Tuesday, February 23, 2016


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, September 4, 1891.


A Cortland County Voter on the Senatorial Contest.

To the Editors of the Syracuse Herald:

   The Syracuse Journal of August 26th publishes a statement to prove that the caucus in Cortland on the 21st inst. was free from fraud and backs up the statement with signatures of some prominent men. It may interest the public to analyze the motives and show the connection between Peck [Republican nominee for State Senate--CC editor] and the signers: 
   S. E. Welch, vice-president and treasurer of the C. & H. H. Railroad company. Peck is one of the largest stockholders in this road.
   Burgess & Bingham, belong to the Peck family.
   Wesley Hooker, president of the bank that Peck is a director in and his son cashier.
   B. A. Benedict, attorney for the same bank.
   C. P. Walrad, Peck's delegate.
   H. G. Borthwick, traded delegates which nominated both Peck and himself three years ago for Sheriff and Member respectively.
   L. F. Stillman, regular business School Commissioner, but who has ridden the country in Peck's interest.
   G. A. Crossman, chum of Charles T. Peck and heeler for all the Pecks.\
   H. L. Bronson, Peck's attorney.
   A. P. Smith, of "spring-bottom-hat" fame.
   Holden & Sager. Holden is one of Pecks delegates, also William Corcoran.
   H. L. de Clercq and F. C. Welch, poll clerks and inspectors for Peck.
   Jerome Squires, Duane Howard, John Miller, J. C. Barry, C. E. Ingalls, Jerome Angel, C. W. Stoker, Richard Miller, G. S. Van Hoesen, W. A. Howard, A. Sager, all members of the Peck Cortland League, organized by Chas. T. Peck in the interest of the Pecks, and with few exceptions all the members are heelers in the Peck interest. 
   A. D. Wallace, saloon-keeper, is secretary of the Peck League club.
   To say that the caucus was a fraud would be drawing it mild. One boy is known to have voted who is not yet eighteen years of age. Non-residents voted, and all Democrats that could be raked in from the shops, saloons and streets. The town committee were mostly Peckites, and held their meeting in the Peck league rooms, and called the Senatorial caucus at the same time as the town caucus (an unusual thing), so as to trade for Senatorial delegates with the county candidates. The caucus was held in the Peck league rooms, and one of Peck's sons sat on the table next to the ballot box, note book in hand, to spot any man who voted against his pa.
   One of Peck's heelers who has been resurrected after ten years of political slumber tried to influence a man to vote after he had refused to swear his vote in. Floyd Stillman stood behind many doubtful voters and prompted them to answer questions asked by the chairman when swearing a voter. Peck's son did the same thing. Jones, Angel, Squires and Miller, nominees for County Clerk, Superintendent of Poor, District Attorney and Sheriff respectively, all belong to the Peck League club.
   The Pecks and their heelers were busy before and after the county convention lobbying for the candidates who had assisted them in working the town caucuses in Peck's interest. The caucus to elect Senatorial delegates was not called in Marathon, but at the town caucus; the Senatorial delegates were elected on motion of one Beardsley, manager for Tripp, and by so doing deprived many citizens from voting who did not attend the town caucus, but would have attended the caucus when regularly called to elect Senatorial delegates. The same snap game was played in Preble.
   The 299 votes polled at the caucus in Cortland for Mr. Tisdale's delegates and as many more who kept away from the caucus will go almost solid against Peck if nominated. Why are so-called "independent" papers, edited by Democrats, howling for Peck? They know his nomination means a Democratic Senator, and for that reason they with many of the old line free-traders are shouting for Peck.
   Does Cortland county want a man nominated of the Peck stripe? Can Onondaga with her valuable franchises, manufacturers and wealth trust a man to take care of her interests in the Senate who pursues tactics beneath the gutter politician to gain his point? Why have some of the men who were notorious in the spring-bottom-hat episode suddenly sprung to the surface after their "Rip Van Winkle" sleep? The result of the spring-bottom-hat caucus is history. [Ballot stuffing at 1882 Republican caucus—CC editor.] The Republican candidates were defeated. Nominate this man Peck and history will repeat itself.
   If we here in Cortland county can have a Senator, give us a man we can elect if nominated and not one who pulled through for Member of Assembly with the small majority 87, and one who can be defeated by any good Democrat.
   CORTLAND, N. Y., Aug. 29th, 1891.

Peck's Methods in Onondaga County.

(From the Syracuse Times.)

