Tickets will
be good to and including Sept. 5th.
Cortland Commandery, Knights Templar, will
leave Cortland via E.,C. & N. for Saratoga, Monday, August 31st, at 10 A.
M., arriving at Saratoga about 5 P. M.
Some farmers are fearing that the potatoes may
rot, and some state that rot has begun, owing to the frequent rains and wet
condition of the ground. We are informed that a certain farmer tried an
experiment last year which proved most efficacious in saving part of his crop
from rotting. He found that his potatoes were showing signs of rot and at once
cut and removed the tops of the potatoes from one-half of his patch. On this
portion of ground, when he dug the potatoes a few weeks afterwards, they were
found to be sound, while on the other portion where the tops were allowed to
remain, the potatoes were nearly all rotten when dug. The plan is easy to work
and looks reasonable, as the ground gets an opportunity to dry out.
A full corps of colored waiters are now doing
duty at the Messenger House in place of the girls who resigned, Monday.
Since resuming the proprietorship of the Cortland
House, Mr. Delos Bauder has awarded to Messrs. D. F. Wallace & Co., the
contract for renovating and decorating the parlors, dining, and guest rooms, in
fact, the entire interior of this popular hotel will be transformed during the
coming month, but the skillful planing [sic] is such that comparatively no
inconvenience will be experienced by the many guests or transient boarders.
Marked improvements are also being made in the plumbing and other features
about the house. With newly decorated walls, ceilings and wood work, few cities
can excel the well-known Cortland House.
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