   The methods that have been employed to attain this end for the Cortland county candidate are damnable. In some of the caucuses yesterday there was no end of boodle. Money had a great influence. It was used freely and if had its effect. That this county should be bought body and breeches is a sad commentary upon the honesty of men and the loyalty of citizens.
   The men of Onondaga who have helped to bring about the nomination of Mr. Peck should be ashamed of themselves. They are traitors in their own household. We have too much at stake as far as lawmaking is concerned to jeopardize our interests at this time by sending a non-resident to the State Senate. It is likely that further legislation will be required on the water question. When we see the press of Skaneateles at work for Mr. Peck, it is easy to understand the handwriting on the wall. What are the Syracusans, who have been working for the Cortland man's success, thinking about?

Onondaga's Duty.

(Syracuse Herald, Sept. 1.)

   As the canvass for the Republican nomination for State Senator progresses it becomes more and more evident that Senators Hiscock and Hendricks have made up their minds to have that office at any cost. This might be a laudable undertaking if a suitable candidate were being supported, but with astonishing infidelity to the interests of Onondaga county the Hiscock people are thrusting upon this county a Cortland county man who was all but rejected by his own citizens, and who gained what Cortland delegates he has by methods which are severely condemned by his own towns-people. With a strange disregard of the overwhelming interests of this city and county, the Hiscock-Hendricks ring is working with the same despicable and even disgraceful tactics employed in Cortland county to gather the delegates in Syracuse and the towns.
   The revelations made by the Herald yesterday as to the Hiscock style of carrying caucuses, as illustrated in De Witt have produced a profound impression; and well they may. We marvel that the Hiscock politicians should without a blush abandon this city and county and by methods most questionable seek to override the popular will. We trust that all fair minded Republicans, whose perceptions are not clouded by faction, will loyally support an Onondaga citizen for State Senator at the caucuses yet to be held. This is the plain duty of men who desire to advance the prosperity and growth of our city by having a suitable representative in the upper branch of the Legislature during the next two years.


   The Congressionalists or insurgents of Chili, defeated Balmaceda's forces in a decisive battle last week and are now in full possession of Santiago and the government. Dictator Balmaceda has fled and his whereabouts are unknown. He had taken the precaution to ship $1,000,000 in silver to Europe and if he succeeds in getting out of the country, can live comfortably on his stolen gains.

   Would it not be well for Jas. H. Tripp to define his position on the liquor question? If we are not mistaken, he has been a candidate for Member of Assembly on the Prohibition ticket and he has also delivered lectures in favor of high license. These be important questions and the people would like to hear from James' own mouth what his ideas are on these subjects. Will he rise and explain?

   The same complaint comes from Onondaga county with reference to Uncle Rusfus' methods of carrying caucuses that characterized his operations here. He is said to have opened another barr'l in Onondaga County and votes at the caucuses have been thereby debauched ab libitum. Evidently Uncle Rufus believes that the office of Senator is valuable and worth the price he is paying for it. When a countryman walks into a rich county like Onondaga and astonishes the natives with the lavishness with which he strews his money about, he is entitled to all the free advertising the Syracuse papers are now giving him. Whether he will obtain full value for the expenditure remains to be seen. This wholesale breaking of the law by a man who essays to be a lawmaker is certainly not greatly to his credit. If the respectable element of the party countenances such proceedings, it cannot blame anyone if questionable practices are indulged in after election, in order to refill the vacuum in the barrel that is now being so freely emptied of its contents.

   It is to be sincerely hoped that the greenbacks now being carried from this place and distributed broadcast in Onondaga county, will eventually find their way home in the not distant future. There is considerable complaint that the volume of currency now in circulation in this county is not sufficient for the demands of business, and Cortland county can hardly afford to have so large an amount taken from circulation. To be sure the wants of the people were recently relieved to some extent for a few days, but we can hardly afford to contribute so extensively to the relief of our sister county.


   The Moravia Fair will be held September 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th.
   Oscar S. Hawyer, of Truxton, has taken out letters patent on a journal box.
   The annual parade of the Marathon fire department will take place to-morrow afternoon.
   W. J. Elsom, Esq., of this village, has secured letters patent on a cabinet for typewriters.
   The eleventh annual fair of the Northern Tioga Agricultural Society will be held at Newark Valley, N. Y., Sept. 15, 16 and 17, 1891.
   The Republican County Committee is officered as follows for this campaign: H. L. Bronson, Chairman; Thos. E. Courtney, Secretary, and C. P. Walrad, Treasurer.
   The Mansion House omnibus ran over the little son of Cornelius Hicks, in Homer, last Monday. The boy's leg was broken. No blame is attached to the driver.
   Miss Lillian Kennedy appeared to a good audience in the Opera house, last Friday evening, in "She Couldn't Marry Three." The company was a very good one, and all who attended were pleased with the performance.
   The register at the several ward schools, last Monday, the opening of the fall term, was as follows: Port Watson street school, 45, White (Church St.), 37, Pomeroy, 203, Schermerhorn [Grace Street], 264, Owego, 179, High school, 64. A total of 792.
   An exchange tells the good housewife that in order to prevent the pie juice from running out in the oven, make a little opening in the upper crust and insert a roll of white paper perpendicularly. The steam will escape as from a chimney and all the juice will be retained in the pie.
   The regular business meeting of the Cortland W. C. T. U. will be held at the rooms, on Saturday, Sept. 5th, at 2:30 P. M. As this is the annual meeting for election of officers, it is earnestly hoped that every member will endeavor to be present. Other important business will also come before this meeting.
   The Hitchcock Hose Company attended the opening of the Inter-State fair at Elmira, on Tuesday, and participated in the competitive drill. Port Dayton steamer company won first prize, Hitchcock Hose Co. second, and Maple City Co., of Hornellsville, third. In the hose races, Hydrant Hose Co., of Waterloo, won first, Arnot second, and Wellsboro third.
   A singular complaint comes from the fire insurance companies. It relates to large losses to the farming districts on live stock, due, as reported by the farmers, to lightning in connection with barbed wire fences. Most of the animals killed in this way were near the wire fences at the time, and it is supposed the metal strands act as a conductor of electricity in a degree sufficient to largely increase the risks of such insurance.—Ex. 
   On Friday evening last the youngest daughter of F. A. Pulford went into a a clothes closet on the second floor of their house on Brink street, and took with her some matches, which she ignited. Fire from them communicated to some of the clothing therein contained, and a small conflagration ensued, which was speedily extinguished by the application of quilts, etc., which smothered the flames.—Marathon Independent. 
   If you have a sore throat do not neglect it, thinking it a small matter that will pass away in a day or two. It may get better without care, but it is more likely not to do so. There is much catarrhal and tonsillitis sore throat in the city and county, the result probably of the erratic weather and a more or less demoralized condition of the system resulting therefrom. Diphtheria is insidious in its first approaches, and its fangs are deadly when it has got a good hold.—Ex. 
   The mothers' meeting (central) will be held at the residence of Mrs. James S. Squires, 44 Tompkins St., on Tuesday, Sept. 8th, at 3 P. M. Subject, "The secret of making home the most attractive place on earth." The mothers' meeting (west) will meet Tuesday, Sept. 8th, with the central meeting, as noticed above, instead of Thursday, the regular day of meeting. All ladies are cordially invited. Older sisters, on whom much of this responsibility rests, are especially invited. 
   A citizen hands in a request that the City Fathers investigate the cause of the strained relations existing between janitor Crossman and the Fire Alarm system. If the requirements of the political situation are responsible for the unpleasantness, it is requested that some other equally eminent Republican statesman be placed in charge of the campaign, long enough to permit the janitor to repair the station at the corner of Main street and Maple avenue. It is claimed that the box at this corner has not been in working order for a period of three weeks.
   We find the following in the Freeville department of the Dryden Herald: "A few from this place attended the Crittenden family picnic and reunion last Thursday, at the residence of Samuel Crittenden, about three miles north of McLean. Upwards of one hundred guests were present, coming from Ithaca, Cortland, Freeville, Syracuse, Groton, Dryden, Baltimore, Md., and Sparrow's Point. Md. The company assembled under a very large pine tree in front of the above named residence, where a large tent and bough house had been erected, making a delightful spot for an assemblage of this kind. After a hearty hand shaking all around a prayer was offered, and Mr. Geo. B. Davis, of Ithaca, then delivered an address, during which he produced a diary written in 1797, which was headed, 'Diary of Samuel Crittenden's life, whether he works or whether he plays.' The diary gave a minute description of his moving from Guilford, Conn., with an ox team, being twenty-four days on the road, and finally settling on a farm where the village of Cortland now stands, and digging the first well ever dug in that now prosperous and popular village. It is needless to say that a bountiful dinner was served, and the whole affair was a most enjoyable one and will be long remembered by the many relatives and friends who were fortunate enough to be present."
   The Cortland Wheel Club held a meeting last Tuesday evening in their rooms in the Democrat building. Mr. W. A. Doubleday resigned the office of captain and Mr. L. C. Miller was elected to fill the vacancy. E. B. Richardson was elected corresponding secretary, vice Miller promoted. A club banquet will be given on the evening of Nov. 6th, and Dr. Santee and Messrs. Thompson and Clark were appointed a committee of arrangements for same. Last evening the club took a spin to E. C. Rindge's farm at East River, where they were to have a corn roast.
   The Cortland Wagon Company have broken ground for the erection of a new three-story brick building on the east side of the office building. It will be used for storage purposes and will accommodate over 1000 finished wagons. This addition will enable the company to store a large stock of wagons and have them ready for shipment in the early spring, and will also enable them to keep nearly all their entire force of help busy all winter. Mr. John Maher has the contract for the brick work, and Mr. John Garvey is doing the stone work. The building is to be completed by Nov. 1st next.

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